
March 1, 1988
7:00 p.m.
Mayor S. Blaine Willes
Mayor S. Blaine Willes, Council members H. Keith Hunt,
Joyce W. Johnson, Lucile M. Steele, Paul V. Washburn and
Norman K. Woodhouse.
Daryl Berlin, Stewart Taylor, Phillip Goodrich, Paul
Johnson, Jack Jones, Ed Stout, and Melody Downey
Kelvin Clayton
Paul Washburn
Work Session
A work session was held at 6:00 p.m. The agenda items were discussed as necessary.
Mr. Washburn reported on a meeting he attended regarding the landfill in Provo. He indicated
that from their figures, the project may seem viable, and the City may want to take a look at it. It
was suggested by Mayor Willes that the entire Council be brought up to date on this issue at the
next work session.
Stewart Taylor provided a brief overview and summary of the Utah County Comprehensive
Hazard Mitigation Project. He reviewed the organization of the Steering Committee, Technical
Review Committee and Administrative Review Committee. He indicated that the major focus of
the project was to identify the location and types of natural disasters within the City of Orem.
Mr. Taylor reviewed the following hazards identified: (1) 100 Year Flood Plain; (2) Dam
Failure; (3) Slope Failures - Landslides; (4) Slope Failures - Debris Flows; (5) Slope Failure Rock Falls; (6) Earthquakes - Liquefaction; (7) Earthquakes - Surface Fault Ruptures; and (8)
Earthquakes - Ground Shaking. He also reviewed those areas of the City's ordinances which
attempt to control these potential hazards.
Inasmuch as this was a work session, no formal action was taken. The meeting adjourned at 6:56
Time was allotted for the public to express their ideas, concerns and comments on items not on
the Agenda. No comments were made.
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Washburn moved to approve the minutes of February 23, 1988 with the following
Page 11, Paragraph 7 to read, "Those voting aye on the amended motion: Mr. Clayton, Mrs.
Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Willes and Mr. Woodhouse. Those voting nay: Mr.
Hunt. The motion passed.
Mrs. Steele seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr.
Washburn, Mr. Willes and Mr. Woodhouse. The motion passed unanimously.
Mrs. Steele moved to approve the minutes from the Joint Work Session with CEDO held on
February 25, 1988 with the following correction:
Page 1, Paragraph 1, the Joint Policy Work Session began at approximately 7:05 p.m. rather than
Mr. Woodhouse seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele,
Mr. Willes and Mr. Woodhouse. Those abstaining: Mr. Washburn. The motion passed.
Upcoming Community Events
Mayor Willes reviewed the upcoming community events.
Final Plat - Timpanogos Research and Technology Park Subdivision - Plat F, 2 Lots - 1600
North 800 East - PD-6 Zone
This item was pulled from the agenda.
Resolution - Appropriate Funds for AIDS Equipment - Public Safety
Mr. Berlin explained that this is a resolution authorizing the appropriation of $5,000.00 from the
Council Contingency to allow for the purchase of AIDS equipment for Public Safety Department
personnel. After further discussion, Mrs. Johnson moved, by resolution, to authorize the transfer
of $5,000.00 from the Council Contingency as recommended. Mr. Hunt seconded the motion.
Those voting aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Willes and Mr.
Woodhouse. The motion passed unanimously.
Resolution - Approval of Stop Sign Locations
Mr. Berlin explained that this is a resolution approving the location of additional stop signs in
Orem. He added that the Council annually approves all new stop sign locations. After further
discussion, Mr. Woodhouse moved, by resolution, to approve the location of stop signs as
recommended. Mr. Washburn seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs.
Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Willes and Mr. Woodhouse. The motion passed
Presentation-Orem Rotary Club-State Street Improvement Projects
The representatives from the Orem Rotary Club were not present.
Bid Award - Purchase of Replacement Computer System - Library
Mr. Berlin explained that this is a bid award for the replacement of the computer system at the
Library, pursuant to action taken by the Council on February 23, 1988 to amend the budget to
appropriate $150,000.00 for this purpose. Mr. Berlin indicated that the City has been using
DYNIX software for a number of years and has found it to be excellent. He added that it is
imperative that this software be compatible with the new hardware. The DYNIX software is
designed for use on the Ultimate computer hardware system which is being proposed, and
DYNIX has agreed to support this system. It was recommended to award the sole source bid to
DYNIX Corporation in an amount up to $147,983.00.
Mr. Washburn asked if this replacement has been considered in previous budget review sessions.
Mr. Berlin indicated that it has not; however, the issue of the Library computer has been
reviewed for over two years. He indicated that initially staff was looking at putting the Library
on the IBM System 38, which, after considerable review, it was determined it would take
approximately 2 years to accomplish, with no certainty it would work. Mr. Berlin indicated that
it was decided about 4 months ago to pursue this purchase.
Mr. Washburn expressed concern that if this issue has been a problem for this long, why the
Council has never addressed it in the budget process.
Mr. Beeson commented that space and speed have been a problem all along; however, instead of
requesting a new machine, staff has requested enhancements each year, that have been granted
by the Council. He added that the machine can no longer be enhanced, necessitating this request.
Mr. Willes asked how the maintenance costs would be affected.
Paul Sybrowsky, Vice-President for DYNIX Corporation, responded by saying that the
maintenance costs will actually be slightly lower than the current system, with the extra
advantage of 5-7 years of growth.
After further discussion, Mrs. Johnson moved, by resolution, to award the bid to DYNIX
Corporation as recommended. Mr. Woodhouse seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Mr.
Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Willes and Mr. Woodhouse. Those voting nay: Mr.
Washburn. The motion passed.
Rod Lemon again questioned using the computer to accommodate the card catalog needs of the
patrons. He felt that the old card catalog was much easier to use. He asked why the computer is
being used for this purpose.
Mr. Berlin explained that maintaining the card catalog is very labor intensive, whereas the
computer can do it fast and easy.
Mr. Lemon still felt that the old card catalog could be maintained, possibly with the assistance of
the computer, and not create need for extra staff.
Mayor Willes suggested to Mr. Lemon that if he had additional input, he might want to draft a
letter to the Mayor expressing his concerns and suggestions.
Continued Discussion - Privatization of Residential Solid Waste Collection
Mr. Berlin explained that this is a continued discussion regarding the possible privatization of the
residential solid waste collection service. Mr. Taylor reviewed the detailed comparison of costs
for Residential Solid Waste Collection that, in his opinion, is a very fair representation of costs
between the cities surveyed. Additionally, discussion took place with various representatives
from these cities, in particular, with those cities who currently have private collection service.
He indicated that they spent considerable time talking with Almond Nelson who recently retired
from Sandy City after 30 years. Mr. Nelson was very involved with the privatization of their
collection service and provided insight as to its advantages and disadvantages.
Mr. Taylor recommended that the City retain their current method of providing residential solid
waste collection. However, if the Council is interested in pursuing this issue further, he would
recommend requesting bids from providers.
Mr. Washburn asked Mr. Taylor what the specific reasons were which prompted staff's
recommendation not to pursue this issue.
Mr. Taylor stated that Mr. Nelson urged the City proceed cautiously. He advised us not to sell
off the collection equipment immediately. Mr. Taylor indicated that the major reason involves
the relationship of the provider to the public, and felt that the City has much better control of the
situation and is better able to deal with problems as they arise.
Mr. Woodhouse asked what kind of feedback has been received from Orem residents with
regards to solid waste collection services.
Mr. Jones indicated that the recent Citizen Survey indicated that approximately 95% expressed
"very favorable" with regards to residential solid waste collection services in Orem.
Mrs. Johnson moved to delay the 7:30 p.m. scheduled public hearing until the conclusion of this
item. Mrs. Steele seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele,
Mr. Washburn, Mr. Willes and Mr. Woodhouse. The motion passed unanimously.
Mrs. Johnson felt that after attending a seminar about one year ago specific to this issue, and
after additional study, she feels that it would be in the best interest of the City to continue their
current collection service. Mrs. Johnson moved to continue the current residential solid waste
collection as performed by the City. Mr. Woodhouse seconded the motion. Those voting aye:
Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Willes and Mr. Woodhouse. The
motion passed unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING - Resolution - Accepting 1988-89 CDBG Budget
Mr. Berlin explained that this is a public hearing to receive input regarding the proposed 1988-89
CDBG budget as recommended by the CDBG Citizens Committee. Brett Barrett introduced to
the Council the members of the CDBG Citizens Committee. He provided for the Council a slide
presentation reviewing the following proposed projects and their proposed level of funding for
this coming year, including carry over and projected revenues: (1) Senior Citizen
Expansion/Remodeling - $231,000.00; (2) Orem Fitness Center Low Income Program $15,544.00; (3) Parent Education Resource Center (PERC) - $6,000.00; (4) Housing
Rehabilitation Loan Program - $90,000.00; (5) Orem Community Development Business Loan
Program - $247,100.00; (6) Orem Small Business Incubator Program - $100,000.00 and (7)
Administrative Costs - $114,600.00.
Mr. Washburn asked about the Orem Community Revitalization Program that was not
recommended for funding. Mr. Barrett explained that this was a request made by CEDO which
was designed to assist with the improvement of State Street from 2000 North to 2000 South. Mr.
Barrett indicated that the Committee felt that the Business Loan program would be available for
the same purpose. He added that the request, as proposed, would be an eligible project, but
would have to be very carefully documented and monitored.
Mayor Willes asked why the Orem Community Hospital Family Resource Center was not
recommended for funding. Mr. Barrett indicated that they have an overabundance of funds that
will carry them through this next year. He indicated that they will be back next year with a
request for funding.
The public hearing was opened for comments.
Laird Billings indicated that he is representing a group who are interested in upgrading the
residential area between 1600 South and 1700 South, going east from about 620 East to meet the
existing street at 740 East on 1650 South. Their request of $100,000.00 would assist in placing
the necessary street improvements in this area which would allow for the creation of usable lots
from the existing deep lots, and enabling single family homes to be built. He added that they feel
these funds could be repaid back to the City over several years by the increased tax revenue
resulting from the development of the unused property.
Mr. Barrett provided for the Council a slide presentation showing this blighted area.
Mayor Willes suggested the possibility of reimbursing the CDBG Fund a predetermined amount
per lot once the lots are sold.
Mr. Washburn asked if it would be possible to set up some kind of a Community Improvement
Loan Fund for this use. Mr. Barrett indicated that it would be possible to set up this type of fund.
He added that he could guarantee there would be plenty of interest and requests received.
Mr. Barrett commented that the Committee felt that they did not want to set a precedent for
funding this type of request, as there are so many projects. He suggested that redevelopment
would be an additional alternative in this situation.
Mr. Berlin commented that for a number of years the City has funded these type of street
improvement projects, which have resulted in some problems with eligibility, etc. He added that
the City would have to be very careful to meet all guidelines.
Jim Evans, Committee member, indicated that the Committee felt that, with the limited amount
of funds and the other resources that are available for these types of projects, they would prefer
to recommend those projects that could increase jobs and at the same time, boost the overall
economy of the City.
Ned Aikau, Committee Chairman, indicated that they were also concerned with the potentially
long length of time from the completion of the project to the time that property owners could
actually sell the lots.
Mr. Billings commented that there are 116 rental units in this area, and that there is a need for
single family homes. He added that he feels that the owners would be willing to return funds
back to the CDBG Program when the lots are sold.
GaeNell Anderson expressed support for the Senior Citizens Center remodeling project. She
indicated that the Committee felt that the Seniors needed these funds because there are very few
resources available to them for this purpose.
The public hearing was officially closed.
Mr. Washburn moved to accept this report and to extend appreciation to the members of the
CDBG Citizens Committee for their efforts. Mrs. Steele seconded the motion. Those voting
aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Willes and Mr. Woodhouse. The
motion passed unanimously.
Mrs. Johnson moved to set a public hearing for May 3, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. to consider the
adoption of the CDBG Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds. Mr. Woodhouse
seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Washburn,
Mr. Willes and Mr. Woodhouse. The motion passed unanimously.
Modification of Bid - Butterfield Ford - Public Safety Vehicles
Mr. Berlin explained that this is a request to modify the bid awarded to Butterfield Ford for the
purchase of 5 public safety vehicles. He indicated that on September 22, 1987 the Council
awarded the bid to Butterfield Ford in the amount of $60,595.45 or $12,119.09 per vehicle. A
purchase order was subsequently issued. Mr. Berlin indicated that the City was recently notified
by Butterfield Ford that they would not honor the bid because it was too low. After much
negotiation, it was determined that if the City was to acquire the vehicles, it would be necessary
to increase the bid by $3,891.30 or $778.26 increase per vehicle. Mr. Berlin added that, because
of the special specifications for police package vehicles, it would be nine months before alternate
vehicles could be manufactured for purchase.
After further discussion, Mr. Hunt moved, by resolution, to authorize the additional expenditure
to Butterfield Ford, bringing the total to $64,486.75. Mrs. Johnson seconded the motion. Those
voting aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Willes and Mr.
Woodhouse. The motion passed unanimously.
Bid Award - Pre-Cast Concrete Box Structure - Project #122 - 200 North Bridge - Murdock
Mr. Berlin explained that this is a bid award for the construction of a pre-cast concrete box
structure for the 2000 North Bridge Construction. Mr. Jones explained the design of the 2000
North Murdock Canal bridge, which includes the placement of a precast concrete box structure.
He explained that Amcor, Inc. is the sole source supplier of a precast concrete box the size
required for this bridge, in an amount up to $55,260.00. After further discussion, Mr. Washburn
moved, by resolution, to award the bid to Amcor, Inc. as recommended. Mrs. Steele seconded
the motion. Those voting aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Willes
and Mr. Woodhouse. The motion passed unanimously.
Adjourn to Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Mrs. Johnson moved to adjourn to a Redevelopment Agency meeting. Mr. Washburn seconded
the motion. Those voting aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Willes
and Mr. Woodhouse. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Reconvene to City Council Meeting
The City Council meeting was reconvened at 8:17 p.m.
Mr. Washburn moved to postpone the 8:30 p.m. scheduled public hearing until the conclusion of
the closed door session. Mr. Woodhouse seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Mr. Hunt,
Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Willes and Mr. Woodhouse. The motion passed
Adjourn to Closed Door Session
Mr. Woodhouse moved to adjourn to a closed door session to discuss property acquisition. Mr.
Washburn seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr.
Washburn, Mr. Willes and Mr. Woodhouse. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting
adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Closed Door Session
A closed door session was held at 8:25 p.m. to discuss property acquisition. Those in attendance
were: Mayor Willes; Councilmembers Hunt, Johnson, Steele, Washburn and Woodhouse; Daryl
Berlin; and Phil Goodrich. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING - Master Plan Amendments
Mr. Berlin explained that this is a public hearing to consider various amendments to the Orem
Community Master Plan.
Dudley & Associates - 261 East 1200 South
Mr. Stout explained that this is a request to amend the land use designation for property located
at 261 East 1200 South from low density residential to community shopping, and rezone said
property from R-1-8 to PC-2. He indicated that the applicant, Dudley and Associates, have their
offices on this site, which are nonconforming uses in R-1-8 zone. They are interested in
converting the existing buildings to condominiums. The Planning Commission has reviewed the
request and recommends approval subject to the conditions as outlined in the resolution and
ordinance provided.
The public hearing was opened for comments.
Roger Dudley, applicant, indicated that they have some interest in completing the basement of
their existing building, which cannot be accomplished without the master plan and zone change.
He added that there is also some interest in converting the existing building into condominiums.
The public hearing was officially closed.
Mayor Willes asked what other uses would be allowed in the PC-2 which could go into this area.
Mr. Stout indicated that any office or retail use is allowed in the PC-2 zone. He added that there
may be some problems with parking with a retail use.
After further discussion, Mrs. Johnson moved, by resolution, to amend the land use designation
from low density residential to community shopping as recommended. Mr. Washburn seconded
the motion. Those voting aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Willes
and Mr. Woodhouse. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Washburn moved, by ordinance, to rezone said property from R-1-8 to PC-2 as
recommended. Mr. Woodhouse seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs.
Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Willes and Mr. Woodhouse. The motion passed
Adoption and Inclusion of the Street Master Plan and Deletion of the Public Facilities Section
Mr. Jones explained that this is a request to officially adopt the Street Master Plan, and to amend
the Orem Community Master Plan to include the Street Master Plan and to delete the Public
Facilities Section. The Street Master Plan, as reviewed, meets the objectives by establishing
transportation policies and guidelines which will foster safe and effective streets, establishing
classification of streets according to their intended function, establishing design requirements for
streets, and identifying areas where street improvements are needed.
Mr. Jones reviewed the following proposed changes:
Page 20, Last Line, to read: "*Some of these standards may be waived for Collector Streets in
Rural Areas."
Page 22, Paragraph 1 "Realignment of Intersections", delete the last sentence and the list of
Intersections in Need of Realignment, and replace with the following: "The City should study
the current design of intersections and take actions to correct those that are found to be poorly
Mr. Washburn asked if the speed limits, etc. as established would be changed automatically.
Mr. Berlin indicated that this master plan sets basic standards. Actual changes would have to be
individually considered.
The public hearing was opened for comments. No comments were made. The public hearing
was officially closed.
Mr. Washburn moved, by resolution, to adopt the Street Master Plan, including recommended
changes, and to amend the Orem Community Master Plan to: (1) include the Master Street Plan;
and (2) delete the Public Facilities Section. Mrs. Johnson seconded the motion. Those voting
aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Willes and Mr. Woodhouse. The
motion passed unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING - Zoning Ordinance Amendments - Section 28-7-2 and Table 1, "Land Uses
by Zones" of Article XIX of Chapter 28
Mr. Berlin explained that this is a public hearing to consider two requests to amend the Zoning
Section 28-7-2 - James Joyner
Mr. Stout explained that this is a request by James Joyner to amend Section 28-7-2 of the Zoning
Ordinance to permit attached units in the R-1-8 zone when certain criteria are met. This
amendment would enable him to develop property located at 200 North 100 East. Mr. Stout
provided some zoning background for this area. He indicated that the area was down-zoned at
the petition of the neighbors. Mr. Joyner has had a number of meetings with the residents, who
are all opposed to any rezone or master plan amendment; however, they basically support his
concept and are encouraging approval of this request.
Mr. Stout indicated that the Planning Commission reviewed this request and recommend
approval, with a 5 to 1 vote.
Mr. Stout reviewed the proposed criteria that must be met: (1) at least 40% of the total number
of units within the same census block shall be attached units; (2) the percentage of attached units
in adjacent census blocks within 600 feet in all directions from the boundaries of the proposed
PRD shall be at least 40%; and (3) the applicant shall take steps to mitigate negative economic
and aesthetic impact on the surrounding neighborhood.
Mayor Willes asked if there are other areas within the City that could meet these standards. Mr.
Stout indicated that these standards were basically designed to accommodate Mr. Joyner;
however, in reviewing the situation, it was determined that 82 or 20% of the census blocks in
Orem could meet the 40% criteria.
Roger Dudley suggested that the area west of Orem Blvd., between 1000 and 1200 South would
probably qualify.
The public hearing was opened for comments.
Bill Fairbanks, developer and Pres. of Utah Valley Home Builders, indicated that he has looked
at this property for development, but has felt that the number of multiple units would impact the
sale of single family homes. He indicated that this applicant is proposing to sell to "empty
nesters", which are a group of people who are looking for this type of development, who will be
increasing in number, and who will be increasing the demand for this type of housing. He felt
that this would serve to dilute the number of renters in the area and provide a perfect buffer. He
indicated that there has been concern with the current ordinance, and that this proposal would
open the door, but just enough to get a toe in. He felt that it could be more flexible in the future.
Ray Downs indicated that this proposed property is north and west of his residence. He
indicated that he has been concerned with what would be going into this area. His first
preference has been single family; however, as years go by, the area is becoming an eyesore. He
indicated that he has met with Mr. Joyner, and feels that, with enough controls, this proposal
would not detract, but would enhance the area.
James Joyner, applicant, indicated that this request has resulted from his discussion with the
neighborhood. He feels that the proposed units will be a nice addition for the area. He briefly
reviewed the proposed development with regards to square footage, design and cost.
Mr. Berlin reminded the Council that they are considering only a zoning ordinance amendment,
not approval of the site plan.
Ken Nix, 195 East 100 North, indicated that he accidentally saw a notice of this meeting posted
on the site. He asked if this discussion is only considering this particular area.
Mayor Willes indicated that they are talking about any R-1-8 zone which could meet the criteria
Mr. Stout commented with regards to notification. He indicated that notices were hand delivered
to those people living within 200 feet of the property, and requested, that those receiving the
notice, tell those who might be interested.
Mr. Nix added that he feels that the proposed homes are good sized homes, which would upgrade
the area.
Mr. Joyner commented that he was under the impression that the preliminary plat would also be
considered by the Council this evening. Mayor Willes apologized for the confusion, but
indicated the Council would not be able to discuss that issue because it was not properly noticed.
Mrs. Johnson expressed that she is uncomfortable with this amendment and with opening up the
R-1-8 zone. She felt that this would have an impact on the entire City and not just this parcel,
which was the only parcel noticed.
Mr. Washburn indicated that the neighbors have expressed concern to him that, if the property is
rezoned, it will open up the area for rentals. They feel that by allowing attached units under very
special circumstances, there would still be the necessary controls.
Mrs. Johnson felt that there would be no more controls with this proposal than there would be if
the property is rezoned.
Wayne Mills commented that this amendment would only impact about a half dozen parcels in
the City. He added that these parcels have not been able to develop because of their location.
However, the key issue is, by carefully modifying the ordinance as proposed, it does allow these
few parcels to develop, with the Council having the necessary controls.
Mr. Washburn asked if just this small parcel in question could be rezoned. Paul Johnson
indicated that they have looked at this issue and feel it could be classified as spot zoning.
Mr. Washburn commented that if the small area cannot be rezoned, the entire area would have to
be rezoned, which would be giving up more control than what would be gained.
Mrs. Johnson asked if the notification for this amendment was properly completed. Paul
Johnson indicated that this amendment would apply to every parcel in the R-1-8 zone, and that
the general noticing requirements were met.
Andrea Priday commented that she feels very good about this proposal because the developer
came to ask input from the neighborhood. She indicated that they still do not want a zone
change because they feel that there is more control on the part of the City and the residents with
this proposal.
The public hearing was officially closed.
Mr. Hunt indicated that he feels this specific proposal has merit. He added that there is also
some issue as to how many other areas of the City meet or are close to meeting this criteria. He
commented that there is some question on the effectiveness of the noticing.
After further discussion, Mr. Hunt moved to continue this discussion to the next scheduled City
Council meeting, and if possible, to also consider the preliminary plat approval at that time. Mrs.
Johnson seconded the motion.
Mr. Washburn indicated that he would like to have staff review the controls available to the
Council with this change as compared to an actual zone change.
Mrs. Johnson also suggested that some of the other areas which could be impacted by this
proposed amendment be noticed.
Those voting aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Willes and Mr.
Woodhouse. The motion passed unanimously.
Table 1 (Land Uses by Zone), Article XIX - Allow SLUC 6730 (Postal Services) in the HS-1
Zone as a Conditional Use
Mr. Stout explained that this is a request to amend Table 1 (Land Uses by Zones) of Article XIX
of the Zoning Ordinance to allow SLUC 6730 (Postal Services) as a conditional use in the HS-1
Zone. The Planning Commission has reviewed the request and recommends approval.
Mr. Washburn commented that he is totally opposed to this request because he feels that this is
not a proper place for a "trucking company", which is what this proposed use would turn out to
be. He felt that the Council has spent considerable time discussing this corridor in an effort to
upgrade future development, and that this proposed use would not upgrade the area.
Mr. Berlin added that this amendment would not only allow postal services as a conditional use
in this particular area, but in the entire HS-1 Zone.
The public hearing was opened for comment. No comments were made. The public hearing was
officially closed.
After further discussion, Mr. Washburn moved to deny the request to amend Table 1 (Land Uses
by Zones) of Article XIX. Mrs. Johnson seconded the motion.
Mayor Willes asked if they would be required to have a front office-type business in addition to
the distribution service. Mr. Stout indicated that a front office would not be required. He added
that the applicant's main purpose is to serve as a distribution point.
Those voting aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Willes and Mr.
Woodhouse. The motion passed unanimously.
Adjournment of Meeting
Mr. Washburn moved to adjourn to a closed door session to discuss property acquisition. Mrs.
Steele seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Steele, Mr.
Washburn, Mr. Willes and Mr. Woodhouse. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting
adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Closed Door Session
A closed door session was held at 10:05 p.m. to discuss property acquisition. Those in
attendance were: Mayor Willes; Councilmembers Hunt, Johnson, Steele, Washburn, and
Woodhouse; Daryl Berlin and Phil Goodrich. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m.