4th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology, October 25 th -27th, 2013 Geeta Institute of Management & Technology, Kurukshetra, INDIA-136131 Just In Time Approach of Waste Reduction in Manufacturing Sector: A Critical Literature Review Parveen kumar1, Dr. P.C. Tewari2, Amit Gupta3 1 National Institute of Technology/ Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kurukshetra, India Email: rundla.88@rediffmail.com 2 National Institute of Technology/ Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kurukshetra, India Email: pctewari1@rediffmail.com 3 National Institute of Technology/ Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kurukshetra, India Email: eramit81@yahoo.co.in Abstract - In today’s scenario of globalization, every industry is continuously striving for innovative and effective management techniques which can enhance their productivity by reducing the different types of the wastes significantly. Key wastes in an industry are work in process inventory, long set up time, large space requirement etc. Lot of industries are reducing these wastes significantly by implementing the various elements of Just In Time (JIT). JIT along with some other management techniques is a much more effective tool for reducing the non value added activities. This paper shows the classification of various elements of JIT. It also provides a framework for the elements of SQC and JIT which are to be first implemented. the proper use of SQC. Hence SQC will provide a base for successful implementation of JIT as shown in the Framework given below: Keywords - : Just In Time (JIT), SCM, SQC, TQM. I INTRODUCTION Just in time is a Japanese production management philosophy. JIT means to deliver right quality items or services to the customer at right time, in right quantity, at right place and at lowest possible cost. JIT is also known by names of lean production or stockless production. The JIT philosophy has it’s root after World War-II when Japanese were trying to compete with United States of America’s manufacturing system. Taichi Ohno was the founder of this philosophy. He developed this philosophy in TOYOTA MOTOR COMPANY to compete with the U.S.A. automobile companies. JIT philosophy was started for automobile sector but now a days it has much wide scope ranging from manufacturing industry, production industry to service industry. JIT philosophy affects every aspect of an organization not only manufacturing but also human resource management. JIT implementation requires the commitment of not everyone in the organization but also from suppliers and often of the customers. JIT reduces wastes at every stage of the supply chain. JIT philosophy assumes that people are capable and willing to take more responsibility. Today, many companies are approaching quality in a different manner. In broad sense, a company can combine complimentary quality-related programs to achieve much greater improvements than individual program could produce by themselves. Going into JIT was simplified by the data available through SQC. We are able to target problems and establish quality before moving into JIT system. Getting the quality right before introducing JIT is the key to a successful JIT program. JIT removes the buffer of inventory accrued by traditional stocking methods, it is vital to know about the true needs of production. This information can only be obtained by Figure 1. Framework of JIT Implementation Plan In this paper Section 2 represents the critical literature review and Section 3 outlines conclusions and future scope. II. Just In Time Approach of Waste Reduction in Manufacturing Sector: A Critical Literature Review Ludo F. Gelders et al [1985] discussed the performance of production-inventory control systems such as Material Planning, Just-In-Time production and Optimized Production Technology under the capacity constraints environment. It was assumed that the reader is familiar with the mechanisms of production-inventory systems. Emphasis was on the potential of these systems to deal with capacity constraints (e.g. bottleneck facilities) and on their strengths and weaknesses. It was also shown what the main differences and similarities are and how these production-inventory control systems could complement 4th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology, October 25 th -27th, 2013 Geeta Institute of Management & Technology, Kurukshetra, INDIA-136131 each other in many situations rather than being mutually exclusive. HC Pegler [1990] considered the example of many of the most successful Japanese manufacturing companies, at that time there was a desire in the UK to implement many aspects of the justin-time (JIT) approach to manufacturing systems. In this paper a rule-based approach to capture and representation of knowledge related to the major elements of JIT production was developed for use as a guide to the successful implementation of such a system. The rule base was also useful as a teaching aid and store of expertise which can be updated as knowledge of the subject increases. Ganesan Chengalvarayan [1991] showed that there was much interest in American industries in the use of just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing to reduce the work-in-progress (WIP) inventory and to increase the quality of the end product. However, while it promised significant results, it might be difficult to justify that management discard an operating MRP system in favor of a philosophy. This paper described a study conducted in a manufacturing environment for a possible JIT implementation in the production floor and also described the simulation analysis of the operation. Symonds and Bill [1993] explained how JIT concept can be transformed from manufacturing sector to health care organizations. This article was focused on how the JIT concept can be applied in hospitals and what factors are essential for this program. Provided a brief history of JIT and presented the underlying principles of the philosophy. Examined how JIT can be modified from the production industry to the healthcare industry. This transition was illustrated using the highly successful program at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC).Outlined specific implementation details of the JIT program at VUMC. This analysis emphasized that JIT is not a set of techniques to be copied-but rather a philosophy to be incorporated into daily business practices E.JEWKES [1994] performed a fundamental microeconomic analysis of a firm which had made an investment into just-intime (JIT) manufacturing principles. The firm was assumed to possess some monopoly power in the purchasing of its raw materials and had sold its output in a competitive market. The firm’s investment process could take place over one or more time periods and it was assumed that, properly implemented, JIT brings about a unit production cost reduction. Mark Huson et al [1995] revealed that Just-In-Time manufacturing had been subjected to numerous studies both empirical and methodological. This work was attempted to measure the impact of JIT on accounting measures of performance. Most technologies and investments were justified on the basis of their impact on financial and accounting measures which were not easily quantified. Ron McLachlin [1997] discussed that numerous benefits had been claimed for firms that implement just-in-time (JIT) approaches to manufacturing. This paper considered whether each of a number of management initiatives is necessary for the implementation of just-in-time manufacturing. Jan Holmstrom [1998] suggested that standard business system e.g. SAP R/3 may be employed instead of identification and introduction of newer problem specific system solutions for new business requirements. This alternative could ground the situation which might be cost efficient for a situation when supply chain sophistication and integration demands from customers are increasing. A. Gunasekran [1999] revealed that one of the major issues identified from the review of JIT purchasing literature is the integration of JIT purchasing function with other functional areas such as design, production, marketing, distribution and accounting. The researcher represented a list of techniques to overcome some of the major problems of JIT purchasing. The researcher stated that JIT purchasing along with the Total Quality Management in many industries has been successful in reducing inventory and increasing the overall effectiveness of purchasing function and hence the productivity. Kristy o. Cua [2001] showed that research on Total Quality Management (TQM), Just-in-Time (JIT) and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) generally investigates the implementation and impact of these manufacturing programs alone. But various researchers presented the arguments regarding the value of understanding the joint implementation and effect of manufacturing programs. Cuo investigated the practices of the three programs simultaneously. He found that there is evidence supporting the compatibility of the practices in these programs and that manufacturing performance is associated with the level of implementation of both socially- and technically-oriented practices of the three programs Jonah Tyan [2003] discussed the retailer-supplier partnership (RSP) in a supply chain using VMI. He found that VMI not only has the ability to reduce costs, but also to improve service levels and create business opportunities for both parties in the supply chain. The recommended VMI implementation approach provides an effective guideline to shorten the process and to maximize the VMI’s benefits. Neil, R. [2004] described that how a community health care network was using a stockless program with a single vendor since 1992.This article concluded the benefits of stockless program in terms of reduction in full time employees, paperless order and number of persons required buying different products from different vendors. By using the JIT or stockless system the organization had significantly reduced the number of full time employees. Haifeng et al [2005] studied the optimization policy of purchase price and the profit under VMI and established a supply chain mode of VMI for a salable product which is based on deterministic demand, having initial stock and stock-out cost. In his analysis, VMI is found to increase profits of buyer in the short-term motivation .But VMI will reduce profits of supplier under the matching condition and in short term motivation; VMI will increase the purchase price to compensate the transfer cost of the supplier. Anthony Manos et al [2006] revealed various types of waste in hospitals. The paper represented various building blocks of Lean in the health care. The researcher gave the idea of staring the JIT concept in health care by initiating with 5’S.The researcher revealed that managerial processes of lean system were entirely as applicable to auto industry. Manos stated that the value adding for patients in healthcare is different from customer in manufacturing because the main goal of the healthcare is the prevention or cure. Li Bo et al [2007] described that Work-In-Process (WIP) management was a big problem for a manufacturing organization. Primarily, Work in Process control approach, Production Control Strategy and the factors affecting normal producing of a discrete manufacturing enterprise were analyzed. Then, based on the production characteristics and present situation of the manufacturing enterprise in China, a task management model was proposed to minimize the WIP. This model was designed to describe and forecast the dynamic 4th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology, October 25 th -27th, 2013 Geeta Institute of Management & Technology, Kurukshetra, INDIA-136131 interaction and mutual effect between WIP and Just-In-Time (JIT). Joseph G. Szmerekovsky [2008] developed one manufacturer and one retailer model to study the effect on manufacturers and retailers of attaching Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags at the item level in a VMI system. First he studied the demand processes between an RFID system which uses continuous review and a non-RFID system which uses periodic review when shelf-space is limited and then determines the optimal inventories policies in a centralized system and established conditions under which the RFID system is preferable to the system without RFID. Finally, he studied the decentralized system and show how the sharing of tag price can be used to coordinate the supply chain and how it can be exploited in manufacturer and retailer dominated system. Wen Yan et al [2010] represented that logistics management of hospital material is very important to ensure the normal operation and reduce operating costs . In this paper the various steps in logistics re engineering of hospital are described. It also described numerous success factors in implementing the logistics model of hospital material based on JIT. To make JIT manufacturing be effective purchasing patterns must also be aligned with this. So Just-In-Time purchasing is another essential component of Just-In-Time system. Xiaosheng Yu et al [2011] studied that under the inferences of the economic globalization and market globalization, some industries in China such as automobile manufacturing were facing with severe competition and experienced profound changes. JIT was found suitable for the manufacturing enterprise development needs in the current market conditions. JIT (just in time) production is the process that the products and components with the required level of quality are produced at the given time and place in order to eliminate unprofitable labour and inventory waste and achieve maximum productivity. Cemal Zehira et al [2012] discussed that TQM and Performance Relationship was a popular discussion in the literature, Quality Performance and TQM relationship was supported with various studies but the findings about innovative performance were inconsistent. However, most scholars stress on the importance of TQM activities on performance outcomes. The main goal of the study was to investigate whether TQM activities affect quality and/or innovative performance and also defining the effective components on these performance types. Dewan Md Zahurul Islama et al [2013] represented the introduction to the principles and methods used in logistics and supply chain management starting with discussion on fundamentals and then explanation of the appropriate terms. Afterwards logistics and freight services policy and practice were regarded for EU policy for the sector which had greatly influenced the development of logistics chains and services. 2. The planning and continuous monitoring of a JIT system can reduce organization total cost through more efficient supply chain management. 3. Firstly an industry should implement “most important and least difficult to implement” elements. 4. Although VMI is also an effective management technique but in Indian context, JIT is a much more effective technique. 5. JIT is not just a management technique but is a philosophy which can be efficiently applied not only in manufacturing sector but also in service sectors like Hotels, Hospitals, Banks and Financial Institutions. Scope for future- In Indian context, complete implementation of JIT is not viable. But an organization can employ some combined elements of Just in time, Statistical Quality Control and Total Quality Management to achieve their short term and long term objectives considering the nature of work undertaken by the organization concerned. REFERENCES [1] L. F. Gelders and L. N. 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