Math 128AB Elementary Algebra Math 128A: August 27 – October 18, 2012 Math 128B: October 22 – December 10, 2012 Instructor: Phone: E-mail: Office: Class Time: Mrs. McClendon (626) 585 – 7974 CC223 MW 11:00 – 12:20 in R408 TTh 11:00 – 12:20 in R404 Resource Center Phone: Resource Center Hours: (626) 585-7458 8:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. M – Th 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. F Homework Lab: R407 Last Day to Add or Drop with No Record Last Day to Withdraw from Course with a “W” Math 128A Math 128B STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (SLOs): Upon completion of this course, students will be able to simplify expressions involving real numbers at the beginning algebra level; factor polynomials at the beginning algebra level; solve equations in one variable at the beginning algebra level; graph, solve, and interpret linear equations; model and solve real world applications. MATERIALS: You will need the following materials for this class: Lined Notebook Paper and a 3-ring binder dedicated to Math 128AB Pencil and Eraser USB Thumb Drive Textbook - Introductory & Intermediate Algebra(2nd Edition) by D. Franklin Wright. The textbook is available to purchase from the PCC bookstore. It includes an access code which enables you to access the lessons via the internet at, or you can do a simple installation onto your home computer. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU DO NOT PURCHASE USED SOFTWARE FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE (i.e. AMAZON, OTHER STUDENTS OR VENDORS). Once the software has been registered it cannot be registered under a different name, so purchasing materials from any type of third person website could result in you having to repurchase the materials. TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Hawkes website: Gradebook: Free Online Tutoring (24/7): ATTENDANCE: We meet from 11:00 to 12:20 (MW) in the Math Resource Center (R408) and from 11:00 to 12:20 (TTh) in R404. Attendance is mandatory: you are expected to arrive on time, and stay until the end of class. Three tardy arrivals will be counted as an absence; leaving class early will be counted as a tardy. If you are late, it is your responsibility to inform your instructor that you have arrived, at a time that does not disrupt the class. You may be dropped from Math 128A if you miss 5 or more hours, likewise for Math 128B. It is your responsibility to contact your instructor in case of an absence, or emergency. HOMEWORK: Homework is an extremely important part of learning mathematics. You are required to use Hawkes Learning Systems to do your homework. Homework assignments will be posted on the Hawkes’ website and must be completed by the specified due date. When you come to class you must turn in your written work (in pencil on lined paper) from Hawkes Learning System for each INSTRUCT, PRACTICE and CERTIFY along with any homework from the textbook. No late homework will be accepted. CHAPTER EXAMS: There will be 4 exams in Math 128A; 3 exams and a cumulative final exam in Math 128B. Although a majority of each exam will be based on the current chapter, each exam will also include several review questions from the previous exam. All exams are closed books and closed notes. Cheating will not be tolerated! You will receive a zero on an exam and possible expulsion from the class for cheating. No make-up exams will be given; if you miss an exam, you will receive a score of zero on that exam. You are encouraged to take your test early before the deadline. You must have completed the required Hawkes work, and have the Practice Sets graded and recorded prior to taking a test. FINAL EXAMS: There is a final exam at the end of 128A as well as at the end of 128B. The final will replace your lowest test score within each module (i.e. 128A and 128B) IF you have no more than 2 absences (including arriving late and leaving early) and have completed all work on or before the required deadlines. EXAM SCHEDULE: (No make-up exams will be given.) Math 128A Math 128B Exam 1 (1.1 – 1.9) 9/11 (T) Exam 5 (6.1 – 6.3a, 6.4a, 6.5 - 6.7) 11/1 (Th) Exam 2 (2.1 – 2.6, 3.4) 9/25 (T) Exam 6 (7.1 – 7.5) 11/20 (W) Exam 3 (4.1 – 4.4, 4.6) 10/9 (T) Exam 7 (8.1 – 8.5) 12/5 (Th) *Exam 4 (5.1 – 5.7) 10/17(W) Homework (9.1, 9.2, 9.4abc) 12/6 (Th) *Final Exam (Chapters 1-9) 12/10 (M) * Each exam will contain 20 questions, except for Exam 4 and the Final Exam which each contain 30 questions. Exam 4 includes concepts from the first three exams, and the Final Exam is cumulative (includes questions from 128A and 128B). 128A and 128B COURSE GRADING: Your grade in each course will be based on the following: Math 128A Grading Math 128B Grading Classwork/Homework 15% Classwork/Homework 15% Exams #1 – 3 60% Exams #5 – 7 60% Exam #4 25% Final Exam 25% Total 100% Total 100% Your overall grade will be determined by the following scale: A: 90 – 100% B: 80 – 89% C: 70 – 79% D: 60 – 69% F: Below 60% CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE: Students are expected to act in an adult manner. Any loud, offensive, rude, or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Turn off cell phones, iPods, laptops and any electronic devices during class, and in the Math Resource Center (MRC). If your cell phone rings or if you text message, you can either bring the class a treat (donuts, cookies, etc.) or take a 5-point deduction on your next exam. If disruptive behavior continues you will be asked to leave the class or the lab, even during an exam. You are not allowed to bring your laptop, friends, or children to class (R404), or the MRC (R408) at any time. No food or beverages are allowed in the MRC, with the exception of bottled water. Students are only allowed to access while in the MRC. Students are not allowed to access any other website. Students who break this rule will be asked to leave the MRC immediately. 2 6/11/12