Atheists Statement - Monroe County Schools

Dillon Pitcock
Thesis Statement
Today’s welfare can seem ridiculous, and it can be easily abused.
The welfare can help the families that are in need, but it can hurt the
economy when people abuse welfare.
• Studies show that over $2billion in food
stamps was used in the year 1982.
• The government has a program called welfare
to work program. This program helps the
AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent
Children) to help families with children
around the US.
• To be eligible to for the welfare to work
program first the family has to have an active
intervention with job searches work expirence
to increase there chances of employment
• Second all the steps are mandatory. If they are
not completed you can reduce or loose your
welfare benefit.
• Third all the programs are for people and
families in the ADFC program. These programs
are intended for food stamps, disability and
• Then in year 1994 the programs were
restricted to families using AFDC to control the
groups and cut down on funding.
• During the 60s and 70s there were a lot of
welfare regulations. A welfare right movement
took place and was made of poor colored
• The poor colored women was demanding and
in cases received larger grants and had a more
responsive answers in welfare.
• In 2001 a welfare fraud experience took place.
The results show was most women were
between 30-40 and had no high school
• 17% of the women had little vocational
training, 2 – 3 kids and had child support.
There average income was $500 a month.
• The chart shows the money our government
funds. 14% goes to food stamps welfare and
social security but only 4% goes to schools and
• Welfare can seem good but it just depends on
how its used. If all you depend on is welfare
and are not trying to get a job to get off
welfare then that’s how the economy is in the
shape now.
• Enrico, Sabatini. "Welfare Fraud." Journal of
Criminology. 1.1 (April 1992): 181-200
• Richelle, Swan. "Untold Story of Welfare
Fraud." Journal of Sociology and Social
Welfare. 35.3 (Sept. 2008): 134-149.
• Douglas , Wolf. "Dynamics of Welfare Fraud."
Journal of Human Resources. 21.4 (May 1986):
• Greenberg, David and Robins, Philip K. (Oct.
2011). “Have Welfare-To-Work programs
improved over time in putting welfare
recipients to work?”. Industrial and Labor
Relations Review, 910-920.
• Hausmann, Julilly. "The Crime of Survival ."
Urbana-Champaign. 1.1 (1994): 330-347.
• Linda , Shaw. "Welfare Fraud ." Journal of
Welfare. 25.3 (Sept. 2008): 144-159.