TOWFISH DRIVER Towfish The towfish is used to localized à towed sensor without USBL posit, sidescan sonar, magnetometer….. The towfish driver allows an accuracy estimated position of the mobile by merging different information and filtering navigation of the boat. In a hardware configuration several mobile could be create, a Towfish driver could be associate to each mobile. If two mobiles are created, the sidescan sonar mobile should be the first in the configuration, the shared memory root the first mobile position to the Sidescan survey program. Towfish: Merge Information Horizontal distance A-Frame Offset Layback Calculated Z Offset Cable out x Catenary factor Depth Depth Boat Altitude Towfish driver setting Sidescan Survey Information Survey Information Towfish Driver Calculation Towfish: Filter and smooth Boat navigation In real time the driver makes a calculation of the mobile position by applying filter and latency on the boat heading. The estimated calculation of the mobile is close the reality. Setting up a Towfish Driver In Hardware, add the driver to position your main vessel Create a 2 mobile for your towfish position. Named ‘Sidescan’ in this example. Select a driver to position the towfish. GPS.DLL in this example. Towfish.DLL Select Sidescan Survey in System (check Include box for Sidescan Survey) Note: If you are towing a sidescan, you need to create the mobile in Hardware before selecting the sidescan option Configuration Sample Configuration with a sidescan sonar and Magnetometer. Connection Block Diagram With SS Your computer Mobile position HYPACK SURVEY Pulley GPS POSITION, HEADING MEMORY SHARED Sensor Altitude Depth value Hypack Mobile SIDE SCAN SURVEY Side Scan Sonar Towfish driver calculated in Real Time the position of the mobile. Information is passed between the two modules using the shared memory. Set up Cable out input source Layback Method calculation Catenary factor value ie K=0.9 pour 100m cable out the cable out value calculated is 90m. Depth Source if advanced formula is used for calculation. Number of segment Pulley’s Offset in Boat referential. If Depth Source= Fish Depth use to select the Depth value: -Shallow fish: fish at the surface -Deep fish: deep under the boat -Depth Sensor/Altitude Sensor coming from the selected channel Record method if connection with the pulley is lost Set up DO NOT USE GENERIC OFFSET. Layback method calculation: HYPACK Layback method calculation T. Backer Layback method calculation: SHOM Layback method calculation : SHOM Basic Method : Do not apply Pythagoras Calculation only the multiplication of the catenary factor and the cable out. The result will be the Layback. Layback method calculation : SHOM Classic Method. Pythagoras with values coming from. Hardware: •Catenary factor, •Z pulley. Survey •Cable Out. Sidescan Survey •Sensor immersion •Boat Depth –Altitude or Depth sensor For a good calculation: • Zero pressure sensor should be done on subsurface. • Zero Pulley should be done at the pulley. • If (I+z)²>(k.L) then an alarm is displayed in real time. Layback method calculation: SHOM Specific Method is equivalent to Classic Method. This method is more adapted: • when the pulley Z offset is important. • For a good calculation: • Zero pressure sensor should be done on subsurface. • Zero Pulley should be done on subsurface. • If (I+z)²>(k.L) then an alarm is displayed in real time. When the surveyor want to do the zero pulley at the surface. Layback method calculation: SHOM If (I+z)²>(k.L) then an alarm is displayed in real time. Cable out input Method Several counting pulley could provide automatically the cable out information via a serial connection or shared memory. The towfish’s immersion for Sidescan. Two possibilities: 1.Depth sensor on fish, then select Sidescan interface and Depth Sensor. 2.There is no Depth Sensor on the sidescan then the immersion is approximate calculation. SS Depth=Boat Depth- SS Altitude The towfish’s immersion for other sensor Some towed sensor as Magnetometer could provide depth information. Depth Source: •Enable Mobile Depth Fish Depth •Enable Depth Sensor Fish Depth Channel •Select the input Channel Towfish Survey Window Display Tab Display all the different information Towfish Survey Window Cable Out and altitude graph Towfish Survey Window Visual Graph Towfish Survey Window Variables Display Cable out Manual Input In Manual Mode, cable out could be set by: •Using arrow •Input in the dialog box The Cable out Adjustment: If a counting pulley is using the cable could slide on the sheave, if cable mark has been done then surveyor could adjust the cable out value. How improve the estimated position 1-mark you cable (10m,15m,20m..) to control the information delivered by the pulley. 2-when you put back the fish on boat check the coherence of the zero pulley you did when you put the towfisn in the water. 3-If it is a long survey it could interesting during the day to do again the zero pulley. These actions will improve the estimated position of the fish, note that a transvers current could decrease the position. Calculated the Catenary Factor for SS 1-Do the same line in the two ways on a remarquable obstruction. 2-In Hyscan make a target on these obstructions for each line 3-Measure the distance between the two targets divide per 2 or the average of the distance between the obstruction and the target, It is the Error E Calculated the Catenary Factor for SS 4-In Hyscan load the two lines and activate spredsheet 5-Clic on the obstruction the spreadsheet will display the value Calculated the Catenary Factor for SS 6- Take the information in the spreadsheet. •Layback Logged is the calculation did by towfish driver •Cable out (L) •Depth: sensor immersion (I) •Pulley Offset (Z) from Hardware 7- Calculate the correct K factor. The K factor depends of the survey speed and the cable out value. For the same system the k value could be different for 20 m cable out and 150m cable out.