Database Architect Stf

Data Migration Lead
Job Reference:
LM People Job Code/Title:
Programme / Functional Group:
E1264I / Database Architect Stf
IS&GS - Public Services -
Description of Business Environment:
The Command and Control Futures (C&CF) programme aims to replace the aging
technology that currently assigns the police resources to respond to 999 emergency
calls and which also manages major London events such as the Notting Hill Carnival.
The procurement involves the selection of a Computer Aided Despatch (CAD) product,
tailoring it to operations and then transitioning it to live operations so there is no impact
on the 999 service to the general public.
Specific Job Description:
Lockheed Martin is seeking a lead software engineer with heavy emphasis on database
integration. This person will lead the Extract, Transformation and Load (ETL) of
complex set of legacy CAD data in to future CAD systems Oracle database.
In supporting this effort the candidate will be responsible for a team of data migration
developers, performing detailed data analysis, design and documentation activities in
support of defining data mapping and migration activities.
This role includes performing analysis and migration testing to identify any legacy data
quality issues and to identify recommended resolutions. These resolutions may require
the identification and development of meta data necessary to populate the future CAD
system to properly support data migration and system operation.
As such the data migration ETL team should be equally versed in SQL (Oracle) data
load capabilities as well as object oriented design and development in languages such
as Java.
Required Skills:
 Development knowledge associated with application / systems integration including a
knowledge of standards/technologies that enable messaging, including XML, WSDL,
 Knowledge of the role of an ESB in Data integration
 History of participating in an Agile Scrum methodology
 Understanding of REST principles and implementation
Knowledge in Systems Engineering principles and practice with knowledge of
SYSML, UML, ITIL or TOGAF is desirable but not essential.
Kowledge of some of the following products is desirable:
Previous security clearance (such as SC) is desirable, as a minimum must be able to
achieve CTC / NPVV2 clearance.
Required Skills:
 Team leader / management skills
 Task planning, statusing and reporting
 Knowledge with Extract Transform and Load (ETL) technologies
 Knowledge with large data sets
 Knowledge in implementing Information Assurance (IA) database lockdowns
 Knowldge with database high availability solutions
 Knowledge of Oracle and SQL
 Knowledge of TOAD
 Excellent communication and team skills and a strong work ethic
 Good verbal and written communication skills
Standard Job Description:
Designs, models, documents, and guides the logical and conceptual relationship of data
and database changes for complex applications. Analyzes needs and requirements of
existing and proposed systems, and develops technical, structural, and organizational
specifications. May create standards and/or do modeling to monitor and enhance
capacity and performance.
Typical Minimum Education & Experience:
Ideally require a Bachelors degree from an accredited college and capability typically
achieved through demonstrable professional experience. Will also consider individuals
with equivalent experience / combined education. Considered an emerging authority