The Homes MAY Newsletter 2010 THE HOMES, INC Page 1 7 N EWSLETTER ATTENTION STOCKHOLDERS THE HOMES, INC. 660 Manorcrest Kansas City, KS 66101 913-321-2471 INSIDE THIS ISSUE BOARD MEETING The Homes MAY 17TH, 6:00 IN THE CLUBROOM RETURNED CHECK POLICY The Homes will charge a $35.00 fee on all returned checks and if applicable a $25.00 late fee. Residents will be notified by mail of a returned check and will have five (5) days from the date of the letter to submit a money order for payment in full. If a resident’s check is returned two (2) times within a twelve (12) month period, the resident will lose check writing privileges for twelve (12) months and will have to make payment with a money order. NO CASH! Return Check Policy 1 Neighborhood Watch 2 Hints about living in The Homes 3 Helpful Info 4 Events 5 Public Service Announcements 7 Units for sale 8 Advertising 9 Q.H.F.C.U. 10 Volunteers 11 Covered/Non-Covered Services 12 Tornado Safety 13 Calendar 14 THE HOMES AND CREDIT UNION OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, MAY 31 TO OBSERVE MEMORIAL DAY Happy Birthday to those residents that celebrate their birthdays in May! IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS THE HOMES, INC. - 913-321-2471 AFTER HOURS MAINTENANCE - 913-948-2211 Q.H.F. CREDIT UNION - 913-342-3421 CITY QUESTIONS & COMPLAINTS - 311 KCK ANIMAL CONTROL - 913-321-1445 POTHOLES - 913-573-8307 KCK POLICE DEPARTMENT - 913-596-3000 The Homes Newsletter Page 2 NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH NEWS NEXT MEETING TUESDAY MAY 4TH, 6:30 PM-Homes Clubroom If you see something or someone suspicious, please call 911 and report it. The Major who commands the East Patrol says he wants all such incidents logged and investigated. REPORT ACTS OF CRIME TO THE OFFICE. If you have been a victim of crime, please report it to the office after you have filled out a police report. We would like you to complete an incident report which is similar to a police report. This allows us to monitor crime in the neighborhood. Report unlawful vehicles to our community police officer, Elaine Moore 913-573-8703. For helpful information on securing your home, stop by the office and pick up a copy of "THINGS YOUR BURGLAR WON'T TELL YOU" HELP SECURE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD AND JOIN NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Neighborhood Watch Tips: What to Watch For - Suspicious persons or activities - Someone screaming or shouting for help - Anyone being forced into a vehicle - Property being taken out of houses or buildings where no one is home, or the business is closed - A stranger running through private yards or alleyways - Vehicles passing by numerous times, suspiciously parked or traveling alleyways with no lights or apparent destination. Protect Yourself By - Use good lighting. - Use good lock security. - Keeping shrubs trimmed. - Locking all doors and windows whenever your house is unoccupied. - Letting a trusted neighbor know when you are on vacation. Don't advertise!! Stop deliveries and have all mail picked up. Page 3 The Homes Newsletter HELPFUL HINTS ABOUT LIVING IN THE HOMES SPRING CLEAN UP. May 3rd - May17th a large dumpster will be available at the Homes office for residents to get rid of any unwanted items that may be cluttering your yards or homes. MOWING. The Homes requires you to mow your yard every 10-14 days. If you do not mow within this time period, The Homes mow it and charge $30 for the 1st mowing, $60 for the 2nd mowing and $90 for each mowing thereafter. SPRING MAINTENANCE. It is time to clean up and improve the outside of your unit. Your porch railings, threshold, door frame and awnings should be painted white or black. Porches that are not natural cement should be painted white. The Homes provides free paint to all residents. GRASS SEED. A healthy lawn of lots grass not only looks good but controls erosion. SEED, SEED, SEED. The office offers free seed to residents. TOD. The office has an official TOD (Transfer on Death) form. In the event of your death, who will your home go to? If you do not have a will or a TOD, the state will control who your home goes to. Please secure your future and request/complete this form. YARDS & PORCHES. Please take the time to clean up/organize your yard and porch. The size of our porches do not allow for you to keep many items on them before they start to look cluttered and messy. If you do not have a shed, an affordable idea to store your items in are deck and patio boxes. They range in cost from $30 to $100 and can be purchased on-line or at your local discount store. Items that should not be on your porch...appliances, boxes, buckets, mops, paint containers or any other "non outdoor" items. ONLY FLUSH TOILET PAPER. The pipes in our homes are over 60 years old. They do not have the capacity to wash away any other material. Do not flush baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, diapers, paper towels, Q tips, etc. If maintenance finds these items consistently causing a back up in your pipes you may be charged for the repair. TOYS & BIKES. Please do not leave toys & bikes in the parks. They create a mowing hazard and a opportunity for thieves. STICKS AND LIMBS. Place sticks/limbs in 4 foot bundles to the curbside for pickup by maintenance. AIR CONDITIONERS. Schuler Heating and Cooling is offering specials for residents of The Homes. Call 913-262-2969. PYROCOOL. For small non-electrical fires use your Pyrocool. LITTERING. Think twice about throwing your trash out your car window or into someone's yard. First, it's rude and selfish. Someone will have to pick it up and most of the time it is the maintenance staff. This takes time and money away from other residents needs. Second, it is against the law. Littering is a Class C violation that is punishable by a fine up to a $500.00. If you are witnessed littering the police will be called and you will be charged, by The Homes, for the time it takes to pick it up and dispose of it. The Homes Newsletter Page 4 Helpful Information 2010 Census. You should have received your 2010 census in the mail. Please take the time to complete the 10 questions and return it. It is the most important tool that the US government uses to assess the needs of its citizens. The census will ... Make certain that Wyandotte County receives its proper share of Federal and State grants. Shows trends to help attract businesses. Develops social service programs. Studies transportation and housing needs. Establishes job training programs. Plan school district boundaries and future school construction. The answers you give are confidential and cannot be obtained by law enforcement or tax agencies, and cannot be used in court. Help shape your community and complete/return your 2010 census. Want to know about what is "Going On" in The Homes. Check out or Become a fan and post pictures or helpful information. Facebook Update: From March 6th to April 27th - we've had 501 visits and we have a total of 24 fans Twitter Update: We are following 92 area businesses and we have 43 followers. The Homes is accepting bids from qualified persons to rehab 2 units. The work will require dry-walling, paneling, painting, installation of floor coverings and TLC. Please remember to have you pet spayed or nuetered. The Humane Society (5445 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, KS 66104 - 913-596-1000) offers the best rates for this service. For dogs to be spayed or nuetered, along with the required vaccinations it is $36. For cats to be spayed or nuetered, along with the required vaccinations it is $5. Shirley Elmore volunteers to pick up your dog or cat and take them to the Humane Society then bring them home after the procedure. Please call the office for Shirley's contact information. Help reduce the senseless destruction of 8 million unwanted cats and dogs every year. The Homes practices preventative maintenance by using pest management services. This service takes time and money to coordinated, that you pay for through your maintenance fees. For this service to be efficient residents need to do the following...If your residence is cluttered (items stored, stacked or strewn around), please take the time to remove these items for proper pest management. If you have food or drink residue, please take the time to clean for proper pest management. With all our efforts combined we can make your residence and the Homes a safe and comfortable place to live. That cigarette butt you flicked from your car … that soda can you chucked under a bush… If not recycled or properly disposed of, the litter we so blithely toss away can linger around our livable areas long after we’re gone. (Try a million years or more for glass bottles.) And while that cigarette butt will decompose in one to 20 years, it will leave leech toxic elements such as cadmium, lead and arsenic in the soil and waterways. The next time you’re tempted to leave your garbage on the ground think about how long it takes to decompose: plastic Easter egg, red plastic straw, plastic water bottle, and plastic lid 450 years, glossy newspaper ad 3 to 6 months, latex balloon 6 months, plastic foam cup 50 years to more than a million years, aluminum energy drink and soda cans 80 to 500 years, laminated lottery ticket 5 years, and packing peanuts 50 years. (KC Star 4/19/10) You can rent space for a trailer, R.V. and boat (legally tagged and insured) at The Homes fenced in storage area. Call the office for more information. YARD SALE on Saturday, May 15th from 10:00-4:00, at 757 Manorcrest. This is a sale by The Homes for an attic full of items left by a resident that no longer wanted them. GREAT DEALS!!! Page 5 The Homes Newsletter EVENTS 2010 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days. The days for drop off are Saturdays April 17, May 15, June 19, July 17, August 21, September 18 and October 16, 2010. Wyandotte county . residents can bring tires, motor oil, batteries, antifreeze, degreasers, paints, varnishes, solvents, lawn & garden insecticides/pesticides, and household cleaning products to 2443 South 88th Street, Kansas City, Kansas. For additional information call 573-5400. May 1 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and May 2 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Kansas Sampler Festival, at Ray Miller Park in Leavenworth, 4201 S. 4th St. In addition to learning about the many attractions there are in Kansas, this year’s Kansas Sampler Festival will place its focus on the food. Twenty-seven vendors from the sunflower state will offer food items from bierocks to fish tacos to bison frankfurters. Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for children ages 7 to 14. More information can be found at May 2, Cinco De Mayo at Emerson Park S. 29th St and Strong. For more information, visit May 14-16, 21-23, 28-31 and June 1-13 purchase general admission tickets to Schlitterbahn Vacation Village Waterpark, 98th and State Ave, for $24.99 + tax. Save $8.00. Wyandotte County residents must provide proof of residency with a driver’s license or state id, utility bill, or other document that includes name and address. Tickets must be used on the same day as purchased at the park. Visit May 15, Native Gardening at Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Schlagle Library, Wyandotte County Lake Park, 10 a.m. – Noon. Join K-State Master Gardeners to learn the basics of setting up, maintaining, and the advantages of a native garden. Enjoy a walk through the library’s native Lewis and Clark Garden to see examples of native wildflowers. Native plants and seeds will be available for purchase. Seating is limited. Call today to reserve your spot, 913-299-2384. May 20, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., The Wyandotte/Leavenworth Area Agency on Aging is having its seventh anual Older Americans Month Celebration at George Meyn Community Center - 126th & State Avenue. There will be games, food, entertainment, health screenings, physical fitness and door prizes. May 21 and 22, Great American Barbecue Festival, Wyandotte County Park in Capitol Federal Park, Bonner Springs, Ks. For more information, visit May 27, 28, and 29, Abdallah Shrine Rodeo, Leavenworth County Fairgrounds, Tonganoxie, Kansas. Program starts at 7:30 p.m. all 3 evenings. Antique Car Show on Saturday morning. Tickets $12 for adults, $4.00 kids 6-12, free for under 6. For more information go to or call Bob Anver for tickets 913-342-2660. Hershey's Track & Field Program was created over 30 years ago to promote youth physical fitness and provide fun learning experiences for children 9 to 14 years old. This is a free event that will take place at Washington High School. For schedule information, contact Jim Rusconi at 913-573-8330. The Homes Newsletter Page 6 MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR UPCOMING EVENTS AT THE HOMES You are invited to celebrate Cinco de Mayo at The Clubroom on Wednesday, May 5 from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Come and enjoy Mexican snacks and Mexican music. There will be a drawing for prizes for the adults and piñatas for the children. Children are welcome to wear festive Mexican attire. Anyone wanting to bring snack items can call Rosetta Cantwell at 913-499-7704 or Beatrice Arce at 913-999-4340. Te invitamos a celebrar cinco de mayo en el Clubroom el miércoles, 5 de mayo desde las 5: 30 p.m. a 8 p.m. Venga y disfrute de aperitivos mexicanos y de la música mexicana. Habrá un sorteo de premios para los adultos y piñatas para los niños. Los niños son bienvenidos a llevar atuendo festivo de México. Cualquiera que desee llevar elementos de snack puede llamar Rosetta Cantwell en 913-499-7704 o Arce de Beatrice en 913-9994340. The Seniors of the community are sponsoring a Senior Day at The Clubroom on Wednesday, May 12 from 10 a.m. to noon. Bring your ideas of the activities you would like to see at future Senior Days. Refreshments will be served. Come to the Summer Bash at The Clubroom on Saturday, June 19 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Activities include grilling hot dogs and hamburgers and playing games. Each family is asked to bring a covered side dish. Volunteers are needed to help with cooking and the games. Contact Rosetta Cantwell at 913-4997704 or Catherine Verderame at 913-371-6776. FREE FREE FREE BEDROOM DRESSER WITH WALNUT FINISH WITH MIRROR, DRAWERS OPEN ON SIDE CALL RALPH AT 342-5582 JOB OPPORTUNITY The Kansas Coordinated Campaign will soon be hiring a Third Congressional District Director. 3 or 4 Wyandotte County full-time staffers are in the plans. And there will be canvassers, to be paid about $8 an hour. For more information, contact or FOR SALE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAKE REFRIGERATOR WASHER COUCH CALL 913-271-1588 $100 $100 $200 AN ANNOUCEMENT SUCH AS A BIRTH, WEDDING OR DEATH PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE Page 7 The Homes Newsletter PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS HANDYMAN SERVICES TODD BOTHWELL 816-517-6639 JOSE’S AUTO SERVICE 1413 N. 18th St Kansas City, Ks 66102 371-9101 HOUSECLEANING SERVICES ANGELICA GAETA 816-521-0475 COMPUTER PROS 816-741-5127 RELIABLE FLOORING SHAWN WALTERS Open Door Mobile Notary Services 913-944-1970 Mary Jane Watson 28 Viewcrest Kansas City, KS 66101 Ph. 913-281-4405 C & E RECYCLING “C” SMITH FOR DECORATING PAINTING & PAPERING INTERIOR SPECIALIST CLYDE SMITH 913-481-6777 ERIC GOEPFERT 913-907-6764 CHRIS METZGER 913-371-7267 DIVERSIFIED STAFFING SERVICES 816-756-1901 Short- Term, Long- Term, and Permanent Employment Placement Schuller Heating & Cooling 913-262-2969 Lawn Mowing Louis Meraz Dillon Bothwell 913-233-0439 816-726-2260 Page 8 The Homes Newsletter The Homes Units for Sale ONE BEDROOM 900 Manorcrest TWO BEDROOM UP Owner The Homes Owner Phone 913-321-2471 Phone 708 Manorcrest 745 Manorcrest 757 Manorcrest Sipaila Hullaby QHFCU 913.206.3426 913.371.7675 913.342.3421 785 Manorcrest 837 Manorcrest 839 Manorcrest The Homes Storkel The Homes 913.321.2471 913-207-9615 913.321.2471 873 Manorcrest 882 Manorcrest 3109 N. 9th 3116 N. 9th includes refrigerator, gas stove, washer/dryer, air conditioner Cisneros The Homes Alonzo 913.944.7914 913.321.2471 913.441.3419 Scheidel 816.216.6923 3 Summitcrest 4 Reidcrest 11 Reidcrest 67 Viewcrest 113 Viewcrest TWO BEDROOM DOWN DeLong Ye McGrew Lin Melendez Owner 913.710.7586 913-281-3225 913.621.0403 913-299-5400 913.233.1067 Phone $6,000 $7,500 $9,000 Call seller $14,000 727 Manorcrest Bluebaum 913.645.8225 782 Manorcrest Fragoso 913.371.6117 $12,500 $15,000 792 Manorcrest 825 Manorcrest 840 Manorcrest 954 Manorcrest 3199 N. 9th 828 Roswell Amparan Bartko Reynolds Ramos Anver Gonzales 913.371-6117 913.677.2490 913.530.7300 913.621.4532 913.530.9388 913.231.5855 838 Roswell 841 Roswell 2 Viewcrest Adame Gregg The Homes 913.238.8346 913.371.5673 913-321-2471 36 Viewcrest 80 Viewcrest 115 Viewcrest 120 Viewcrest 130 Viewcrest THREE BEDROOM Huang Vandaveer Rivas Oaks Rivera Owner 816.588.7208 816.721.3789 913.371.3001 913.321.2471 913.522-9147 Phone 828 Manorcrest 836 Roswell 23 Viewcrest 34 Viewcrest 42 Viewcrest 139 Viewcrest DOUBLE UNIT Lin Pineda Martinez Villamar Dickinson Dulac Owner 913.271.1588 913.980.8937 913.909.3712 913.709.6365 913-710-9041 913.205.4000 Phone 84 / 86 Viewcrest Eberhardt 913.281.5847 3181/3189 N Allis Kent / Tullis 913.299.4555 Price BID $7,750 $ 8,000 BID BID $8,000 BID $4,500 BID $11,000 $5,000 $4,000 $13,500 $10,000 $14,000 $12,500 $7,500 $12,500 $10,233 $5,000 $18,000 $16,000 $9,000 $7,500 $11,983.61 $8,000 $14,000 $13,500 $16,318 $18,000 $12,000 $25,000 $22,000 THE HOMES, INC. A NICE PLACE TO LIVE The office welcomes referrals and encourages residents to tell their friends and relatives to submit application to live here. Help us get units sold. Having friends and relatives close by fosters unity within the community . ATTENTION STOCKHOLDERS With Units for Sale! If your unit is listed for sale with the office, we ask that it be clean, and ready to show at all times. A fresh coat of paint, carpets cleaned, and clutter put away could mean the difference in someone just looking or a firm offer.… The Homes will show your unit. Take the time to clean your unit up. Get rid of any unwanted items, clean and vacuum... a little bit of effort goes a long way. List it in the newsletter List it on our website Promote, Advertise, Show & Sell your unit. Have an open house and advertise it. Take pictures that showcase your unit and submit them for the Homes website. If it hasn’t sold in 6 months reevaluate your asking price – negotiate with a potential buyer. (913) 321-3999 753 STATE AVENUE SUITE 402 KANSAS CITY KS 66101 WE ACCEPT MOST INSURANCE PLANS QUALITY, AFFORDABLE DENTISTRY Tommy Rose, DDS Page 9 The Homes Newsletter Page 10 The Homes Newsletter The Homes needs your help! Volunteers are needed for the following committees. If you would like to participate, please call the office 321-2471. - Yard of the Month Committee • the committee can accept nominations. the committee takes those nominations as suggestions and votes on a first, second, and third place. • encouraging others to keep their yards clean and neat. - Marketing Committee• help come up with Marketing strategies • help with open house weekends • distribute brochure to area businesses • Help define and market to the kind of stockholders who will get involved. - Finance Committee • this committee could help ease someone into the position of Treasurer. • must have a financial background • must report to the board • must be willing to sign a non disclosure document - Grounds Committee • Works with the Manager to help keep their eyes on things like vandalism, trees down, trash...etc. • help organize "planting or weeding" parties for BOTH entrances and office garden • Organize Neighborhood clean-up parties. - Social Committee • Game Nights • International Potluck • Picnics - or Holiday parties - Welcome Wagon Committee or Neighborhood Advocate • Can welcome new members (gather a gift box with coupons from area businesses) • Advocate to help those that are sick and in need. i.e. someone living alone and getting out of surgery, may need help. Page 11 The Homes Newsletter LISTS OF SERVICES COVERED AND NOT COVERED BY THE CORPORATION Approved August 18, 2003 The Homes, Inc. is responsible for repair and maintenance of the “basic structure” of your unit. Items of repair or maintenance that are not considered part of this “basic structure” that The Homes is asked to work on will be done for a shareholder for a fee. Any item covered under the term “basic structure” will be repaired or maintained at no charge. Items that are considered “basic structure” and still in good working condition but are not to the liking of a shareholder for whatever reason and are to be replaced with a more acceptable item can be replaced with the cost paid by the shareholder. (An example of such an item would be the replacement of faucets or a sink.) There are numerous services provided by The Homes at no charge, i.e.: pick - up monthly checks for the ill or infirm, some of which are listed herein. The manager, or board, may review and grant any request for services not shown in this list, at their discretion. The following lists try to set out those items that are considered “basic structure” and those items that are otherwise. While every effort has been made to be inclusive, questions will arise. The manager of The Homes, under the guidance of the board of directors will make the determination for these questionable COVERED BASIC STRUCTURE Exterior 1. Siding 2. Roof 3. Windows, does not include breakage. 4. External doors. (Due to age and wear) Storm/screen doors not included. 5. Sidewalks--(This does not include patios or shed pads) 6. Gutters, with splash blocks 7. Porches, concrete 8. Steps, concrete Interior 1. Plumbing--This does not include initial installation of service and drains for washing machines, nor replacement. 2. Wiring, does not include installation of additional service. 3. Floors--basic wood, with finish; not carpet, tile or linoleum. 4. Basic internal doors and door knobs. 5. Ceiling – mudding, taping and sanding repair of damage caused by things that The Homes, Inc. maintains. 6. Walls--same as #5 7. Plumbing fixtures--basic Homes fixtures, does not include first installation of showers or garbage disposals. 8. The Homes will not repair the disposal unit but only the plumbing after installation. 9. Furnace and ducts-Excludes all Air Conditioner & Duct cleaning. 10. Attic stairs (after initial installation at the stockholder’s expense). BASIC NON-COVERED ITEMS Items that are considered “basic structure” and still in good working condition but are not to the liking of a shareholder for whatever reason and are to be replaced with a more acceptable item can be replaced with the cost paid by the shareholder. (An example of such an item would be the replacement of faucets or a sink.) Contact the office for pricing and installation costs. Plumbing 1. Faucets (includes spray equipment also). 2. Counter tops 3. Sinks: Kitchen or Vanity 4. Garbage disposal 5. Shower & tub (plumbing only) The Homes Newsletter Page 12 BASIC NON-COVERED ITEMS (continued) 6. Toilets 7. Toilet Seats Electrical/HVAC 1. Thermostats 2. Furnace filters 3. Cold air returns 4. Dryer vents 5. Smoke Alarms, Carbon Monoxide Detector (including batteries) Miscellaneous 1. Entry and Deadbolt locks 2. Glass or other type door knob 3. Locks changed or re-keyed 4. Re-glaze storm inserts (glass or screen) 5. Extra security around door: cost + installation 6. General services: No charge A. Spray for ants, spiders etc. around units, also poison ivy B. Install light bulbs for those unable to do so C. Pick up maintenance checks 7. Concrete work will only be done with prior consent from the Board. 8. Door upgrades 9. Storm Doors D. Put trash out for those unable to do so E. Deliver grass seed and ice melt F. Pick up branches, limbs etc ITEMS NOT COVERED *Not all inclusive* Exterior 1. Decks 2. Patios 3. Air Conditioning Units (whole house or window) 4. Awnings 5. Shutters 6. Painting of porch hand railings, porch ceilings and fascia boards, wrought iron, front and back doors and columns around the doors. 7. Sheds 8. Satellite Dishes 9. Antennas 10. Driveways (Installation nor maintenance) 11. Mowing of yards (We do mow common ground in the parks) 12. Installation and maintenance of landscaping (Decorative) 13. Screen or storm doors Interior 14. Decorating, painting, floor coverings 15. Humidifiers 16. Appliances 17. Installation of Showers 18. Non-standard plumbing fixtures 19. Garbage disposal (will do what we can, but will not replace) Page 13 The Homes Newsletter Tornado Safety Living in the Kansas City area, we know all too well about the dangers of tornadoes. Despite living in the Midwest, where tornadoes frequently threaten the spring and early summer weather, relatively few residents actually have a home tornado plan or disaster supply kit in place. It’s important to stay tuned for storm warnings and know the difference between a tornado WATCH and tornado WARNING. Prepare a Home Tornado Plan Pick a place where family members could gather if a tornado is headed your way. It could be your basement or, if there is no basement, a center hallway, bathroom or closet on the lowest floor. Keep this place uncluttered. If you are in a high-rise building, you may not have enough time to go to the lowest floor. Pick a place in a hallway in the center of the building. Assemble a Disaster Supplies Kit Containing: First Aid kit and essential medications. Canned food and can opener. At least three gallons of water per person. Protective clothing, bedding or sleeping bags. Battery-powered radio, flashlight and extra batteries. Special items for infant, elderly or disabled family members. Stay Tuned for Storm Warnings Listen to your local radio and TV stations for updated storm information. Know what a tornado WATCH and WARNING means: o A tornado WATCH means a tornado is possible in your area. o A tornado WARNING means a tornado has been sighted and may be headed for your area. Go to safety immediately. When a Tornado WATCH Is Issued... o o Listen to local radio and TV stations for further updates. Be alert to changing weather conditions. Blowing debris or the sound of an approaching tornado may alert you. Many people say it sounds like a freight train. When a Tornado WARNING Is Issued... o o o If you are inside, go to the safe place you picked to protect yourself from glass and other flying objects. The tornado may be approaching your area. If you are outside, hurry to the basement of a nearby sturdy building or lie flat in a ditch or low-lying area. If you are in a car or mobile home, get out immediately and head for safety (as above). After the Tornado Passes... o o o o . Watch out for fallen power lines and stay out of the damaged area. Listen to the radio for information and instructions. Use a flashlight to inspect your home for damage. Do not use candles at any time. The Homes Newsletter Page 14 The Homes office Fax Number: After Hours Emergency: Credit Union: Sunday 913-321-2471 913-321-2482 913-948-2211 913-342-3421 Monday MAY 2010 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 PEST CONTROL SERVICE THE HOMES, INC BOARD MEETING 6:00 PM 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH 6:30PM CREDIT UNION BOARD MEETING 4:30 PM ------------------- PEST CONTROL SERVICE 23 30 24 31 THE HOMES AND CREDIT UNION OFFICES CLOSED MEMORIAL DAY NEWSLETTER INFORMATION: This newsletter is intended to inform and notify in an unbiased form. It is published in cooperation with The Homes, Inc., The Quindaro Neighborhood Watch, The Quindaro Homes Federal Credit Union, and the stockholders of The Homes, Inc. No discrimination against any person or group is intended or tolerated. If a stockholder would like to submit material for the Newsletter, please submit to the office in writing no later than the 20th of the month.- Newsletter Editors, Elizabeth Bothwell and Debbie Walters