RAYAT BAHRA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OUTLINES OF EXAMINATION SYLLABI AND COURSES OF READING FOR MASTER OF ARTS (EDUCATION) (SEMESTER SYSTEM) REGULAR FOR 2014-2015 EXAMINATIONS Study Scheme for M.A. Education Duration: 2years (Semester System) M.A. EDUCATION PART - I SEMESTER-I PAPER Paper Code COURSE TITLE I 1101 II 1102 III 1103 IV V 1104 1105 Philosophical Foundations of Education Psychological Foundations of Education Methodology of Educational Research Pedagogy of Teaching Field Work/Project Total COURSE TITLE L T P C (Lecture) (Tutorial) (Practical) (Credit) 4 1 0 4 4 0 1 4 4 1 0 4 4 1 16 3 0 2 3 4 1 17 L T P C (Lecture) (Tutorial) (Practical) (Credit) 4 1 0 4 4 0 1 4 4 1 0 4 4 1 0 4 2 1 3 17 SEMESTER II PAPERS I Paper Code 1201 II 1202 III 1203 Sociological Foundations of Education Psychological Characteristics and Abilities Statistics in Education IV 1204 Special Education V 1205 Field Work/Project Total 16 3 M.A. (EDUCATION) SEMESTER-I 1101 PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION Max. Marks: 100 Continuous Evaluation system: 30 End Term Exams: 70 Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit 4 1 0 4 OBJECTIVES To enable the students to: (i) understand the significance of philosophical enquiry as basis of education. (ii) apply the concepts of different philosophical thoughts and thinkers in educational situations. (iii) develop understanding about the contribution of western and eastern philosophers to education. (iv) make them understand and apply knowledge in the contemporary development in educational field. SYLLABUS SECTION - A Philosophy of Education: nature, scope and functions; epistemology, metaphysics and axiology. Philosophies of Education: Western thought -overview of Idealism, Naturalism and Pragmatism; Existentialism, realism, logical positivism and empiricism in reference to teaching-learning process. SECTION – B Indian philosophies of education -Buddhism, Vedanta, Sankhya and Sikhism; Educational Thinkers: Swami Vivekananda; Emile Durkheim; Classification, hierarchy and erosion of values; Wellbeing; concept, importance and theories. Projects: Case study of any educational institution with respect to its philosophy (metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, aims of education, curriculum, text books, discipline, role of teacher and methods of teaching). Contribution made by any institution for the development of values in the present day scenario. BOOKS RECOMMENDED Aggarwal J.C. & Gupta, S. (2006). Great Philosophers and Thinkers on Education. New Delhi: Shipra Publications. Ahmed, Shehzad (2007). World’s Great Educationists. New Delhi: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. Ansari, S.H. (2003). Philosophical Foundations of Education. New Delhi: Sanjay Prakashan. Black, N. et al. (2003). Philosophy of Education. UK: Blackwell Publishers. Broudy, H.S. (1955). Building a Philosophy of Education, New Delhi : Prentice Hall of India. Chakrabarti, Mohit (2014). Value Education: Changing Perspectives. New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers and Distributors. Kaur, Kirandeep and Singh Lakhwinder (2011) Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education (Punjabi). Faridkot: Jashan Publications. Kumar, Satinder (2000). Educational Philosophy in Modern India. New Delhi: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. Mohanty, Jagannath (2005). Teaching of Moral Values: Development, New Trends and Innovations. New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publications. Mukerjee, H.B. (1962). Education Fullness, Asia Publishing House, Bombay. Nandra, I.S. (2010). Philosophical, Sociological and Economic Bases of Education. Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications. Pathak, R. P. (2007).Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives of Education. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers. Rajput, J.S. (2006). Human Values and Education. New Delhi: Pragun Publications. Ross, James (1966). Ground Work of Educational Theory, George G. Harreap and Co. Ltd., London. Sachdeva, M.S. (2013). Philosophical, Sociological and Economic Bases of Education. Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications. Sachdeva, Surjit Singh (2014). Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education (Pbi.). Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications. Sharma, Promila (2006). Philosophy of Education. New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation. Sharma, Ram Chandra (2003).Morals and Value Education. Jaipur: Book Enclave. 1102 PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION Max. Marks : 100 Continuous Evaluation system (10) and Practical (20): 30 End Term Exams: 70 OBJECTIVES Lecture Tutorial Practical 4 0 1 Credit 4 To enable the students to: (i) Understand the nature of the learner. (ii) Apply the principles of educational psychology in the class room situations. (iii) be able to administer and interpret psychological tests to provide counseling in different situations. SYLLABUS SECTION - A Educational Psychology: concept, scope and contribution of psychology to education; Methods: observation, experimental and case study; human development: Piaget's and Bruner's theories of cognitive development; learning: concept, theories of Skinner, Bandura and Gagne's hierarchy; individual differences and causes of inter and intra individual differences. SECTION - B Intelligence: concept, theories: Cattell, Thurstone, Gardner and Guilford's model; spiritual, social and emotional intelligence: concept and application; Mental Health: concept, strategies of promoting mental health of students and teachers, criteria of normality-abnormality, stress and coping, defense mechanisms. Practical Administration of the following tests: (a) Measurement of Intelligence using verbal and non-verbal techniques (b) Measurement of Spiritual, emotional and social intelligence (c) Identification of level of stress of your class (d) Exploring type of defense mechanism of your class (e) Assessment of mental health The students will maintain the record of the practicals duly certified by the teacher in the practical note-book. Performance of practical to be evaluated by the external examiner. BOOKS RECOMMENDED Aggarwal, J.C. (2006). Psychology of Learning and Development. New Delhi: Shipra Publications. Anastasi, Anne and Urbina, Susana (2008).Psychological Testing. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Baron, R.A. (2012).Psychology. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Bhatia, K.K. (2008). Bases ofEducational Psychology: The Learner Nature and Development. New Delhi: Kalyani Publishers. Chand, Jagdish (2010). Psychological Foundations of Education. New Delhi: Anshah Publishing. Claridge, Gordon & Davis, Caroline (2003).Personality and Psychological Disorders. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers. Dandapani, S. (2008).A Text Book of Advanced Educational Psychology. New Delhi: Anmol Publishers. Deaux, Kay & Snyder, Mark (2012).The Oxford Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. Garrison, Carl C. & Gray, Stanley J. (2011).Educational Psychology. New Delhi: Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Hall, C.S., Gardner, L., & Campbell, J.B. (2010).Theories of Personality. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. Mangal, S.K. (2007).Essentials of Educational Psychology. New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Meenakshi (2004).Advanced Educational Psychology. Patiala: Punjabi University. Singh, AgyaJit (2012). Development of the Learner and Teaching-Learning Process.Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications. Singh, Kanwarjit and JasrajKaur (1997) Vidyak Manovigyan: Ik Roop Rekha. Patiala: Gujaral Book Depot. 1103 METHODOLOGY OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Max. Marks : 100 Continuous Evaluation system: 30 End Term Exams: 70 Lecture 4 Tutorial 1 Practical 0 Credit 4 OBJECTIVES To enable the students to: (i) Learn and understand the basic concepts and techniques of research. (ii)Understand and complete a research project in the field of education. (iii)Develop abilities of questioning, probing, discussing, summarizing, formulating the hypotheses and drawing conclusions. (iv)Develop attitudes of critical analysis and synthesis for the solution of education problems. SYLLABUS SECTION – A Educational Research: meaning, nature, types, purpose, steps and limitations; Priority areas of Educational research; Research problem: Its selection, definition, statement and sources; Related literature: Purpose, sources and organization of related literature; Hypothesis: its meaning, types, importance, formulation and testing. SECTION - B Sampling: probability and non-probability; Quantitative methods of research: Historical, Descriptive and Experimental; Qualitative methods of research: Ethnography, Phenomenology and Case Study; research proposal and research report. BOOKS RECOMMENDED Adams, G.S. (l964). Measurement and Evaluation in Education &Psychology. New York: Rinehart and Winston. Aiken, L.R. & Gary GrothMarhant (2011).Psychological Testing and Assessment (12th edition). New Delhi: Pearson. Anastasi, Anne and Urbina, Susana (2008).Psychological Testing.New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Bhatia, K.K (1985). Measurement and Evaluation in Education. Ludhiana: Prakash Brothers. Creswell, J.W. (2007). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches. London: Sage Publications. Ebel, R.L. and D.A. Frisbei (1986).Essentials of Educational A1easurement. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Garrett, H.E. (2004). Statistics in Psychology and Education (11th Indian print). New Delhi: Paragon International. Grounlund, N.E. (1981). Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching (Fourth Edition). New York: MacMillan Publising Co. Guilford, J.P. (1965). Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co. Kothari, C.R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New Delhi: New Age International Pvt. Ltd. Publishers. Koul, Lokesh (2009). Methodology of Educational Research (4th Ed.). New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Kubiszyn, T. &Borich, G. (2003).Educational Testing and Measurement: Classroom Application and Practice (7th edition). New York: John Wiley and Sons. Lindvall, C.M.(1976). Testing and Evaluation-An Introduction. New York: Harcourt, Brace Javanavich. Mangal, S.K. (1987).Statistics in Psychology Education. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. Rao, AdithamBhujanga (2008). Research Methodology for Management and Social Sciences. New Delhi: Excel Books. Sandhu, P.K. (2012). Research in Education and its Implications. Publication Bureau,Punjabi University,Patiala. Sharma, T.R. (1983). Measurement and Evaluation (Punjabi). Chandigarh: Punjab State University Text Book Board. Sharma, Yogendra K. (2011). Methodology and Techniques of Educational Research. New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers and Distributors. Singh, Amit& Kumar, Dinesh (2013).Elementary Statistical Methods. Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications. Singh, Pritam (2005). Handbook of Measurment and Evaluation. New Delhi: Doaba House. Thorndike, Robert M. & Thorndike-Christ, Tracy M. (2011).Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education (8th Ed.). New Delhi: Pearson. Wadhwa, B.S. (2013). Research and Statistics in Education. Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications. 1104 PEDAGOGY OF TEACHING Max. Marks: 100 Continuous Evaluation system: 30 End Term Exams: 70 Lecture 4 Tutorial 1 Practical 0 Credit 4 OBJECTIVES To enable the students to: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) understand the concept of pedagogy and teaching and learning. Identify objectives of teaching at different levels. organize teaching at different levels. Utilize different audio-visual aids in teaching-learning process. Apply the concept of continuous and comprehensive evaluation. SYLLABUS SECTION-A Pedagogy: Concept, importance, Teaching and learning: concept and relationship, Objective specification, Principles of teaching: psychological and general, Methods, Maxims and devices of teaching, Micro Teaching: Meaning, phases and skills of: introducing a lesson, questioning, illustrating with examples, stimulus variation, reinforcement and using black board. SECTION - B Text Book: Meaning, importance, types and characteristics, Teacher: Qualities and role, Laboratory: Meaning, importance, planning and equipment, management. Audio-Visual Aids in teaching language: importance and types, Lesson-planning: Meaning, importance and steps, Evaluation: Meaning, importance, methods, Continuous and comprehensive evaluation. BOOKS RECOMMENDED Aggarwal, J.C. (2005) Teaching of Economics, Vinod Pustak Mandir, Agra. Aggarwal, J.C. Essentials of Educational Technology, Delhi: Vikas Publishing House PVT.LTD. Aggarwal, J.C. (2003)Teaching of Commerce, Vikas Publication, New Delhi. Ansari, M.S. Essentials of educational Technology, Meerut: International Publishing House. Bhatia, K.K. Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language. Bhatia, K.K.: Foundations of Teaching Learning Process, Ludhiana: Tandon Publications. Deol, Nishan Singh and Sharma, Monika (2010) Teaching of Physical Education, 21st Century Publication, Patiala. Dhillon, S. & Chopra, K. (2002) Teaching of Economics, Ludhiana : Kalyani Publishers. Gakhar, S.C.(2005):Teaching of Mathematics,Haryana: N.M. Publishers Joshi, S.R. : Teaching of Science, A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi. Kumar, Mahesh.(2004) Modern Teaching of Commerce. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. Mehta,N.(2007) :Teaching of Social Studies.Pune:Tech-Max publications. Mittal, R.L. : Arth shastar da adhiapan (Pbi. Univ.). Monga, Vinty(2009)Teaching of Commerce. Twenty First Century Publications, Patiala. Pahuja, N.P. Teaching of English, Anmol Publishers. Sachdeva, M.S. :Teaching Learning Process, Ludhiana: Bharat Book Centre. Sachdeva, M.S.(2013). Teaching of English. Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications. Sandhu, P.K.(2003) : Teaching of Social Studies (Punjabi). Sharma, R.A. Teacher Training Technology, Meerut: R. Lall Book Depot. Yadav, Amita (2005) Teaching of Economics, New Delhi : Anmol Publishers. 1105 FIELD WORK/ PROJECT Max. Marks: 50 Continuous Evaluation system: 20 End Term Practical: 30 Lecture 0 Tutorial 0 Practical 2 Credit 1 Objectives (i) To understand the socio cultural condition of India and encourage social responsibility (ii) Foster capabilities to work in cooperation with all, to form humane relationships (iii) To have a deep commitment to human well being Field Work To engage the students to understand the socio cultural conditions of the society and contribute to the social fiber M.A. (EDUCATION) PART - I SEMESTER-II 1201 SOCIOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION Max. Marks: 100 Continuous Evaluation system: 30 End Term Exams: 70 Lecture 4 Tutorial 1 Practical 0 Credit 4 OBJECTIVES To enable the students to: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) To enable the students to: develop understanding of the interrelationship between sociology and education understand the impact of various political ideologies and social theories on education analyse the trends of social changes, cultural changes and their impacton education acquaint with impact of changing scenario of society and education SYLLABUS SECTION – A Sociology: concept, nature and relationship between education and sociology; nature and scope of sociology of education; Social change: meaning, concept and factors affecting social change, role of education, socialization: concept, importance and role of education, social organization and stratification. SECTION – B Culture: meaning and nature, role of education, cultural determinants of education; education and culture change; Modernization, urbanization, globalization and privatization with special reference to Indian society; Social theories: R. K. Menon and Marxism ; impact of education on social issues of Indian society. Project: Study of self-help group of your area Analyze changes in marriage institution Survey of influence of westernization on village life BOOKS RECOMMENDED Bhattacharya, Srinibas (2000). Sociological Foundations of Education. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors. Bhavinds, P.V. &Sabu, S. (2014). Sociological Perspectives on Education. New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation. Brown, Francis J. (1954).Educational Sociology, New York: Prentice Hall of India. Cook and Cook (1980).Sociological Approach to Education, London: McGraw Hill. Dewey, John (1966). Democracy and Education, New York: The Freeman's Press. Hasley, A.H.; FloudJeen and Anderson C., Arnold (1969).Education, Economy and Society, New York: The Freeman's Press. Kaur, Kirandeep and Singh Lakhwinder (2011) Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education (Punjabi). Faridkot: Jashan Publications. Kumar, Vijay (2003). Sociological Foundations of Education. New Delhi: Sanjay Prakashan. MacIver, R.M. and Page, Thomas (1948).Society, New York: Rinehart & Co. Inc. Nandra, I.S. (2010). Philosophical, Sociological and Economic Bases of Education. Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications. Ottoway, A.K.C. (1962).Education and Society, London: Routledge Kegan Paul. Panday, K.P. (2010).Perspectives in Social Foundations of Education. New Delhi: Shipra Publication. Russel, Bertrand (1969).Education and Social Order, London: Unwin. Sachdeva, Surjit Singh (2014). Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education (Pbi.). Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications. Sharma, T.R. and Sidhu, J.S. (1997).Education and its Business, DhanpatRai and Sons. 1202 PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND ABILITIES Max. Marks: 100 Continuous Evaluation system (10) and Practical(20): 30 End Term Exams: 70 Lecture 4 Tutorial 0 Practical 1 Credit 4 OBJECTIVES To enable the students to: (i) Understand the relevance of educational psychology to the teaching learning process. (ii) Apply the role of heredity and environment in growth and development of the individual. (ii) be able to understand the concept personality and well-being. SYLLABUS SECTION- A Educational Psychology: relevance for teaching, identification of learner, individual differences: determinants, role of heredity and environment, implications in classroom and in organizing educational programmes. Motivation: concept, types, strategies, approaches to motivation: behavioral, humanistic, cognitive and socio-cultural; SECTION- B Personality: Concept, development and theories: Allport, Erickson, Big-Five Model, Personality assessment: subjective, objective and projective techniques. Well-being: concept, indicators and implications, criteria of normality-abnormality, stress and coping, defense mechanisms. Practical work Administration and interpretation of the following: 1. Achievement motivation 2. Subjective technique of personality assessment 3. Objective technique of personality assessment 4. Well-being assessment 5. Measurement of stress 6. Use of Defense mechanisms The students will maintain the record of the practical duly certified by the teacher in the practical notebook. Performance of practical to be evaluated by the internal examiner. BOOKS RECOMMENDED Anastasi, Anne and Urbina, Susana (2008).Psychological Testing. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Baron, R.A. (2012).Psychology. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Dandapani, S. (2008).A Text Book of Advanced Educational Psychology. New Delhi: Anmol Publishers. Deaux, Kay & Snyder, Mark (2012).The Oxford Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. Hall, C.S., Gardner, L., & Campbell, J.B. (2010).Theories of Personality. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. Mangal, S.K. (2007).Essentials of Educational Psychology. New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Meenakshi (2004).Advanced Educational Psychology. Patiala: Punjabi University. Sharma, Promila (2005). Educational Psychology. New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation. Shrivastav, Neelu (2006). Educational Psychology. New Delhi: Pragun Publications. Singh, AgyaJit (2012). Development of the Learner and Teaching-Learning Process.Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications. Virk, Jaswant K. (2012). Understanding the Learner and Learning Process. Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications. 1203 STATISTICS IN EDUCATION Max. Marks: 100 Continuous Evaluation system: 30 End Term Exams: 70 Lecture 4 Tutorial 0 Practical 1 Credit 4 OBJECTIVES To enable the students to: (i) recognize the importance of statistics in the field of education. (ii) use different statistical techniques to different problems. (iii) Be proficient in interpreting the analysed data. SYLLABUS SECTION - A Concept of statistics, relevance in education, parametric and non-parametric data; graphical representation of data: histogram, frequency polygon, ogive and pie chart; Measures of Central Tendency: concept, computation and interpretation; measures of variability: concept, computation and interpretation; normal probability curve: concept, application and interpretation. SECTION- B Correlation: concept, computation and interpretation- Product Moment, Rank Order, Biserial, Point Biserial, Phi, Contingency, Tetrachoric; significance of mean: concept, computation and interpretation of significance of t-test(correlated and uncorrelated, matched, paired-unpaired, matching- paired); ANOVA(One way ):concept, computation and interpretation, regression and prediction; chi square: concept, computation and interpretation (equal and normal probability). Projects 1. Computation of 4 methods (two from each section) using excel or SPSS. 2. Apply an appropriate statistical technique on the data collected by M.A. Education student for a research problem. BOOKS RECOMMENDED Adams, G.S. (l964). Measurement and Evaluation in Education &Psychology. New York: Rinehart and Winston. Aiken, L.R. & Gary GrothMarhant (2011).Psychological Testing and Assessment (12th edition). New Delhi: Pearson. Anastasi, Anne and Urbina, Susana (2008).Psychological Testing.New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Creswell, J.W. (2007). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches. London: Sage Publications. Garrett, H.E. (2004). Statistics in Psychology and Education (11th Indian print). New Delhi: Paragon International. Grounlund, N.E. (1981). Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching (Fourth Edition). New York: MacMillan Publising Co. Guilford, J.P. (1965). Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co. Kothari, C.R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New Delhi: New Age International Pvt. Ltd. Publishers. Koul, Lokesh (2009). Methodology of Educational Research (4th Ed.). New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Kubiszyn, T. &Borich, G. (2003).Educational Testing and Measurement: Classroom Application and Practice (7th edition). New York: John Wiley and Sons. Mangal, S.K. (1987).Statistics in Psychology Education. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. Rao, AdithamBhujanga (2008). Research Methodology for Management and Social Sciences. New Delhi: Excel Books. Sharma, T.R. (1983). Measurement and Evaluation (Punjabi). Chandigarh: Punjab State University Text Book Board. Sharma, Yogendra K. (2011). Methodology and Techniques of Educational Research. New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers and Distributors. Singh, Pritam (2005). Handbook of Measurment and Evaluation. New Delhi: Doaba House. Thorndike, Robert M. & Thorndike-Christ, Tracy M. (2011).Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education (8th Ed.). New Delhi: Pearson. 1204 SPECIAL EDUCATION Max. Marks: 100 Continuous Evaluation system: 30 End Term Exams: 70 Lecture 4 Tutorial 0 Practical 1 Credit 4 OBJECTIVES To enable the students to: (i) Develop an awareness and skill in identifying special children. (ii) Equip themselves with latest trends of the special education. (iii) Impart knowledge about functioning of special schools. SYLLABUS SECTION – A Special Education: Meaning, need and importance, classification of exceptional children. Trends in special education: Mainstreaming, community based rehabilitation, deinstitutionalization, inclusion and individualized education programme. SECTION – B Identification, characteristics, causes and education of children with autism, mentally retarded, learning disabled, orthopaedically handicapped, visually impaired and children with locomotor impairment. Projects Observation of special school catering needs the special children Case study of a special child. Visit to a rehabilitation centre. BOOKS RECOMMENDED Dutt, B. &Garg, Jyoti (2014).Education for All: A Survey. New Delhi: Global Publication. Frank, M.H. and Steven, R.F. (1984).Education of Exceptional Learner. Massachusetts: Atlyen and Bacon Inc. Hallahan, D.P. and Kuffman, J.M. (1991).Exceptional Children: Introduction to Special Education. London: Prentice Hall, International Ltd. Hans, I.J. (2000). Children in Need of Special Care. Human Horijons Series, Souvenir Press (E&A Ltd.). Kansal, A.K. (2012).Creativity, Memory and Personality Adjustment among Handicapped Adults. Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications. Kar.Chintamni (1992).Exceptional Children: Their Psychology and Instruction. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private Ltd. Khatena, J. (1982). Educational Psychology of the Gifted. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Kirk.S.A. and Gallaghar J.J. (1989) Education of Exceptional Children.Beston: Houghton Miffinco. Kumar, Jitender (2013). Inclusive Education: A Journey through Challenges. Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications. Penthoi, Ajay Kumar (2014). Special Education.New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation. Shankar Uday (1984) Exceptional Children. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers. Singh, AgyaJit (2012). Special Education for Exceptional Children.Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications. Sternberg, Robert J. & Davidson, Janet E. (2005).Conceptions of Giftedness. New York: Cambridge University Press. Virk, Jaswant K. &Arora, Alka (2010).Fundamentals of Inclusive Education. Patiala: Twenty First Century Publications. Vsseldyke, J.E. (1998) Critical Issues in Special Education. New Delhi: Kanishka Publications. 1205 FIELD WORK/ PROJECT Max. Marks: 50 Continuous Evaluation system: 20 End Term Practical: 30 Lecture 0 Tutorial 0 Objectives: (i) To develop critical thinking (ii) Understanding of prevailing educational practices in Indian School (iii) Develop the skills of writing reports Field Work To visit and conduct a detailed study of two different systems of school Practical 2 Credit 1 Examination/Evaluation Scheme and Question Paper Pattern for M.A. Education, University School of Education Evaluation Scheme for Theory Type/Exa m Mid Term Test – I Mid Term Test -II Assignment/Quiz/ Presentation/Seminar Total End Term Test Total Marks Theory 70 70 10+10+10+10 180 reduce to 30 70 100 Evaluation Scheme for Project/Field Work Continuous Evaluation System (20) Field Work Report 10 10 End Term Test (30) Presentation Viva Voce 20 10 Evaluation Scheme for Practical Continuous Evaluation System (10) Practical File 5 5 End Term Test (10) Practical Viva Voce 5 5 Question Paper Pattern Question Paper will be divided into three parts: (Total Marks=70 and Maximum Time Duration 3 hrs) Section Question Type A Comprehensive 4 Answer Type Short Answer 8 Type Objective Type 10 B C Total No. of Questions No. of questions to be attempted 2 Each question carry marks 10 Total Marks 6 5 30 All 2 Total Teaching Learning Evaluation Plan depending upon the Course/Subject Assignment :- There will be 5 assignments per subject per student. Quiz :- There will be one Quiz per subject per student. Presentation:-There will be one presentation per subject per student. Seminar:-There will be one seminar per subject per student. 20 20 70