What Does an Engineer Do?

What Does an Engineer Do?
Civil Engineers
• Civil Engineers plan,
design, and supervise
the construction of
buildings, roads,
bridges, and other
Architectural Engineers
• Architectural
engineers work with
architects, focusing
on the safety, cost,
and construction
methods used in
constructing a
Biomedical Engineers
• Biomedical engineers
work with doctors and
biologists to develop
medical instruments,
artificial organs, and
prostheses for those
who have lost an arm
or a leg.
Chemical Engineers
• Chemical Engineers
work with petroleum,
plastics, and other
raw materials. They
turn them into
products that we use
every day including
soft drinks, make-up
and prescription
Aerospace Engineers
• Aerospace engineers
design rockets, space
telescopes, airplanes
and jets, and even
help design race cars
and golf balls.
Agricultural Engineers
• Agricultural engineers
help farmers by
designing machines
that harvest crops
and experimenting
with indoor farming
techniques, among
many other things.
Electrical Engineers
• Electrical engineers
take energy from
various sources and
move it to homes,
factories and
businesses. They
design and work with
TV’s, cell phones, and
Mechanical Engineers
• Mechanical engineers
design and develop
machines of all sizes.
They also influence
products such as
doors and shoes.
Some mechanical
engineers work in
robotics, automotives,
and air conditioning.
Environmental Engineers
• Environmental
engineers prevent
damage and fix
existing problems.
They look for new
ways to reduce
pollution and keep
modern society earth
Mining Engineers
• Mining engineers
figure out how to get
valuable resources
out of the ground.
They also find ways
to mine safely without
destroying the land
and return it to its
natural state when the
mining is finished.
What kind of engineer
will YOU be?