College Fair Presentation (BYU High School Relations)

College Fair Presentation
(BYU High School Relations)
Presented by BYU Alumni Association
Southwest Florida Chapter
BYU Alumni Conference - College Fair Presentation
Friday, September 23, 2011
General Purpose:
Assist LDS youth in obtaining a spiritual
education in a wholesome environment by
attending BYU, BYU-Idaho, BYU-Hawaii, LDS
Business College or other colleges and
universities having CES Institutes of Religion
BYU Alumni Conference - College Fair Presentation
Friday, September 23, 2011
Who is invited to attend?
All youth ages 12 to 18 in the participating
Stakes (Fort Myers, Brandon, Lakeland, St.
Petersburg, and Tampa Stakes)
Parents, young adults, adults, Bishops, young
men and women leaders interested in learning
about higher education and LDS Institutes of
Religion opportunities for LDS youth
BYU Alumni Conference - College Fair Presentation
Friday, September 23, 2011
Universities, Colleges and
Institutes of Religion to be
LDS Business College
CES Tampa Institute of
Institute of Religion
CES College Fireside Presentation
Wednesday, January 26, 2005@ 7:00 p.m.
Universities, Colleges and Institutes of Religion Continued:
BYU Alumni Conference - College Fair Presentation
Friday, September 23, 2011
Presentation in the Chapel by representatives of
BYU High School Relations visiting from
Provo, Utah & CES Tampa Institute of
College Fair with booths in cultural hall for 20
major universities and colleges with CES
Institutes of Religion. (using local alumni)
T-shirts and other prizes and refreshments
BYU Alumni Conference - College Fair Presentation
Friday, September 23, 2011
Presentation topics and information
provided include (among other things):
Admission requirements and honor code standards;
programs and offerings; tuition and books, housing and
other expenses; scholarship, grants, loans and other
financial aid information; enrollment dates and deadlines;
planning ideas for preparing and paying for college; list of
church sponsored schools and regional Institutes of
Religion; quality of student life issues; and facts and
history of church sponsored schools
BYU Alumni Conference - College Fair Presentation
Friday, September 23, 2011
Booths are set-up in the
cultural hall for BYU, BYU
Idaho, BYU-Hawaii, LDS
Business College, Florida State
University, University of
Florida and many other major
universities and colleges which
have Institutes of
Religion Programs. Alumni
and/or other representatives
have information for distribution
and are available to answer questions
BYU Alumni Conference - College Fair Presentation
Friday, September 23, 2011
Additional booths
provide financial aid
information and tips on
preparing and saving for
BYU Alumni Conference - College Fair Presentation
Friday, September 23, 2011
Benefits that are emphasized:
(i) obtaining a spiritual education in a
wholesome environment by attending
colleges and universities having CES
Institutes of Religion; and
(ii) actively participating in Institute
Top Ten Things About Institute:
10. Great variety of classes.
9. No tests, no grades, no tuition.
8. BYU transfer credit available.
7. Ping pong, pool, foosball, and food.
6. A great place to hang out, meet friends, or
study between classes.
5. Fun social activities.
4. Leadership experience.
3. Returned missionaries.
2. Great friends who share your faith and values.
1. Doesn’t meet at 6:00 a.m.
“Our great program of Church
education moves forward… The
seminary and institute program is
constantly being enlarged… You
who have been the recipients of
this program know of its
tremendous value. We urge all
for whom it is available to take
advantage of it. We do not hesitate to promise
that [1] your knowledge of the gospel will be
increased, your [2] faith will be strengthened,
and you will [3] develop wonderful
associations and friendships with those of your
own kind.” -- President Hinckley
BYU Alumni Conference - College Fair Presentation
Friday, September 23, 2011
"To facilitate religious training of students attending non-LDS
colleges and universities, the Church established institutes of
religion adjacent to college campuses, beginning in 1926. The
success of the seminaries and institutes resulted in the spread of
these programs to many, many parts of the world. The Church
periodically checks the pulse and measures the progress of the
institute programs. This last year an institute study revealed the
following: of those graduating from institute, 96 percent
received temple endowments; 98 percent of those
receiving their endowments had their marriages
performed in the temple; 96 percent of the men
graduating from institute served missions.” –
Elder L. Tom Perry, Ensign, Nov. 1997, p. 61
BYU Alumni Conference - College Fair Presentation
Friday, September 23, 2011
Locating Institutes of Religion
The Church Educational System Website
Institute Locator
The Church Educational System Website
The Church Educational System Website
Local colleges
& universities
Institutes of
Religion in
The Church Educational System Website
BYU Alumni Conference - College Fair Presentation
Friday, September 23, 2011
Prior to the College Fair, participating Stakes
and each unit Bishop attend a presentation
similar to this slideshow that helps build
excitement and support for the College Fair
Personal invitations are extended to each youth
in the participating Stakes to attend. These
invitations include location, time, date, and other
special instructions.