What is a System? - Binus Repository


Matakuliah : F0174 / Audit Laporan Keuangan Berbasis


Tahun : 2008

Konsep Sistem & Standar Profesi Audit

Teknologi Informasi

Pertemuan 01-02

Bina Nusantara

Overview konsep sistem

What is a System?

• What is a System?

– “Any entity, conceptual or physical, which consists of interdependent parts.”

(Russel Ackoff)

• Systems :

– are systematic : do something in a specific order

– display ‘systemic properties’.

Bina Nusantara

Systemic Properties

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– Boundary

– Inputs/Outputs

– Transformation

– Requisite Variety

– Purpose

– Adaptive Content

– Measures of Performance


System boundary




System boundary defined by weltanschauung of system definer and systemic properties displayed.

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Bina Nusantara




Bina Nusantara


Bina Nusantara

Audit Standard & Profesion


Hierarchy of a Typical CPA Firm

Staff Level Experience Typical Responsibilities

Staff assistant

0-2 years

Performs most of the detailed audit work

Senior or in-charge auditor

2-5 years

Responsible for the audit field work, including supervising staff work

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Hierarchy of a Typical CPA Firm

Staff Level Experience Typical Responsibilities

Manager 5-10 years

Helps the plan, manages the audit, reviews work, and works with the client

Partner 10+ years

Reviews audit work and makes significant audit decisions

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E-Commerce and CPA Firm Operations

CPA firms are using the Internet to market their services.

They also use the Internet to connect their global professional staff.

Firms take advantage of online resources and databases to help their staffs stay current on emerging business and standards-setting issues.

Bina Nusantara

Learning Objective 2

• Understand the role of the

• Public Company Accounting

• Oversight Board and the effects

• of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on

• the CPA profession.

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Sarbanes-Oxley Act

This Act is considered by many observers to be the most important legislation affecting the auditing profession since the 1930s.

The provisions of the Act apply to publicly held companies and their audit firms.

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Sarbanes-Oxley Act


(Public Company Accounting

Oversight Board)

Learning Objective 3

• Summarize the role of the

• Securities and Exchange

• Commission in accounting

• and auditing.

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Securities and Exchange Commission

The overall purpose of the Securities and

Exchange Commission (SEC) is to assist in providing investors with reliable information

Upon which to make investment decisions.

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Securities and Exchange Commission

Bina Nusantara

Forms S-1 to S-16

Form 8-K

Form 10-K

Form 10-Q

Learning Objective 4

• Describe the key functions

• performed by the AICPA.

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The AICPA sets professional requirements for CPAs, conducts research, and publishes materials on many different subjects related to accounting, auditing, attestation and

Assurance services, management

Consulting services, and taxes.

Bina Nusantara

Establishing Standards and Rules

The AICPA is empowered to set standards

(guidelines) and rules that all members

And other practicing CPAs must follow.

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Establishing Standards and Rules

1. Auditing standards

2. Compilation and review standards

3. Other attestation standards

4. Consulting standards

5. Code of Professional Conduct

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Profesi dan Sertifikasi Auditor dalam Organisasi

The Information Systems Audit and Control Association


The Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) designation is the most highly valued global credential for IT auditors.

ISACA began offering CISA certification in 1978

Certification generally requires a minimum of five years experience in

IT auditing, controls and security

CISA professionals must agree to a code of professional ethics esigned to guide them ini their conduct and to abide by ISACA’s information system Auditing Standards

ISACA recently created a new credential, the CertifiedInformation

Security Manager (CISM) for non audit profesional


Bina Nusantara

Profesi dan Sertifikasi Auditor dalam Organisasi

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)

Established in 1941, is an organization of Internal Auditing profesionals.

The organization produces a journal, host profesional meetings and educational seminars, and issues the

Cerified Internal Auditor (CIA) credential, along with certifications in control self-assessment, government auditing, and financial services auditing.


Bina Nusantara

Profesi dan Sertifikasi Auditor dalam Organisasi

To be a CIA, a candidate must have

1. a bachelorsdegree or meet international equivalency standards,

2. Provide a character reference

3. Have twenty-four months of Internal Audit or equivalent experience

4. Pass the CIA examination

The CIA examination topics:

1. The Internal Audit Process

2. Internal Audit Skills

3. Management Control & Information Technology

4. The Audit Environment


Bina Nusantara

Profesi dan Sertifikasi Auditor dalam Organisasi

IT Topics include:

1. IS strategies, policies and procedures

2. Hardware, platforms, networks and telecommunication

3. Data processing

4. System development, acquisition and Maintenance

5. IS securitity and Contingency planning

Bina Nusantara

Profesi dan Sertifikasi Auditor dalam Organisasi

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners


ACFE issues the Cerfied Fraud Examiner (CFE) credential to professionals who specialize in auditing for fraud.

CFE candidate eligibility is based on point system. Point are awarded for higher education and professioanl experience.

The CFE examination is made up of five hundred objective questions and is given by computer.


Bina Nusantara

Profesi dan Sertifikasi Auditor dalam Organisasi

Area coverage are:

1. Fraudelent financial transactions

2. Fraud investigation

3. Legal element of fraud

4. Crimonology and Etich

The exam does not cover IT explicity, and IT is not focus

Bina Nusantara

Profesi dan Sertifikasi Auditor dalam Organisasi

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountant


The AICPA is the professional organization that confers the Certified

Public Accountant (CPA) license

CPAs engage in all aspects of accounting, including tax, consulting, and IT auditing.

In 2000, AICPA introduced anew credential that is an “add-on” to the

CPA license. This is Certifed Information Technology Professional

(CITP) certification.

The purpose of this credential is to demonstrate that CPA has specialized expertise in IT.


Bina Nusantara

Struktur Audit Teknologi Informasi

How do you complete an IT engagement? The procedures vary with the many types of IT audits. These include

1. Attestations or agreed upon procedures audits

2. Statement on Auditing Standards

3. IT Audit support of external financial audits

4. Findings and recommendations reviews


Bina Nusantara

IT Audit Skill

In order to do their work, IT auditors need training and education

IT Auditors are likely to hold at least a bachelor,s degree

The graduate might have majored in most any thing, but commonly education will be in:

Information System

Computer Science

And Or Accounting


Bina Nusantara

IT Audit Skill

Many Auditor have graduate degrees and special certifications or licenses. The certifications can be fairly general, such as:


Certified Public Accountant (CPA)


Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)


Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)


Certified Information System Auditor (CISA)


Bina Nusantara

IT Audit Skill

Another Potential Certification is the :

Certified Information Systems Security Professional


Trust is particularly important in computer security industry

Certification required:

Three years of pratctical work experience

Candidates must pass an exam that covers topics :

1. Cryptography

2. Access control systems

3. Security architectures

4. Operations security

5. Legal and ethical issues

Bina Nusantara


Konsep Pengendalian Internal

Sistem Pengendalian Internal(SPI):

Mekanisme yang di desain untuk menjaga (preventive), mendeteksi(detective), dan memberikan mekanisme pembetulan (corective) terhadap potensi terjadinya kesalahan, mayupun penyalahgunaan

Tujuan SPI:

1. Meningkatkan pengamanan (improve safeguard)

2. Akuntansi (accounting record)

3. Meningkatkan integritas data (improve data integrity)

4. Meningkatkan efektifitas system(improve system effectiveness)

5. Meningkatkan efisiensi sistem (system efficiency)


Bina Nusantara

Bina Nusantara

Metodologi Sistem Pengendalian Internal

Exposure result

From error





System Controls






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