Chapter 6

Groups and Teams

Purpose and Overview

• Purpose

– To understand effective management through motivation, leadership, and conflict management

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Purpose and Overview

• Overview

– The Importance of Groups and Teams in

Health Services Organizations

– Understanding and Improving Team


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Purpose and Overview

• Overview

– Team Processes

– Team Characteristics

– Nature of the Task

– The Environmental Context

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The Importance of Groups and


• Types of Groups

• Two or more persons interacting to influence each other

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The Importance of Groups and


• Types of Groups

– Informal

– Formal

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The Importance of Groups and


• Types of Teams

– Interdependent

– Share responsibility for outcomes

– Intact social entity embedded in larger social systems

– Manage relationships across organizational boundaries

– Formal group

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The Importance of Groups and


• Types of Teams

– Work Teams

– Parallel Teams

– Project Teams

– Management Teams

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Understanding and Improving Team


• Effective Teams

– Drive to improve

– Mechanisms to facilitate improvement

– Flexible and adaptive

– Improves their performance

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Understanding and Improving Team


• A Model of Team Effectiveness

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Team Processes

• Leadership

– Ability to influence others toward achieving team's goals

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Team Processes

• Communication Network and Patterns:

– A team cannot function effectively unless members can share information

• Ambassador activities

• Task-coordinator activities

• Scout activities

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Team Processes

• Decision Making

– Exchanging information and making decisions is critical

• Free-riding

• Groupthink

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Team Processes

• Decision Making

– Groupthink Symptoms:

• Illusion of invulnerability

• Collective rationalization

• Belief in inherent morality of the team

• Stereotyping others

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Team Processes

• Decision Making

– Groupthink Symptoms:

• Pressures to conform

• Use of mind guards

• Self-censorship

• Illusion of unanimity

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Team Processes

• Learning

– Team's ability to learn is essential to effectiveness

– Process enabled by climate of psychological safety

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Team Processes

• Stages of Team Development

– Forming

– Storming

– Norming

– Performing

– Adjourning

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Team Processes

• Team Process as an Intermediary

– Team processes can be improved by team members and leaders

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Team Characteristics

• Every team influences and determines members’ interaction with each other

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Team Characteristics

• Team Composition and Size Dimensions

– Age and gender

– Occupation

– Tenure

– Abilities

– Personality

– Nationality, Race, Ethnicity or Culture

– Experience

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Team Characteristics

• Team Composition and Size

– Affects team process and effectiveness

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Team Characteristics

• Status Differences

– Worth conferred on individual by group

– Motivates people

– Provides means of identification

– Stabilizing force

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Team Characteristics

• Psychological Safety

– Individuals’ perceptions about consequences of risks

– “If I make a mistake…won’t be penalized”

– Confidence to experiment

– Confidence to discuss mistakes and problems

– Confidence to ask others for help

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Team Characteristics

• Team Norms

– Standard to regulate member behavior

• Behavior norms

• Performance norms

– Powerful influence

– Necessary for effective group functioning

– Group members socialize other members

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Team Characteristics

• Team Cohesiveness

– Attraction to other members

– Motivated to stay

– Committed to group task

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Team Characteristics

• Highly Cohesive

– May have higher performance

– Improved satisfaction

– Lower levels of turnover

• Conflict

– May be beneficial to group performance

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Nature of the Task

• Group Behaviors Critical to Success

– Individual effort

– Collaboration

– Interdependent effort

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Nature of the Task

• Team Goals

– Categorized according to goal clarity, complexity, and diversity

• Predictable, understandable

• Ambiguous or ill-structured goals

• Task Complexity

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Nature of the Task

• Task Interdependence

– Degree to which team members rely on one another

– Interdependence increases uncertainty

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Nature of the Task

• Task Interdependence

– Pooled

– Sequential

– Reciprocal

– Team

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Environmental Context

• Effects of External Pressures

– Organizational factors

– Factors in external environment

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Environmental Context

• Intergroup Relationships and Conflict

– Team effectiveness depends on ability to interact with other teams in a positive and productive manner

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Environmental Context

• Conflict

– Inevitable

– Often emerges from factors related to interdependence among work groups

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Environmental Context

• Common Causes of Conflict

– Competition for limited resources

– Ambiguity about teams’ respective task responsibilities and roles

– Emerges from factors related to interdependence among work groups

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Environmental Context

• Conflict

– Strategies to reduce intergroup conflict

• Intergroup training using team-building techniques

• Structuring relationships between teams

• Examining interfaces between teams

• Establishing self-contained teams

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Environmental Context

• Organizational Culture

• Top management’s goal

• Organizational reward system

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Environmental Context

• External Environment

– Areas of low resource availability vs. areas of high resource availability

– Local collaborative history

– Rural and urban differences

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