A Clearner HK

Government’s policy
towards a cleaner
Hong Kong
Government’s departments
The above logo represents which
Government’s policy
User’s Pay Principle
= those who cause pollution should pay for the cost
of cleaning up
E.g. Sewage Charge
Polluter’s Pay Principle
= the users of facilities/services to pay for the cost
of providing them
E.g. Landfill Charge
Law :
Government’s policy
Air Pollution Control Ordinance
to control air pollution from industry, commercial
operations and construction work
Noise Control Ordinance
to control neighborhood noise, noise from construction,
industrial and commercial activities
Waste Disposal Ordinance
it is prohibited to dump waste in public places or on
Government land, or on private premises without the
consent of the owner or occupier
Water Pollution Control Ordinance
discharges must be covered by an effluent discharge
Government’s policy
Environmental Law:
Air Pollution Control Ordinance
building works involving asbestos must be conducted by
registered qualified personnel
Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance
to control the production, import and export of products
containing ozone-depleting substances, and the recycling of
ozone-depleting substances
Dumping at Sea Ordinance
anyone involves in marine dumping and related loading
operations, requires a permit from the EPD
Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance
to avoid, minimize and control the adverse impact on the
environment of designated projects
Other methods used by
the government
to keep H.K . clean
Other methods
Education :
Advertisement Clean Hong Kong
Leaflets / Posters
Environmental Protection Festival
Which policy does not exist in HK?
Ozone layer Protection
Water Pollution Control
Air Pollution Control
Visual Pollution Control
A recent department
set up by
the government
Team Clean Corner
Littering Fixed Penalty System
Dog Fouling
Unauthorized Display of Bills
Environmental blackspots
800 areas have already been cleansed
Marking Scheme for public housing
estate’ tenancy enforcement
What is the name of the recent
set up department?
Keep Clean Corner
Team Clean Corner
Cleaning Up HK
Keep Clean Team
What is the fine for Littering?
Opinion From
Our Interviewees
Government always
compromise with
big companies
Penalty is not a cure
Not enough
environmental law
not effective in promoting
keep clean in HK
What make the environmentalists
dissatisfy with the government?
The fines are too low
too much put on Education
No effective Legislation
too much put on Promotion
Public opinion
View on Hong Kong’s
general cleanliness
Good sate of
No opinion
What is your opinion about the government’s
policy towards a cleaner Hong Kong?
The policy adopted by
the government is not effective. The perception of
the people doesn't change. They don’t throw the
rubbish because they are afraid to be fined.
The best method is education.
A local resident
Partially, it depends on which
area. As Hong Kong government wants to boost
tourist industry,she puts more resources to tourist spots
than the places we live. Pollution still exists
in the urban areas.
I don’t think so. As you can see
rubbish easily and some people, especially the
elderly, still spilt. The policy can be more strict. The
government can have more promotion and held
talks to educate the people.
A foreigner
I think they are effective since
there are less people throwing the rubbish after the
adoption of the Fixed Penalty System. However, the air
pollution still exists. The government should encourage
more drivers to use the LPG gas.
Suggested Remedies
Set up Environment Law
Adopt public opinion
Let's Start the Discussion!
Question 1:
You are the committee members of an
environmental group. The government
has asked you to suggest some measures
/ methods to arouse the awareness of the
public to keep Hong Kong clean.
Discuss the details.
- Aims?
- What are the measures / methods?
- How to achieve?
Question 2:
Do you think the government is more
concerned about the economy than the
environment in Hong Kong? Why?
Question 3:
The government has promoted the idea
of keeping Hong Kong clean for a long
time. However, pollution is still serious in
the urban areas. Why?
Question 4:
You are the member of Legislative
Council. The government has asked you
to set up a law to tackle the pollution in
Hong Kong.
Discuss the details.
- Which type of pollution will you
- What is the law about?
Question 5
You are the officer of the Food &
Environmental Hygiene Department and
having the patrol on the street. However,
you are attacked by a man who has
thrown a rubbish on the street and refuse
to pay $1500 fine? What will you do?
Question 6
There is a conflict between the economic
interest and the environmental protection.
If there is a land which has high economic
rent and will be redeveloped by the
government,how to minimize the pollution
Caused during the construction?
Designed by
Mandy So & Sandy Fan