Functional curriculum Christine A. Macfarlane, Ph.D. Sped 535 Integrated Curriculum and Methods for Students with Disabilities: Functional Skills must be chronologically age-appropriate Can interview peers Survey peers Observe peers Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 2 Functional skills Immediately useful Demanded in everyday activities and environments, both in and out of school Result in greater independence & less dependence Allow access to less restrictive environments July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 3 Criterion of ultimate functioning Skills that adolescents and adults with severe disabilities would need in order to function as effectively and independently as possible in vocational, residential, and social environments Should reflect need for transitions from one environment to the subsequent or next environment July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 4 Criterion of the next environment Skills a student needs in the next educational environment July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 5 Criterion of the immediate environment Consider needs for student to function in the immediate or current environment(s) July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 6 Criterion of the least dangerous assumption July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 7 "A functional curriculum could be defined as the life skills needed by a student in the current environment in which he or she was functioning, the life skills needed in the student's immediate next education environment, and the skills the student would need after leaving school to function in vocational, residential, and recreational environments." July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 8 Personalized Curriculum July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 9 Domains of Adult Life Skills Community Domestic Leisure/Recreation Vocational Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 10 Ecological inventories A systematic, flexible process for determining a scope and sequence of functional living skills July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 11 Relationship of domains Not all skills fit tidily into one domain. Many have application across more than one domain. "More bang for the buck". July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 12 Related skills Functional academics Communication skills Motor skills Social skills July 13, 2004 Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on SPED 535 Functional 13 Community-Referenced Instruction Aligning assessment and instruction to the natural cues in the environment Referencing instruction to your community! July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 14 Life in a Greek Hotel July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 15 July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 16 July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 17 July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 18 July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 19 July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 20 Oregon Statewide Assessment Extended CIM Math Reading Writing Extended Career & Life Role Assessment System (CLRAS) July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 21 Principal of partial participation Can't deny child access because of physical or cognitive deficits Individuals with (severe) disabilities can acquire many skills that will allow them to function, at least in part, in a wide variety of least restrictive environments and activities. July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 22 The child should be allowed to participate in the activity even when: the child does not exhibit all the necessary prerequisite skills, the child will not be able to acquire all components of the skill, the child may not complete the entire activity or skill independently, and the child's developmental age is lower than his or her corresponding chronological age. July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 23 Frequently thought of as providing physical assistance, but that is too narrow a definition Can be physical assistance Can be a prosthesis Can be communicative in nature to determine quality or make choices. July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 24 Types of adaptations Provide personal assistance Modify skills or activities Use an assistive device Modify the physical and social environments Orelove & Sobsey, 1996 July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 25 Can't always come up with a modification that will allow the person to function independently, but can increase level of participation and thus independence. July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 26 Patterns of error in using partial participation Ferguson & Baumgart, 1991 July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 27 Passive participation Sitting in a classroom, i.e., just being present, doesn’t necessarily make it active participation Example: going to music class, but not being able to sing or play the instruments Nonexample: Listening to a book being read July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 28 Myopic participation Focus is too narrow, doesn’t meet full needs of student, family, or community Example: parent requests help with shopping; teacher implements in nongeneralizable environment July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 29 Piecemeal participation Not connecting in-class instruction with out-of-class instruction throughout the day Example: Instructional lesson aimed at object permanence, public library outing in afternoon, play story tape in evening at home July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 30 Missed participation The length of time required to learn to do something independently may be too time consuming, might be better to simply rely on personal assistance, so valuable time can be spent learning other skills as well Example: Can’t grasp items in cafeteria to place on tray, can’t carry tray. Since there are always people present in the cafeteria, might be better to just leave it at that. July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 31 Remediation strategies July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 32 Active participation Rather than worry about expanding a behavioral repertoire, concentrate on strengthening a small set of behaviors July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 33 Attend to multiple perspectives Use family and community-referenced assessment Use ongoing instructional information systems Use ongoing outcome information systems July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 34 Use information from multiple sources Merge “competing” perspectives Ongoing planning and program improvement July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 35 Enhance image and achieve interdependence July 13, 2004 SPED 535 Functional 36