Four-Laning of Devihalli-Hassan Section from Km. 110.000 to Km.189.500 of NH-48 including a New 2-lane with paved shoulder bypass for Channarayapatna town and widening of existing Hassan bypass to 2-lane with paved shoulder on DBFOT basis in the state of Karnataka under NHDP Phase IIIA MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH – April 2014 Report No. 38 Client : National Highways Authority of India Concessionaire : L&T Devihalli - Hassan Tollway Limited Independent Engineer : LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd EPC Contractor : Larsen & Toubro Limited CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL 2014 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT FOR Four-Laning of Devihalli-Hassan Section from Km. 110.000 to Km.189.500 of NH48 including a New 2-lane with paved shoulder bypass for Channarayapatna town and widening of existing Hassan bypass to 2-lane with paved shoulder on DBFOT basis in the state of Karnataka under NHDP Phase IIIA DISTRIBUTION LIST: 1) PROJECT DIRECTOR, NHAI, BANGALORE : 2 copies 2) INDEPENDENT ENGINEER : 1 copy 3) L&T - IDPL, IMPLEMENTATION UNIT, Chennai : 1 copy CONFIDENTIALITY: The reader is reminded that neither this document, nor its contents, may be copied, transcribed or replicated in part nor in full, without the written permission of L&T Devihalli Hassan Tollway Ltd. Channarayapatna, which permission shall be entirely at the discretion of L&T Devihalli Hassan Tollway Ltd. Channarayapatna. CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM CHAPTER Page No. 1 Introduction 1 2 Executive Summary 2 3 Project Location Map 4 4 Project Layout 5 5 Project Overview 6 6 Status of Preconstruction Activities 8 7 Progress of Works 10 8 Status of Physical/ Financial Activities 15 9 S Curve 16 10 Drawings Submitted to Authority/IE up to 30.11.2013 17 11 Schedule of Plant & Machinery 18 12 Status of Applicable Permits 19 13 Progress Strip Chart 20 14 Quality Control Report 36 15 Weather Report 74 16 Organization Chart I) CONCESSIONAIRE 75 II) OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 76 III) EPC 77 17 Status of NCRs 78 18 Maintenance Activity Report 79 19 Safety Report 85 20 Accident Report 88 21 Progress Photographs 94 22 Annexures 96 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Page No: 1 1. INTRODUCTION This monthly progress report covers for the period 1st April 2014 to 30th April 2014 as per the article 13.1 of Concession Agreement. The project Four- Laning of Devihalli - Hassan Section from Km. 110.000 to Km.189.500 of NH48 including a New 2-lane with paved shoulder bypass for Channarayapatna town and widening of existing Hassan bypass to 2-lane with paved shoulder on DBFOT basis in the state of Karnataka under NHDP Phase IIIA. The zero chainage of the project road commences at Km 107+684 near Devihalli Village. The project road then traverses towards west and runs through a few rural / urban settlements, viz., Hirisave (Km 120+379), Channarayapatna (Km 139+677), Shanthigrama (Km 164+831), and ends at Km 184+912 at Hassan. The proposed alignment follows existing alignment to a major extent and deviates from the existing alignment at two locations. The alignment traverses mainly through plain and rolling terrain. The major part of the proposed alignment passes through rural areas. The land use on both sides of existing carriageway mostly falls under the category of agriculture. The villages & towns found along the project highway are economically prosperous due to coconut plantation & other commercial activities. The highway besides carrying normal goods is a major arterial route to connect important tourist places, via, Shravana belagula, Belur, Halebedu, Dharmasthala, Subramanaya, Horanadu etc. The main corridor from Devihalli to Hassan enrooting 2 districts states, namely Mandya and Hassan in the state of Karnataka. Section in Mandya district starts at km 107+684 and ends at km 118+400 and section of Hassan district starts at km. 118+400 and ends at km 184+912. The total length of the project road is 77.228 km. CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Page No: 2 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY M/s. National Highways Authority of India have identified the Devihalli to Hassan Road Sector (NH: 48 revised as NH: 75) to be widened to Four Lane from Km.110.000 to Km.189.500 including a new 2- lane with paved shoulder bypass for Channarayapatna and widening of existing Hassan bypass to 2-lane with paved shoulder on DBFOT basis in the State of Karnataka under NHDP Phase IIIA. Feasibility study of this project was carried out by M/s. Secon, from Km 110+000 to Km 189+500 as per CA provision. NHAI has awarded the Contract for Project execution to M/s. L&T Devihalli Hassan Tollway Limited on 17.06.2010. M/s L&T Devihalli Hassan Tollway Limited has given this project to M/s. Larsen & Toubro Limited as EPC Contractor for execution. To provide better level of service to the Vehicular Traffic, the existing Two-lane carriageway road sector is proposed to be widened to Four Lane dual Carriageway including new Two lane bypass at Channarayapatna and strengthening of the existing Two-lane Hassan bypass. Enumeration of Trees and Estimates for Tree felling, utility shifting like Electrical and Water supply were derived and the same was sanctioned by Authority during the Development period. Respective works were taken up and completed tree felling and shifting of electrical and water supply works are completed and few are balance, due to land constraints that has been dealt in separate sheet. Joint Memorandum of site inventory was prepared and signed by both parties Authority and Concessionaire on 14.12.2010. Details on Design, drawings, Project Quality Plan, Project Safety Plan, Traffic Management Plan and construction program time schedule for completion of the Project in accordance with the Project Completion Schedule as set forth in Schedule – G. Work program has been approved for Completion targeted to 10.06.2013 i.e. 30 months starting from 14th Dec’10. Further due to Delay in handing over of Right of way and other issues, Independent Engineer has Recommened the Extension of Time upto 31st December 2013 vide their letter No. LASA/73384/D-H/IE/MD/1824 dated 17.09.2013, for which Extension of Time is yet to be received from the Authority/IE. CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Page No: 3 Authority appointed a qualified firm M/s HAKS consultant as Safety Consultant for safety audit of the Project Highway. M/s HAKS Safety consultant had a site inspection on 27th September 2013.In order to prevent injury or accidents, safety signs and barricading are being arranged at working zones. Safety patrolling teams along with vehicles carrying all safety needs, boards etc., are deployed to comply the traffic safety plan. 2.1 PHYSICAL PROGRESS: Out of 77.228 kms,Commercial operation has been commenced for 59.700 kms on 14th November 2013 at Ch.116+790 Toll Plaza and on 15th November 2013 (due to public protest) at Ch.165+170 Toll Plaza. In 59.700 Km New Bypass of Chennarayapatna town has been opend for the traffic and existing road has been handed over to the Authority. Further, work has been fully completed in all respects in 14.652 KMS for which PCOD is applied vide our letter DHTL/CRP/IE/2013/765 Dated 11.12.2013 which is yet to be received by the concessionaire, Excluding the COS (VUP) Stretch of 2.876 Kms. In VUP stretch, works are in progress. The delay in issuance of COS order & Advance as per the Article 16 of Concession Agreemet affects the progress of the work in the COS Stretches. 2.2 Delays/Slippage The progress has been affected due to the following reasons, 1. Stoppage of works by public for demanding vehicular underpasses in 2 locations. 2. Non availability of land due to the Forest Land, land affected due to valuation issues & Major Law & order issues, etc. due to the hindrances in bits & pieces has affected the progress of work. 3. Due to unseasonal Rains 4. Non-availability of Aggregates as the permission of crusher has been banned on installation of new stone crusher by the Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka appeal no.6616/7041 of 2011, which affected the project progress. 2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN: The Environmental Management Plan has been submitted vide letter No: DHTL/CRP/IE/2013/696 dated 21.08.2013 for the approval and the same is being implemented at the Project site. CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 4 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 3.PROJECT LOCATION MAP / Devihalli Devihalli Hassan Start of project Road Channarayapatna a CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Page No: 5 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 6 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 5.PROJECT OVERVIEW The project Four- Laning of Devihalli - Hassan Section from Km. 110.000 to Km.189.500 of NH-48 including a New 2-lane with paved shoulder bypass for Channarayapatna town and widening of existing Hassan bypass to 2-lane with paved shoulder The Project has a total length of 77.228 Km Authority : National Highways Authority of India. Concessionaire : L&T Devihalli Hassan Tollway Limited. EPC Contractor : M/s Larsen & Toubro Limited Independent Engineer : M/s LEA Associates South Asia Pvt Ltd Design Consultant : M/s Scott Wilson India Pvt Ltd Concession Period : 30 Yrs. incl. Construction period. Construction Period : 910 Days (Nine Hundred and Ten days from 14-12-2010) Appointed Date : 14-12-2010 Scheduled Four / Two Laning Date : 10-06-2013 EOT Recommended : 31-12-2013 Estimated Project Cost as per CA : 453 Crores Total Length of Road work : 77.228 Km Carriageway : 4-Lane/2-Lane Carriageway. STRUCTURES: A. Minor Bridges : 21 Nos B. Slab Culverts : 14 Nos C. Pipe Culverts : 66 Nos D. Grade Separators : Nil CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 ROADS A. Main Road Works Total Project Length :77.228 Km 4 - Lane Carriageway :58.366 Km 2 - Lane Carriageway :18.862 Km B. At Grade Junctions Major Intersections : 11 Nos Minor Junctions : 19 Nos LHS : 28 Nos RHS : 28 Nos C. Bus bay D. Truck Lay Bye :6 Nos. E. Drain F. Toll Plaza LHS :10.534 Km RHS :10.534 Km : 2 Nos : Ch.116+790 & Ch.165+170 Page No: 7 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 8 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 6. STATUS OF PRECONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Preconstruction activities concerning clearances for construction of project highway is presented under this head. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Joint Memorandum. Land acquisition Tree Cutting Utility Shifting 6.1 Joint Memorandum:Joint Memorandum was completed and the same was signed with NHAI on 14.12.2010 with the land availability at 72.52% 6.2 Land Acquisition:The Authority has intimated vide letter no NHAI/22023/1/12/PIU-BNG/3752 dated 18th March 2013, they have handed over the Forest land by issuing the copy of lease agreement with Forest Department and Authority. But, while referring the Lease Agreement, it has been executed for 20 years from the date of Government order dated 7th December 2012. Whereas the Concession Agreement has been signed for 30 years, which in shortfall of 8 years between Concession period and Forest lease. i. Hence, the forest land to be handed over to the Concessionaire as per the Article 10 of the Concession Agreement. As per site condition availability of land for construction of MCW is given below, which was prepared based on joint visit had on 30-11-2012 along with NHAI, IE & Concessionaire representatives and the same has been updated. Sl No 1 2 Particulars Four Lane Carriage way Two Lane Carriageway Total Length Obstructed Length due to Valuation (in Km) Obstructed Length due to Law & Order (in Km) LHS RHS LHS RHS LHS RHS 58.332 0.060 0.340 0.010 0 0.070 0.340 18.896 0 0 0 0 77.228 0.060 0.340 0.010 0 Total Length (in Km) The Details of the above table is enclosed in Annexure - A Total Obstructed Length (in Km) 0 0.070 Percentage of Clearance for construction w.r.t Total Length (in %) LHS RHS 99.88% 99.42% 100.00% 0.340 99.47% CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 9 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 6.2a Land Acquisition for Toll Plaza: Authority vide letter no. NHAI/22015/1/10/PIU-BNG/4029 dated 06th January 2014 has intimated that land has been cleared in Toll Plaza at Ch.116+790 and Ch.165+170 by issuing the possession certificate partially. But actually concessionaire was not able to take up the works due to heavy protest from public, one of the land owner Mr.Guruswamy brough INJUCTION SUIT from Court and insisting to stop entire activity in the Toll Plaza . Due to which concessionaire were unable to take up the work. Further authority is requested to handover the toll plaza balance land as per the Article 10 of the Concession Agreement. 6.2 b The Hindrances which are obstructing the balance puch list is enclosed in Annnexure E, The most of the hindrances are due to Law & Order issues ascends due to various public demands such as Service Road, VUPs, median opening, pedstrain under passes, Bus Shelter,etc. in which few are against the codal provisions. In this regard the Local Admin is also not cooperating to resovle it and few hindracnes are also due to the payment delays. 6.2 C The Hindraces which are affecting the COS Works are enclosed in Annexure F. Further are utilities which needs to be reshifted due 6.3 Tree Cutting: Tree cutting works are completed between ch.107.684 and 184.912. The reimbursement claim for cost incurred in felling of trees is submitted vide the letter DH/CRP/PD/2012/141 dated 12th April 2012 is to be processed for the payment by Authority at the earliest. 6.4 Electrical Utility Shifting: Shifting, Erection of Electrical Poles & Stringing works are completed at Mandya District & Channarayapatna Taluk, except in COS, VUP areas at Hiresave and Shanthigrama village. Utility shifting has been completed 98% in Hassan Taluk. Balance works are pending only at COS areas . The detailed status is enclosed Annexure B. 6.4a Water Pipe Line Shifting and tank bunds: The approved Estimates received on 14.02.11. Works are completed at Mandya District and 99% works are completed at Channarayapatna Taluk, Hassan District and balance 1% are in progress at COS areas at Hiresave and Shanthigrama Village. The detailed Status is enclosed in Annexure C. CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 10 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 7. PROGRESS OF WORKS The following works have been carried out during the month of April – 2014. Highway Clearing & Grubbing Kerb Casting & painting Earth work excavation Laying of BC layer Construction of Embankment Median Plantations Construction of Subgrade Fixing KM stones Construction of GSB layer Road markings Laying of WMM layer Slope protection works Laying of DBM layer Safety crash barriers Structures Pipe culverts Works in 58 pipe culverts has been completed and 8 are in progress in which 2 nos are in repair and Rehabilitation and 6 nos are missing locations. Among 17 additional pipe culverts 17 are completed and 1 irrigation Pipe culvert also completed under Change of Scope. Box culverts Works in 14 Box culverts have been completed. The 2nos of additional Box culvert has been completed and 3 nos of Irrigation Box Culvert also completed under change of scope. Minor Bridges Works in 21 Minor Bridges have been completed and 1 additional Minor Bridge has been completed up to Deck slab. Toll Plaza 1. Toll Plaza @ Ch.116.790 - Toll Plaza works are completed in the available land and Commercial operation started on 14.11.2013. (Detailed strip chart enclosed as Annexure D) Partially Land handed over to Concessionaire on 09.10.2013 vide letter no: NHAI/22051/1/10/PIU-BNG/2781 dated 31.10.2013, NHAI/22012/1/10/PIUBNG/3796 dated 24.12.2013 and NHAI/22012/1/10/PIU-BNG/4029 dated 06.01.2014 and work is in progress. 2. Toll Plaza @ Ch.165.170 - Toll Plaza works are completed in the available land and Commercial operation started on 15.11.2013. (Detailed strip chart enclosed as Annexure D) Land handed over partially to Concessionaire on 09.10.2013 vide letter no: NHAI/22051/1/10/PIU-BNG/2781 dated 31.10.2013, due to which we are unable to take up the works. CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 11 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Due to the payment delays, valuation problems, Law & order issues, the work could not be taken up as scheduled. The physical progress achieved so far is as follows, Sl. No Unit Total Scope Completed up to March 2014 (Linear) Km 58.33 58.33 Km 58.33 56.9 Sub grade Km 58.33 57.04 GSB Km 58.33 56.84 WMM Km 58.33 56.54 DBM Km 58.33 56.24 BC Km 58.33 55.80 Kerb Km 53.47 52.50 Description of the Work A. 4 Lane Carriage way 1 Clearing& Grubbing 2 Earth work 3 4 5 6 7 8 During this Month April 2014 - Completed up to April 2014 58.33 56.9 57.04 % of Work Completed 100.00% 97.55% 97.79% 56.84 97.45% 56.54 96.93% 56.24 96.42% 55.80 95.66 % - 52.50 98.19 % During this Month April 2014 Completed up to April 2014 % of Work Completed - B. 2 Lane Carriageway in widening & strengthening/Hassan Bypass S.No Description Unit Total Scope Completed up to March 2014 (Linear) 1 Clearing& Grubbing Km 9.749 9.749 - 9.749 100% 2 Earth Work Km 9.749 9.749 - 9.749 100% 3 Sub grade Km 9.749 9.749 - 9.749 100% 4 GSB Km 9.749 9.749 - 9.749 100% 5 WMM Km 9.749 9.749 - 9.749 100% 6 DBM Km 9.749 9.749 - 9.749 100% 7 BC Km 9.749 9.749 - 9.749 100% CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 12 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 S.No Description Unit Total Scope Completed up to March 2014 During this Month April 2014 Completed up to April 2014 % of Work Completed (Linear) C. 2 Lane Carriageway in New Construction/ Channarayapatna Bypass 1 Clearing& Grubbing Km 9.147 9.147 - 9.147 100.00% 2 Earth Work Km 9.147 9.147 - 9.147 100.00% 3 Sub grade Km 9.147 9.147 - 9.147 100.00% 4 GSB Km 9.147 9.147 - 9.147 100.00% 5 WMM Km 9.147 9.147 - 9.147 100.00% 6 DBM Km 9.147 9.147 - 9.147 100.00% 7 BC Km 9.147 9.147 - 9.147 100.00% D. Summary of Work Status of Pipe Culverts Sl. Location/ Total No. No Road No Taken Status of Completed Work Progress Excavation PCC Cradle Pipe concrete laying Head Remarks Wall 2 No’s are in 1 Four Laning 44 42 42 42 42 42 42 COS area & Work in progress 2 3 CR Patna Bypass Hassan Bypass Total 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 19 13 13 13 13 13 13 66 58 58 58 58 58 58 6 no’s only Rehabilitation CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 13 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 E. Summary of Work Status of Box Culverts Status of Completed Work Progress Sl.No Location/ Road Total No No.Taken Remarks Foundation Sub Deck Slab Structure 1 Four Laning 14 14 14 14 14 2 CR Patna Bypass - - - - - 3 Hassan Bypass - - - - - 14 14 14 14 14 Total F. Summary of Work Status of Minor Bridges Sl.No Location/ Total Road No Status of Completed Work Progress No.Taken Remarks Foundation Sub Deck Slab Structure 1 Four Laning 17 17 17 17 17 2 CR-Patna Bypass 04 04 04 04 04 3 Hassan Bypass - - - - - 21 21 21 21 21 Total CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 14 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 G. Additional Structures: Status of Completed Work Progress Sl.No 1 Particulars Total No No.Taken Pipe Culverts Excavation PCC Cradle concrete Pipe laying Head Wall Remarks 17 17 17 17 17 2 No’s only Rehabilitation 17 17 No. Status of Completed Work Progress Foundation Sub Structure Deck Slab Sl.No Particulars Total No 2 Box Culverts 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 Minor Bridge 1 1 1 1 1 Sr. No. Type of Structure Scope 1 VUP 1 Hirisave Ch: 122.300 2 VUP - MDR crossing 1 Bagur Road Ch : 145.220 3 VUP 1 Shanthigrama Ch : 166.450 Taken 3 Irrigation box culverts 4 Sr. No. 1 Type of Structure Location Scope Service Road @ Udaypura 1 Remarks Status of work Retaining Wall Works under Progress Completed Retaining Wall Works under Progress Total length Completed length Remarks 250mts - LHS --- 250mts - RHS --- Land not Handed over by NHAI 1. DHTL/CRP/IE/2012/ 514 dated 31.12.2012, 2. DHTL/CRP/IE/2013/ 516 dated 02.01.2013, 3. DHTL/CRP/IE/2013/ 594 dated 26.03.2013, 4. DH/CRP/PD/2013/ 246 dated 31.01.2013. 5. DHTL/CRP/IE/2013/601 dated 05.04.2013 Further the Advance payment has been requested to Authority/IE through above letters. Which is to be expedited and these factors are affecting progress of COS structures of 2No’s VUP due to huge financial implication. CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 15 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Progress of Retaining wall for VUP @ Ch. 121+840 Sl No Particualars Unit Total Scope LHS 1) 2) 3 RHS Completed on LHS April-14 RHS Cumulative Completed LHS RHS Bangalore Side (Ch.121.740 to Ch.121.834) Excavation M 94 64 PCC M 94 64 81.750 51.700 Raft M 94 64 62 51.750 Wall M 94 64 62 51.750 Hassan Side ( Ch.121.846 to Ch.121.920) Excavation M 74 74 PCC M 74 74 61.750 61.750 Raft M 74 74 62 61.750 Wall M 74 74 62 61.750 Approaches - MCW (Other than VUP Approaches) Bangalore Side (Ch.121.300 to Ch.121.770) & Hassan Side (Ch.122.700 to Ch.121.920) Embankment M 1250 90 180 SG M 1250 90 480.000 GSB M 1250 0 440.000 WMM M 1250 0 760 DBM M 1250 0 340 BC M 1250 0 0 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 16 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Progress of Service Road for VUP @ Ch. 121+840 Sl No Particualars Unit Total Scope LHS RHS Completed on LHS April-14 Cumulative Completed RHS LHS RHS Service Road (Ch.121+380 to Ch.122+320) including taper portion 1 Clearing & Grubbing M 940 940 0 0 150 520 2 Earth Work Excavation M 940 940 0 520 320 700 3 Earth Work Embankment M 940 940 80 290 580 590 4 Sub Grade M 940 940 150 -200 570 500 5 GSB M 940 940 100 13 280 490 6 WMM M 940 940 0 -395 270 430 7 DBM M 940 940 0 -10 0 430 8 SDBC M 940 940 0 0 0 0 Progress of Retaining wall for VUP @ Ch. 166+432 Sl No Particualars Unit Total Scope LHS 1) RHS Completed on April-14 Cumulative Completed LHS RHS LHS RHS Bangalore Side (Ch.166.200 to Ch.166.426) Excavation M 226 236 PCC M 226 236 0.6 11.8 166.6 221.8 Raft M 226 236 0 10 0 180 Wall M 226 236 0 150 0 250 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 17 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Sl No Particualars Unit Total Scope LHS 2) RHS Completed Aprilon 14 LHS RHS Cumulative Completed LHS RHS Hassan Side ( Ch.166.438 to Ch.166.447) Excavation M 9 9 PCC M 9 9 Raft M 9 9 Wall M 9 9 Approaches - MCW (Other than VUP Approaches) Bangalore Side (Ch.165.700 to Ch.166.200) & Hassan Side (Ch.166.447 to Ch.167.176) Embankment M 1229 0 0 0 120 SG M 1229 0 40 0 40 GSB M 1229 0 0 0 0 WMM M 1229 0 0 0 0 DBM M 1229 0 0 0 0 BC M 1229 0 0 0 0 Service Road (Ch.165+835 to Ch.166+800) including taper portion 1 Clearing & Grubbing M 965 965 2 Earth Work Excavation M 965 965 3 Earth Work Embankment M 965 965 4 Sub Grade M 965 965 5 GSB M 965 965 6 WMM M 965 965 7 DBM M 965 965 8 SDBC M 965 965 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED.` EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 19 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 8.Status of Physical/ Financial Activities Sl No Description Scope Cost (in Wt(%) Lakhs) Planned Wt (%) Up to March’14 Achieved Wt Cost (in Lakhs) (%) Planned Wt (%) This Month April’14 Achieved Wt (%) Cost (in Lakhs) Planned Wt (%) Up to April’14 Achieved Wt (%) Cost (in Lakhs) 1.PRELIMINARIES-A 1.1 Survey, Design & Investigation 2.00 906.17 2.00 2 906.17 2.00 2.00 906.33 2.Construction Works 2.1 Site Clearance 2.2 Earthwork 2.3 Subgrade 0.33 8.69 3.50 150.77 3937.37 1583.58 0.33 8.68 3.41 0.33 8.68 3.41 150.77 3932.8391 1542.8594 0.33 8.69 3.50 0.33 8.68 3.41 149.41 3934.12 1544.77 7.84 8.54 1.23 21.14 12.10 3549.46 3869.16 554.96 9575.53 5480.28 7.42 8.04 1.07 19.830 11.30 7.42 8.04 1.07 19.83 11.3 3359.3104 3642.6284 482.77008 8982.1552 5117.9474 7.84 8.54 1.23 21.14 12.10 7.42 8.04 1.07 19.830 11.30 3363.03 3641.77 485.95 8984.46 5117.60 3.28 1486.98 2.60 2.6 1178.7037 3.28 2.60 1177.97 4.56 3.74 0.52 2066.03 1692.97 233.60 3.79 3.72 0.52 3.79 3.72 0.52 1717.1609 1683.9167 233.6 4.56 3.74 0.52 3.79 3.79 0.52 3958.53 1715.603 233.42 3 3.Pavement works 3.1 GSB 3.2 WMM 3.3 Kerb 3.4 DBM/PCC 3.5 BC 4.Drainage & Protection Works 4.1 Drain works & Turfing 5.Road Furniture 5.1 Road furniture 5.2 Exit/Entry Ramps & Intersections 5.3 Plantation 6.CD WORKS 6.1 Box culvert 6.2 Pipe culvert 7.Structural Works 7.1 Minor Bridge 8.Project Facilities 8.1 Truck layby 8.2 Bus bay 9.Toll Plaza 9.1 Toll Plaza 10.Miscellaneous 10.1 Bridge Rehabilitation 10.2 Maintenance 10.3 Video Recording, MPRs, Maintenance of Vehicles, Laboratory 10.4 Mobilization of Plant & Machinery, Base camp, Office set-up, Remuneration for staffs Total 0.07 31.687 0.73 1.05 330.31 477.10 0.73 1.05 0.73 1.05 330.31 477.1 0.73 1.05 0.73 1.05 330.24 477.16 5.34 2417.33 5.34 5.34 2417.33 5.34 5.34 2417.32 0.88 1.78 397.28 805.90 0.88 0.88 0.88 1.78 397.28 1.78 397.28 805.9 0.88 1.78 1.78 805.89 3.33 1508.23 3.25 3.25 1471.9962 3.33 3.25 1474.12 0.88 1.32 3.31 400.00 600.00 1500.00 0.88 1.32 3.31 0.88 1.32 3.31 400 600 1500 0.88 1.33 3.31 0.88 1.32 3.31 400.00 599.51 1499.96 3.92 1777.11 3.92 3.92 1777.11 3.92 3.92 1777.12 100.00 45300.12 100.00 95.17 43107.857 100.00 95.24 43139.54 4 0.07 31.687 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED.` EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 9. S – CURVE: Page No: 19 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 20 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 10. DRAWINGS SUBMITTED TO AUTHORITY/IE DESCRIPTION UNIT SCOPE SUBMITTED TO IE DETAILS SUBMITTED APPROVED BY IE GFC REMARKS 1 ROADS kms 77.228 77.228 Plan & profile 77.228 77.228 Approved on 20th September 2012 2 PAVEMENT DESIGN kms 1 1 Pavement Design 3 MINOR BRIDGE Nos 21 21 4 BOX CULVERT Nos 14 14 5 PIPE CULVERT Nos 66 66 6 TOLL PLAZA Nos 2 2 7 TRUCK LAY BYE Nos 6 6 8 BUS LAY BYE Nos 56 9 Major Junctions Nos 10 Minor Junctions 11 S.NO. Approved on 25thJan 2012 1 1 21 21 Approved on 19th March 2012 Design & Drawings 14 14 Approved on 19th March 2012 Design & Drawings 66 66 GFC issued 2 2 Approved on 29.04.2013 Plan & Cross Section 6 6 Approved 56 Working Drawings 56 56 Approved 11 11 Working Drawings 11 11 Approved Nos 19 19 Working Drawings 19 19 Approved on 22nd August 2013 Drain Km 21.068 21.068 TCS 21.068 12 VUP Nos 3 3 Design& Drawings 3 3 Approved 13 Alternate Pavement Design for 7Km 7 Alternate Pavement Design 7 7 Approved. Km 7 21.068 Approved CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 21 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 11. STATUS OF MAJOR PLANT & MACHINERY S.NO TYPE OF MACHINERTY 1 Excavators 2 CAPACITY 1.1 cum MODEL TOTAL PC 200 L&T Komatsu,JCB 210 5 Graders GD 511A L&T Komatsu 5 3 Dozer D41E L&T,CAT 1 4 Soil Compactors Trench Compactor L&T1107D, BW 212AD,EC 5250 PD 120 AD BW 4 5 6 Tandam Rollers IR IDD 90 3 7 Pneumatic Tyre Roller(PTR) IR220 1 8 Pavers 400 TPH BITELLI ,APOLLO 2 9 Bitumen Tanker 5 KL Comet Leyland 2 10 Water Tankers 20 KL,15 KL, KL 2516 Leyland,Hmt Tractor 7 11 Taurus 10 m3 Leyland 2516 20 12 Tipper 4 m3 Leyland comet 5 13 Tractors 2 m3 HMT,MAHENDRA 2 14 Wheel Loaders 3 m3(5 T) Changlin ZL50H 4 15 Hydra crane 12 T,10T ACT 12 XW, 2 16 Truck Mounted Crane 10T - 50T XCMG QY50 K 1 17 RMC Batching Plant 30 cum/hr CP30 ,Stetter 2 18 WMM Plants 100 TPH,250 TPH APPOLLO 2 19 Hot Mix Plants 200 TPH BF 2500 ,DMI Corporation 1 20 Crusher Plants 400 TPH,200TPH Swedela,PUJULONA 3 21 Gensets 500 kva,400 kva,380kva,62.5kva,50kva,15 kva,10 kva,5 kva 18 22 Compressors 165 PSI IR HP 400,Tractor compressor 1 23 Kerb Machine KP 40 KP 40, Appollo 1 24 Light Vehicles Bolero,sumo,tavera,omini,indica 6 25 Motor Bikes HeroHonda,TVS 11 26 Hydraulic boomer 27 Transit Mixers 6 CUM 2516 Leyland, 5 28 Trailer 40 Tons LEYLAND 2 29 Hindustan Dumpers 40 Tons Hindustan 2 30 Crawler Atlascopco 1 31 JCB 32 Mobile Diesel Tanker 33 Bolero Camper 34 Weigh Bridge 35 Rig 1 1 3 8 KL 2 3 100T,80T,60T 2 1 REMARKS CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 22 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 12.STATUS OF APPLICABLE PERMITS Sl No Statutory Requirement Status 1 Permission of State Government for extraction of Obtained from the Mining department. boulders from quarry 2 Permission of Village Panchayat and Pollution Obtained for the CFE (Concent For Establishment) 0n Control Board for installation of crushers 10.02.2012 & CFO (Concent For Operation) yet to be receive. 3 License for the use of explosives Available.(Planning for usage from licensed vendor) 4 Permission of the State Government for drawing of water from river/reservoir Water not planned to draw from river or reservior 5 License from Inspector of factories or other competent authority for setting up Batching Plant Not Applicable as there is no commercial sale of concrete from batching plant. 6 Clearance of Pollution Control Board for setting up Batching Plant Obtained for the operation 7 Clearance of Village Panchayat and Pollution Control Board for Asphalt Plant Obtained concern from KSPCB for HMP & WMM Plant establishment at km.162 vide letter no.16/KSPCB/EO(HSN)/AEO/SR/2012-13/547 dated 10.07.12, CFO obtained on 10.07.2012, 8 Clearance of Village Panchayats and State Government for borrow earth Mining permits obtained from mining department, Karnataka. 9 Permission of State Government for cutting of trees Obtained for the Entire Project 10 Any other permits or clearances required under Applicable Laws Labour license obtained CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED (DBFOT PROJECT) PROGRESS CHART Page No: 23 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED (DBFOT PROJECT) PROGRESS CHART Page No: 24 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED (DBFOT PROJECT) PROGRESS CHART Page No: 25 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED (DBFOT PROJECT) PROGRESS CHART Page No: 26 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 PROGRESS OF BOX CULVERTS as on 30.04.2014 MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 Page No: 27 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 PROGRESS OF BOX CULVERTS as on 30.04.2014 MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 Page No: 28 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 PROGRESS OF BOX CULVERTS as on 30.04.2014 MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 Page No: 29 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 30 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 PROGRESS OF IRRIGATION BOX CULVERTS as on 30.04.2014 MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 PROGRESS OF PIPE CULVERTS as on 30.04.2014 MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 Page No: 31 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 PROGRESS OF PIPE CULVERTS as on 30.04.2014 MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 Page No: 32 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 PROGRESS OF PIPE CULVERTS as on 30.04.2014 MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 Page No: 33 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 34 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 PROGRESS OF ADDITIONAL PIPE CULVERTS as on 30.04.2014 MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 PROGRESS OF MINOR BRIDGES as on 30.04.2014 MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 Page No: 35 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 PROGRESS OF MINOR BRIDGES as on 30.04.2014 MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 Page No: 36 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 Page No: 37 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 38 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Progress of VUPs at Ch.121+840 LHS Side MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 Hassan Side Bangalore Side 62 m Final Lift Completed 62 m 1st Lift Completed 62 m Raft Completed 62 m PCC Completed 11 m 20 80 m PCC Completed 62 M 80 M RHS Side Bangalore Side 51 m Wall Final Lift Compleed 51 m Wall 1st Lift Completed 51 m Raft Completed 51 m PCC Completed 64 M Hassan Side 60 m Wall Final Lift Completed 60 m Wall 1st Lift Completed 60 m Raft Completed 60 m PCC Completed 62M CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 39 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Progress of VUPs at Ch.166+432 Bangalore Side 226 M MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 Hassan Side 9M RHS Side Bangalore Side 2 0 m Hassan Side 20m Final Lift 20 2nd Lift F i 210 m PCC Completed 236 M 9M CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 40 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Objective: The objective is to establish a well-equipped QC laboratory and Technically Organized personnel in MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 the Quality Control and Quality assurance, Quality system in works. It is to Create Working Procedures and Technical Procedures in implementation and Documentation in accordance to the Project Contract Specification. Produce and Create a Qualitative Construction Materials In Terms Of Design Mix and Methodology so as to achieve the above Objectives. Identify the source / preparation of Design Mixes before commencing the Construction of Work and periodically reviewing when changes in Source and Design Mixes during Construction so as does not delay the projected completion of the Project. By creating a report on the QC Test and Frequency on Lab and Field and a statistical report on the Field Test on a monthly basis. Quality Assurance: A detailed Project Quality Plan has been prepared with detailed construction activities methodology and Quality Assurance Plan with Acceptance Criteria. Necessary mix design and job mix formula has been prepared for GSB, WMM, DBM, BC and concrete works. As per IRC SP 57:2000 and IRC SP 47: 1998 has been followed for Quality assurance of Q3 standards. Pertaining to IRC SP 84: 2009 of CA, QAM covering Quality System and QAP has been implemented in the project work. MATERIALS: All borrow materials source like soil, water, aggregate, sand, cement, steel; Bitumen, Emulsion admixture and Hume pipes have been identified. Source of locations are shown in project Key plan. Borrow soil: Borrow soil locations are identified for the construction of embankment and subgrade in the project stretch. All relevant test as per specifications have been conducted. The status of Borrow soil is tabulated below: Sl No Borrow locations identified Submitted for IE Approval Borrow area approved 1 45 36 36 A summary of all borrow soil locations, Quantities are also tabulated below: Remarks CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 41 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Qty Used As on date Jan 2014 Balance Qty Status S.No Borrow area Chainage MONTH: OCTOBER Lead From -2012 Qty as per Side NH -48 Drawing 1 B.A. 01 115+510 RHS 1.0 km 32000 12460 19540 Approved 2 B.A. 02 119+435 RHS 200 m 30000 0 30000 3 B.A. 03 126+500 RHS 3.6 Km 60000 8628 51372 Approved Approved 4 B.A. 04 116+625 RHS 0.6 Km 20000 4627 15373 Approved 5 B.A. 05 116+800 LHS 300 m 22500 22226 274 Approved 6 B.A. 06 133+100 LHS 2.0 Km 60000 42304.9 17695.1 Approved 7 B.A. 07 127+660 RHS 1.0 + 0.2 Km 15000 15000 0 Approved 8 B.A. 10 148+000 LHS 0.5Km 13500 0 13500 Approved 9 B.A. 11 151+900 LHS 200 m 22500 22500 0 Approved 10 B.A. 13 153+085 LHS 3.0 Km 18000 18000 0 Approved 11 B.A. 14 116+860 LHS 0.3 Km 15000 5820 9180 Approved 12 B.A. 15 136+330 RHS 0.3 Km 13500 13500 0 Approved 13 B.A. 16 111+230 LHS 0.3 Km 14400 8137 6263 Approved 14 B.A.17 144+240 RHS 4.0 Km 24750 24750 0 Approved 15 B.A.18 137+300 RHS 3.0 Km 28125 28125 0 Approved 16 B.A.19 158+000 RHS 250 m 60000 44472 15528 Approved 17 B.A.20 141+430 RHS 3.5 + 0.5 Km 24000 17436 6564 Approved 18 B.A.21 127+660 RHS 1.5 Km 30000 26026 3974 Approved 19 B.A.22 127+660 RHS 1 Km 22500 1047 21453 Approved 20 B.A.23 143+500 BHS 3 Km 24000 3182 20818 Approved 21 B.A.24 146+600 RHS 2.6 km 15000 6191 8809 Approved 22 B.A.25 145+200 RHS 3 Km 72600 57999.5 14601 Approved 23 B.A.26 122+980 RHS 3 Km 15000 10526 4474 Approved CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 42 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 24 B.A.27 170+500 RHS 20 Km 18300 MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 17883 417 Approved 25 B.A.32 169+540 RHS 2.2 km 30000 30000 0 Approved 26 B.A.32.A 169+540 RHS 2.2 km 20000 10823 9177 Approved 27 B.A.33 157+360 LHS 0.6 km 13500 13500 0 Approved 28 B.A.34 162.030 RHS 2.9 km 9600 9600 0 Approved 29 B.A.37 122+260 RHS 2.0 km 45000 0 45000 Approved 30 B.A.39 166+000 RHS 4.0 Km 33750 33750 0 Approved 31 B.A.39 A 166+000 RHS 4.0 Km 30000 30000 0 Extended 32 B.A.40 109+100 RHS 0.05 km 24750 8853 15897 Approved 33 B.A.41 136+000 LHS 2.0 km 60000 5630.1 54370 Approved 34 B.A.43 116+620 RHS 1.1 km 12113 0 12113 35 B.A.44 169+520 RHS 1.8 km 33750 18844 14906 Approved 36 B.A.45 168+840 RHS 0.8 km 16875 9381 7494 Approved Approved CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 43 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Concrete Mix Designs: Concrete mix design as per IS 10262 -2009 has been carried out for various concrete MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 grades. The batching plant of 2 No’s of 30 m3/Hour has been established at 129/00 RHS camp and 162/00 RHS camp site. The detailed concrete mix design details are given below: Sl. No Grade Cement 20 mm 10 mm Sand In Kg In Kg In kg In Kg W/C ratio Admixture Remarks 1 M15 260 784 522 771 0.50 - Birla super /penna power 2 M20 290 758 505 746 0.50 0.60 Birla super /penna power M20 Kerb 320 711 474 761 0.50 - Penna power 4 M20RCC 320 841 560 717 0.45 0.90 Penna Power 5 M25 340 745 496 702 0.45 0.85 Birla super /penna power 6 M30 360 741 494 699 0.42 0.80 Birla super /penna power 7 M35 390 694 463 743 0.40 - Birla super /penna power 8 M40 420 801 534 654 0.38 0.65 Birla super 9 DLC 150 624 468 858 - - Birla super 10 PQC 425 781 521 646 0.30 1.0 Birla super 3 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 44 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 MIX DESIGNS: S.NO MIX DESIGNS IE APPROVED LETTERS NUMBERS MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 APPROVAL DATE 1 GSB 136 & 162 CAMP LASA/73384/DH/IE/TL/152 19.09.2011 2 GSB ( RAM) 136 & 162 CAMP LASA/73384/DH/IE/TL/426 26.07.2012 3 WMM 136 CAMP LASA/73384/D-H/IE/TL/272 & 162 CAMP LASA/73384/D-H/IE/TL/193 25.02.2012 & 0 7.12.2012 4 DBM GRADE I LASA/73384/D-H/IE/TL/273 25.02.2012 5 DBM GRADE II LASA/73384/D-H/IE/TL/298 24.03.2012 6 DBM GRADE II WITH RAP LASA/73384/D-H/IE/TL/463 18.09.2012 7 BC GRADE II Oriental LASA/73384/D-H/IE/TL/563 28.01.2013 8 BC GRADE II 136 Crusher LASA/73384/D-H/IE/TL/564 28.01.2013 9 BC GRADE II 136 Crusher LASA/73384/D-H/IE/TL/616 18.03.2013 Materials: Source of material of cement, aggregate, sand, water, steel, admixture, Hume pipes etc, have been identified and tested for the properties and third party test for conformation also done. CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 45 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Details of all sources of materials are tabulated below: Sl No Material Used for Identified Approval submission Approval granted Remarks MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 1 Borrow soil Emb/SG 45 34 34 45No’S 2 Water Concrete 5 5 4 129+000RHS, 158+000RHS, 166+000RHS, 158+150RHS. 3 Sand Concrete 1 1 1 Hemavathi river 4 Aggregate Road works& Concrete 4 4 4 5 Steel Concrete 5 5 3 159+350LHS,133+100LHS, Balaji crusher, Oriental granite. Vizag, TATA,SAIL 6 Cement Concrete 6 6 6 7 Admixture Concrete 3 3 2 8 Hume pipe Pipe culvert 3 3 2 9 Curing Compound BitumenVG30,CRMB Emulsion Kerb 2 2 1 Hemavathy Spun pipe, BSCPL 136 CAMP Sika India Bituminous works Prime/tack 2 2 2 MRPL,HPCL 3 3 3 Hincol,, M/S Muthoots.BSCPL IL Above the MinOr Bridges 1 1 1 Tikitar 13 Mastic asphalt Sheet Road Marking Safety 2 2 2 14 Road signages Safety 1 1 1 15 W beam crash barrier Wire rope Safety Fence Safety 1 1 1 M/S Kataline Infrastructure Pvt ltd, M/S Auto mark industries ltd India Pvt M/S TradePvt vision ltd. M/S V K Industries Safety 1 1 1 Brifen (Hill & Smith IPI) 10 11 12 16 Birla, Penna, Dalmia, Ramco ,Zuari & Chettinad BASF,SWC CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 46 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Third Party Test: All the Source of Materials has been tested at External Agency Lab for Confirmatory. The Summary of Tests Conducted by External Agencies – Up to April 2014 has been tabulated vide Table1. MONTH: OCTOBER -2012 Calibration: Calibration for all the equipment has been carried out. The details of up to date calibration status of all equipment’s are summarized in Table-II. Quality Control: Based on Quality Assurance Plan and IRC SP 57: 2000, the materials are tested as per specification. Detailed monthly Quality Control & Quality Assurance statistics tests have been prepared and enumerated as summary. Quality Audit: Project site on 10.9.11 detailed Quality Audit has been carried out by GM, Manager - QC, NHAI HQ, New Delhi. CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 47 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 S. No. Description 1.0 Tests on OGL 1.1 Gradation 1.2 Atterberg Limits 1.3 Procter 1.4 CBR Test 1.5 Free Swell index 2.0 Tests on Borrow areas 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Gradation Attenberg Limits Procter CBR Test Free Swell index 3.0 Embankment (BA, Cut soil) IS Specification Clause Frequency of Tests Quantity Executed during MAR 2014 Total Tests upto previous month Tested Tests conducted during current month Total Tests up to FEB 2014 Passed Failed Tested Passed Failed Tested Passed Failed IS:2720 (Part4) IS:2720 (Part5) IS:2720 (Part8) IS:2720 (Part16) IS:2720 (Part40) As required As required As required As required As required 605 605 603 440 604 603 602 601 345 597 2 3 2 95 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 605 605 603 440 604 603 602 601 345 597 2 3 2 95 7 MORT&H 305 IS:2720 (Part4) IS:2720 (Part5) IS:2720 (Part8) IS:2720 (Part16) IS:2720 (Part40) As required As required As required As required As required 233 233 233 227 233 233 233 233 219 233 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 233 233 233 227 233 233 233 233 219 233 0 0 0 8 0 12584 M3 MORT&H 305 3.1 Gradation IS:2720 (Part4) 1 test /1500 m3 611 611 0 2 2 0 613 613 0 3.2 Attenberg Limits IS:2720 (Part5) 1 test /1500 m3 611 611 0 2 2 0 613 613 0 3.3 Procter IS:2720 (Part8) 611 611 0 2 2 0 613 613 0 3.4 Field Density IS:2720 (Part28) 5034 4991 43 108 108 0 5142 5099 43 3.5 Free Swell index IS:2720 (Part40) 1 test /1500 m3 1 set Test per 1000Sqm As required 611 611 0 2 2 0 613 613 0 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 48 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 S. No. Description 4.0 Sub grade (BA, Cut soil) IS Specification Clause Frequency of Tests Quantity Total Tests upto previous Executed month during APRIL Tested Passed Failed 2014 Tests conducted during current month Tested Passed Total Tests up to APRIL 2014 Failed Tested Passed Failed 39 M 3 MORT&H 305 IS:2720 (Part4) 1 test /1500 m3 585 585 0 1 1 0 586 586 0 4.2 Atterberg Limits IS:2720 (Part5) 1 test /1500 m 3 585 585 0 1 1 0 586 586 0 4.3 Procter IS:2720 (Part8) 1 test /1500 m 3 585 585 0 1 1 0 586 586 0 3 387 8412 585 372 8348 585 15 64 0 1 6 1 1 6 1 0 0 0 388 8418 586 373 8354 586 15 64 0 76 76 0 2 2 0 78 78 0 2376 2259 50 17 24 2815 2321 2254 50 17 23 2748 55 5 0 0 1 67 1 1 0 0 0 6 1 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 2377 2260 50 17 24 2821 2322 2255 50 17 23 2754 55 5 0 0 1 67 3718 2195 2210 3571 9 28 1 3910 3704 2194 2205 3570 9 28 1 3879 14 1 5 1 0 0 0 31 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 12 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3719 2196 2211 3572 9 28 1 3922 3705 2195 2206 3571 9 28 1 3891 14 1 5 1 0 0 0 31 4.1 Gradation 4.4 CBR Test 4.5 Field Density 4.6 Free Swell index 5.0 Filter Media & Back filling 5.1 Gradation 6.0 GSB Mix Design 6.1 Gradation 6.2 Atterberg Limits 6.3 Procter 6.4 CBR Test 6.5 TFV 6.6 Field Density 7.0 WMM Mix Design 7.1 Combined Gradation 7.2 Aggregate Impact Value 7.3 Flakiness & Elagation index 7.4 Atterberg Limits 7.5 Water absorbtion 7.6 Procter 7.7 CBR Test 7.8 Field Density IS:2720 (Part16) IS:2720 (Part28) IS:2720 (Part40) MORT&H 2500 1 test /3000 m 1set Test per 500 Sqm As required MORT&H 401 IS:2720 (Part5) IS:2720 (Part8) IS:2720 (Part16) BS:812 IS:2720 (Part28) MORT&H 406 IS:2386 Part1 IS:2386 Part4 IS:2386 Part1 IS:2720 (Part5) IS:2386 Part2 IS:2720 (Part8) IS:2720 (Part16) IS:2720 (Part28) 72 M 3 1 test/200m3 1 test/200m3 As required As required As required 1 set Test per 500Sqm 82 M 3 1 test/100m3 As required As required 1 test/100m3 As required As required As required 1 set Test per 500Sqm CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 49 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 S. No. Description IS Specification Clause 8.0 PAVING BITUMEN VG-30 (60/70) S65 TYPE-1/CRMB 8.1 Penetration at 25 0C 0 8.2 Softening point C 8.3 Ductility at 27 0C 8.4 Specific gravity at 27 0C 8.5 Absulte Visocity 8.6 Elastic Recovery 8.7 Separation test 9.0 DENSE BITUMINOUS MACADAM (DESIGN) MORT&H 500 9.1 Gradation(Individual, Dry mix) IS:2386 Part1 9.2 Aggregate Impact Value Test IS:2386 Part4 9.3 Flakiness and Elongation Index IS:2386 Part1 9.6 Binder Content 9.7 Grading of mix after extraction IS:2386 Part1 9.8 Marshall Stability test ASTM D 1559 9.10 Core Density ASTM D 1559 Frequency of Tests Quantity Total Tests upto previous Executed month during APRIL Tested Passed Failed 2014 Tests conducted during current month Tested Passed Total Tests up to APRIL 2014 Failed Tested Passed Failed For Every New Lot 997 997 0 0 0 0 997 997 0 For Every New Lot 997 997 0 0 0 0 997 997 0 For Every New Lot 13 13 0 0 0 0 13 13 0 For Every New Lot For Every New Lot For Every New Lot For Every New Lot 15 122 7 1 15 122 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 122 7 1 15 122 7 1 0 0 0 0 1583 1583 0 3 3 0 1586 1586 0 1815 1815 0 2 2 0 1817 1817 0 1815 1815 0 2 2 0 1817 1817 0 859 859 0 2 2 0 861 861 0 859 859 0 2 2 0 861 861 0 1277 1277 0 1 1 0 1278 1278 0 5677 5677 0 0 0 0 5677 5677 0 35.52 M 3 1 test per 400 T of mix or 2 tests per day 1 test per 50 m3 of Aggregates 1 test per 50 m3 of Aggregates 1 test per 400 T of mix or 2 tests per day 1 test per 400 T of mix or 2 tests per day 1 test per 400 T of mix or 2 tests per day 1 core per 250 sq-m CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 50 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 S. No. Description IS Specification Clause Frequency of Tests Quantity Total Tests upto previous Executed month during APRIL Tested Passed Failed 2014 Tests conducted during current month Tested Passed Total Tests up to APRIL 2014 Failed Tested Passed Failed 10.0 BC 10.1 Gradation IS:2386 Part1 10.2 Aggregate Impact Value Test IS:2386 Part4 10.3 Flakiness and Elongation Index IS:2386 Part1 10.4 Extraction IS:2386 Part1 10.5 Mould Casting ASTM D 1559 10.6 Core Cutting ASTM D 1559 11.0 Fine Aggregate 11.1 Gradation /Sieve analysys 11.2 Specific gravity 11.3 Water absorbtion 12.0 Coarse Aggregate 12.1 Gradation 12.2 Specific gravity 12.3 Aggregate Impact Value 12.4 Flakiness index 12.5 Water absorbtion 13.0 Cement 13.1 Fineness 13.2 Consistancy 13.3 Initial,Final setting time 13.4 Compressive Strength-set 13.5 Soundness of Cement MORT&H 1008 IS:2386 (Part1) IS:2386 (Part2) IS:2386 (Part2) MORT&H 1007 IS:2386 (Part2) IS:2386 (Part3) IS:2386 (Part4) IS:2386 (Part1) IS:2386 (Part3) MORT&H 1006 IS:4031 (Part1) IS:4031 (Part4) IS:4031 (Part5) IS:4031 (Part6) IS:4031 (Part6) 1 test per 400 T of mix or 2 tests per day 1 test per 50 m3 of Aggregates 1 test per 50 m3 of Aggregates 1 test per 400 T of mix or 2 tests per day 1 test per 400 T of mix or 2 tests per day 539 539 0 0 0 0 539 539 0 1013 1013 0 0 0 0 1013 1013 0 1013 1013 0 0 0 0 1013 1013 0 356 356 0 0 0 0 356 356 0 600 600 0 0 0 0 600 600 0 3666 3666 0 0 0 0 3666 3666 0 1 test / 15 days As required As required 1351 6 6 1351 6 6 0 0 0 21 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 1372 6 6 1372 6 6 0 0 0 1 test / 15 days As required 1 test / 15 days 1 test / 15 days As required 1552 12 294 285 10 1552 12 294 285 10 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 3 3 0 21 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1573 12 297 288 10 1573 12 297 288 10 0 0 0 0 0 Every batch Every batch Every batch Every batch Every batch 148 148 148 349 109 148 148 148 349 109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 148 148 148 349 109 148 148 148 349 109 0 0 0 0 0 1 core per 250 sq-m CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 51 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 S. No. Description 14.0 Concrete-cube 14.1 Cube test mix trials-set 14.2 Cube test-work(set) 14.3 Cube test-work(set)DLC 14.4 Field Density (DLC) 14.5 Beams test-works PQC IS Specification Clause MORT&H 1700 MOST Sec. 1700 MOST Sec. 1700 MOST Sec. 903.5.1.1 MOST Sec. 903.5.1.1 MOST Sec. 903.5.2.1 Frequency of Tests Quantity Total Tests upto previous Executed month during APRIL Tested Passed Failed 2014 Tests conducted during current month Tested Passed 0 332 0 0 0 0 332 0 0 0 Total Tests up to APRIL 2014 Failed Tested Passed Failed 680 15924 99 32 295 3 1 0 0 0 695.9 M3 MOST Sec1700 MOST Sec. 1700 1 Set Test /1000 Sq m 2 Cubes, 2beams / 150 m3 683 15593 99 32 295 680 15592 99 32 295 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 683 15925 99 32 295 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 52 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 S.No 1 Date of Sample Sending 28.02.2011 Sample Description Water at 129+000 RHS, 158+500 RHS Size 129 CAMP, 136 CAMP & 162 CAMP Details of Tests Test Results Limits 1. Organic & Inorganic, 2.Sulphates 3. Suspended matter 4.PH value 5.Chlorides 7.80,7.72 6.0 - 8.0 6.Alkaline limit by titration as per specified value (max 10 ml of 0.1 normal Hcl to neutralize 200ml of water) CL 100 mg/l,60 mg/l 500 mg/l Inorganic 360 mg/l 3000 mg/l Name of Agency Remarks Bangalore University Within Limit Civil-Aid Techno clinic Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore Within Limit Inorganic 396 mg/l 7.Acidity limit by titration as per specified value (max 10 ml of 0.1 normal NaOH to neutralize 200ml of water 1.1 01.08.2011 Water 1. Organic & Inorganic, 2.Sulphates 3. Suspended matter 4.PH value 5.Chlorides 728 mg/l 634 mg/l, 104.33 mg/l, 35.0 mg/l, 7.76, 198.55 mg/l, 0.90 ml, 51.0 ml, 150+580 LHS 6.Alkaline limit by titration as per specified value (max 10 ml of 0.1 normal Hcl to neutralize 200ml of water) 7.Acidity limit by titration as per specified value (max 10 ml of 0.1 normal NaOH to neutralize 200ml of water 404 mg/l 599 mg/l, 59.72 mg/l, 32.0 mg/l, 7.74, 198.55 mg/l, 0.80 ml, 35.50 ml, 137+060 RHS 116+890 LHS 322 mg/l 229 mg/l, 28.66 mg/l, 39.0 mg/l, 7.80, 28.36 mg/l, 0.60 ml, 31.0 ml CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 53 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of Sample S.No. Sample Size Details of Tests Description Sending 1.2 05.09.2011 1. Organic & Inorganic, 2.Sulphates 3. Suspended matter 4.PH value 5.Chlorides Water 6.Alkaline limit by titration as per specified value (max 10 ml of 0.1 normal Hcl to neutralize 200ml of water) 7.Acidity limit by titration as per specified value (max 10 ml of 0.1 normal NaOH to neutralize 200ml of water) 166 Camp 136 Camp 125+500 RHS 1.3 16.09.2011 Water 129+00 0 RHS 1.Organic & Inorganic,2.Sulphates 3. Suspended matter 4.PH value 5.Chlorides 6.To neutralize 200 ml of water using phenolphthalein and methyl as an indicator Test Results Limits Name of Agency Remarks 134 mg/l 5.0 mg/l, 1.89 mg/l, 34.0 mg/l, 7.05, 22.69 mg/l, 0.30 ml, 1.0 ml, 196 mg/l 245.0 mg/l, 13.04 mg/l,, 44.0 mg/l, 7.75, 39.71 mg/l, 0.60 ml, 20.0 ml, Civil-Aid Techno clinic Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore 196 mg/l 195.0 mg/l, 12.53 mg/l, 31.0 mg/l, 8.04, 42.55 mg/l, 0.40 ml, 21.0 ml, 7.43,Nil,290 mg/l,44 mg/l,92 mg/l, Nil, Nil, 2 ml Bangalore University Within Limit CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 54 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of Sample S.No. Sample Size Details of Tests Description Sending 1.Organic & Inorganic,2.Sulphates 3. Suspended matter 4.PH value 150+150 1.4 16.09.2011 Water 5.Chlorides 6.To neutralize 200 ml of RHS water using phenolphthalein and methyl as an indicator 1.Organic & Inorganic,2.Sulphates 3. Suspended matter 4.PH value 164+040 5.Chlorides 6.To neutralize 200 ml of 1.5 04.04.2012 Water RHS water using phenolphthalein and methyl as an indicator 1.6 1.7 17.09.2012 17.09.2012 Water Water 125+500 RHS 129+200 RHS 1.Organic & Inorganic,2.Sulphates 3. Suspended matter 4.PH value 5.Chlorides 6.Alkaline limit by titration as per specified value (max 10 ml of 0.1 normal Hcl to neutralize 200ml of water) Test Results Limits Name of Agency 7.60,Nil,410 mg/l,62 mg/l,104 mg/l, Nil, Nil, 2 ml Bangalore University 6.50,Nil,414 mg/l,46 mg/l,150 mg/l, Nil, Nil, 2 ml Bangalore University 62 mg/l 336.0 mg/l, 13.40 mg/l,, 4 mg/l, 7.23, 28.83 mg/l, 0.78ml, 88.99 ml, 87 mg/l 323 mg/l, 18.50 mg/l,, 0.42 mg/l, 7.74, 28.83 mg/l, 27.63ml, 60.99 ml, Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore Remarks CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 55 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 S.No. Date of Sample Sending Sample Description Size Details of Tests Test Results 7.Acidity limit by titration as per specified value (max 10 ml of 0.1 normal NaOH to neutralize 200ml of water 7.Acidity limit by titration as per specified value (max 10 ml of 0.1 normal NaOH to neutralize 200ml of water 7.Acidity limit by titration as per specified value (max 10 ml of 0.1 NaOH to neutralize 200ml of water) 13 mg/l 39 mg/l, 0.17 mg/l,, 8.0 mg/l, 7.67, 16.0 mg/l, 2.20ml, 0.25 ml, 1.8 17.09.2012 Water 136+000 LHS 1.9 17.09.2012 Water 137+060 RHS 1.10 17.09.2012 Water 150+150 RHS 1.11 17.09.2012 Water 164+04 RHS 7.Acidity limit by titration as per specified value (max 10 ml of 0.1 NaOH to neutralize 200ml of water) 50.0 mg/l 295 mg/l, 24.02 mg/l,, 15.00 mg/l, 7.21, 83.99mg/l, 13.50ml,1.15ml, Water 158+500 RHS 7.Acidity limit by titration as per specified value (max 10 ml of 0.1 normal NaOH to neutralize 200ml of water 77.0 mg/l 268 mg/l, 26.25 mg/l,, 15.00 mg/l, 7.41, 85.99 mg/l, 13.20 ml, 0.64 ml, 1.12 17.09.2012 Limits Name of Agency 132.0 mg/l 272 mg/l, 24.02 mg/l,, 5.0 mg/l, 7.44, 72.99 mg/l, 15.70ml, 0.75 ml, Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore 111.0 mg/l 335 mg/l, 29.69 mg/l,, 16.00mg/l, 7.48, 53.99mg/l, 24.80ml,0.93ml, Provingring 2 28.02.2011 50KN -0394 50KN -0104 25 KN - 701 Proving ring 1.Calibration Remarks 5.94 kgs , 7.05 kgs, 3.64 kgs OK Bangalore University 28.02.12, 16.07.12, 28.02.12. CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 56 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 S.No 2.1 Date of Sample Sending Sample Description 11.04.2012 4,46,51,89,1 1,21,92,260 21.03.2011 19,22,61,04, 465 12.10.2011 189112 Coarse Aggregate 3 11.03.2011 3.1 15.06.2011 Balaji Crusher Coarse Aggregate Coarse Aggregate (Oriental Granite) CH:166+400 LHS Size Details of Tests Test Results Limits 0-25 mm Name of Agency Remarks Pooja Orecision Instruments 1. Calibration OK OK Bangalore University Bangalore University 1.Soundness 2.Deleterious Content 3.Alkali aggregate, material sulphate& chloride 6.Petro graphic Examination Deleterious - Nil Soundness - 1.18% & 1.36%,Petrographic Quartz,Feldspar minerals,Alkali-Non reactive, Organic Material - Nil Max 3% Max 12% & 18 % Bangalore University 1.Soundness 2.Deleterious Content 3.Alkali aggregate, material sulphate& chloride 6.Petro graphic Examination Deleterious - Nil Soundness - 1.22% & 1.40%,Petrographic Quartz,Feldspar minerals,Alkali-Non reactive Max 3% Max 12% & 18 % Bangalore University With in Limit CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 57 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 S.No 3.2 Date of Sample Sending 15.06.2011 Sample Description Coarse Aggregate Reddy Verranna 3.3 05.09.2011 CH:175+200 LHS Quarry Aggregate 136 Camp 3.4 14.12.2011 Size Details of Tests Test Results Limits Name of Agency 1.Soundness 2.Deleterious Content 3.Alkali aggregate, material sulphate& chloride 6.Petro graphic Examination 1.10 % with sodium sulphate, 1.14 % with magnesium sulphate, Bangalore University 1.Soundness 2.Deleterious Content 3.Alkali aggregate, material sulphate& chloride 6.Petro graphic Examination 7.Aggregate Impact Value 8.Specific gravity and water absorption 1.10 % with sodium sulphate, 1.14 % with magnesium sulphate, Nil, Nonreactive,Nil,Quartz,Pl agioclase Feldspar,20.40 %,2.64 & 0.42 % Bangalore University 1.Clay Reading ,2.Sand Reading 3.Mean Sand Equivalent Value 48.5,36.3,75 Bangalore University (Oriental Granite) CH:166+400 LHS Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate 1,Stripping Value (Coating Retained) 96% MIM - 95 % Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore Remarks CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 58 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of Sample S.No Sample Size Details of Tests Description Sending 3.5 11.03.2011 Test Results Limits Name of Agency Remarks BSCPL Quarry CH:159+350 LHS 1.Clay Reading ,2.Sand Reading NIL,NIL,0.25% 3.Mean Sand Equivalent Value Bangalore University Fine Aggregate 3.6 03.10.2011 Coarse Aggregate 1.Soundness 2.Deleterious Content 3.Alkali aggregate, material sulphate& chloride 6.Petro graphic Examination 7.Aggregate Impact Value 8.Specific gravity and water absorption 3.7 30.09.2011 GSB 136 Camp Crusher 1. TFV (10% Fine value) 2. Deleterious Content 166 Camp Crusher 1. TFV (10% Fine value) 2. Deleterious Content 1.Soundness 2.Deleterious Content 3.Alkali aggregate, material sulphate& chloride 6.Petro graphic Examination 7.Aggregate Impact Value 8.Specific gravity and water absorption 3.8 03.10.2011 Quarry Aggregate 159+350 LHS 1.34 % with sodium sulphate, 1.22 % with magnesium sulphate, Nil, Non reactive, Nil, Nil, Quartz,Plagioclase Feldspar,23.30 %,2.58 & 0.51 % 14.4 %, 10.2 %, 1.34 % with sodium sulphate,1.22 % with magnesium sulphate, Nil,Non reactive,Nil, Nil,Quartz,Feldspar,23.30 %,2.58 & 0.51 % Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore Bangalore University With in Limit CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 59 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of Sample S.No Sample Size Details of Tests Description Sending 3.9 10.04.2011 Stone Polish 1.Before Polishing Value BSCPL IL 2.After Polishing Pvt.Ltd. 3.PSV Control Specimen ( C ) 4.PSV = ( S+52.5-C ) Test Results Limits Name of Agency Remarks 63.5 57.2 50 Length of Slide 15+/-0.5 mm BMS Collage of Engineering 59.7 The Aggregate Satisfying MORT&H Specification 0.25 1.Soundness 2.Deleterious Content Deleterious Max 3% 3.Alkali aggregate, material Soundness - 0.72% & 0.90%,Chlorides,Organic - Max 10% & 15 % sulphate& chloride Nil,Alkali-Non reactive 5.Remarks 4 11.03.2011 Fine Aggregate Steel 5 5.04.2011 Steel (RINL Vizag) 8 , 10, 12,16 & 20mm 1.Yield Stress 2.Elongation 3.tensile Strength 4. Bend & Rebend test 523 N/mm2 ,22.5 %,630 N/mm2 529 N/mm2 ,26 %,661 N/mm2 544 N/mm2 ,23.3 %,659 N/mm2 557 N/mm2 ,27.5 %,668 N/mm2 521 N/mm2 ,25.0 %,631 N/mm2 Min 485 N/m2 (8mm),elongation min 14.5% Min 545 N/m2 (10mm,12mm),elo ngation min 12% Min 565 N/m2 (16mm),elongation min 16% Bangalore University With in Limit Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalo re With in Limit CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 60 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of Sample S.No Sample Size Details of Tests Description Sending Sectional Weight,UTS N/mm2, % 5.1 13.05.2011 Steel (Vizag) age elongation 5.2 5.4 15.06.2011 05.09.2011 Sail Fe - 500 8, 12,16 &20m m Sail, Vizag 10mm, 1.Yield Stress 2.Elongation 3.tensile 25mm, Strength 4. Bend & Rebend test 25mm 1.Yield Stress 2.Elongation 3.tensile Strength 4. Bend & Rebend test 5.5 16.09.2011 Steel (TMT) Fe 500 D 10mm, 1.Yield Stress 2.Elongation 3.tensile 12mm Strength 4. Bend & Rebend test 5.6 21.09.2011 Steel TATA Tiscon (Fe 500) 16 mm 1.Yield Stress 2.Elongation 3.tensile Strength 4. Bend & Rebend test Test Results (7mm MS) UTS 424 N/mm2 elongation 34% 558 N/mm2 ,16.2 %,618 N/mm2 542 N/mm2 ,19.5 %,598 N/mm2 554 N/mm2 ,18.0 %,612 N/mm2 564 N/mm2 ,15.0 %,633 N/mm2 577 N/mm2 ,20 %,707 N/mm2 (Sail) 533 N/mm2 ,24 %,664 N/mm2 (Sail) 543 N/mm2 ,23.2 %,674 N/mm2 (Vizag) Limits Min 410 N/mm2 UTS elongation min 23% Name of Agency Shri Ram Institute Remarks With in Limit Bangalore University Min 545 N/mm2 UTS elongation min 12% Civil-Aid Techno clinic Pvt. Ltd. With in Limit Bangalore 558 N/mm2 ,17.6 %,630 N/mm2 550 N/mm2 ,19.2 %,606 N/mm2 Min 500 N/mm2 UTS elongation min 12% Bangalore University With in Limit 550 N/mm2 ,22.5 %,661 N/mm2 Min 545 N/mm2 UTS elongation min 12% Civil-Aid Techno clinic Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore. With in Limit CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 61 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of Sample S.No Sample Size Details of Tests Description Sending 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 14.12.11 16.09.2011 15.02.2012 13.07.2012 17.09.2012 Test Results Civil-Aid Techno clinic Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore With in Limit N/mm2, OK 558 N/mm2 ,17.60 %,630 N/mm2, OK Min 545 N/mm2 UTS elongation min 12% Bangalore University With in Limit Min 545 N/mm2 UTS elongation min 12% Bangalore University With in Limit Bangalore University With in Limit Civil-Aid Techno clinic Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore With in Limit 10,12,1 6,20,32 Steel TATA 12mm,1 0mm 1.Yield Stress 2.Elongation 3.tensile Strength 4. Bend & Rebend test 12mm,1 0mm 1.Yield Stress 2.Elongation 3.tensile Strength 4. Bend & Rebend test 552 N/mm2 ,20.60 %,608 N/mm2, OK 555 N/mm2 ,19.40 %,612 N/mm2, OK 12mm 1.Yield Stress 2.Elongation 3.tensile Strength 4. Bend & Rebend test 556 N/mm2 ,21.30 %,608 N/mm2, OK Steel SAIL 8mm,12 mm,16 mm 1.Yield Stress 2.Elongation 3.tensile Strength 4. Bend & Rebend test Remarks Min 545 N/mm2 UTS elongation min 12% Steel SAIL (Fe 500) Steel SAIL Name of Agency 554 N/mm2 ,28.0 %,682 N/mm2 564 N/mm21.7, %,686 N/mm2 518 N/mm,23.8 %,625 N/mm2 527 N/mm,27.0 %,643 N/mm2 578 %,715 N/mm2 550 N/mm,18.8 N/mm2 ,19.20 %,606 1.Yield Stress 2.Elongation 3.tensile Strength 4. Bend & Rebend test Steel SAIL Limits 487 N/mm2 ,25.0 %, 574 N/mm2, OK 525 N/mm2 ,20.0 % ,629 N/mm2, OK 541 N/mm2 ,19.40 %,644 N/mm2, OK Min 485 N/m2 (8mm),elongation min 14.5% Min 545 N/m2 (10mm,12mm),elong ation min 12% Min 565 N/m2 (16mm),elongation min 16% CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 62 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of Sample S.No Sample Size Details of Tests Description Sending 1.Ratio of % of lime to % Cement of silica,alumina and Iron oxide 6 5.04.2011 Cement Penna PowerOPC 53 Test Results Limits Chloride 0.014% Max 0.05% 2.Ratio of alumina to that of Iron oxide Sulphur 1.59% Max 2.5% 3.Insoluble residue Magnesia 1.82% Max 6% 4.Magnesia Insoluble residue 0.68% Max 3% Civil-Aid Techno clinic Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore Within Limit Bangalore University Within Limit 5.Sulphuric anhydride 7.Chloride 15.06.2011 Remarks Loss on ignition 0.94 6.Loss on ignition 6.1 Name of Agency 0.88 % of silica,alumina and Iron oxide, 1.05 % Ratio of alumina to that of Iron oxide Ultra Tech(Birla Super) 1.Ratio of % of lime to % of silica,alumina and Iron oxide Chloride 0.0094% OPC 53 2.Ratio of alumina to that of Iron oxide Sulphur 1.70% CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 63 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of Sample S.No Sample Size Details of Tests Description Sending 6.1 15.06.2011 Test Results Limits 3.Insoluble residue Magnesia 1.30% Max 6% 4.Magnesia Insoluble residue 2.40% Max 3% 5.Sulphuric anhydride Loss on ignition 1.90 6.Loss on ignition 7.Chloride 6.2 15.06.2011 Dalmia Cement OPC 53 1.Ratio of % of lime to % of silica,alumina and Iron oxide 2.Ratio of alumina to that of Iron oxide Name of Agency Remarks Bangalore University Within Limit 0.85 % of silica, alumina and Iron oxide, 1.22 % Ratio of alumina to that of Iron oxide Chloride 0.0096% Max 0.05% Sulphur 1.92% Max 2.5% 3.Insoluble residue Magnesia 1.18% Max 6% 4.Magnesia Insoluble residue 2.30% Max 3% Bangalore University Within Limit CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 64 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of Sample S.No Sample Size Details of Tests Description Sending 5.Sulphuric anhydride 6.Loss on ignition 7.Chloride 7 7.1 14.10.2011 17.09.201 2 Test Results Limits Name of Agency Remarks Loss on ignition 2.10 0.84 % of silica,alumina and Iron oxide, 1.28 % Ratio of alumina to that of Iron oxide Admixture 1.Relative Density Ash content 1.78% 0.95 - 1.05 T BASF Cons.Chemicals. 2.Dry material content Dry material 17.62% 17± -5 % Pvt.Ltd. 3.Ash content Chloride .0082% Max 2% Batch No. 07611 4.Chloride content pH 6.10% Min 6 % 5.PH Value Relative Density 1.59 Admixture 1.Relative Density Ash content 2.18% 0.95 - 1.05 T BASF Cons.Chemical s. 2.Dry material content Dry material 39.43% 17± -5 % Bangalore University With in Limit Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore With in Limit Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore With in Limit CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 65 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of Sample S.No Sample Size Details of Tests Description Sending 7.2 5.04.2011 Test Results Limits Name of Agency Remarks Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore With in Limit Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore With in Limit Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore With in Limit Pvt.Ltd. 3.Ash content Chloride .0042% Max 2% Batch No. MD52512 Admixture 4.Chloride content pH 6.45% Min 6 % 1.Specific gravity Ash content 2.30% 0.95 - 1.05 T Rheoplus 71 (EI) 2.Dry material content Dry material 16.82% 17± -5 % BASF Cons.Chemicals. 3.Ash content Chloride .0084% Max 2% Pvt.Ltd. 4.Chloride content pH 6.82% Min 6 % Relative Density 1.055 8 10.04.2011 Curing Compound Sika 1.Specific Gravity 1.011 Pvt.Ltd. Batch No. GB020112 2.Soild Content ( % )by Weight 16.02 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 66 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of Sample S.No. Size Details of Tests Sample Description Sending 9 23.02.2012 Test Results Limits Name of Agency Remarks 91.20% Not Less than 80.0 % Bangalore University With in Limit 1. Presence of Calcium Carbonate (CaCo3 ) Content in lime powder 95.02% Not Less than 80.0 % Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalo re With in Limit 1.Specific Gravity,2.Flash Point,3.Softing Point,4.Penetration,5.RTFOT Ductility,6.Matter soluble in trichloroethylene,7.Kinematic Viscosity 1.03,266,56.5,51,100+,99.99 ,779# Min - ( -,220,47,5070,40,99,350 ) Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore With in Limit 1.Penetration,2.Softing Point,3.Flash Point,4.Solubility in tyrichloroethylene,5.Viscosity,6.Kinematic Viscosity,7.RTFOT 53,50,296,99.91,2550#,432# ,1.2#,100+ Min - ( 5070,47,220,99,24 00,350,4.0,40 ) Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore With in Limit LIME POWDER Wipro Enterprises 1. Presence of Calcium Carbonate (CaCo3 ) Content in lime powder Kurnool 9.1 17.09.2012 LIME POWDER Sree Ganesh Minaral Industries 10 14.12.11 BITUMEN M.R.P.L Manglore VG - 30 10.1 19.07.2012 BITUMEN M.R.P.L Manglore VG - 30 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 67 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of S.No Sample Sending 10.2 19.07.2012 Sample Description BITUMEN M.R.P.L Manglore CRMB - 60 11 23.04.2012 Emulsion BSCPL IL RS-1,SS-1 11.1 19.07.2012 Emulsion BSCPL IL RS-1,SS-1 Size Details of Tests Test Results Limits 1.Penetration,2.Softing Point,3.Elastic Recovery,4.Flash Point. 42,61.4,65,>300 Requirement (<50,60,50,220 ) 0.022,28.0,62.20,85.0,82.0,9 8.70,NIL,Positive,No Congratulation. Requirement as per MORT&H(0.05,20 -100,,60-80150,50cm,98.00, NIL, Positive,NO Coagulation. ) 1.Residue on 600Micron,2.Viscosity,3.Residue Percent,4.Penetration,5.Ductility,6.Solubi lity in trichloro ethylene,7.Coagulation of emulsion at low tempreture,8.Paticle charge of emulsion,9.water content 1.Residue on 600Micron,2.Viscosity,3.Residue Percent,4.Penetration,5.Ductility,6.Solubi lity in trichloro ethylene,7.Coagulation of emulsion at low tempreture,8.Paticle charge of emulsion,9.water content 10.Distillation in percent by volume 1.190o C 0.020,62.0,53.80,232.0,64.0, 99.40,NIL,15 Requirement as per MORT&H(0.05,20 -100,50.0,60350,50cm,98.00, NIL, 20% ) Weak Positive Positive 44 22-55 2.225 C 56 30-75 3.260o C 51 40-90 92 60-100 o o 4.315 C Name of Agency Remarks With in Limit Bangalore University With in Limit Bangalore University With in Limit CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 68 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of Sample S.No. Sample Size Details of Tests Description Sending 1.Softing Point,2.Penetration,3.Cold Flexibility Breaking Load Of membrane,N/5cm Tiki Tar Width at RT 12 04.05.2012 Asphalt BSCPL IL 3 mm Thick ness 13 03.05.2012 1.One Direction, Probably Longitudnal 2.Perpendicular to one Direction, probably Transverse Elongation of Break,Percent at RT 1.One Direction, Probably Longitudnal 2.Perpendicular to one Direction, probably Transverse Test Results Limits Name of Agency Remarks National Test House With in Limit National Test House With in Limit 150,18,No cracking observed 847 465 68.24 84 Elastomeric Bearing Observed Dimenctioned, BSCPL IL Length 452 Width 252 Thickness 61 Elastic Modulus,Shear Modulus, Ultimate Compressive Strength 166.67,0.859,65 Requirement (450+6mm,250+ 6mm,60mm +/5% Max,149.69 to 224.53 ,0.80 to 1.20,No Less than 60MPA Bangalore University With in Limit CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 69 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of Sample S.No. Sample Size Details of Tests Description Sending Test Results Limits Name of Agency Remarks 0.5% Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore With in Limit Shri Ram With in Limit BORROW AREAS 14 5.04.2011 11.05.2011 14.1 14.2 15.06.2011 14.3 01.08.2011 B.A-1 @115+510 RHS B.A-2 @119+435 B.A-3 RHS @126+500 RHS B.A-5 @116+800 B.A-6 LHS @133+100 B.A-11 LHS @151+900 B.A07@127+660 B.A-13 RHS @153+085 B.A-16 LHS @111+230 B.A-17 LHS @145+240 RHS 1.Total soluble sulphate content 2. Deleterious Content 0.026 0.025 0.027 1.Total soluble sulphate content 2. Deleterious Content 1.Total soluble sulphate content 2. Deleterious Content Sulphate 0.01,0.01% Max 1.9% Deleterious 1.1% & 2% Max 3% 0.04 % , Nil Bangalore University 0.020 1.Total soluble sulphate content 2. Deleterious Content 0.018 0.014 0.019 Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore With in Limit CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 70 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of Sample S.No. Sample Size Details of Tests Description Sending 14.4 14.5 05.04.2011 21.09.2011 B.A-18 @137+300 RHSRHS B.A-20 @141+430 B.A-21 RHSRHS @127+660 B.A-19 RHSRHS @158+000 Test Results Limits Name of Agency 0.5% Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd. Bangalore 0.5% Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd Bangalore 0.019 1.Total soluble sulphate content 2. Deleterious Content 0.018 0.046 1.Total soluble content(SO3) 0.019 1. C - Ø Values C-0.08,0.07-- Ø-34,35 2.Total soluble content(SO3) 0.019% RHS 21.09.2011 14.6 14.7 14.10.2011 B.A-14 @116+860 B.A-06 LHS @133+100 B.A-22 LHS @127+660 B.A-23 RHS @143+500 B.A-25 BHS @145+200 RHS B.A-26 @122+980 RHS Remarks 0.02% Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd Bangalore 0.018% , 0.022% 1.Total soluble sulphate content SO 3 0.019% , 0.023% 0.014% , 0.016% 2.Total soluble sulphate content SO 4 0.043% , 0.051% Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd Bangalore With in Limit CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 71 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF TESTS CONDUCTED BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES – TABLE 1 Date of Sample S.No. Sample Size Details of Tests Description Sending B/A-14 116+860 LHS B/A-15 136+330 RHS B/A-27 170+500 RHS 14.8 17.09.2012 Limits Name of Agency 0.007% , 0.023% 0.008% , 0.014% 1.Chlorides** B/A-32 169+540 RHS B/A-33 157+360 LHS B/A-34 162+030 RHS B/A-39 166 CAMP CRUSHER Test Results 0.007% , 0.019% 0.007% , 0.012% 0.006% , 0.022% 0.006% , 0.015% 2.Total soluble sulphate content SO3 0.008% , 0.025% B/A-40 109+100 RHS 0.007% , 0.017% B/A-41 136 CAMP CRUSHER 0.008% , 0.021% Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.Ltd Bangalore Remarks CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 72 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF CALIBRATION REPORT TABLE - II S.No Instrument Ref. No. Type of Equipment Calibration Interval Date of Calibration Calibration Due on 3 Months 3 Months 04.02.2014 10.12.2013 04.05.2014 11.03.2014 Working Working 1 Month 1 Month 12.04.14 05.04.14 11.05.14 04.05.14 Working Working 1 Year 17.08.2013 17.08.2014 Remarks A. In House Calibration 1 Rapid Moisture Meter 1 1 RMD - 3 RMD - 8 2 Sand Pouring Cylinder 1 SPC – 7 1 SPC-8 3 Compression Testing Machine (CTM) (CTM) 2000,1000,500 162 Camp 2 KN 4 Batching Plant 136 Camp 1 6 Months 22.4.2014 21.10.2014 162 Camp 1 6 Months 29.10.2013 28.04.2014 1 6 Months 02.02.14 01.08.14 5 WMM Plant WMM Plant 136 Camp CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 73 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF CALIBRATION REPORT TABLE - II S.No Instrument Ref. No. Type of Equipment Calibration Interval Date of Calibration Calibration Due on WMM Plant 162 Camp 1 6 Months 16.02.14 15.08.14 6 DBM plants DMI Plant 162 Camp 1 6 Months 30.01.14 30.07.14 06.02.13 26.02.15 06.02.13 26..02.15 Remarks Out Side Calibration 7 Proving Ring 1 701 Proving Ring (25 KN) 1 Year 2 394 Proving Ring (50 KN) 1 Year 1 9 Weighing Balances 565 Dial gauge SL.NO 1 Year 04.01.2014 04.01.2015 Bangalore University 21112114, 2118018 1 Year 17.01.14 16.01.15 APT Engg Corporation 7240 1 Year 17.01.14 16.01.15 APT Engg Corporation Bangalore University Bangalore University 8 2) 50 Kg - 2 No's 35 kg - 1 No 3) 30 kg - 1 No 1105 - 3612088 1 Year 17.01.14 16.01.15 Indian Scale Services Hassan 4) 6 Kg - 4 No's 600 g - 2 No's 1004, 3685, 1152, 1131 1 Year 17.01.14 16.01.15 APT Engg Corporation 11015331, 8520581358 1 Year 17.01.14 16.01.15 APT Engg Corporation 1) 5) CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 74 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 SUMMARY OF CALIBRATION REPORT TABLE – II Instrument Ref. No. 10 Standard Weights S.No Type of Equipment Calibration Interval 1) 20 Kg - 1 No Weights 1 Year 2) 10 Kg - 3 No's Weights 1 Year 3) 5 Kg - 3 No's Weights 1 Year 4) 2 Kg - 7 No's Weights 1 Year 5) 1 Kg - 7 No's Weights 1 Year 6) 500 g - 3 No's Weights 1 Year 7) 200 g - 1 No Weights 1 Year 8) 100 g - 2 No's Weights 1 Year 9) 10 g - 3 No's Weights 1 Year 10) 5 g - 4 No's Weights 1 Year Date of Calibration Calibration Due on 19.04.14 18.04.15 19.04.14 18.04.15 19.04.14 18.04.15 19.04.14 18.04.15 19.04.14 18.04.15 19.04.14 18.04.15 19.04.14 18.04.15 19.04.14 18.04.15 19.04.14 18.04.15 19.04.14 18.04.15 Remarks Indian Scale Services Hassan Indian Scale Services Hassan Indian Scale Services Hassan Indian Scale Services Hassan Indian Scale Services Hassan Indian Scale Services Hassan Indian Scale Services Hassan Indian Scale Services Hassan Indian Scale Services Hassan Indian Scale Services Hassan CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 75 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Test to be conducted as per Schedule - I Test No as Name of test/Audit Status per CA 21 Visual & Physical Test Completed up to 170.260 2.2 Test Drive Completed up to 170.260 2.3 Riding Quality Test Completed up to 170.260 2.4 Pavement Composition Test Completed up to 170+260. 2.5 Cross- Section Test 2.6 Structural Test 2.7 Other Tests 2.8 Environmental Audit 2.9 Safety Audit Highway Structures NDT Completed up to 170+260. Load tests Completed & Report submitted to IE. Completed & Report submitted to IE. Completed and report submitted to IE Safety audit conducted by HAKS consultatns on 29th & 30th July 2013 and report submitted to IE CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 76 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 WEATHER RECORD FOR SECTION-I Date Temperature ( 0c ) Humidity Rainfall Weather 1-Apr-14 Min. ⁰c 24.3 Max. ⁰c 31.7 Min. % 29 Max. % 34 - Sunny 2-Apr-14 24.5 31.9 26 30 - Cloudy 3-Apr-14 24.7 31.5 47 54 - Sunny 4-Apr-14 24.6 31.0 65 72 - Sunny 5-Apr-14 22.4 30.7 69 76 - Sunny 6-Apr-14 22.7 30.5 70 82 - Sunny 7-Apr-14 21.7 31.6 34 69 - Sunny 8-Apr-14 22.3 31.9 40 80 - Cloudy 9-Apr-14 23.1 32.0 41 62 3.3 Rainy 10-Apr-14 19.9 31.6 43 70 - Cloudy 11-Apr-14 21.2 31.8 40 80 - Cloudy 12-Apr-14 23.0 32.0 38 63 - Cloudy 13-Apr-14 23.3 31.6 43 68 _ Cloudy 14-Apr-14 22.7 31.8 40 78 6.8 Rainy 15-Apr-14 21.4 31.6 43 71 - Cloudy 16-Apr-14 21.2 32.5 35 78 - Drizzling 17-Apr-14 21.9 32.2 40 82 - Cloudy 18-Apr-14 22.1 32.4 39 79 - Cloudy 19-Apr-14 22.3 32.7 45 71 - Sunny 20-Apr-14 22.5 32.9 47 69 - Sunny 21-Apr-14 22.7 33.1 42 67 - Sunny 22-Apr-14 22.8 33.3 44 65 - Sunny 23-Apr-14 23.3 33.5 39 62 - Sunny Remarks mm SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 77 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 24-Apr-14 23.5 33.7 43 70 - Cloudy 25-Apr-14 23.1 33.1 44 73 - Drizzling 26-Apr-14 23.3 30.0 41 79 10.1 Rainy 27-Apr-14 22.7 33.4 38 73 - Cloudy 28-Apr-14 23.2 33.5 39 68 - Cloudy 29-Apr-14 23.4 33.7 41 72 8.7 Rainy 30-Apr-14 23.8 33.4 42 65 - Drizzling SUNDAY WEATHER RECORD FOR SECTION-II Date Temperature ( 0c ) Humidity Rainfall Weather 1-Apr-14 Min. ⁰c 24.1 Max. ⁰c 31.5 Min. % 30 Max. % 39 - Sunny 2-Apr-14 24.3 31.7 28 32 - Cloudy 3-Apr-14 24.6 31.3 50 56 - Sunny 4-Apr-14 24.4 30.8 67 71 - Sunny 5-Apr-14 22.1 30.6 70 78 - Sunny 6-Apr-14 21.9 30.4 72 84 - Sunny 7-Apr-14 21.3 31.4 36 71 - Sunny 8-Apr-14 22.2 31.7 44 82 - Cloudy 9-Apr-14 22.9 31.9 42 66 3.9 Rainy 10-Apr-14 19.3 31.2 46 72 - Cloudy 11-Apr-14 21.0 31.6 41 83 - Cloudy 12-Apr-14 22.8 31.8 39 66 - Cloudy 13-Apr-14 23.1 31.4 42 70 - Cloudy Remarks mm SUNDAY SUNDAY CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 78 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 14-Apr-14 22.4 31.7 44 81 - Drizzling 15-Apr-14 21.1 31.2 46 74 - Cloudy 16-Apr-14 20.9 32.3 38 80 - Cloudy 17-Apr-14 21.7 31.9 42 85 - Drizzling 18-Apr-14 21.9 32.0 40 82 - Cloudy 19-Apr-14 22.2 32.2 44 72 - Sunny 20-Apr-14 22.4 32.4 42 68 - Sunny 21-Apr-14 22.6 32.6 44 64 - Sunny 22-Apr-14 22.8 32.8 40 60 - Sunny 23-Apr-14 23.1 33.0 42 68 - Sunny 24-Apr-14 23.3 33.2 46 74 - Cloudy 25-Apr-14 22.9 32.9 45 77 - Drizzling 26-Apr-14 23.1 32.8 43 82 13.4 Rainy 27-Apr-14 22.1 33.1 41 78 - Sunny 28-Apr-14 23.0 33.3 44 70 - Cloudy 29-Apr-14 23.1 33.5 39 76 4.7 Rainy 30-Apr-14 23.7 33.1 38 67 - Drizzling SUNDAY SUNDAY CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 79 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 16. I) ORGANIZATION CHART - CONCESSIONAIRE P Ravindranath Project Manager RGR & SB– Finance & Accounts at HQ S.Manikandan Dy.Manager Planning/MIS Ms.Neetha Shree Secretary Manager QS at Cluster Office Sri Harsha Project Acct-admin Bhaskar matsagar Section – 2 Head Sec2 Alok Project Engineer LA & Utilities Ganga Prasad - GCT Anjaneya Reddy Project Acct-admin CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 80 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 16. II) ORGANIZATION CHART – OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Ms. Sheetal Shanbhag Gopalkrishna Project Head Operations Equipments Maintenance Nakkina Kiran Kumar, Maintenance Manager Anant Kumar Rout, Equipment Manager Raju.Lingappa, Manager – TP II Manager – TP I D. Suresh, Electrical Engineer 1. 2. 3. 4. Shift in Charge Krishnadas.K.V Vedamurthy Manjunath Vinay Sagar Patil Cashier 1. Prakash.K 2.Dattatraya Naik 3.Chetan Kumar 4.Nagaraj.C Shift in Charge 1. Neeraj 2.Balakrishna Reddy 3.Pavithresh 4.Jayrama Gowda Cashier 1. Manjanna 2.Sameer 3.Sridhar 4. Girish T.N. Sakthivel, Equipment Engineer C.Gopinath, Engineer Maintanance CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 16.III) ORGANIZATION CHART – EPC CONTRACTOR Page No: 81 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 82 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 17.Status of NCRs Total Closed Balance yet to be closed For Proper Safety/ Traffic compliances 52 52 0 Quality issues in Highways 10 9 1 Quality issues in Structures 4 4 0 DBM top level issues 7 6 1 DBM core cutting issues 1 1 0 GSB 3 3 0 Kerb casting 1 1 0 S.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Particulars Remarks CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 83 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 18.Maintanence Activity Report - Patch work Repairs Existing Road Maintenance is being carried out and detailed statement as below Sl. No. RFI No. Description From To Length Side Date Status 1 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/3799 Patch work repairs 116.000 118.000 2.000 BHS 26.08.11 Approved 2 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/3834 Patch work repairs 117.000 119.000 2.000 BHS 27.08.11 Approved 3 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/3875 Patch work repairs 118.000 119.000 1.000 BHS 28.08.11 Approved 4 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/4134 Patch work repairs 119.000 121.000 2.000 BHS 05.09.11 Approved 5 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/4170 Patch work repairs 121.000 122.000 1.000 BHS 06.09.11 Approved 6 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/4766 Patch work repairs 126.000 127.000 1.000 BHS 24.09.11 Approved 7 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/4871 Patch work repairs 130.000 131.000 1.000 BHS 27.09.11 Approved 8 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/5284 Patch work repairs 125.000 126.000 1.000 BHS 15.10.11 Approved 9 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/5316 Patch work repairs 133.900 134.100 0.200 BHS 16.10.11 Approved 10 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/5344 Patch work repairs 109.000 110.000 1.000 BHS 18.10.11 Approved 11 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/5363 Patch work repairs 107.660 109.000 1.340 BHS 19.10.11 Approved 12 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/5408 Patch work repairs 110.000 111.000 1.000 BHS 21.10.11 Approved 13 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/5434 Patch work repairs 111.000 112.000 1.000 BHS 22.10.11 Approved 14 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/5781 Patch work repairs 123.000 124.000 1.000 BHS 14.11.11 Approved 15 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/5808 Patch work repairs 112.000 113.000 1.000 BHS 15.11.11 Approved 16 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/5869 Patch work repairs 113.000 114.000 1.000 BHS 18.11.11 Approved CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 84 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 18.Maintanence Activity Report - Patch work Repairs Existing Road Maintanence is being carried out and detailed statement as below Sl. No. RFI No. Description From To Length Side Date Status 17 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/5982 Patch work repairs 113.000 114.000 1.000 BHS 24.11.11 Approved 18 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/6403 Patch work repairs 122.000 123.000 1.000 - 13.12.11 Approved 19 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/7441 Patch work repairs 127.000 128.000 1.000 - 21.01.12 Approved 20 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/7756 Patch work repairs 128.000 129.000 1.000 - 06.02.12 Approved 21 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/11357 Patch work repairing 124.000 125.000 1.000 BHS 18.05.12 Approved 22 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/11363 Patch work repairing 134.000 139.700 5.700 BHS 18.05.12 Approved 23 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/11395 Patch work repairing 114.000 116.000 2.000 BHS 19.05.12 Approved 24 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/11465 Patch work repairing 110.000 114.000 4.000 BHS 21.05.12 Approved 25 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/13802 Patch work repairing 126.000 127.500 1.500 BHS 17.07.12 Approved 26 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/13833 Patch work repairing 124.000 126.000 2.000 BHS 18.07.12 Approved 27 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/14585 Patch work repairing work 134.000 135.000 1.000 BHS 02.08.12 Approved 28 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/15282 Patch repairing work 178.000 184.912 6.912 BHS 14.08.12 Approved 29 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/15679 Patch repairing work 178.000 184.912 6.912 BHS 22.08.12 Approved 30 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/15741 Patch work repairing work 134.000 139.610 5.610 BHS 24.08.12 Approved 31 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/15869 Patch work repairing work 134.000 139.610 5.610 BHS 27.08.12 Approved CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 85 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 18.Maintanence Activity Report - Patch work Repairs Existing Road Maintenance is being carried out and detailed statement as below Sl. No. RFI No. 32 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/15893 33 Description From To Length Side Date Status Patch work repairing work 134.000 139.610 5.610 BHS 28.08.12 Approved L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/15963 Patch work repairing work 107.684 110.000 2.316 BHS 30.08.12 Approved 34 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/15966 Patch work repairing work 110.000 113.000 3.000 BHS 30.08.12 Approved 35 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/15968 Patch work repairing work 113.000 116.000 3.000 BHS 30.08.12 Approved 36 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/15971 Patch work repairing work 116.000 117.500 1.500 BHS 30.08.12 Approved 37 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/15984 Patch work repairing work 121.000 123.500 2.500 BHS 30.08.12 Approved 38 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/16029 Patch work repairing work 121.000 122.000 1.000 BHS 31.08.12 Approved L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/16768 13.09.12 Approved 40 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/17803 Patch work repairing work ( Channaraya panta Town Existing Patch road ) work repairing work 41 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/17805 Patch work repairing work 110.000 113.000 3.000 BHS 29.09.12 Approved 42 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/19868 Patch work repairing work 112.000 114.000 2.000 BHS 30.10.12 Approved 43 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/19873 Patch work repairing work 114.000 116.000 2.000 BHS 30.10.12 Approved 44 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/19940 Patch work repairing work 116.000 117.750 1.750 BHS 31.10.12 Approved 45 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/19946 Patch work repairing work 121.000 123.000 2.000 BHS 31.10.12 Approved 39 C.R patna Town 107.684 110.000 2.316 BHS 29.09.12 Approved CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 86 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 18.Maintanence Activity Report - Patch work Repairs Existing Road Maintenance is being carried out and detailed statement as below Sl. No. RFI No. 46 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/21692 47 Description From To Length Side Date Status Patch work repairing work 115.000 117.500 2.500 BHS 30.11.12 Approved L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/21694 Patch work repairing work 125.180 127.500 2.320 BHS 30.11.12 Approved 48 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/23746 Patch work repairing work 114.000 115.000 1.000 BHS 31.12.12 Approved 49 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/39766 Premeasurement & Repairing of patch work 121.35 121.55 0.200 BHS 02.09.13 Approved 50 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/40361 Premeasument & Patch repairing work ( C.R. Patna town ) 145.000 147.000 2.000 BHS 26.09.13 Approved 51 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/40382 Premeasurement & repairing of patch work ( C.R Patna town ) 144.000 145.000 1.000 BHS 27.09.13 Approved 52 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/40990 Premeasurement & repairing of patch work 121.400 122.000 0.600 BHS 26.10.13 Approved 53 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/40991 Premeasurement & repairing of patch work 122.000 122.650 0.650 BHS 26.10.13 Approved 54 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/41130 Premeasurement & repairing of patch work 166.500 167.000 0.500 BHS 31.10.13 Approved Total 107.546 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 87 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Existing Road Maintenance - Filling of Pot Holes Existing Road Maintenance is being carried out and detailed statement as below Sl. No. RFI No. 1 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/3270 2 Description From To Length Side Date Status Filling of Pot holes work 107.684 110.000 2.316 BHS 10.08.11 Approved L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/3530 Filling of Pot holes work 109.000 111.000 2.000 BHS 18.08.11 Approved 3 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/3564 Filling of Pot holes work 110.000 111.000 1.000 BHS 19.08.11 Approved 4 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/3597 Filling of Pot holes work 111.000 112.000 1.000 BHS 20.08.11 Approved 5 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/3662 Filling of Pot holes work 111.000 113.000 2.000 BHS 22.08.11 Approved 6 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/3730 Filling of Pot holes work 114.000 116.000 2.000 BHS 24.08.11 Approved 7 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/4240 Filling of Pot holes work 123.000 124.000 1.000 BHS 08.09.11 Approved 8 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/4271 Filling of Pot holes work 126.000 129.000 3.000 BHS 09.09.11 Approved 9 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/4705 Filling of Pot holes work 128.000 129.000 1.000 BHS 22.09.11 Approved 10 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/4740 Filling of Pot holes work 129.000 130.000 1.000 BHS 23.09.11 Approved 11 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/5680 Filling of Pot holes work 131.000 136.000 5.000 BHS 09.11.11 Approved 12 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/9948 Pre measurement for repair of Pot holes 175.000 179.000 4.000 BHS 31.03.12 Approved 13 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/10811 Repair of Pot holes 158.000 166.000 8.000 BHS 03.05.12 Approved 14 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/11222 Pot hole repairing work 134.000 139.700 5.700 BHS 14.05.12 Approved 15 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/11238 Pot hole repairing work 157.880 166.500 8.620 BHS 14.05.12 Approved 16 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/26296 Pot hole repairing work 177.000 184.000 7.000 BHS 08.02.13 Approved 17 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/32577 Pot hole repairing work 167.000 168.000 1.000 BHS 30.04.13 Approved CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 88 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Existing Road Maintenance - Filling of Pot Holes Existing Road Maintenance is being carried out and detailed statement as below Sl. No. RFI No. 18 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/36008 Description From To Length Side Date Status Pot hole repairing work 121.430 122.640 1.210 BHS 27.06.13 Approved 19 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/41091 Over lay of BC 121.400 122.000 0.600 BHS 30.10.13 Approved 20 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/41092 165.680 166.500 0.820 BHS 30.10.13 Approved 21 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/41120 Over lay of BC Over lay of BC 122.000 122.300 0.300 BHS 31.10.13 Approved 22 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/41131 Over lay of BC 166.500 167.000 0.500 BHS 31.10.13 Approved 23 L&T DHTL/NH48/HW/41168 Over lay of BC 122.300 122.650 0.350 BHS 01.11.13 Approved Total 59.416 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 89 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 19.SAFETY REPORT S.No. Description Unit SITE / PERSONNEL This Prev. Total Month Cumulative SUB-CONTRACTOR This Prev. Total Month Cumulative TOTAL (Staff & Subcontractor) Hrs. 3,40,070 1,11,70,060 1,15,10,130 0 55,38,8150 5,54,39,150 6,69,49,280 Nos. 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Man-hours Worked (Hrs.) 2 Total of Accident / Incident Reported 3 No. of Lost Workdays (LW) 4 Nos. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 No. of Lost time Injury (LTI) No. of Fatality Noos. 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 6 No of Medical Treatment (MT) Nos. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 No. of Property Damage (Fire/Vehicle) Nos. 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 8 No. of near Misses (NM) No. of First Aid Cases (minor) (FAC) Nos. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nos. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 (LW x 1000000) 10 LTI Severity = 11 LTI Frequency = Man-hours worked (LTI x 1000000) Man hour Worked Workplace Target(Man hours Worked) Actual Man hours Worked Man hours Worked Without LTI : Date of Last LTI Accident : Remar ks CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 90 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Safety and Traffic Management: Traffic and Safety has been provided in line with IRC & required specification and for the same is as below Chainage Sl. No From To Length Sign boards 1 170.300 172.500 2.200 2 172.500 175.000 3 175.000 4 Delineators Type III Barricade Jercy Crash barrier Required No’s Available No’s 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.500 0 0 0 0 0 0 175.600 0.600 0 0 0 0 0 0 175.600 177.200 1.600 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 177.200 178.150 0.950 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 178.150 178.600 0.450 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 178.600 179.350 0.750 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 179.350 180.650 1.300 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 180.650 181.030 0.380 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 181.030 181.780 0.750 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 181.780 182.250 0.470 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 182.250 182.600 0.350 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bamboos Remarks Trafiic allowed on New Carriage way, Sign Boards provided as per the drawings Trafic allowed on New Carriage way, Sign Boards provided as per the drawings CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 91 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Chainage Sl No From To 13 182.600 184.600 Length Sign boards 2.000 0 Delineators Required No’s Available No’s 0 0 Type III Barricade Jercy Crash barrier Bamboos 0 0 0 14 184.600 184.720 0.120 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 184.720 184.912 0.192 0 0 0 0 0 0 Remarks Trafic allowed on New Carriage way, Sign Boards provided as per the drawings CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 92 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 20.ACCIDENT REPORT (1) Stretch: Devihalli -Hassan (NH - 48) (2) Stretch Chainage: Devihalli - Hassan (km.110.000 to km.189.500) (3) State:Karnataka (4) District: Mandya , Hassan (5) Name of Police Stations: Hirisave, C.R.Patna, Shanthigrama, Dandiganahalli & Hassan LH S Rural Head -tail Fatal 2 5-042014 8.40 112.00 0 RH S Rural Upsi de Mino r Over spee d Drive r negli genc y82 2 0 4 LCV 1 0 0 RPV, TOW &Ambulance Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Car 0 0 0 RPV Help provided by Ambulance/patrol vehicle Norma l Non-Injury No Intersecti on Vehicle responsible Flat Road Remarks No. of Animals killed if any No. of Affected Persons. Minor 163.20 0 H' Grievous 1.10 G' Fatal 4-042014 2 0 4 F' Weather Condition Cause 1 E' Intersection Type and Control D' Road Condition C' Road Feature B' Classification of Accident Urban/Rural Accident Location LHS/RHS Chainage Time of Accident (am/pm Date/Month/ Year Sl. No. A' Nature of Accident 20.ACCIDENT REPORT CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 93 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 3 06.04.2 014 20:48 PM 120.00 0KM,M CW, RH S Over takin g Mino r 4 07-042014 09:30 119.80 0 RH S Upsi de - 4 08.04.2 014 5 09.04.2 014 6 09.04.2 014 7 8 9 10 10.04.2 014 12.04.2 014 13.04.2 014 13.04.2 014 AM 05:15 PM 11:31 PM 16:37 PM 05:37 AM 16:56 PM 03:03 AM 19:10 PM 175.15 0KM,M CW, Mino r& Grev ious Grev Drive r negli genc Drive y82 r negli genc Drink y82 &driv LH S Head -tail 113.60 0KM,M CW, LH S Over takin g 143.10 0KM,O TH, LH S Over spee d Grev ious Drive r negli genc Drive yr 111.15 0KM,O TH, LH S Over spee d Non ijury negli genc Drive yr 115.10 0KM,O TH, RH S Grev ious 123.61 0KM,M CW, RH S Illega l medi an Contr openi ol ng lost negli genc Vehic y le Fatal contr ol Contr lost ol 122.40 0KM,M CW, RH S vehic Over le spee d ious e lost Grev ious Drive r negli genc y 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Car(Lc v) 0 0 0 RPV 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Lcv 0 0 0 RPV,Tow 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Car&tr actor 0 1 1 RPV 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l 0 1 0 RPV 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Bus&T wo wheele r Bus& 0 1 0 RPV 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l 0 0 0 RPV 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l 0 1 0 RPV,Ambulan ce 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l 1 0 0 RPV 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l 0 1 0 RPV MAV Car&T wo wheele rrrrrrrrr Car rrrrr Lcv CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 94 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 11 16.04.2 014 06:10 AM 140.60 0KM,M CW, LH S 12 18.04.2 014 09:19 AM 117.70 0KM,M CW, LH S 109.60 0KM,M CW, RH S 13 19.04.2 014 20:36 PM Left turn collisi on Head -tail Upsi de Non ijury Drive r negli genc Drive yr Non ijury negli genc Viehi y cle Non ijury 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Lcv 00 0 0 0 RPV, 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Car&L cv 0 0 0 RPV 2 0 5 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Truck 0 0 0 RPV 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Truck 0 0 0 RPV 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Lcv &Car 0 0 1 RPV 2 0 5 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Two wheele r 0 0 1 RPV Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l 0 0 RPV 2 0 5 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Car&T wo wheele r Two 0 d 2 0 4 wheele r 0 0 0 RPV 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Lcv 0 0 0 RPV contr ol l Drive 14 20.04.2 014 17:32 AM 153.80 0KM,M CW, RH S Upsi de Non ijury 15 22.04.2 014 04:25 AM 158.60 0KM,M CW, LH S Head -tail Mino r 16 23.04.2 014 06:23 131.60 0KM,O TH, LH S Mino r 09:45 AM 113.60 0KM,M CW, LH S Sing al vehic le Head Drive r negli genc Drive yr - negli genc Over y spee 17 23.04.2 014 AM 18 24.04.2 014 02:03 PM 157.50 0KM,M CW, 19 24.04.2 014 02:48 PM 155.85 0KM,M CW, -on r negli RH S Sing al vehic - Drive r negli RH S Upsi de - Over spee d CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Page No: 95 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 20 26.04.2 014 08:57 PM 115.80 0KM,O TH, LH S Upsi de - 21 27.04.2 014 06:38 AM 141.20 0KM,O TH, LH S Upsi de Mino r Drive r negli genc Drink y &driv e 22 27.04.2 014 07:40 AM 113.10 0KM,M CW, RH S Head -tail - 23 27.04.2 014 09:10 AM 109.10 0KM,M CW, RH S Over spee d Mino r Drive r negli genc Drive yr 123.20 0KM,M CW, LH S Head -tail - negli genc Drive yr 134.95 0KM,M CW, LH S Grev ious negli genc Vehic y le 162.80 0KM,M CW, LH S Grev ious lost contr Drive ol r 24 25 26 30.04.2 014 30.04.2 014 30.04.2 014 07:25 AM 20:30 PM 21:27 PM Head -tail Head -tail negli genc y 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Two wheele r 0 0 0 RPV 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Car 0 0 1 RPV 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Car&C ar 0 2 0 0 RPV 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l 0 0 2 RPV 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l Truck &Two wheele r Car&C 0 0 0 RPV 2 0 5 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l 0 1 0 RPV,Police 2 0 4 Flat Road No Intersecti on Norma l 0 1 0 RPV ar Car&T wo wheele r Car&T wo wheele r CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 96 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Note: A: Urban/Rural and Details of Surrounding Land use B: 1-Overturning, 2-Head on collision, 3-Rear end collision, 4- Collision Brush/Slide wipe 5-Right turn collision, 6-Skidding, 7-Right collision, 8-Others C: 1-Fatal, 2-Grievous injury, 3-Vechicle out of control, 4-Non injury D: 1- Drunken, 2-over speeding, 3-Vehicle out control, 4-Fault of driver of motor vehicle/driver of other vehicle/cyclist/pedestrian/passenger, 5-Defect in mechanical condition of motor vehicle/road condition E: 1-Single lane, 2-Two lanes, 3- Three lanes or more without central divider (median), 4-Four lanes for more with central divider F: 1- Straight lane, 2- slight curve, 3-Sharp curve, 4- flat road, 5-Gentle incline, 6-Steep incline, 7- Hump, 8-Dip G: 1- T- Junction, 2-y-Junction, 3-Four arm junction, 4- Staggered junction, 5-Junction with more than 4arms, 6- Roundabout junction, 7manned rail crossing, 9-Unmanned rail crossing. H: 1-Fine, 2-Mist/Fog, 3-Cloudy, 4-Light rain, 5-Heavy rain, 6-Hall sleet, 7-Snow, 8-Strong wind, 9-Dust storm, 10-Very hot, 11-very cold, 12- Other extraordinary weather condition. ` CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - A MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 21. PROGRESS PHOTOGRAPHS Page No: 97 ` CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - A MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Page No: 98 ` CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - A MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Page No: 99 ` CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - A MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Page No: 100 ` CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - A MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 101 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Joint Inspection Report For Hindrances Along With NHAI, Independent Engineer & Concessionaire (updated as on 30-04-2014) VALUATION (RHS) Sl. No Chainage Village From To Length (kms) Survey Numbers Party / Owner Name Type of Obstruction Action Pending from NHAI Remarks as on Date Hassan District 1 Heggdihalli * 125.670 125.770 0.100 2 Yeliyur 154.150 154.260 0.110 Grampanchayat Building 166.570 166.590 0.020 Post office 166.970 167.000 0.030 School 167.200 167.280 0.080 Land Shantigrama 3 Total Gramathana 0.340 A) Four laning Carriageway (Ch.107+684 to Ch.139+677 & Ch.148+824 to Ch.175+163) B) New 2 Lane Carriageway for Channarayapatna Bypass (Ch.139+677 to Ch.148+824) Total 0.340 Kms 0.000 Kms 0.340 Kms Pipeline /Land Supplementary Award Payment yet to passed, payment yet to be be released made by SLAO. Payment yet to land not available for COS be released proposal of service road Payment yet to be released Payment yet to be released Payment yet to be released documents not submitted by the party tree payments pending documents not submitted by the party ` CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - A MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 102 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Joint Inspection Report For Hindrances Along With NHAI, Independent Engineer & Concessionaire (updated as on 30-04-2014) LAW & ORDER ISSUES (LHS) Sl. No Chainage Village From To Length (kms) Survey Numbers Owner Name Type of Obstruction Problems faced by Concessionaire 0.010 37 Village Panchayat Temple Party is not Vacanting Action Pending from NHAI Eviction Notice yet to be issued Remarks as on date Hassan District 1 Jogipura 138.350 Total 138.360 0.010 A) Four laning Carriageway (Ch.107+684 to Ch.139+677 & Ch.148+824 to Ch.175+163) B) New 2 Lane Carriageway for Channarayapatna Bypass (Ch.139+677 to Ch.148+824) Total 0.010 Kms 0.000 Kms 0.010 Kms Hindrance for drain ` CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - A MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Page No: 103 MONTH: APRIL - 2014 Sl. No Joint Inspection Report For Hindrances Along With NHAI, Independent Engineer & Concessionaire on 30.11.2012(updated as on 31-01-2014) VALUATION ISSUES (LHS) Chainage Length Survey Type of Action Pending Village Owner Name Remarks as on date (kms) Numbers Obstruction from NHAI From To Mandya District 1 Nagtihalli 111.890 111.900 0.010 85,86 Balamoorthy 154.030 154.080 0.050 113/2,113/1 Ratnamma,Raith samparka Kendra Supplementary Award has been submitted to P.D. NHAI for approval House Hassan District 2 Yeliyur Total 0.060 a) Four laning Carriageway (Ch.107+684 to Ch.139+677 & Ch.148+824 to Ch.175+163) b) New 2 Lane Carriageway for Channarayapatna Bypass (Ch.139+677 to Ch.148+824) Total 0.060 Kms 0.000 Kms 0.060 Kms Land Payment yet to be released Supplementary Award passed, payment yet to be made by SLAO. CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - C Page No: 104 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH : APRIL - 2014 Status of Electrical Utility shifting Works Sl No I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Estimate Details As Per Work Order-2013 Estimate for Devihalli to Kadabahalli Section of Nagamangala Taluk WORK ACTIVITIES PART A-EXTENTION OF 11KV LINE Erection of 9M RCC Poles Horizontal X arm with HT supply Disc insulator 45 Kn 11KV pin insulator GUY set Spiral Earth Electrode Rabbit Conductor +1.5% sag DP Set 9 Mtrs PART-B-LAYING OF CABLE DP Set 9 Mtrs GOS 200AS B Sand Tiles 11KV class 3X95/240 XLPE UG Cable Cable Termination Kit out door HS pipe RCC Hume Pipe 2000mm long 150mm Dia GI pipe 150mm Dia COLAR Cable Trench excavation Providing 63KVA Transformer on 9Mtr pole as per S R Shifting Transformer of existing 100KVA Shifting Transformer of existing 25/63KVA 1.1KV pin insulator No 8KV strain insulator 4Pin X arm 2Pin X arm GUY set 2ACSR concuctor +1.5%sag RCC Poles 8Mtr Long PART C-ERRECTION/SHIFTING TRANSFORMER Providing 63KVA Transformer on 9M pole as per S R Shifting Transformer of Existing 25/63 KVA Transformer RCC Poles 8Mtrs Long 4Pin X arm 2 Pin X arm Guy Set No 8KV strain insulator 1.1KV Pin insulator 2ACSR Conductor +1.5% sag Unit Total Scope Completed Nos Sets Nos Sets Sets Sets Km Sets 284 315 207 943 86 284 44.7 14 284.00 315.00 207.00 942.00 84.00 284.00 44.7 14.00 Set Set Cmt Nos Mtr Set Nos Nos Nos Cmt Set Set Set set Nos set set set km Nos 6 6 30 300 0.75 12 30 48 30 450 6 5 1 24 12 9 0 2 0.8 2 6.00 6.00 30.00 300.00 0.75 12.00 30.00 48.00 30.00 450.00 6.00 5.00 0.00 24.00 12.00 9.00 0.00 2.00 0.80 2.00 Set Set 3 2 3.00 2.00 Nos set Set Set Nos Set km 6 79 44 15 114 262 16.94 6.00 79.00 44.00 15.00 114.00 262.00 16.20 Remarks CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - C Page No: 105 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH : APRIL - 2014 Status of Electrical Utility shifting Works Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 Estimate Details As Per Work Order-2013 PART D-EXTENTION OF LT LINE RCC Pole 8/9M long 4 Pin x arm 2 Pin X arm Guy set No 8KV starain insulator 1.1 KV pin insulator 2ACSR Conductor +1.5% sag Electrical inspectorate Charges PART E-DE-COMMISION LABOUR CHARGES Releasing of 8Mtr RCC/PCC poles Releasing of 9Mtr RCC/PCC poles Releasing of X arms Releasing of conductor 2/4ACSR Releasing of conductor Rabbit Releasing of DP set Estimate for Kirisave gadi to Goolihomenahalli Village in Hirisave Section WORK ACTIVITIES PART A-EXTENTION OF 11KV LINE DP Structure using 9Mtr long Poles complete set RCC Poles 9Mtr Long PSC Pole 9 Mtr long Spiral Earth Electrode 11KV Horizontal X arm 11KV pin insulator Disc insulator 45KN Guy set Rabbit Conductor with 1.5%sag PART-B-LAYING OF HT UG CABLE DP structure using 9Mtr long poles Sturt pole with fish plates,clamps(PSC 8 Mtrs) GOS single break 200A H frame for mounting GOS 11KV class 3X 400 XLPE UG cable Outdoor pot head GI PIPE 150mm dia RCC hume pipe 2000mm long 150mm dia PART C-ERRECTION/SHIFTING TRANSFORMER Erection of 25KVA Transformer centre by 9Mtrs long RCC pole DP Structure Erection of 63KVA Transformer centre by 9Mtrs long RCC pole DP Structure Unit Total Scope Completed Nos set set set Nos set km 26 40 35 9 54 142 6.64 26.00 40.00 35.00 9.00 53.00 141.00 6.70 Nos Nos Set Km Km Set 47 138 203 4 21.4 5 47.00 138.00 203.00 4.00 21.00 5.00 Set Nos Nos Nos Set Nos Nos Set Km 43 218 274 492 518 1446 672 191 68.21 43.00 218.00 274.00 492.00 517.00 1445.00 670.00 191.00 68.20 Set Set Set Nos Mtrs Nos Mtrs Nos 32 64 32 32 3880 64 384 960 32.00 64.00 32.00 32.00 3853.00 63.00 380.00 960.00 set 3 3.00 set 18 18.00 Remarks CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - C Page No: 106 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH : APRIL - 2014 Status of Electrical Utility shifting Works Sl No 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Estimate Details As Per Work Order -2013 Erection of 100KVA Transformer centre by 9Mtrs long RCC pole DP structure PART D-EXTENTION OF LT LINE RCC pole 8Mtr long PSC pole 8Mtr long 4 Pin X arm 1.1KV Pin insulator No 8KV strain insulator Guy set 2 ACSR with1.5% sag PART E -PROVIDING LT ABC CABLE 1.1KV Class 3Phase ABC Cable of size 3X95 + 1X16 + 1X70 Distribution box 3Phase Piercing connector suitable for 16-95 AB cable for service connection Piercing connector suitable for 16-95 AB cable for street light connection Suspension clamp assembly Universal hook with bolts & nuts T Connector KZ395 Cable straight through joints End cap PBC insulated wire 16/25 Sqmm PART F- SHIFTING OF EXISTING DTC's Erection of 25KVA Transformer centre by 9Mtr long RCC pole DP structure with all accessories(excluding 25KVA DTC) as per cost data sheet Erection of 63KVA Transformer centre by 9Mtr long RCC pole DP structure with all accessories(excluding 25KVA DTC) as per cost data sheet Erection of 100KVA Transformer centre by 9Mtr long RCC pole DP structure with all accessories(excluding 25KVA DTC) as per cost data sheet PART G- DE-COMMISION LABOUR CHARGES Releasing of poles 9Mtrs Releasing of poles 8Mtrs Releasing of X arms Releasing of conductor Rabbit Releasing of conductor 2/4 ACSR Releasing of Guy set Releasing & re erection of 100KVA DTC Releasing & re erection of 63KVA DTC Unit set Total Scope 7 Completed 7.00 Nos Nos set Nos Nos set Kms 41 69 231 380 540 34 23.1 41.00 69.00 231.00 380.00 538.00 34.00 23.10 Kms 2.5 Nil Nos set 50 150 Nil Nil set 63 Nil set set Nos set Nos Mtrs 63 40 20 13 125 1200 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil set 6 6.00 set 8 8.00 set 7 7.00 Nos Nos set Kms Kms set set set 198 53 418 13.86 42.64 54 7 8 198.00 53.00 418.00 13.80 42.64 54.00 7.00 8.00 Remarks CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - C Page No: 107 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH : APRIL - 2014 Status of Electrical Utility shifting Works Sl No 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 Estimate Details As Per Work Order-2013 Releasing & re erection of25KVA DTC Releasing 100KVA Tr. Structure Releasing 63KVA Tr. Structure Releasing 25KVA Tr. Structure Releasing of DP Structure Releasing of GOS Releasing of H frame Estimate for Hosakoppalu Gate to Dandiganahalli Village in Udayapura Section WORK ACTIVITIES PART A-EXTENTION OF 11KV LINE DP Structure using 9Mtr long Poles complete set RCC Poles 9Mtr Long PSC Pole 9 Mtr long Spiral Earth Electrode 11KV Horizontal X arm 11KV pin insulator Disc insulator 45KN Guy set Sturt pole with fish plates,clamps (PSC 8Mtrs) Road Gaurding Rabbit Conductor with 1.5%sag PART-B-LAYING OF HT UG CABLE DP structure using 9Mtr long poles Sturt pole with fish plates,clamps(PSC 8 Mtrs) GOS single break 200A H frame for mounting GOS 11KV class 3X 400 XLPE UG cable Out door pot head GI PIPE 150mm dia RCC hume pipe 2000mm long 150mm dia PART C-ERRECTION/SHIFTING TRANSFORMER Erection of 25KVA Transformer centre by 9Mtrs long RCC pole DP Structure Erection of 63KVA Transformer centre by 9Mtrs long RCC pole DP Structure Erection of 100KVA Transformer centre by 9Mtrs long RCC pole DP structure PART D-EXTENTION OF LT LINE RCC pole 8Mtr long PSC pole 8Mtr long 4 Pin X arm 1.1KV Pin insulator Unit set set set set set set Nos Total Scope 6 7 8 6 5 1 1 Completed 6.00 7.00 8.00 6.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 Set Nos Nos Nos Set Nos Nos Set Set Set Km 10 110 382 492 580 1455 546 145 4 6 67.3 10.00 110.00 378.00 492.00 549.00 1435.00 536.00 142.00 2.00 4.00 58.00 Set Set Set Nos Mtrs Nos Mtrs Nos 38 80 38 38 3640 80 480 1240 33.00 50.00 34.00 35.00 3617.00 68.00 465.00 1025.00 set 15 10.00 set 14 12.00 set 2 1.00 Nos Nos set Nos 73 83 349 682 69.00 79.00 335.00 675.00 Remarks CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - C Page No: 108 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH : APRIL - 2014 Status of Electrical Utility shifting Works Sl No 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IV Estimate Details As Per Work Order-2013 No 8KV strain insulator Guy set 2 ACSR with1.5% sag Unit Nos set Kms Total Scope 766 113 40.2 Completed 738.00 113.00 39.40 PART E -PROVIDING LT UG CABLE RCC pole 9Mtr long Sturt pole with fish plates,clamps (PSC 8Mtrs) 4 Pin X arm LT UG cable 31/2 X 120 Pot Head 120 GI Pipe 150mm Dia RCC Hume pipe 2000mm long 150mm Dia set set set Mtrs Nos Nos Nos 8 8 8 720 16 96 240 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil set 9 7.00 set 8 6.00 set 6 5.00 Nos Nos set Kms Kms set set set set set set set set set Nos 188 229 540 13.125 43.801 66 10 8 9 10 8 9 10 1 1 179.00 210.00 523.00 12.40 41.60 62.00 8.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 1.00 1.00 PART F- SHIFTING OF EXISTING DTC's Erection of 25KVA Transformer centre by 9Mtr long RCC pole DP structure with all accessories(excluding 25KVA DTC) as per cost data sheet Erection of 63KVA Transformer centre by 9Mtr long RCC pole DP structure with all accessories(excluding 25KVA DTC) as per cost data sheet Erection of 100KVA Transformer centre by 9Mtr long RCC pole DP structure with all accessories(excluding 25KVA DTC) as per cost data sheet PART G- DE-COMMISION LABOUR CHARGES Releasing of poles 9Mtrs Releasing of poles 8Mtrs Releasing of X arms Releasing of conductor Rabbit Releasing of conductor 2/4 ACSR Releasing of Guy set Releasing & re erection of 100KVA DTC Releasing & re erection of 63KVA DTC Releasing & re erection of25KVA DTC Releasing 100KVA Tr. Structure Releasing 63KVA Tr. Structure Releasing 25KVA Tr. Structure Releasing of DP Structure Releasing of GOS Releasing of H frame Estimate for Agriculture College to Anachihalli Limits in Hassan Taluk WORK ACTIVITIES PART A-EXTENTION OF 11KV LINE Remarks CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - C Page No: 109 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH : APRIL - 2014 Status of Electrical Utility shifting Works Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Estimate Details As Per Work Order-2013 Running Single Circuit 11KV 3Phase power line on 9Mtr Supports with an average span 40Mtrs using Rabbit ACSr Conductor as per cost data Sheet1(Location between Agriculture College to Kasturavally Limits of S Grama section) RCC poles 9Mtrs long Spiral Earth electrode Horizontal X arm with HTST support 45KN disc insulators 11KV pin insulators with GI pin Guy Set Complete Rabbit ACSR conductor with 1.5% sag Coyote ACSR conductor with 1.5% sag Stud pole using PSC 8Mtr long with accessories 4 Pin X arm for LT line crossing 1.1KV pin insulators Special 3 Pin X arm for Dead End & Tapping Points 3 pole structure using 9Mtr RCC for Fdr terminations 2 pole structures with GOS 11KV class D/B or S/B 200 2 pole DP structure using 9Mtr RCC without GOS PART B- LAYING OF UG CABLE 2 poles structure complete set using 9Mtr RCC poles with 200A SB,GOS 11KV class,3*95/240/400 Sqmm XLPE UG cable 2 runs DP to DP for road crossing Heat shrinkable termination kit HS type suitable for 95/240/400 Sqmm cable Straight through jointing kits HS type suitable for 95/240/400Sqmm cable RCC Hume pipe 2000mm long & 150mm dia Collars for RCC Hume pipe GI pipe 150mm dia for cable raising Cable covering tiles 250x250x40 mm Sand for cable covering Lighting arrester cable trench excavation 60x0.6x1=36cmtx20 crossing Laying of cable in a trench Refilling & Consolidation Covering the cable with tiles Spreading sand & round the cable Laying of RCC Hume pipe PART C- ERECTION OF TRANSFORMER CENTERS Providing 25 KVA 11KV class 3PH transformer using 9Mtr RCC poles Unit Total Scope Completed Km 26.2 Nos Nos set set set Nos Km Km Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos set Nos 298 298 323 248 910 97 33.3 0.81 25 15 45 20 3 35 1 275 267 295 213 657 74 29.6 Nos 40 25 Km 4 2 Nos 80 Nos 18 Nos Nos Mtr Nos Cmtr set Cmtr Km Cmtr Km Km Mtr 1000 1000 240 800 150 40 720 4 667 2 2 2000 Nos 9 17 10 36 22 Remarks CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - C Page No: 110 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH : APRIL - 2014 Status of Electrical Utility shifting Works Sl No 2 3 4 5 -2013 Estimate Details As Per Work Order Providing 25 KVA 11KV class 3PH transformer using 9Mtr RCC poles(Excluding transformer cost) Providing 63 KVA 11KV class 3PH transformer using 9Mtr RCC poles Providing 63 KVA 11KV class 3PH transformer using 9Mtr RCC poles(Excluding transformer cost) Providing 100KVA 11KV class 3PH transformer using 9Mtr RCC poles(Excluding transformer cost) Unit Total Scope Completed nos 4 nos 22 16 nos 12 8 nos 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PART -D EXTENSION OF LT LINES RCC poles 9Mtrs long Spiral earth electrode 4 Pin X arm along with bolts & nuts 1.1KV pin insulator with GI pin No 8 Strain insulator Guy set complete No2 ACSR conductor with 1.5% sag Stud pole using 8 Mt PSC pole with accessories Road guarding cradle type Nos Nos set Nos Nos Nos Km Nos Nos 250 250 430 872 880 102 56 30 10 123 226 298 372 544 96 44 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PART E- DE-COMMISION LABOUR CHARGES Releasing of RCC pole 9Mtr long releasing of RCC pole 8Mtr long Releasing of PCC pole 8Mtr long Releasing of Rail pole 8Mtr long Releasing of rail pole DP structure materials Releasing of TC structure set Releasing of Spmt TC structure Releasing of DP structure set Releasing of H X-arms Releasing of 4 Pin X arms Releasing of 2 Pin X arms Releasing GOS S/B 200A Releasing of 2 ACSR conductor Releasing of 4 ACSR conductor Releasing of 1 ACSR conductor Releasing of 25KVA Transformer Releasing of 63KVA Transformer Releasing of 100KVA Transformer Nos Nos Nos Nos set set set set Nos Nos Nos set Kms Kms Kms Nos Nos Nos 412 142 191 30 5 19 1 26 578 138 21 4 9.37 34.12 63.21 4 12 4 328 121 147 12 2 14 14 28 13 7 2.9 55.2 2 Remarks CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - C Page No: 111 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH : APRIL - 2014 Status of Water Pipe Line Shifting and tank bunds shifting Works Sl No 1 2 -2013 Unit Total Scope Completed a) Sinking of Bore wells b) Sinking of Bore well & Providing Hand Pump Nos Nos 3 8 3 8 c) Construction of 1200 mm dia. RCC Hume Pipe Pump House Nos 2 3 d) Construction of Hume Cistern e) 75 mm 6Kgs/ SqM. (PVC) e) Providing Raising Main 90mm f) Construction of Chlorination Room g) Construction of Cattle Tank Nos M M Nos Nos 6 8100 2500 1 3 4 8100 2500 1 Nil a) Sinking of Bore well 150mm dia. & 165mm dia. b) Installation and commissioning of Hand Pump c) Providing RCC Hume Pipe House Nos Nos M 5 29 1 5 29 0 d) Erection, Electrification & Commissioning of 150mm dia 7HP/16 state submersible Motor Pump set unit with control panel board, GI Pipes NOs 1 0 e) Providing and laying Pipe line with 63mm dia, 4Kg/ PVC pipe Rm 11875 11780 f) Providing & laying pipe line with 75mm dia, 4Kg/ PVC pipe Rm 2500 2400 Rm 1030 1020 Nos Nos Rm m m Nos 27 16 300 800 590 1 22 12 100 750 590 1 1533.6 1000 Rm 2240 2000 Rm 600 450 Description of work Nagamangala Taluk,Mandya District (km.110.000 to km.120.000) Channarayapatna Taluk, Hassan District(km.120.000 to km.163.000) g) Providing and laying pipe line with 75mm dia,6Kg/ PVC pipe h) Shifting of RCC precast Hume pipe Cistern i) Providing public fountain j)Providing & laying RCC pipe NP2 k)90mm 4Kgs l)90mm 6kgs l)Pump set 3 Reconstruction of water supply Schemes from KM 163+000 TO 189+500 a)Earthwork Excavation for Pipeline trenches Cum b)Providing and installation of PVC pipes and refilling at sitei)75mm dia PVC 6kg/cm2 ii)63mm dia PVC pipes 6kg/cm 2 Remarks CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. Annexure - C Page No: 112 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH : APRIL - 2014 Status of Water Pipe Line Shifting and tank bunds shifting Works -2013 Sl No Description of work c)providing, laying & refilling of 50mm dia GI pipes d)Providing, laying & refilling of 20mm dia GI pipes e)providing, laying & refilling of 32mm dia GI pipes f) Providing Public fountains g)Providing Hand pump Bore well h)Sinking of Bore well of 165mm dia to a depth up to 150mm i)Shifting of Precast Hume Pipe Pump House j)Supplying & Providing RCC Circular Pipe Cistern Unit Total Scope Completed Rm 80 75 Rm 69 65 Rm 30 23 Nos Nos 10 3 3 Nos Nos Nos 3 3 3 3 3 1 Remarks CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 -2013 Annexure - D Page No: 113 CONCESSIONAIRE : L&T DEVIHALLI HASSAN TOLLWAY LIMITED. EPC CONTRACTOR : LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MONTH: APRIL - 2014 -2013 Annexure - D Page No: 114