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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Case Diagnosis ............................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Epidemiology ............................................................................................................................ 3
3.0 Treatment of IBS of the patient ................................................................................................ 4
4.0 Treatment Plan: ......................................................................................................................... 6
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 8
References ....................................................................................................................................... 9
1. Introduction
IBS- Irritable Bowel Syndrome is the functional disorder where the abdominal pain or abdominal
discomfort happens due to the either change in the bowel habit or defecation. IFB majorly
identified through the diagnosis based on the symptoms received from the organs. There is no
very specific symptom for this disease it needs to be identified through periodical checkups. In
modern medical science the IBS is referred as the functional disorder caused from the organic
diseases of the gastrointestinal (GI) tracts. This disease is not very much harmful but it creates a
significant impression on the health of the patient (Bickley, 2013). This impression happens in
both the format physical and mental. Alessia Elennaan 18 year’s old patient admitted to the NHS
London with some functional disorder who later diagnosed with IBS after several medical tests.
2. Case Diagnosis
2.1 Epidemiology
Within almost 19% of the people in UK is suffering from this disease. It has been found that the
reason for suffering this disease is the GI disorder. But if the Rome III criteria is applied then the
affect rate ranges from the 5% to 11% within the developing countries. One of the medical
studies showed that the most of the peoples within the age limit of 30 to 40 suffered the most.
Within this the proportion of the female persons are more than the male persons. This disease
majorly happens due to the muscular activities of the abdominal muscles which are termed as
bronchial hyper-responsiveness (Khot and Polmear, 2009). The majority of the patients are
diagnosed by IBS mainly affected by the bacterial gastroenteritis.
Further it can be seen that the patients who suffered from the IBS also suffered from the
predominantly diarrhea which often caused the morning rush in every morning.
The Medical Diagnosis Of the patient
In other cases it has been found that the pain in head, lathery, asthma patients in later times has
been diagnosed with IBS. In the Alessia’s case the patient came to the hospital with major loose
motion. It has been seen that the patient was having almost greater than 1Liter stool in a day
which is way above normal. This abnormal stool outflow stroked the initial suspicions about the
suffering of the IBS. To get assurances it has been decided to go for some blood tests. So for that
the blood tests like the Complete blood Count, Liver function tests, electrolytes, erythrocyte
sedimentation rate, thyroid- stimulating hormone and celiac serologist testes were done. These
tests were done repeatedly for three times to get assurance about the indication of the disease
(Kumar and Clark, 2009). Later on the stool of the lady was tested to get the trace of the fecal
leukocytes so that the symptom gets cleared. All the reports and the CT scan of the abdomen and
the pelvis reports showed that the patient was affected by IBS.
At the end of the testes and the biopsy report while interacting with the patient it was found that
the patient was going through the stressful life in the last few weeks. Through the interaction
with the patient it has been seen that the patient was suffering from the abnormal stool frequency
for the last there weeks and was feeling staining in the stool passage. Moreover this patient in
last 6 months lived an uncontrolled life with multiple sleepless nights (McGhee, 2008). She also
told that she felt massive head ache almost throughout the day for last two to two and half weeks.
Through the more deep study of the case it has been found that the patient has lived a very
stressful life for last four to five months with a deep anxiety. All these have affected the health
condition of the patient which ultimately resulted in IBS.
3.0 Treatment of IBS of the patient
Alessiamay have to undergo number of treatment in order to control the disease of Irritable
Bowel Syndrome. Alessia may have to follow dietary change and medications. The dietary
changes may include:
Removing the use of high gas food products:
The patient Alessia may have to cutback the use of food products that can be related to
carbonated beverages, vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli cauliflower and raw fruits in order to
reduce the bothersome inflating and continuous passing of amounts of gas.
Eradicating gluten:
The Irritable Bowel Syndrome of Alessia can be controlled if she stops the consumption of
gluten that may include the wheat barley and rye. And Alessia can also be remaining safe from
diarrhea symptoms.
Wiping Out FODMAPs:
FODMAP relates to the fructose, fructans, lactose and others that are carbohydrate in nature.
FODMAPs are discovered in certain food grains, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Therefore
Alessia can waive out the use of FODMAP diet in order to remain intact from the illness of
Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
There are also some medications that can be adopted by Alessia too to gain relief from IBS
Fiber additives: Intake of fiber supplements that is psyllium (Metamucil) or methylcellulose
(Citrucel) can help the Alessia in controlling the constipation and getting reprieve from IBS.
Alessia can also consume osmotic laxative such as milk of magnesia or polyethylene glycol for
decreasing the effect of IBS.
Anti diarrheal medications:Alessia can be benefited by consuming loperamide and it can also
help her in controlling diarrhea. Medications like bile acid binders such as colestipol,
colesevelam or cholestyramine can also hlpAlessia to control Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Medications of anticholinergic and antispasmodic: The medications that arehyoscyamine and
dicyclomine can provide relief to the Alessia from painful bowel spasms. Therefore this
medication can control the constipation and regular flow of gas of Alessia.
Antidepressant medications: The tricyclic antidepressant or a selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitor (SSRI) can be followed by the Alsseia that can be helpful in reducing the depression of
Alessia and curb the neuron activity of Alessia which can be beneficial in controlling the
Antibiotics: If Alessia’s has large number of bacteria in her intestine then she can take the
antibiotic treatment which can control and restrain the effect of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and
she can feel relax from constipation and gas (Neal, 2009).
These are the available options for the treatment but as the patient are just adult and young as a
doctor in the initial try the avoidance of the fast food and the other junk foods will be prescribed.
As this disease is completely an observational one so for that this treatment will be observed for
few days. If there is no sign of improvement has been shown then the antibiotic medicines will
be prescribed but with a lower dose because the higher dose of the antibiotics may cause the
other harmful effects on her body (Colbert et al. 2009). It has been seen that the antibiotics
worked more rapidly than the other form of treatment, but the major drawback of using the
antibiotics are it weakens the body and sometimes due to some of the ingredients allergenic
tendency may appear (Erol et al. 2010). If any of these occurs then the recovery period prolongs
more than expected.
4.0 Treatment Plan:
As this disease does not have any specific syndrome in the most of the cases the doctors prefers
to treat the patient through reducing the anxiety and stress. In most of the cases the doctors
prefers to go with the fiber treatments. In this case also it has been seen that the patient had lived
a stressful life and also lived a long time with the junk foods. Considering this scenario in the
initial stage the treatment will be carried out with the high fiber foods (Faiz et al. 2011). In the
daily food habit of the patient the majority portion of the foods will be vegetables and high fiber
foods so that the syndrome gets neutralized. But in some of the cases it has been seen that the
treatment with the high fiber foods has not provided satisfactory results in the long run
treatments (Fuller and Manford, 2010). In modern days the most of the doctors are prescribing
the foods containing the soluble fibers for the treatment along with a balanced food plan.
The patient has lived a very stressful life for a longer time and due to that the mental health of
the patient has been hampered. In these cases most of the doctors prescribes balanced foods and
balanced lifestyle. In this case as the patient is very lower age and in this age she will be very
much keen to skip the lunch and the dinner and will also be keen for the drinking (Norwitz and
Schorgel, 2010). But as the patient is suffering from IBS she will be instructed to take lunch and
the dinner regularly and will also be instructed not to consume the alcohol and not to smoke for
the time being.
Even after these if the problem persists then the patient will be treated through the antispasmodic
medicines. The peppermint oil and the mebeverine works very effectively in this case. This
treatment will take some time because in the initial days the major concentration imposes on the
decreasing the pain then the other treatment starts (Pocock and Richards, 2009). In this case the
tricyclic group medicine will be provided to the patient this will help to reduce the pain and also
will help to cure the reasons in very effective ways.
For this disease home treatment is the best way. Through home treatment patient can able to
learn more and also it is very much helpful for sharing the idea with doctor. The best option is
for control the situation strictness in diet, regular stress management and continuous exercise. It
helps to repair the symptoms and also prevent the body. For controlling the constipation huge
amount of fiber is helpful for diet (Sam and Merran, 2009). Various type of fresh fruits such as
pears apple and rasp-barrier and also has to take high fiber foods as well as fresh vegetables
required such as greens vegetables, carrots etc. There was also another option that helps to
overcome the IBS if any problem faced in diet (Simon et al.2009
). Psylliumn white dextrin
and much more has to take that make availability of fiber and protect IBS.
Based on the changes life style and managing IBS different type of medicine is required. Several
types of several pains such as constipation diarrhea etc. is treated good and long last the life
style. Using or taking medicine in prescribed format may relief the symptoms and protect IBS in
daily life. Medicine also allows for eliminating the symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel
Syndrome). In some cases it was seen that proper medicine for proper symptoms protects better
and relies the body and make comfort (Washer, 2009). For instance in human life the bothersome
problem is diarrhea. Using medicine for diarrhea people can able to make free their body from it.
In open market several type of medicine are present for diarrhea such as dephenxylate,
loperamide, atropine etc. There were also some medicine that are helping the people much better
rather than this medicine. Rifaximine is one of the best choices of each and every doctor. It
protects the people’s worst symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating and many more (Thynne et al.
2011). Rifaximine is also very helpful for those people who face many difficulties in their body
such as diarrhea and all these kind of disease. Continue taking Rifaximine for 2 weeks people is
able to overcome the problems such kind of disease.
There are several problems for taking foods of several types for those people who are the victim
of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). For managing the symptoms people has to manage various
items such as has to take limited alcohol, as much as possible fatty food, artificial foods has to
avoid due to avoiding the diarrhea. For dieting increase of fiber is the best strategy (Ward and
Barratt, 2009).
The above research work is conducted based on the Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Through
the entire research work the analyst describes the various symptoms for the mentioned disease.
With the help of several tools diagnostic of the case is represented here by the analyst. After
identifying the disease analyst describes the treatment plan that are very relevant for this
mentioned disease. At the end of this studies mention some medicine based on the symptoms.
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