New day and residential provision for MLD LLD EBD

Can we help?
Could we be the answer?
We support young people with complex learning, mental
health and behavioural issues. We can offer place ranging
from 36 week day placements to 52 week residential
places. We are able to offer places throughout the year,
often at short notice.
As a charity we are not for profit so meet best value
outcomes for students moving to building employment,
independence and social relationship skills.
This is a very general overview of what the Glasshouse College can offer
within our Study Programme.
As an independent provider we offer each student a bespoke study
programme built around the student’s current needs and aimed at
delivering future outcomes that will enable the young person to build
social relationships that will allow them to become more independent
and therefore develop the strategies needed to become more able to
access Further Education, Supported Employment or Apprenticeships.
We appreciate that all local authorities are under pressure however London Borough of
Richmond and Kingston rated us as ‘Good value for money’ in a recent audit
For further information contact
Elizabeth Wood
01384 399400
Location: Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY8 4HF
Number of places offered per year: 95.
Start and finish times per day: 9am to 4pm – day students + residential provision
when required.
Number of days Study Programme(s) run per week: 5 days – day students. 7 days
– residential students.
Number of week/s Study Programme(s) run per year: 36 weeks term time – up to 52
week respite programme also available.
Number of years Study Programme(s) run: 3 years.
Age or age range students could start Study Programme(s): 16 to 25 years.
Packages offered combining centre based study with vocational or community
placements:The Glasshouse College offers an Integrated Learning for Living
and Work Programme. This course is accredited through Foundation Learning
Units delivered through the practical skills activities, living skills and will allow
accreditation of personal and social skills and vocational skills units leading to
the following qualifications:Awards and certificates in:
 Work skills.
 Personal and social skills.
 Skills for independence and work.
BTEC awards and certificates in Vocational Studies. This may be followed by
further vocational specialisation, leading to awards or certificates in areas
such as – Landwork, Hospitality, Art & Design and Performing Arts. Functional
Skills are embedded throughout the curriculum through Foundation Learning,
leading to Edexcel qualifications.
Residential provision available: The Glasshouse College offers residential
provision for up to 50 students and Transform Residential Ltd are registered
with CQC. We are able to offer CQC personal care. We were recently inspected
under the new inspection framework and found to be and found to be
Minimum cohort size Study Programme(s) needs to be viable: No minimum.
Each student has their own individualised plan within the Integrated Learning
for Living and Work Study Programme.
Number of students in a typical group: There is not a typical group size and
study programmes size can range from an individual to a group of three.
Number of teachers/ instructors who would support a typical group: 1.
Number of support staff who would work with a typical group: Dependent on
student’s needs, so could be zero support staff or could be two per student.
Qualifications staff hold: All staff are qualified to the national standards of
Institute of Foundation Learning with specific qualifications held by staff in
specialist areas of intervention including communication skills and English
and Mathematics. Many staff are qualified in PSTE from Level 3 to Masters
Other relevant skills staff have:
The college have a wide range of other relevant skills, areas of knowledge,
qualifications and training including; Alcohol Awareness, Autism and
Aspergers Awareness, Child Protection, Safe Guarding Vulnerable
Adults, Safe Guarding including Child and Adult Abuse and Neglect,
Risk Assessment, Drug Awareness , Sexual Health, Epilepsy, Diabetes
ADHD, Counselling, Makaton, Picture Exchange Communication System,
Communication with Adults with Learning Disabilities, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia,
Dyspraxia, Safe Handing of Medicines, Equality and Diversity, Mentoring,
Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, Food Hygiene, Health and Social Care,
Care Planning, Business, Finance and Marketing, First Aid, Fire Marshal,
Bereavement, Managing Challenging behaviour, Signing in the work
place, Signalong, Total Communication, Practical Skills and Therapeutic
education, Listening to Families, Positive Approaches, Supporting Victims
of Domestic and Sexual Abuse, Social Stories, Transformative Team
Leadership and Management, Management of Actual or Potential
Aggression, Mental Capacity Act, Mental Health Awareness, Mentoring,
Multi-sensory Approaches to Learning and Life Skills and Youth Work.
Access and Security
Physical accessibility available: The Glasshouse College has a responsive
admissions policy that has seen us provided successfully for wheelchair
users, Sight impairment, Epilepsy, Dyspraxia, Ultraviolet Intolerance. Where
possible we will adapt the environment to suit individual student’s needs.
Transport assistance offered to and from site: The Glasshouse College is
committed to the safety of our learners and we work with learners to enable
them to travel independently where possible. 16-19 Bursary Fund is available
to students if they are within the national criteria. On occasions the college
has offered 1 to 1 travel support.
Level of security and supervision in terms of learners with limited awareness
of personal safety, might abscond, need support or supervision during break
times:All students are assessed and the level of support required is logged in
their personal risk assessment which is routinely revised. The Glasshouse
College has a Support and Attendance team who provide this additional
support to the exact level required for each learner to stay safe. This is from
line of sight to closer proximity working 1:1 support. A specialist Safeguarding
Senior Manager advises and directs staff regarding individual personal safety,
risks and risk management strategies. The College has’ Safe Place Status’
awarded by Dudley Borough Council and West Midlands Police. In addition
to the main college site has the college has a rural farm and woodland
both of which are self-contained and offer a high degree of security.
Residential provision availability:The Glasshouse College offers residential
provision for up to 50 students and Transform Residential Ltd are registered
with CQC. We are able to offer CQC personal care.
Range of communication needs supported:
The college has access to specialised speech and language services
which can provide specific intervention as well as ‘Signalong’
Makaton and PECS support. We can provide visual timetables and
bespoke visual communication aids to meet the needs of students
by Widget (Communication in Print) trained staff. We use ICT based
communication aids including iPads (Proloco2 go) set up to meet
individual communication needs which encompass students current
communication strategies. The college is also part of the Communication
Champions Scheme with Dudley Borough Council and the Health
Range of support for students with challenging behaviours:
All staff working with students are trained in the recognised and
approved Positive Approaches – Non Violent Conflict Management
and De-escalation. Each student has a detailed risk assessment and
management plan that identifies time-out area, safe zones, and
personalised de-escalation strategies that work for each individual
student. Timetables are individually planned to meet the needs of each
student which greatly reduces behaviour management issues. Each
student will have an identified mentor who they will meet with at least
once per week for detailed mentoring. The college has staff trained in MAPA
an approved intervention technique for LLDD physical intervention. In
addition the Integrated Learning and Living for Work curriculum enables
young people to modify and control their own behaviour through
therapeutic interventions. Students learn consequences and responsibility
through engagement with the physical and social enrichment in a
structured way, the results of which have a significant and sustainable
effect on behaviours. All students have a through risk assessment which
can include withdrawal strategies and safe places for the student.
Staff expertise and environment to support students with sensory
Glasshouse College offer a number of different workshops within the
same craft to support the individual sensory needs of students, taking into
consideration environment, light, touch and sound. This is also echoed
within the work experience programme we offer.
Staff expertise and environment to support students with autism:
Enhanced. Although the National Autistic Standards are for 5 to 16 years,
read this as extending to 25years at the Glasshouse College. Glasshouse
College is renowned for its expertise in working with young people on
the autistic spectrum including those with co-morbidity. The college
proactively promotes a wider understanding of autism and the autistic
spectrum and disseminates effective joint working practice with Autism
charities and other education establishments. Each student is provided
with an individualised programme to meet their needs. All staff have a
wealth of expertise and training to enable them to work positively with
young people throughout the autistic spectrum.
Staff expertise and environment to support students with health needs:
A College based Learning and Disability Nurse and trust based GP Psychiatrist
and Consultant Educational Psychologist along with specialist LLD skills sees
all learners and gives medical guidance, including the commissioning specific
individualised therapies in response to student needs. All therapeutic
intervention activities are individualised to address and resolve barriers to
learning and to ensure that students can reach
intended outcomes.
Glasshouse College have an extensive first aider team and across
all sites have provision of extended first aid trained staff. All staff are
trained in positive approaches, incorporating low arousal/de-escalation
intervention. The medical needs of students with referral to CAMHS are
met by the Dudley Authority PCT local hub, as well as local doctors’
practices at Worcester Street and 3 Villages. Within the Support and
Attendance team a dedicated Medical Co-ordinator ensures transfer,
where necessary, of clinical need from student’s home area.
Staff expertise and environment to support students with personal care needs:
Personal care is offered. Both day and residential students’ personal
care needs are assessed during the three day assessment to ensure
the college can meet their needs and this will form part of an ongoing
college development plan.
Academic level of Study Programme(s) offered:
Student’s ability range is from upper P scale (P7 – P8) to Level 2.
Accredited outcomes for the programme are individualised to each
student and their expected course outcome.
English and maths teaching:
The Glasshouse College has a highly experienced team of English and
Mathematics specialists offering teaching and specialist intervention to
students based on individual assessed needs. The college is registered to
deliver qualifications accredited through Edexcel and AQA from Entry 1
to Level 2. This was highly commended in the last Ofsted.
Qualifications students gain:
Students complete an individualised programme to meet their needs
within Edexcel Skilled for Life framework. Students can attain Btec Entry 3
and/or Level 1 awards in Work Skills, Art and Design, Personal and Social
Development, Landbased Studies and Hospitality.
Students work on BTEC Foundation Learning programme from Edexcel
Skilled for life programme leading to awards, certificates or diplomas
from entry level to Level 2 work skills PSD, Art and design, land studies
and hospitality within the Integrated Learning for Living and Work Study
Students attain accredited outcomes in literacy and numeracy from
entry level to level 2. In the final study year some learners work towards
vocational qualifications that are relative to their intended destination.
Glasshouse College recognises that students may require additional
industry specific certification to be able to realise their intended outcome.
We can offer a wide range of opportunities which have included - City
and Guilds Painting and decorating Level 1, Introduction to animation,
Babtac Accredited Certificate Beauty Therapy, Level 2 Food Safety in
catering Course, Level 1 Food Safety in catering Course, Level 2 award in
Manual Handling, Level 2 award in Health and Safety in the workplace,
Level 1 award in Health and Safety in the workplace, HSE Approved
certificate in Introductory Emergency First Aid at Work, Creative writing,
Web site design course, CS32 Felling Medium trees, Level 2 Award in
Door security, Authorisation for Security guard badge, CS30 Tree climbing
and Ariel rescue, Lantra Certificate in Brushcutting course, Introduction
to Hair and beauty for special occasions, Introduction to starting your
own business, Level 2 City & Guilds Unit Award in Basic Construction
Skills/Plastering, Lawn Mowing Course, Bricklaying course, Managing
conflict training, Customer services training, Construction skills certificate
in electrical engineering, ITSSAR accredited lift truck operator. The
opportunities offered to students depend on their needs and outcomes.
Enrichment and Non Qualification learning offered and how these aid
Glasshouse College draws upon the expertise and experience of Ruskin
Mill Trust in providing work related learning, vocational qualifications,
social and cultural programmes and living skills, all of which are
distinguishing features of the Trust’s Practical Skills Therapeutic Education.
Through building meaningful relationships and undertaking real-life
purposeful activities, young people can gain skills and confidence both in
college and within the wider community, whilst achieving a wide range
of qualifications according to their interests and aptitude. With residential
students benefit from a 24 hour curriculum.
The college works to ensure that none accredited learning outcomes are
equally as well assed and rewarded as qualifications. The Outcome Star
Assessment framework provides a clear learning journey and evidence of
progression in the following areas; Friends and relationships, living skills and
self-care, managing health, learning skills, communication and social skills,
practical skills, work readiness, social responsibility, and wellbeing.
Each student is assigned a Student Journey Manager who offers one to
one mentoring and all students are encouraged to belong to the Student
Council where student voice and community links are promoted.
Glasshouse College Vocational and work experience offered:
Within the study programme Glasshouse College offers work experience
placements/vocational learning opportunities in: Administration,
Agriculture, Animal Care, Arts/Media/Digital, Construction, Craft/Small
Industrial, Retail, Print, Education /Childcare, Hospitality & Entertainment,
Food/Catering, Logistics, Motor Vehicle and Mechanical Engineering,
Public Sector & Museums, Sports, Voluntary Sector. The work experience
opportunities and vocational learning are all tailored to meet individual
needs and outcomes. An external supported internship programme will
provide a structured study programme, based at an employer, that is tailored
to the individual needs of the young person and will equip them with the skills
they need for the workplace. This will include on-the-job training, backed by
expert job coaches to support interns and employers, and the chance to study
for relevant qualifications – where appropriate support to develop skills for life
as an adult:
The aims of the Integrated Learning for Living and Work Programme is to
enable learners to gain the knowledge, skills and understanding they require
to make the most of their capacity for personal autonomy, including
independent living, positive social awareness, engagement and employability.
The course seeks to enable learners to: Gain enhanced confidence and selfesteem through:
Developing awareness and positive relationships with the natural
environment and other human beings.
Developing competence through making and producing useful goods
that have social value.
Gain a range of useful and transferable practical skills, whilst also achieving
appropriate and recognised qualifications.
Gain relevant experience and practice in work through internal and external
work experience and achieve appropriate recognised qualifications.
Gain relevant experience and practice in independent living skills and
achieve appropriate recognised qualifications.
Develop their personal/social life skills so that they will be able to form
appropriate relationships and maximize their autonomy.
Develop their abilities in the skills areas of Communication, English,
Mathematics and ICT (referred to as Functional Skills) and, where
appropriate achieve recognised qualifications. Identify and access an
appropriate vocational route and gain recognised vocational qualifications.
Make appropriate transition arrangements for placements following the
course. Individual programmes and the Individual Learning Plan (ILP).
Support to develop skills for life as an adult:
Each year, learners taking the Integrated Learning for Living and Work
Programme are allocated an individual timetable, which is adjusted on
a regular basis throughout the course. This comprises of a series of course
subjects, some of which lead to an accredited qualification. Goals for
individual learners are set throughout the year relating to their learning
needs and aspirations. The process of setting, monitoring and evaluating
goals comprises the learner’s Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and involves
the learner and a number of key staff. Transition planning is on-going
throughout the three year course, but has a greater focus in the final year
where exit planning is undertaken for each student through the college
transition experts.
Course structure:
Learning & Progression into Employability and Independence.
Stage 1. Laying the Foundation. Integrated Learning for Living and Work
Stage 1 – The anticipated outcomes for this stage are that the learner:
Establishes a sense of belonging.
Develops skills to make friends.
Learns to feel safe and stay healthy.
Explores pre-vocational skills and processes.
Stage 2. Building up skills and gaining qualifications. Integrated Learning for
Living and Work Programme.
Stage 2 - The anticipated outcomes for this stage are that the learner:
Enjoys and engages in their learning journey.
Learns to work through challenges and develop positive relationships.
Learns prevocational skills and practices independent living.
Engages in internal work experience.
Achieves appropriate qualifications including Functional Skills.
Stage 3. Engaging in Working Life and Moving On. Integrated Learning for
Living and Work Programme.
Stage 3 - The anticipated outcomes for this stage are that the learner:
Is able to reflect on their own learning and what still needs to be learnt.
Understands their place in and contribution to the community.
Engages in external work experience.
Achieves vocational qualifications.
Develops independent living skills.
Makes plans to move on.
93 % of learners transitioning from the college in the last two academic
years have progressed to higher level courses in main stream colleges
with reduced or zero level of support.Development
Methods Study Programme(s) can be personalised to meet individual
Each student has a study programme personalised to meet their
individual needs and intended destination. There are nearly 600 different
timetable combinations available. In addition to personalised work
experience and vocational learning, English and Mathematics specialists
provide individualised support to meet the assessed and Transition
Study Programme(s) information advice and guidance offered to
prospective students and their families or carers:
We have an established process that not only informs all stakeholders
regarding the students education but also assists in a positive transition.
Careers advice and guidance is given offered both internally and externally
throughout the student’s time but honed once the student is in the final year to
ensure a smooth transition to their home Local Authority.
Support offered to new students and their families or carers to achieve
a positive transition while on the Study Programme(s):
Students, carers and families are supported by the Admissions Team
prior to starting at the college this support is available throughout the
admissions process. Each student is appointed a dedicated Student
Journey Manager who will liaise with the student, parent or carer.
Ongoing support offered to students and their families or carers in terms
of getting the best from the Study Programme(s) and accessing other
forms of support:
Each student is assigned a Student Journey Manager (SJM) who is
responsible for the study programme. The SJM liaises with parents, carers and
external agencies and ensures the feedback and support needs are met
throughout the college provision. They organise and chair multi-agency
meetings and ensure the learning journey reflects the wishes of the students
and the guidance of their families. The SJM ensures that external services
from Education, Health and Care are accessible to enable the student to
succeed and complete the Integrated Learning for Living and Work
Progression opportunities in terms of access to employment, Apprenticeships
and supported internships:
Contact : Elizabeth Wood 01384 399400