Risk Management Risk management is about preventing, mitigating, preparing for, and responding to potential risks and hazards. Potential Risks O Financial O Legal (litigations or lawsuits) O Medical O Damaged equipment O Confidentiality Planning & Prevention You are responsible to insure the safety of all parties involved in the service event O Identify potential risks and hazards to your facility or organization, individual participants, and third parties. O Assess and analyze: How could someone be harmed? How likely is it to happen? How severe could the hazard be? O Management: What are you currently doing to prevent risks? What other control measures can you put into place? (training, education, standard of behavior, etc.) Planning & Prevention O Maintain and monitor: Ensure that guidelines are followed during and after event. Re-assess as new situations arise. O Van Certification Course: This 1-hour course is required to drive a 12-passenger University vehicle. For online sign-up, go to this site: http://risk.byu.edu/training/classroomTraining/VanCourse.php Responding Make the call: Emergency (either on or off campus): call 911 O Non-emergency (on campus only): call BYU police (801) 422-2222 O Responding O Prevent further injury or incident: clear environment, halt event, etc. O Know your point of contact: Volunteer Program Director Community Service Coordinator (Brother Okawa or Becky) Responding O Documentation: pictures, witnesses O Injury Form: http://risk.byu.edu/insurance/docs/InjuryReport.pdf