syllabus - Doane College Physics Web Server

This is a two-semester sequence of algebra-based, introductory physics with laboratory.
Required: Pre-calculus - Algebra and trigonometry will be used extensively in this course.
Recommended but not required: High school physics or a one semester conceptual college course like
Catalogue Description:
Introduction to the general physical principles in the fields of mechanics, heat, sound, light,
magnetism, electricity, atomic and nuclear physics, and problem solving techniques.
Prerequisite: Math 201, or the equivalent; PHYS160 is a prerequisite for PHYS161. 3 hrs. lect.
3 hrs. lab per semester. 4 crs. per semester.
To better prepare our students, who are all taking this course as a preparation for a careers in the
life or health sciences, the course goals and student learning outcomes are guided by the
recommendations made by the National Research Council in the Bio2010 report and the pre-med
competency recommendation made by the American Association of Medical Colleges in the
AAMC-HHMI Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians
Scientific Inquiry
 Develop a practice of creative inquiry into the physical basis of natural phenomena
 Develop observational and interpretive skills through hands-on laboratory
 Experience how measurements are used to elucidate and validate scientific discovery
 Use up-to-date measurement techniques for basic physical quantities
Interdisciplinary Thinking
 Ability to make connections between biology and the physical sciences is developed and
reinforced so that interdisciplinary thinking becomes second nature
Quantitative Reasoning
 Facility with the kinds of functional relationships among physical quantities that are
prevalent in the natural world
 Create and use mathematical models
 Create and interpret visual displays of data
Basic Physical Principles
Recognize basic physical principles in a variety of natural processes at different scales,
from the molecular to the organismal.
Internalize sense making sufficiently to be able to apply foundational principles of
change and interaction to the understanding of living systems.
Be able to apply multiple physical principles to more complex natural processes, as is
typically manifest in living systems.
 Be able to discuss physical phenomena using appropriate physics terminology
 Be able to articulate sense-making in discussion of physical processes in nature
Quantitative Reasoning
1. Express and analyze natural phenomena in quantitative terms that include an understanding
of the natural prevalence of basic functional relationships
 Proportional relationships
 Linear relationships
 Quadratic relationships
 Inverse relationships
 Inverse square relationships
 Logarithmic/exponential relationships
 Periodic relationships
2. Use of units of measurable quantities; dimensional analysis and unit conversion
3. Identify functional relationships from visually represented data
 Interpret graphical representations of data
o Physical meaning of
 Slope
 Area under curve
 Y-intercept
 Describe graphical functional relationships in mathematical form
 Interpret frequency spectrums
• Draw and interpret Visual display of
 Vectors
o Motion Diagrams
o Free-body diagrams
o Extended body diagrams
 Vector fields
o Electric fields
o Magnetic fields
4. Modeling
Be able to mathematically model pertinent aspects of a natural phenomenon in terms
of functional relationships of measurable quantities
 Make inferences about natural phenomena using mathematical models
 Be able to articulate in words what relationships a mathematical model is expressing
 Be able to discuss limitations of models, the simplifications and approximations
made, and the temporal and spatial scale in which it is relevant.
5. Quantify and interpret changes in dynamical systems
 Kinematics
 Biomechanical dynamics
• Exponential growth and decay
 Damping
 Capacitance circuits
 Radioactive decay
 Oscillations
o Simple harmonic motion
 Resonance
 Waves
 Electric circuits
 Electromagnetic Induction
 Waves
Scientific Inquiry
1. Demonstrate creative inquiry into the physical basis of natural phenomena
2. Demonstate observational and interpretive skills
 Hands-on activities in virtually every class
 Bodies-on activities using kinesthetic sense
3. Operate basic laboratory instrumentation for scientific measurement or field experiences.
 Computer-acquisition and analysis of data using:
2D Force Plates, Force sensors, Motion sensors, 3 D accelerometers, goniometers,
temperature sensors, pressure sensors, sound sensors, voltage and current sensors,
magnetic field sensors, light sensors, UV sensors, infrared sensors, Geiger Counter
 Video analysis of visibly dynamic phenomena
 Optic s benches, multimeters,
4. Articulate reasoning to explain or question data.
5. Raise scientific questions and hypotheses, design experiments, acquire data, perform data
analysis, and present results.
 Guided inquiry during class
 Student projects
6. Demonstrate the ability to search effectively, to evaluate critically, and to communicate and
analyze the scientific literature.
 Literature search and review as part of student project.
Basic physical principles
1. Demonstrate understanding of mechanics as applied to living systems
• Understand the interrelationships among work, energy, force, and acceleration.
o How you move objects
o How you get moved by objects (as a passenger)
o How you move yourself (locomotion)
• Understand the interrelationships among rotational work, rotational energy, torque, and
angular acceleration
o How engagement of your muscles moves your limbs
• Apply knowledge of mechanics to movement in biological systems at various scales,
from the molecular to the organismal.
o How your limbs enable you to move objects and move yourself
o How food energy is converted into muscular work
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of electricity and magnetism and its application to
biological systems
 Electrical forces, fields and potential:
o Endogenous: cell membrane, action potentials, epithelial, intracellular
o Electrocytes and electric field detection by fish
o Electrostatic basis of chemical structure and function
o Diagnostic – ECG, EMG, EEG
o Therapeutic – Wound healing, electroporation, ionosphoresis, defribillation
 Electric current and circuits
 Nerve conduction
 Resistivity/Impedance of bodily tissues, GRS, body fat composition
 Electrical Safety: household and therapeutic
 Magnetism and Electromagnetic induction
o Diagnostic and therapeutic techniques using magnetism: MRI, bone repair
o Endogenous magnetic fields of living systems
o Magnetic sensing by animals
o Electrical power generation
 Electromagnetic waves
o Natural and manmade sources and receivers at all scales of the spectrum
3. Demonstrate knowledge of wave generation and propagation and the application to living
 Matter Waves
o Sound, Hearing, and Speech
o Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ultrasound
 Electromagnetic Waves
o Bodily effects at all scales in the electromagnetic spectrum
o Diagnostic, therapeutic, and research uses at all scales in the spectrum
o In everyday human use
 Geometric optics
o Image formation in the eye and in microscopes
o Fiber optics in medical scopes
 Wave optics
o Image resolution in the eye and in microscopes
o X-ray diffraction for biomolecular structure determination
4. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of thermodynamics and fluid motion and the
application to functional properties of tissues and organisms. .
 Heat transfer mechanisms and role of evaporation in the body
 Entropy, life, and energy efficiency
 Fluids and Pressures in the Body
 Blood pressure and vascular blood flow
 Lung pressures and breathing
 Random Walks, Diffusion, and Osmosis
 Effect of temperature on enzymes activity
 Metabolic rate and caloric requirements
5. Demonstrate knowledge of principles of quantum mechanics and nuclear physics and the
application to biological systems.
 Wave particle duality as a basis for atomic and molecular energy levels and orbitals in
biochemical structure and function,
 Quantum basis of biomedical investigative tools - spectroscopy, lasers, MRI
 Atomic/molecular energy levels and the origin of light and ionizing radiation
 Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with atoms and molecules of living systems.
 Radioactivity -isotopes as biological tracers
 Biological effects of nuclear radiation
 Nuclear fission and fusion for educated citizenship
Synergy of principles in complex living systems
(Selected Examples)
1. Physical basis of biochemical processes
 Apply principles of electrostatics, quantum mechanics, and thermodynamics to:
 Ionic and covalent bonding, Van derWaals interactions, hydrogen bonding
 Hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity driving molecular association.
 Structure of biological macromolecules and the effect of structure on properties.
 Biosynthesis: DNA, RNA transcription, self assembly, protein folding
 Energy storage in fatty acids and ATP and the transduction to functional activity
 Spontaneity of biochemical processes
2. Physical principles applied to the function of cells, tissues, organs, and organisms.
o Explain physical basis of aspects of cellular function:
o Energy conversion and metabolism
o Membrane structure and function
o Cell transport and storage
o Molecular motors, muscle contraction and cell motility
o Cell cycles and cell death
o Explain physical basis of functional properties of tissues and organs.
o Organization of multi-cellular organisms, systems biology
o Elasticity/Injury of Body Tissues
o Respiratory System
o Circulatory System
o Nervous System
Apply physics principles to biomechanics and exercise
o Food energy conversion into muscular work
o Gait analysis
o Biomechanics to optimize sports technique
o Exercise equipment design for optimal muscular engagement
o Ergonomic considerations in human movement
3. Explain the physical basis of the mechanisms by which organisms sense and control their
internal environment, sense and respond to their external environment.
 Energy in bodily processes
 Homeostasis, feedback
 Thermal regulation of the body
 Vestibular apparatus - Balance
 Reception and transduction of receptor signals
 Eyes and Vision
 Ears and Hearing
 Cutaneous receptors and proprioceptors
 Signaling - Inter- and intracellular communication
4. Explain the physical basis of possible mechanisms of occupational and physical therapy
o Traction
o Electrical Stimulation – biofeedback, repatterning, muscular strengthening, tissue repair,
pain management, wound healing
o Therapeutic heat and cold
o Therapeutic ultrasound
o Laser light therapy
o Transdermal drug delivery (ionphoresis and phonophoresis)
o Vibration/Rhythm (rocking, swinging, vibration plate)
o Aquatics and hydrotherapy
5. Apply physics principles to medical treatment and diagnostic tools
 Imaging (ultrasound, x-rays, Cat scan, MRI, infrared, radioactive tracers, PET)
 Surgical or tumor destruction (cauterization, laser, gamma knife, electroporation)
 Nuclear medicine
 Function replacement (heart, limb, joint)
 Electrical (ECG, EMG, EEG, GRS, nerve conduction)
6. Apply physics principles to biomedical and biophysics research techniques
 Electrophoresis, chromatography, DNA analysis
Voltage dyes, ion patch clamp
Fluorescent microscopy
Atomic force microscopy
Optical tweezers
7. Apply physics principles to health field specializations
o Dental
o Decay detection
o Ultrasonic cleaning
o Chewing mechanics , TMJ
o Tooth damage and repair
o Veterinary
o Distinctive animal locomotion and physiology
o Distinctive animal communication
o Distinctive sensing; prey detection, magnetic sensing
o Extreme environment coping mechanisms
8. Apply physics principles to living on the earth, in the modern world
o Climate effects, atmosphere, global warming, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes
o Electromagnetic effects: Lightning, magnetic storms, man-made electromagnetic fields,
polar auroras, earth’s magnetic and electric fields
o Electrical appliances and computer devices
o Shelter/clothes
o Transportation
o Communication
9. Apply physics principles to consider possible mechanisms for alternative and complementary
wellness approaches
 Acupuncture
 Bodywork (massage, cranial sacral, chiropractic, reflexology, structural integration,
applied kinesiology, Reiki, therapeupic touch, dance)
 Somatic techniques (yoga, qiqong, tai chi, Gyrotonic, Alexander, Feldenkrais, pilates)
 Mind/Body (visualization, prayer, hypnosis, meditation, humor/laughter, placebo effect)
 Sound (music therapy, bi-aural entrainment, chanting)
 Electromagnetic ( magnets, bio-field imaging, electrodermal testing, bioresonance, earth
 Light (full spectrum, laser, color)
 Accredited alternative health disciplines (naturopathy, osteopathy, oriental medicine)
 Others (homeopathy, iridology, aromatherapy, crystal healing, flower essences)
COURSE COMPETENCIES: At Mercy College, we want to ensure that the student will be
able to effectively compete for jobs and careers in an increasingly complex world. Therefore, the
College has focused on six foundational skills that we feel will help students achieve greater
success in college as well as in their career. The student will be expected to meet minimum
levels of achievement for graduation in these six competencies:
Written Communication
Oral Communication
Critical Thinking
Critical Reading
Quantitative Reasoning
Information Literacy
Written Communication: Students’ writing skills will be measured by their ability to articulate
their understanding in writing on exams, in project presentations, and in online discussions.
Oral Communication: Students’ oral communication skills will be measured by the quality of
their engagement in class discussion and collaborative group work, especially during lab
activities. Students will be expected to orally articulate their reasoning for their predictions and
interpretations of data.
Critical Thinking: Students’ critical thinking skills will be measured by the process of inquiry
encouraged by the active classroom activities, and by their self-directed projects.
Critical Reading: Students’ critical reading skills will be measured by their ability to critically
review and evaluate online resources of information and other students’ written work.
Quantitative Reasoning: Quantitative reasoning is a pervasive part of this course. Students will
have to use mathematical models of functional relationships of measurable quantities, analyze
data quantitatively, and be able to interpret visual displays of quantitative data.
Information Literacy: Students will be researching physics topics of their own choosing.
Knight, Jones & Field (2010) College Physics 2nd Edition Addison-Wesley
with accompanying Student Workbook, vols. 1 & 2, and code to register for Mastering Physics
(online homework and tutoring system).
Required: Calculator (scientific- trigonometric functions, exponentials, logs, etc.)
This course is taught in a “workshop” style where traditional lecture, lab, and recitation type
activities are integrated. Every class will include a variety of components.
Students will be guided to consider what gaps may exist in their present understanding of
the natural phenomena under consideration.
Students will work collaboratively in groups within a process of guided inquiry. Student
groups will share their predictions and thinking with other groups by using group
Students will experience hands-on exploration of natural phenomena, often using their
own bodies for kinesthetic and other sensory input.
Students will collect data using computer interfaced sensors, and then interpret and
analyze the tabular and graphical data output.
Students will use video for computerized motion analysis.
Educational interactive simulations, both in class and for online homework, will be used
to explore concepts concerning those aspects of topics that are not visibly apparent.
Students will work collaboratively in groups to practice applying newly learned physics
concepts to superficially different or increasingly complex scenarios. Group work is
done on group whiteboards. Extensions of those scenarios may be given for individual
practice at home.
Further individual practice applying physics concepts will be available using the
workbooks that accompany the text and the online Mastering Physics online tutorial and
homework system that includes the end of chapter questions from the text.
The text will provide additional perspectives and will reinforce and supplement the
material covered in the class activities.
Frequent short quizzes, either online or in class, will give feedback to students about their
The students will be self directed with a project, of which the topic will be of their
choosing, within the guidelines of their instructor. They will post their project online for
commentary and discussion by other students.
Exams: 50%
4 topic exams – the lowest exam score may be dropped
20% Cumulative Final Exam
Projects/Papers: 20%
15% Submitted in stages online
5% Discussion and comments on each others’ projects online
Homework: 15%
10% Mastering Physics online
5% Workbook, Interactive Website comments, and Homework related to class
Class Activities: 15%
5% Attendance and Effort 5%
5% Quality of participation 5%
5% Quizzes based on previous class activities
Assessment category percentages may vary slightly with instructor.
1. Attendance Policy – It is assumed that a student will attend all classes for which he/she is
registered. Ceasing to attend classes for three consecutive class meetings without contacting
the instructor will result in the issuance of a grade of “FW” which indicates “stopped
attending.” This grade of “FW” will be calculated into the student’s GPA as an “F” and may
result in dismissal. In addition this status will be reported to The Office of Student Services
and may result in a reduction of financial aid monies.
Because this course is participatory in nature and has integrated lab and group activities,
attendance is necessary to do well in the course. Expect lack of attendance or frequent
lateness to be reflected in the course grade.
2. Cheating and Plagiarism – Cheating and plagiarism are contrary to the purpose of any
educational institution and must be dealt with most severely if students’ work is to have any
validity. An instructor who determines that a student has cheated on a test or assignment will
at a minimum give a zero for that item and may give a failure for the course. Normally the
matter is handled between the instructor and the student, but either party to ensure fairness
may consult the department chairperson. Suspicion of cheating on exams (e.g. as when two
students sitting next to each other have unnaturally similar answers) will result in another
exam taken in place of the original by all parties involved.
Plagiarism, which is the appropriation of words or ideas of another without recognition of the
source, is another form of cheating. An instructor who determines that a student has
plagiarized will give a zero for the paper or project and may give a failure for the course.
Both cheating and plagiarism are grounds for dismissal from the College.
Any action taken regarding cheating or plagiarism is subject to the Academic Grievance
Policy outlined above and in the Student Handbook.
3. Cell Phone Use – Cell phones should be turned off prior to the start of class. Students that do
not abide by this policy may be asked to leave for the day and will receive an unexcused
Science Learning Center - in Dobbs Ferry Learning Center
Free Physics Tutoring - Hours to be announced
For Tutoring needs, email:
Tuszynski ( 2001). Biomedical Applications of Physics, Wiley
Newman, Jay (2008). Physics of the Life Sciences, Springer
Hewitt, Paul (2002). Touch This! Conceptual Physics for Everyone, Addison-Wesley
Hewitt, Paul (2010). Practicing Physics, Conceptual Physics, Addison-Wesley
Hewitt, Paul (2010). Conceptual Physics 11th edition, Addison-Wesley
Cameron, Skofronick, Grant (1999). Physics of the Body, Medical Physics Publishing
Urone, Peter (2001). College Physics 2nd Edition, Brooks Cole
Urone, Peter (1986). Physics with Health Science Applications, Wiley
Wisneski, L. (2009). The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine, CRC Press