Northern Elementary Writing Checklist According to SBDM Policy, each teacher will submit to the Professional Learning Community the required writing checklist on the specified due date for committee review. The cluster leader will submit the checklists to the BAC and DAC. The items below can be used for evidence in the Writing Program Review. Teacher:_______ Kindergarten First Grade Community of Writers-- 2 Weeks Due: Analyze: Unit 1 Due: Analyze: Unit 2 Due: Analyze: Unit 3 Due: Analyze: Unit 4 Due: Analyze: Unit 5 Due: Analyze: Unit 6 Due: Analyze: __Journal entry __Journal __Picture Writing __Predictable charts __ Opinion piece with rubric (book review) __ Write to answer questions __Journal entry __Informative/expla natory piece with rubric __Writing to learn journal entry __ Narrative piece with rubric __Provide text to illustration __Journal __ Shared research project __Interview __Social Studies Journal entry __Journal entry __ Personal __Narratives (cont.) __ Research __ Feature article using __ Opinion piece with __Journal entry project with illustrations with rubric __Journal entry __ Publish writing piece using digital tools with rubric (audio, video, type) __Interview __Science Journal entry __ Writing to prompt Science or Social Studies narrative (Publish with technology) with rubric __Journal entry technology with rubric __Writing to prompt Reading rubric __Writing to prompt Math __Speech Second Grade __Journal entry __Oral Story Telling __ Personal Narrative with rubric __Journal entry __Realistic fiction with rubric __Reading Extended Response __Writing to learn Journal Math __Informative/expla natory piece with rubric __Math Extended Response __Speech? __Opinion piece (persuasive) with rubric __Social Studies Journal entry __Blog entry __ Research piece with rubric __ Group PowerPoint presentation __Math Extended Response __Science Probe __Book opinion piece with rubric __Reading extended Response __Reflective Journal __Audio recording of story or poem Third Grade __Journal entry __Personal Narratives with rubric __Imagined __Biography (info __Learning log __Opinion piece with __Reflective piece __Math __Journal entry __Math extended __Journal entry for Narratives with rubric report) with rubric __Journal entry __Research project(info report)/Feature article with rubric rubric response with rubric math Fourth Grade Fifth Grade constructed response Math __Journal entry constructed response __Reading __Exit slip __Social Studies Journal entry __Blog entry __Speech with rubric __Science Probe __Reading Constructed Response __Audio recording of story or poem with rubric __PowerPoint Presentation? __ Biography with rubric __Bio-poem __Wordle poem __Weekend Journal entry __ Personal narrative with rubric __Research PowerPoint on Body Systems with rubric __Admit Slip __ Imagined narrative with rubric __Reading open response __Journal entry Math __Video speech __Word Mover haiku __ Feature Article with rubric __Journal entry __Math extended response __4-H speech with rubric __Toontastic cartoon with rubric __ Opinion pieces with rubric __Journal entry social studies __Science extended response __Edmodo post __ Space PowerPoint with rubric __Journal entry __Exit slip __Journal entry Reading __Science Probe __Reflective Journal __Journal entry __Real narrative— Memoir with rubric __Reading extended response __Poem __Blog __ Historical fiction narrative with rubric __Extended response math __Journal entry __Social studies __ Inventions Explanatory Essay with rubric __Journal entry __Constructed response math __Extended response __ Opinion (persuasive) piece with rubric __Opinion Speech with rubric __On demand entry with rubric __Blog entry __ Research project with rubric __Informative speech with rubric __On demand entry with rubric __Summarize text aloud using diverse media __Journal entry __Note-taking activity __Reflective PowerPoint with rubric