19th International Workshop on Methodology of Twin and Family Studies: Introductory course Mike Neale (director) Hermine Maes Nathan Gillespie Ben Neale Fruhling Rijsdijk Dorret Boomsma Danielle Posthuma Danielle Dick John Hewitt (host) Jeff Lessem Stacey Cherny Nick Martin Sarah Medland Manuel Ferreira Kate Morley History of International Methodology Workshops TC1 TC2 TC3 TC4 Year 1987 1989 1990 1991 Location Leuven Leuven Boulder Leuven TC5 TC6 TC7 TC8 TC9 TC10 TC11 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1998 Boulder Boulder Helsinki Boulder Boulder Boulder Leuven TC12 TC13 TC14 TC15 TC16 TC17 TC18 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Boulder Boulder Boulder Boulder Boulder Boulder Boulder Type Introductory Introductory Introductory Introductory Advanced Introductory Introductory Introductory Introductory Introductory Introductory Introductory Advanced Advanced Introductory Advanced Introductory Advanced Introductory Advanced #Faculty 10 11 11 14 12 13 16 10 10 10 12 10 13 12 12 18 18 15 16 18 # Students 24 41 28 49 55 49 43 29 49 55 57 55 62 37 63 65 95 82 93 64 Attendance at International Methodology Workshops Frequency Faculty Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 4 3 2 5 2 507 171 32 14 5 4 # of 'Unique' Students Introductory Workshop # of Students Advanced Workshop # of Students Total 7 3 8 1 1 9 10 16 17 19 20 2 3 1 1 3 3 41 734 730 365 1095 Causes of Human Variation Nick Martin Queensland Institute of Medical Research Boulder workshop: March 6, 2006 It’s all about genetic variation ... Stature in adolescent twins Women 700 600 500 400 300 200 Std. Dev = 6.40 100 Mean = 169.1 N = 1785.00 0 145.0 155.0 150.0 Stature 165.0 160.0 175.0 170.0 185.0 180.0 190.0 [Galton, 1889] The height vs. pea debate (early 1900s) Biometricians Mendelians Do quantitative traits have the same hereditary and evolutionary properties as discrete characters? Trait Qq qq QQ m-a m+d m+a RA Fisher (1918). Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 52: 399-433. var(A)=2p(1-p)a2 Kenneth Mather 1911-1990 John Jinks 1929-1987 People and Ideas Galton (1865-ish) Mendel Correlation Family Resemblance Twins Ancestral Heredity Fisher Darwin (1858,1871) (1865) Natural Selection Sexual Selection Evolution Particulate Inheritance Genes: single in gamete double in zygote Segregation ratios Spearman (1918) (1904) Common Factor Analysis Correlation & Mendel Maximum Likelihood ANOVA: partition of variance Wright (1921) Path Analysis Mather (1949) & Jinks (1971) Watson & Thurstone (1930's) Multiple Factor Analysis Biometrical Genetics Model Fitting (plants) Joreskog (1960) Jinks & Fulker (1970) Model Fitting applied to humans Segregation Linkage Morton (1974) Population Genetics Rao, Rice, Reich, Cloninger (1970's) Martin & Eaves (1977) Neale (1990) Mx Covariance Structure Analysis LISREL Path Analysis & Family Resemblance Elston etc (19..) Genetic Analysis of Covariance Structure Crick (1953) 2000 Assortment Cultural Inheritance Molecular Genetics Polygenic Traits 1 Gene 2 Genes 3 Genes 4 Genes 3 Genotypes 3 Phenotypes 9 Genotypes 5 Phenotypes 27 Genotypes 7 Phenotypes 81 Genotypes 9 Phenotypes 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 15 10 5 0 Central Limit Theorem The normal distribution is to be expected whenever variation is produced by the addition of a large number of effects. Multifactorial Threshold Model of Disease Single threshold unaffected Disease liability affected Multiple thresholds normal mild mod Disease liability severe Complex Trait Model Linkage Marker Gene1 Linkage disequilibrium Linkage Association Mode of inheritance Gene2 Disease Phenotype Individual environment Common environment Gene3 Polygenic background 3 Stages of Genetic Mapping Are there genes influencing this trait? Where are those genes? Genetic epidemiological studies Linkage analysis What are those genes? Association analysis Variance components Unique Environment Shared Environment Additive Genetic Effects C A E c Dominance Genetic Effects D a e d Phenotype P = eE + aA + cC + dD Controversy: nature vs nurture Designs to disentangle G + E Resemblance between relatives caused by: shared Genes (G = A + D) environment Common to family members (C) Differences between relatives caused by: nonshared Genes Unique environment (U or E) http://genepi.qimr.edu.au/staff/classicpapers.html Designs to disentangle G + E Family studies – G + C confounded MZ twins alone – G + C confounded MZ twins reared apart – rare, atypical, selective placement ? Adoptions – increasingly rare, atypical, selective placement ? MZ and DZ twins reared together Extended twin design MZ twins reared apart - note the same way of supporting their cans of beer Body postures of MZ twins reared apart Body postures of DZ twins reared apart Designs to disentangle G + E Family studies – G + C confounded MZ twins alone – G + C confounded MZ twins reared apart – rare, atypical, selective placement ? Adoptions – increasingly rare, atypical, selective placement ? MZ and DZ twins reared together Extended twin design Percentage of adoptees convicted of violent and property offenses by biological parents’ convictions Denmark 14,427 nonfamilial adoptions 1927-47 Court convictions available for biological and adoptive parents Mednick et al (1984) Science 224:891-4 Designs to disentangle G + E Family studies – G + C confounded MZ twins alone – G + C confounded MZ twins reared apart – rare, atypical, selective placement ? Adoptions – increasingly rare, atypical, selective placement ? MZ and DZ twins reared together Extended twin design Placentation and zygosity Dichorionic Two placentas Dichorionic Fused placentas Monochorionic Diamniotic Monochorionic Monoamniotic MZ 19% DZ 58% MZ 14% DZ 42% MZ 63% DZ 0% MZ 4% DZ 0% Identity at marker loci except for rare mutation MZ and DZ twins: determining zygosity using ABI Profiler™ genotyping (9 STR markers + sex) MZ DZ DZ Total mole count for MZ and DZ twins DZ twins - 199 pairs, r = 0.60 400 400 300 300 Twin 1 Twin 1 MZ twins - 153 pairs, r = 0.94 200 200 100 100 0 0 0 100 200 300 Twin 2 400 0 100 200 300 Twin 2 400 Twin Research 6: 399-408 Genetic covariance between relatives covG(yi,yj) = aijsA2 + dijsD2 a = additive coefficient of relationship = 2 * coefficient of kinship (= E(p)) d = coefficient of fraternity = Prob(2 alleles are IBD) Examples Relatives a d Parent-offspring MZ twins Fullsibs Double first cousins ½ 1 ½ ¼ 0 1 ¼ 1/ 16 [Lynch & Walsh 1998] ACE Model for twin data 1 MZ=1.0 / DZ=0.5 E C e c PT1 A a A C a c PT2 E e Structural equation modeling Both continuous and categorical variables Systematic approach to hypothesis testing Tests of significance Can be extended to: More complex questions Multiple variables Other relatives E G VAR 1 G VAR 2 E G VAR 3 E G E Sources of variation in male sexual orientation EC AC Homosexuality Orientation of sexual feelings AF EF Attitude to sex with a man Number of same-sex partners AA AP EA EP Direction of causation modeling with cross-sectional twin data Model Full Bivariate Reciprocal Distress Parenting Parenting Distress No causation Final c2 145.66 146.00 161.74 146.71 376.29 151.26 A AIC -69.34 .34 -70.00 16.08 -56.26 1.05 -71.29 230.63 156.29 5.60 -80.74 A E .45 .38 DISTRESS .63 C .55 .56 ANX E .20 .25 PARENTING + .18 .49 .67 DEP C Dc2 df 107 108 109 109 110 116 SOM COLD E A E A E .36 .13 .21 .11 .40 C .52 .16 OVERP E .17 .26 A C E .21 .14 .49 AUTON C E .11 .37 Designs to disentangle G + E Family studies – G + C confounded MZ twins alone – G + C confounded MZ twins reared apart – rare, atypical, selective placement ? Adoptions – increasingly rare, atypical, selective placement ? MZ and DZ twins reared together Extended twin design Extended Twin Design Truett, et al (1994) Behavior Genetics, 24: 35-49 acm acm cf Gendercommon Additive Genes mf mm Malespecific Additive Genes Female Unique Environment Malespecific Additive Genes cm 0.5 0.5 ef Female Twin Environment 0.5 hfc em sf tm Male parent Environment wmm dm wff Female Dominant Genes Gendercommon Additive Genes hfc Male Dominant Genes Female Unique Environment Malespecific Additive Genes Malespecific Additive Genes Male Unique Environment hmm ef rt tf Female Twin Male Twin Environment Environment Female twin hmc tm Male twin sf df em Gendercommon Additive Genes sm Female Sibling Environment rs Female Dominant Genes rd Male Sibling Environment Male Dominant Genes dm Extended kinship model • twins sm Male Sibling wfm wmf df Male Twin Environment hmc Female parent 0.5 0.5 0.5 tf Female Sibling Environment 0.5 hmm 0.5 Gendercommon Additive Genes Male Unique Environment • siblings • parents • children • grandparents • aunts, uncles • cousins Finding QTLs Linkage Association We also run a journal Editor: Nick Martin Editorial assistant + subscriptions: Marisa Grimmer Publisher: Australian Academic Press Fully online http://www.ists.qimr .edu.au/journal.html Rationale for QTL analysis QTL = quantitative trait locus Biology: Understanding genetic variation by dissecting complex traits basic biology applications in agriculture applications in medicine Women 700 600 500 400 300 200 Std. Dev = 6.40 100 Mean = 169.1 N = 1785.00 0 145.0 155.0 150.0 Stature 165.0 160.0 175.0 170.0 185.0 180.0 190.0 Linkage analysis Thomas Hunt Morgan – discoverer of linkage Linkage = Co-segregation A3A4 A1A2 A1A3 A1A2 A1A4 A2A4 A3A4 A2A3 A3A2 Marker allele A1 cosegregates with dominant disease Linkage Markers… x 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 IDENTITY BY DESCENT Sib 1 Sib 2 4/16 = 1/4 sibs share BOTH parental alleles IBD = 2 8/16 = 1/2 sibs share ONE parental allele IBD = 1 4/16 = 1/4 sibs share NO parental alleles IBD = 0 For disease traits (affected/unaffected) Affected sib pairs selected 1000 750 500 250 Expected 1 2 3 Markers 127 310 IBD = 2IBD = 1 IBD = 0 For continuous measures Unselected sib pairs Correlation between sibs 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 IBD = 0 IBD = 1 IBD = 2 rMZ = rDZ = 1 rMZ = 1, rDZ = 0.5 E e E ^ rMZ = 1, rDZ = p C c C A a Twin 1 mole count A Q Q q q a Twin 2 mole count c e