Unit 3 week 1 day 4

The Fabulous Perpetual
Motion Machine
Day 4
How do inventors inspire
our imaginations?
• Think about the improvement Carlos and Lily
thought they made with the perpetual motion
• What role does improvement play in ideas for
new inventions?
• There was a problem with Carlos and Lily’s
design-the machine borrowed energy rather
than creating it.
• Is it possible to have a good idea but a bad
design? If so, what do you think would happen to
the invention?
• Entrepreneur-someone who organizes and
manages a business
• An entrepreneur opened two new coffee
shops and a bookstore in our town.
• Innovation- something new or different
• Creating a new machine instead of a
typical diorama was a real innovation.
• Applauds- to show approval or praise
by clapping
• Everyone applauds when the magician
finishes his amazing act.
• Inspecting- to look at closely
• I use my magnifying glass when I’m
inspecting the new mold growth.
Teach your partner these words.
• Fabulous- almost impossible to believe
• Synonym- incredible
• The red feathers on her hat looked
fabulous with a dark brown background.
• Browsing- to inspect something leisurely
and casually
• Dylan spends hours browsing in stores
but rarely buys anything.
• Teach your partner these words.
Shades of Meaning
• Which word completes the sentence with
the strongest word
• John _____ the door loudly.
• (shut, slammed, banged)
• May’s weather was ________.
• (scorching, hot, warm)
• Past tense shows action that has already
• Present tense shows action that happens
• Future tense shows action that will happen
• Schwa is the sound uh spelled by any
other letter than the letter u:
• Pleasant
• Among
• Confront
• Famous
• problem
Lets take a look at our
Daily Fix it
• Today we are going to revise our drafts
• Choose words that make your dialogue sound
like natural speech
• Use words that reveal your characters’
thoughts, feelings, and motivations
• Add or subtract details to clarify meaning
where necessary