ENGL 1301 - English Composition - Mitchell's Minutes

ACC/AHS Dual Credit
ENGL 1301 - English Composition
Austin High School
Instructor: Jessica L. Mitchell
Room 314 (5th) and 318 (6th)
5th—Rm 314 --9:00 AM--10:30 AM
Section 244/Synonym 35908
Office Hours: 12:20-1:00 PM “B” Days and
10:35 AM-12:00 PM “A” Days (room 318)
Website: http://mitchellsminutes.weebly.com
Email: jessica.mitchell@austincc.edu
Voicemail: 512-841-1959
6th—Rm 318—10:35 AM--12:10 PM
Section 150/Synonym 36002
Ms. Mitchell’s Schedule
1st—English I—room 318
2nd—Conference—room 318
3rd—English I—room 318
4th—English III—room 313
5th—D/C English III—room 314
6th—D/C English III—room 318
7th—English I—room 318
8th—Individual Studies—room 203
*If you cannot attend my office hours, please e-mail me to set up a conference for another time.
Course Description
ENGL 1301 - English Composition I (3-3-0)
A study of the principles of composition with emphasis on language, the mechanics of writing, the types of
discourse, and research and documentation.
Required Text and Materials
It is the responsibility of the student to acquire required texts/materials.
1. Lunsford, Andrea, John J. Ruszkiewicz, and Keith Walters. Everything’s an Argument (with readings), 6th ed.
(used and/or rented is ok)
2. Students must provide their instructor with a Composition I File Folder (available in ACC Bookstores) for the
essays submitted. I will keep your folders for one year following enrollment. Students are responsible for
making copies of any papers they want to keep for their files.
Recommended Text and Materials
1. Lunsford, Andrea. Easy Writer: A Pocket Reference, 3rd or 4th ed. (used is ok)
2. A 3-ring binder or folder to hold assigned handouts
3. A notebook (preferably with perforated edges) for notes and in-class writing assignments
Essays and Assignments
Students in this section of 1301 will write five essays (a minimum of 4,000 words) over the course of the
semester, including an essay known as the Departmental Exam, which will be written under supervision in an
ACC Testing Center. The Departmental Exam must be passed to pass the course with a minimum grade of
“C.” Of the remaining essays, one will be a research paper of at least 1,000 words and one will be a textual
analysis. The research paper will use MLA style and will require a minimum of three sources, including at least
two different types of sources. The remaining essays will achieve at least two of the following purposes:
expressive, referential, and persuasive. In writing each essay, students will use one or more of the following
methods of development: cause and effect, comparison/contrast, classification, definition, description,
ACC/AHS Dual Credit
ENGL 1301 - English Composition
illustration, narration, process analysis, and evaluation.
Additional Assignments:
 Students will also complete The Info Game, http://library.austincc.edu/help/infogamedevelopment,
an on-line information literacy program.
 readings
 quizzes
 multiple drafts
 presentations
 class discussions
Grading: Letter/Number Grades
I will assign letter/number grades to all required essays. You will be given the opportunity to draft and revise
required essay assignments one time each after instructor review in order to improve your grade by as much
as half of the original points deducted from the paper. For example, if you make a 74 on the original draft, you
can earn back as many as 13 points by revising and resubmitting your paper. You must turn in the originally
scored essay with your revision no more than two weeks after the graded essay is returned to you. Late
revisions will not be accepted.
Final grades will be determined according to the following calculations:
Expressive Essay—15%
Persuasive Essay—20%
Textual Analysis—20%
Research Project (includes Proposal, Research Checks, Peer Reviews, & Essay)—30%
Participation, quizzes, in-class activities—15%
Departmental Exam—pass/fail
Withdrawal Policy
**Enrollment in ENGL 1302 requires credit for 1301, or its equivalent, with a least a grade of “C.” Instructor
will verify.**
I will not withdraw anyone from this course, though you can withdraw yourself if you feel it is necessary. It is
important to turn in essays and revisions in a timely manner and to attend every class meeting. If you receive
below a 70 in the course, be aware that you will not receive credit for English Composition 1301 through ACC
or credit for English III through Austin High. While you are not limited in the number of college courses from
which you can withdraw while you are in high school, it is important to know that receiving a failing grade in a
Dual Credit course can negatively impact your ability to receive government financial aid when you go to
college. Therefore, as the semester goes on, if you are worried you will not pass or if I am worried you will not
pass, we will be conferencing to decide the best course of action for you.
Awarding of “Incomplete” as a Final Grade
I will rarely give an “I” grade (incomplete). You must have a verifiable emergency occurring after the last
day to withdraw. All work to complete the course must be done by a deadline set by the instructor and can
result in a grade no higher than C. Failure to complete the work will result in an F.
ACC/AHS Dual Credit
ENGL 1301 - English Composition
Scholastic Dishonesty
Acts prohibited by the College for which discipline may be administered include scholastic dishonesty (e.g.,
cheating on an exam or quiz, plagiarizing, and unauthorized collaboration with another in preparing outside
work). Academic work submitted by students shall be the result of their thought, research, or selfexpression. Academic work is defined as (but not limited to) tests and quizzes, whether taken electronically
or on paper; projects, either individual or group; classroom presentations; and homework.
Plagiarism: Defined as taking another person’s intellectual work and using it as one’s own; for example,
this includes quoting without giving proper credit to a source, expanding another person’s work without
giving credit to that person, or submitting another person’s work under the pretense that it is one’s own (p.
27 Student Handbook).
If I determine that you have committed an act of academic dishonesty, you will receive a 0 on the
assignment and possibly fail the course, depending on the nature of the infraction. In addition, the infraction
and penalty assessed will be communicated in writing to the Dean of Student Services, the Department
Chair, and the Dean. Each essay will be submitted to SafeAssign through Blackboard .
Use of ACC Email
All College e-mail communication to students will be sent solely to the student’s ACC email account, with
the expectation that such communications will be read in a timely fashion. ACC will send important
information and will notify you of any college related emergencies using this account. Students should
only expect to receive email communication from their instructor using this account. Likewise,
students should use their ACC email account when communicating with instructors and staff.
Instructor Expectations:
A. Participation: I will assign regular reading assignments. You are expected to read this material and be
prepared to discuss it during the scheduled class period. Participation points will be awarded regularly and
will affect final averages.
B. Attendance and Missing/Late Work: Students are expected to attend all classes, bring assigned
readings and other supplies to class, and learn to take and keep good class notes. Students, whether
present or absent, are responsible for all assignments. The student must contact the instructor concerning
any missed assignments due to an absence. Late work will be assessed a 5 point penalty per day it is
late. It is important to maintain open lines of communication with me if you are having difficulty keeping up
with the pace of the assignments.
C. You MUST turn in your first essay in a manila folder with your name on it. You can purchase a
Composition I folder from the ACC Bookstore. I will keep ALL of your papers in this folder for a year after
the class has ended. You are responsible for making copies of your papers for your own records.
D. Your papers are to be written and saved onto your hard drive, student drive, or USB drive since you will
ACC/AHS Dual Credit
ENGL 1301 - English Composition
probably be editing submissions and resubmitting your papers to me after I have reviewed them. Write all
papers with the following requirements: one double-spaced, typed page with 1” margins all around at
12 pt. font (will be considered 300 words for class purposes). No title page is necessary. Use Times
New Roman or a similar font (no stretched or cursive fonts). You will submit a hard copy to me and an
electronic copy through SafeAssign on Blackboard.
H. I will have my cell phone out in class in case my children’s school needs to reach me. However, when
we are involved in class discussions, activities, and/or instruction, your cell phone should be out of sight. In
addition, do not use your cell phone to help with an assignment unless you ask my permission first.
Gaming, texting, Facebooking, Snapchatting, Tweeting, Instagramming, Pinteresting and so on and so forth
during class is rude. Don’t be rude.
Portions of this document have been borrowed from the ACC English department Composition 1301 Master Syllabus
found at https://drive.google.com/a/austincc.edu/file/d/0BxaBAAzA33EtRmdVNExla0Y4Zjg/view
This calendar provides the anticipated activities for the sixteen weeks of this course. It is based upon the
most recent information available and is as accurate and complete as possible. I reserve the right to make
any changes I deem necessary and/or appropriate, and I will communicate changes in a timely
manner. Students are responsible for taking note of changes as they are made available.
EA=Everything’s an Argument
EW= Easy Writer handbook
HO= Handout
Week 1— Course Introduction
Aug 24th-- Monday
Introduction to Course/Instructor
Review Syllabus
Homework: obtain copies of required materials ASAP
Aug 26th—Wednesday
Grammar Do Now
Writing Diagnostic
Summary Diagnostic
Homework: Read syllabus; Log on to Blackboard, download Syllabus Scavenger Hunt, complete the
assignment and return it to Ms. Mitchell at jessica.mitchell@austincc.edu via YOUR ACC e-mail address by
the beginning of class Monday; obtain copies of required materials and books ASAP.
Week 2— Composition Focus: Expressive Essays
Sept 1st—Tuesday
Grammar Do Now
Finish Diagnostics if need be
Discuss purposes and patterns of writing
HW: read excerpts from Ch 1 & 2 in The Transition to College Writing (HO); obtain copies of required
ACC/AHS Dual Credit
ENGL 1301 - English Composition
classroom materials and books
Sept 3rd--Thursday
Grammar Do Now
Discuss assigned readings
Expressive Essay examples, summaries: “Superman and Me” “Tongue-Tied” “Learning to Read,” “Me Talk
Pretty One Day,” etc…
HW: read Chapter 1 of Everything’s an Argument
Week 3—Composition Focus: The Expressive Essay
Sept 8th—Tuesday (Monday is Labor Day)
Grammar Quiz
Discuss assigned reading
Expressive Essay examples, summaries
HW: read chapter 9 of EA
Sept 10th--Thursday
Grammar Do Now
Discuss assigned reading
Assign Essay 1—Expressive Essay (Definition or Causal Argument)
HW: begin working on Essay 1, read chapter 11 of EA
Week 4—Writing Focus: The Expressive Essay (Definition or Causal Argument)
Sept 14th—Monday
Grammar Do Now
Discuss assigned reading
Work on Essay 1 with remaining class time
HW: Read chapter 13 of EA; First Draft of Essay 1 due in class on Sept 16th for peer review
Sept 16th--Wednesday
Grammar Quiz
Discuss Peer Review Process
Peer Review Essay 1
HW: begin revising Essay 1 based on peer feedback; read Chapter 4 “How Good Writing Gets Written”-Transition to College Writing (HO)
Week 5—Writing Focus: Persuasive Essay (Evaluation or Proposal)
Sept 22nd--Tuesday
Grammar Do Now
Turn in a hard copy of Essay 1 (submit an electronic copy to SafeAssign via Blackboard)
Discuss assigned reading
Read sample persuasive essays, two column notes, summaries
HW: Read chapter 12 of EA
Sept 24th--Thursday
Grammar Quiz
Discuss assigned reading
ACC/AHS Dual Credit
ENGL 1301 - English Composition
Assign Essay 2—Persuasive Essay (Evaluation or Proposal)
Continue reading sample persuasive essays, two column notes, summaries
HW: Work on essay 2, read chapter 7 of EA
Week 6—Writing Focus: Persuasive Essay (Evaluation or Proposal)
Sept 28th--Monday
Grammar Do Now
Discuss assigned reading
Finish reading sample persuasive essays, two column notes, summaries
HW: work on Essay 2—peer review next class
Sept 30th—Wednesday
Grammar Do Now
Peer Review Essay 2
HW: Finish Essay 2, read chapter 6 of EA
Week 7—Writing Focus: Textual Analysis
Oct 6th--Tuesday
Grammar Do Now
Turn in Essay 2 final draft and submit an electronic copy to SafeAssign
Review assigned reading
HW: Read chapters 2 and 3 of EA
Oct 8th--Thursday
Grammar Quiz
Discuss assigned readings
Pathos and Ethos examples
HW: Read chapters 4 and 5 of EA
Week 8—Writing Focus: Textual Analysis
Oct 13th—Tuesday
Grammar Do Now
Discuss assigned readings on Logos and Logical Fallacies
Review Pathos and Ethos
Review patterns of writing and rhetorical devices
Oct 15th—Thursday
Grammar Do Now
Continue discussing Logical Fallacies
Week 9—Writing Focus: Textual Analysis
Oct 19th--Monday
Grammar Quiz
Pre-write Textual Analyses in groups
Review Departmental Exam instructions
HW: Study structure of arguments, ethos, pathos, logos, logical fallacies, writing patterns, and rhetorical
devices for in-class essay
ACC/AHS Dual Credit
ENGL 1301 - English Composition
Oct 21st--Wednesday
Grammar Do Now
Read assigned text
Write Essay 3—Textual Analysis in class
HW: Read chapter 8 of EA
Week 10—Writing Focus: The Research Paper
Oct 27th--Tuesday
Grammar Do Now
Finish Essay 3 in class
HW: Read chapter 16 of EA
Oct 29th--Thursday
Grammar Do Now
Discuss chapters 8 and 16 of EA
Read and analyze sample essays
Assign Essay 4—The Research Paper and The Info Game
HW: Complete the Info Game, Begin brainstorming possible paper topics, read chapter 17 of EA
Week 11—Writing Focus: The Research Paper
Nov 2nd--Monday
Grammar Quiz
Read and analyze sample essays
Continue brainstorming possible paper topics
Begin researching on ACC’s Library catalog to narrow topic
HW: Read chapter 18 of EA, determine research paper topic and write research proposal, including three
Nov 4th--Wednesday
Grammar Quiz
Student Conferences with Ms. Mitchell about Essay 3
Hand out Departmental Exam tickets
Students read chapters 19 and 20 of EA while others are conferencing
HW: Determine research paper topic and write research proposal, including three sources
Week 12—Writing Focus: The Research Paper (with a Departmental Exam thrown in for good measure)
Take your Departmental Exam at some point this week at any ACC Testing Center. You will need
your ACC Student ID. You MUST complete the Departmental Exam before November 23rd.
Nov 10th--Tuesday
Grammar Do Now
Turn in Research Paper Proposals for Teacher Review
Review Departmental Exam instructions
HW: Prepare for Departmental Exam
Nov 13th—Friday
ACC/AHS Dual Credit
ENGL 1301 - English Composition
Grammar Do Now
Review chapters 18-20 of EA
Return Research Paper Proposals
HW: Begin working on Research Paper draft; complete Research Check #1 to turn in Tuesday
Week 13—Writing Focus: The Research Paper
Nov 17th--Tuesday
Grammar Do Now
Turn in Research Check #1
Read chapter 21 of EA and complete documentation activity
HW: Continue working on Research Paper draft
Nov 19th--Thursday
Grammar Quiz
Read chapter 21 of EA and complete documentation activity
HW: Research Check #2
**November 19th is the last day to withdraw from ACC classes. Talk to Ms. Mitchell if you are concerned
about whether or not you should withdraw.**
Week 14—Writing Focus: The Research Paper
Nov 23rd--Monday
Grammar Do Now
Research Day—work on Research Check #2
Research Check #2 and Info Game must be submitted by end of class
HW: Write Research Paper Draft for Upcoming Peer Review
Nov 25th--Wednesday
Student Conferences with Ms. Mitchell about Research Papers—I will let you know ahead of time if you
need to come in for a conference.
Week 15—Writing Focus: The Research Paper
Nov 30th--Monday
Grammar Do Now
Peer Review #1
HW: Revise Research Paper draft based on peer feedback
Dec 2nd--Wednesday
Grammar Do Now
Peer Review #2
HW: Revise Research Paper draft based on peer feedback
Week 16—Writing Focus: The Research Paper
Dec 8th--Tuesday
Student In-Class Writing Day
HW: Bring all returned essays to class on Thursday for Portfolio Compilation.
Dec 10th—Thursday
ACC/AHS Dual Credit
ENGL 1301 - English Composition
Last Grammar Quiz
Individual Portfolio Review and Reflection
Final draft of research paper due today!
End of Semester
TSI exempt or complete OR (on TSI Assessment test) 5 on writing exam OR 4 on writing exam AND 363
on objective exam AND 351 on reading exam OR C or better in Writing Skills 3 (DEVW 0130, 0230, 0330,
or 0331) AND Reading Skills 3, (DEVR 0320) or ESOL 0384 or 0326.
Summary of Student Expectations
To successfully complete Composition I, students should enter with the following basic skills: critical
reading; content development; organization of writing to include an introduction, appropriate thesis,
coherent paragraphs, transitions, and a conclusion; grammar, mechanics, and sentence construction; and
an initial understanding of documentation of sources.
Below is a link to a list of expectations and skills for students who are enrolling in Composition I:
Course Objectives/Rationale
The goals of Composition I are to promote
• critical thinking, reading, and writing;
• clear, coherent, confident, and effective communication;
• collaborative writing and learning.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of English 1301, students should be able to
• identify rhetorical purposes and methods of organization appropriate to topic, thesis, and
• collect, read, analyze, and use information from a wide range of sources;
• write a coherent essay observing appropriate grammatical, mechanical, and stylistic conventions;
• write competently in the informative, analytical, and persuasive modes
• evaluate, edit, and revise at all stages of the writing process.
Discipline/Program Student Learning Outcomes
The following outcomes are developed in all English Composition I students regardless of student age or
course location:
• expanded critical reading ability;
• ability to write to the specifications of a writing assignment in terms of subject, rhetorical
purpose, method(s) of organization and length;
• ability to form a research question, develop a thesis, locate and select credible sources
applicable to the thesis, and write an essay of the specified length that responds to the thesis;
• ability to analyze a piece of writing to detail the elements identified in the writing assignment;
• ability to evaluate a piece of writing using specified or developed criteria for evaluation;
• expanded ability to develop content for an essay and organize writing to include an
introduction, appropriate thesis, coherent paragraphs with transitions, and a conclusion;
• expanded ability to use correct grammar and mechanics in every writing task.
General Education Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the general education component of an associate’s degree, students will demonstrate
competence in:
Critical Thinking--Gathering, analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating and applying information.
Interpersonal Skills--Interacting collaboratively to achieve common goals.
ACC/AHS Dual Credit
ENGL 1301 - English Composition
Personal Responsibilities—Demonstrating effective learning, creative thinking, and personal
Technology Skills--Using appropriate technology to retrieve, manage, analyze, and present
Written, Oral and Visual Communication--Communicating effectively, adapting to purpose,
structure, audience, and medium.
Instructional Methodology
In this section of Composition 1301, we will use the following methodology—discussions, small group activities,
peer reviewing, use of electronic media, and in-class writing workshops.
Core components to be covered in Composition I include
• purpose
• audience
• language/diction/style
• thesis statements
• topic sentences
• the writing process (invention, drafting, revision)
• organization (including methods of development)
• paragraph unity, development, and coherence
• grammar and mechanics
• the research process
The Departmental Exam
The Departmental Exam is required of all students enrolled in English 1301 and must be taken under
supervision after required essays are completed. Given a selection to read, students will write an interpretive
essay of at least 600 words analyzing the selection. The instructor will provide more detailed instructions about
the test, which will be evaluated "Pass" or "Retest" only. Students who do not pass on the first try may retest
once. Essays must demonstrate the following:
• Coherence, analytical thinking, and an understanding of the selection’s thesis, purpose(s), and
method(s) of development;
• Adherence to stylistic, grammatical, and mechanical conventions of standard written English.
Student Freedom of Expression
Each student is strongly encouraged to participate in class. In any classroom situation that includes
discussion and critical thinking, there are bound to be many differing viewpoints. These differences
enhance the learning experience and create an atmosphere where students and instructors alike will be
encouraged to think and learn. On sensitive and volatile topics, students may sometimes disagree not only
with each other but also with the instructor. It is expected that faculty and students will respect the views of
others both when expressed in classroom discussions or in class-related writing.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students at the college have the rights accorded by the U.S. Constitution to freedom of speech, peaceful
assembly, petition, and association. These rights carry with them the responsibility to accord the same
rights to others in the college community and not to interfere with or disrupt the educational process.
Opportunity for students to examine and question pertinent data and assumptions of a given discipline,
guided by the evidence of scholarly research, is appropriate in a learning environment. This concept is
accompanied by an equally demanding concept of responsibility on the part of the student. As willing
partners in learning, students must comply with college rules and procedures.
ACC/AHS Dual Credit
ENGL 1301 - English Composition
Enrollment in the college indicates acceptance of the rules set forth in this policy, which is administered
through the office of the campus dean of student services. Due process, through an investigation and
appeal process, is assured to any student involved in disciplinary action.
General Provisions:
The purpose of this policy is to identify the rights and responsibilities of ACC students, to specify acts
prohibited and standards of conduct required, and to set a range of appropriate penalties when rules are
Due Process:
College disciplinary procedures respect the due process rights of students.
Emergency Action:
Provisions are included to protect the college and members of the college community in emergencies and
other instances requiring immediate action. Even in such instances, the college will take reasonable steps
to provide for due process.
Administration of Discipline:
The campus dean of student services or the appropriate facility administrator shall have primary
responsibility for the administration of student discipline. The campus dean of student services works
cooperatively with faculty members in the disposition of scholastic violations.
Students with Disabilities
Each ACC campus offers support services for students with documented physical or psychological disabilities.
Students with disabilities must request reasonable accommodations through the Office for Students with
Disabilities on the campus where they expect to take the majority of their classes. Students are encouraged to
do this three weeks before the start of the semester.
Safety Statement
Austin Community College is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for study and work.
You are expected to learn and comply with ACC environmental, health and safety procedures and agree to
follow ACC safety policies. Additional information on these can be found at http://www.austincc.edu/ehs.
Because some health and safety circumstances are beyond our control, students should become familiar
with the Emergency Procedures poster and Campus Safety Plan map in each classroom. Additional
information about emergency procedures and how to sign up for ACC Emergency Alerts to be notified in
the event of a serious emergency can be found at http://www.austincc.edu/emergency/.
Please note, students are expected to conduct themselves professionally with respect and courtesy to all.
Anyone who thoughtlessly or intentionally jeopardizes the health or safety of another individual will be
immediately dismissed from the day’s activity, may be withdrawn from the class, and/or barred from
attending future activities.
Testing Center Policy
Under certain circumstances, an instructor may have students take an examination in a testing center.
Students using the Academic Testing Center must govern themselves according to the Student Guide. Use
of ACC Testing Centers and should read the entire guide before going to take the exam.
To request an exam, one must have:
ACC Photo ID
Course Abbreviation (e.g., ENGL)
Course Number (e.g.,1301)
ACC/AHS Dual Credit
ENGL 1301 - English Composition
Course Synonym (e.g., 10123)
Course Section (e.g., 005)
Instructor's Name
Do NOT bring cell phones to the Testing Center. Having your cell phone in the testing room, regardless of
whether it is on or off, will revoke your testing privileges for the remainder of the semester. ACC Testing
Center policies can be found at http://www.austincc.edu/testctr/
Student and Instructional Services
ACC strives to provide exemplary support to its students and offers a broad variety of opportunities and
services. Information on these services and support systems is available at: http://www.austincc.edu/s4/
Links to many student services and other information can be found at: http://www.austincc.edu/current/
ACC Learning Labs provide free tutoring services to all ACC students currently enrolled in the course to be
For help setting up ACCeID, ACC Gmail, or ACC Blackboard, see a Learning Lab Technician at any ACC
Learning Lab.
What is FERPA?
FERPA is the Family Educational Right to Privacy Act of 1974. FERPA says that college staff, including
faculty, cannot release a student’s academic information or discuss a student’s grades or class progress
with anyone, even parents, without the student’s written consent, REGARDLESS OF AGE.
Parents should understand that the Family Education Right to Privacy Act (FERPA) applies to their child
when they become an ECS student, regardless of the child’s age. When students apply to become part of
ECS, parents are required to sign a form indicating that they understand FERPA and the limits it puts on
what teachers and other college staff may tell them. For more information on FERPA, go to
As your instructor, I may not communicate information about your class progress or grades with anyone
without your written consent, regardless of whether or not you are over 18.
Faculty members may allow parents to attend a student-teacher conference only if the student gives written
consent. That consent is event specific, meaning that a new written consent must be signed for each