
Key Terms Terms 2
Meiosis II
Q $100
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Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
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Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from
What are the 2 types of reproduction?
$100 Answer from Reproduction
Asexual and Sexual
$200 Question from
Name 3 animal groups that
go through sexual reproduction?
$200 Answer from Reproduction
Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians
$300 Question from
What are 3 organisms that go
Through asexual reproduction?
$300 Answer from Reproduction
Hydra, starfish, sea
Urchins, etc.
$400 Question from
Starfish go through which
Type of reproduction? And
name it specifically.
$400 Answer from Reproduction
$500 Question from
The komodo dragon went through which
types of reproduction?
$500 Answer from Reproduction
Both asexual and sexual. Asexual
when there wasn’t a mate around.
$100 Question from Meiosis
What occurs during meiosis 1, and
when does it occur specifically?
$100 Answer from Meiosis
Variation of the genes occurs
(crossing over) during prophase 1.
$200 Question from Meiosis
How many gametes are formed from
one cycle of meiosis in a male and
name them?
$200 Answer from Meiosis
4 sperm
$300 Question from Meiosis
In females what is the name and
purpose of the 3 sacrificed cells that result
from meiosis?
$300 Answer from Meiosis
Polar bodies, they maintain the
proper number of chromosomes
in the one remaining egg cell.
$400 Question from Meiosis
What does diploid mean?
$400 Answer from Meiosis
A cell that contains both sets of
homologous chromosomes.
$500 Question from Meiosis
How is meiosis different from
$500 Answer from Meiosis
•In mitosis you end up with 2 identical cells.
•In meiosis you end up with 4 genetically
different sperm, or 1 genetically different egg
(different from other egg cells).
$100 Question from Key Terms
What does haploid mean?
$100 Answer from Key Terms
Haploid means half the normal
number of chromosomes.
$200 Question from Key Terms
What are alleles and what are the
2 forms they can come in?
$200 Answer from Key Terms
Alleles are different forms of genes
and they can be dominant or
$300 Question from Key Terms
What does diploid mean? Explain
$300 Answer from Key Terms
•Diploid means the cell contains both
sets of chromosomes. One set from
the mother and one set from the
$400 Question from Key Terms
What is crossing over?
$400 Answer from Key Terms
Crossing over is when the
homologous chromosomes
exchange parts of their chromatids
and switch DNA.
$500 Question from Key Terms
DNA is packaged in structures called
$500 Answer from Key Terms
$100 Question from Terms 2
What is the purpose of
Punnett Squares?
$100 Answer from Punnett
To show the probability of a cross.
$200 Question for Terms 2
Trisomy 21 is an autosomal
disorder, what does that mean?
$200 Answer from Terms 2
Autosomes are the
chromosomes found in
pairs 1-22.
$300 Question from Terms 2
What do the sex chromsomes hold
information on? (2 things)
$300 Answer from Terms 2
Sex of the organism and any sex linked
traits it may have.
$400 Question from Terms 2
The female in cross should be put
where on a punnett square?
$400 Answer from Terms 2
The female is always put across
the top in a punnett square.
$500 Question from Terms 2
What is fertilization?
$500 Answer from Terms 2
Fertilization is when the sperm and
egg unite forming an embryo.
$100 Question from Meiosis II
What happens in Meiosis 2?
$100 Answer from Meiosis II
The haploid cells are formed.
$200 Question from Meiosis II
In meiosis 2, what cannot happen
at the very beginning of prophase 2?
$200 Answer from Meiosis II
DNA Replication
$300 Question from Meiosis II
What is the difference between
Metaphase 1 and Metaphase 2?
$300 Answer from Meiosis II
In Metaphase 1, the homologous
pairs meet in the middle. In Metaphase 2
the lone chromosomes meet in the middle.
$400 Question from Meiosis II
A diploid cell with 16 chromosomes goes
through meiosis. How many
chromosomes will it have at the end
of meiosis?
$400 Answer from Meiosis II
$500 Question from Meiosis II
What type of cells do gametes
form from?
$500 Answer from Meiosis II
Germ cells
Final Jeopardy
Compare Mitosis & Meiosis in these areas:
-Number of cells produced
-Number of chromsomes in those cells
-Use the terms haploid & diploid
Final Jeopardy Answer
Cut it into pieces. Each piece
will grow into a new starfish.