The Birds and the Bees

The Birds and
the Bees 
The Women’s Reproductive
Female Reproductive Ingredients
• Two _________
– Store and release _________(ova), which can
develop into babies if fertilized by a male's
– Produce _________ and _________
• Two _________ tubes,
– connect the ovaries to the _________.
• One _________
– contains the developing fetus during pregnancy
and _________ during delivery to push the baby
• One _________
– thins and opens (dilates) to allow the baby to
be pushed out of the uterus.
• One _________(vagina).
– This is where you enter and meet the world for
the first time  (except during a C-section)
Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive Ingredients
• One _________
– This is the male organ used in _________
• One _________
– Loose pouch-like sac of skin that hangs
behind the penis and houses the _________.
– “_________ control system” for _________
• Two _________(testes)
– Oval organs about the size of large _________
– _________ maker!
– Houses _________ tubules which are
responsible for producing sperm cells.
• Two _________
– Long, coiled tube that rests on the backside of
each testicle.
– _________, _________, and _________ sperm
– When aroused, contractions force the sperm
into the vas deferens.
• ______________
– Long, muscular tube that travels from the
epididymis into the pelvic cavity
– _________ mature sperm to the _________, in
preparation for ejaculation
• One _________
– Tube that carries urine or sperm to outside of
the body
– If penis is erect… flow of urine stops allowing
only semen to be ejaculated.
• _________ vesicles
– Sac-like pouches that attach to the vas deferens
– They produce a ______-______ fluid (energy drink
for sperm to help them to move)
– The fluid makes up most of the volume of a
man's ejaculatory fluid, or ejaculate (cum).
• _________ gland
– _________ -sized structure located below the
urinary bladder in front of the rectum.
– Contributes additional _________ to the
– Prostate fluids also help to _________ the sperm.
• _________’s glands
– _________ -sized structures located on the
sides of the urethra just below the _________
– Produce a clear, slippery fluid that empties
directly into the urethra.
– _________ the urethra and _________ any
acidity that may be present due to residual
drops of urine
Where do babies come
How do they develop?
• A typical female _________ (releases a mature
egg) _________ a month.
– 1 million eggs (_________)
– Reproductive life (______________)
– 30+ quantity and quality decline
• This is the only time a female can get pregnant!
Note: Females who have irregular cycles can
ovulate _________ than once a month!
• One amount of ejaculate may contain
between _________ million to _________
million sperm!
– Produce 150 - 1,000,000 per day
• Yet, the quantity of sperm produced will
only cover the head of a _________.
Egg & Sperm Life Expectancy?
• Egg
– Once released usually only _________ hours
• Sperm
– Can live in a woman's uterus and fallopian
tubes for _________ to _________ days
• When a sperm and egg (ovum) join (usually
in one of the fallopian tubes)
• How many sperm begin the journey to the egg?
• How many lucky little sperm win?
• How do they even know where to go?
Right after fertilization…
• Cells start to multiply _________ and
continue as it descends down the fallopian
• As it reaches the uterus, the fertilized egg
has become a hollow ball of cells
(_________ ) and implants in the _________
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
(_________ )
• Hormone released by the blastocyst
which triggers the mother’s body to:
• _________
releasing eggs (ovulating).
the lining of the uterus for the
fertilized egg.
• _________
• Continue producing another hormone
called _________ .
the uterus from _________ out the
developing fetus.
– _________
• How many do we have and who do we get
them from?
– We get half from our father’s and half from our
mother’s for a total of _________ !
Why am I a little girl?
• Mother’s always gives you the _________
• Father’s can give you either an _________
making you a girl or a ___ making you a
• ____ – Female
• ____ – Male
1st Trimester
• Welcome to morning sickness!
• About _________ weeks after conception
your baby is now considered an _________
and is only barely visible to the naked eye.
• Around day _________ it has a heartbeat!
What is morning sickness?
• Term used to describe everything from a
_________ to _________ or an aversion to
certain foods to severe _________ .
• Usually lasts until the 2nd trimester 
• Some theories about morning sickness.
• Is it just in the morning?
By the end of the first trimester
• The fetus is _________ inches long and weighs
up to _________ ounces.
• Its hands are functional and it is able to "
_________ " amniotic fluid in and out of its lungs.
• The internal organs are fully formed, although
the lungs, liver, kidney, and intestine will
continue to grow and mature.
2nd Trimester
to disappear!
•• Morning
to disappear!
•• Blood
by 40%!
by ________ %!
•• You
to show.
to show.
• Your baby's fingers and toes are well• defined;
Your baby's
and eyelashes,
toes are welleyelids,
and hair
are formed.
eyelashes, nails and hair are formed.
• Your baby can even suck his or her
thumb, yawn, stretch and make faces.
• The _________ system is starting to
• _________
buds are developed.
• You can now start to feel the fetus
_________ inside you!
The reproductive organs and
genitalia are now fully developed!
Third Trimester
• During this final trimester, your fetus grows
larger and the body organs mature.
• The fetus moves frequently, especially between
the _________ th and _________ nd weeks.
• In the final _________ months of pregnancy, a
fetus becomes too big to move around easily
inside the uterus and may seem to move less.
• At the end of the third trimester, a fetus
usually settles into a _________ -down
position in the uterus.
• You will likely feel some discomfort as you
get close to delivery.
How many weeks is a full-term
Illnesses while pregnant
• Preclampsia
• Gestational Diabetes
• Hyperemesis Gravidarum
• Pregnancy-induced _________
• Preeclampsia is the development of
swelling, elevated blood pressure, and
protein in the urine during pregnancy.
Gestational Diabetes
• Pregnant women who have never had _________
before but who have high blood sugar (glucose)
levels during pregnancy
• Starts when your body is not able to make and
use all the ________ it needs for pregnancy.
• Can hurt the baby (breathing and shoulder
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
• Debilitating morning sickness
• Excessive vomiting
3 stages of Labor
1. The first stage, which ends when the _________
is fully _________
2. The second stage, which ends with the
_________ of the baby
3. The third stage, which ends once the _________
has been delivered.
The three stages of labor typically last for ____
to ____ hours for first-time mothers and 7 hours
for women who have previously given birth.
Birthing Process
• Natural
– Lamaze
– Bradley Method
• Water Birth
• Epidural
• C-Section
Vaginal Birth (Natural)
• Technique for preparing for childbirth
• Based on the idea that the best way to
control pain is through _________ and
_________ .
• The method emphasizes _________
Bradley Method
• About ____ percent of women who use the
Bradley method deliver their babies without
_________ .
• The method stresses good _________ and
_________ during pregnancy
• Teaches deep _________ techniques to manage
• Educates a woman's husband or partner so he
can be an effective _________ .
Water Birth
• _________ FREE!
• Reduces pain from _____% in most women!
• Water in the pool helps
the mother relax
releasing the natural
_________ in the body.
• Gentle transition to the
• The goal of an epidural is to provide
______________, rather than complete.
• Epidurals block the nerve impulses from
the lower spinal segments resulting in
decreased sensation in the lower half of
the body.
Cesarean Section or C-Section
• Awake? Epidural? Spinal
• An incision is made just
above the pubic area.
• The uterus is opened, the
amniotic fluid is drained,
and the baby is
FACT: Women who have C-section deliveries can often
have a normal vaginal delivery with later pregnancies.