Building Contractor EOI Form

Building Contractors submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) must complete this form in full. No additional information or
supporting documentation is required, and therefore no attachments or promotional materials are to be referenced or submitted.
Failure to provide any of the required information will exclude the submitting Contractor from inclusion of the GU Suppliers Register.
Construction Contracts (place an X against each contract type and value for which you wish to be registered)
Traditional Lump Sum Fixed Price Contracts
Design & Construction Management Contracts
$100,000 to $250,000
$250,000 to $1,000,000
$1,000,000 to $2,000,000
$2,000,000 to $5,000,000
Over $5,000,000
Less than $5,000,000
$5,000,000 - $10,000,000
$10,000,000 - $25,000,000
$25,000,000 - $50,000,000
Over $50,000,000
Contractor Details
Trading Name: ....................................................................................................................ABN: .........................................................
Registered Name (if varies from Trading Name): .................................................................................................................................
Street Address: .....................................................................................................................................................................................
Mailing Address: ...................................................................................................................................................................................
Phone No: (07) ......................................Fax No: (07)........................................Website: ....................................................................
Resources (insert number): Managers ..........Operational..........Estimators..........Construction Operatives..........Trainees.........
Principal Contact Name: ............................................Position: .................................Email: .............................................................
QBSA Licence
Licence No.: ........................................... Licence Class/es: ...................................................................................................................
Qld Government Prequalification (PQC)
Do you have a PQC registration;
Yes 
No 
Registration No.: ............................. Level Attained: 1 2 3 4
Quality Management System (QMS)
Have you implemented a Quality Management System; Yes  No . If Yes, indicate the current status of your QMS below;
Self Assessed
2nd Party Certified
3rd Party Certified
Awaiting Certification
Awaiting 3rd Party Audit
Environmental Management System (EMS)
Do you have a certified EMS Yes  No ; If No, have you applied for and awaiting 3rd party certification Yes  No 
Memberships of Industry Associations/Institutes
Queensland Master Builders Yes  No ; Australian Institute of Building Yes  No ; Other ...........................................
Professional Indemnity Insurance (for Contractors wishing to undertake D&C Contracts, $5m min. cover required)
Insurer: ....................................................Policy No: .............................................Value of Cover: $..........m Excess: $.....................
Public Liability Insurance ($10m min. cover required)
Insurer: ...................................................Policy No: ..............................................Value of Cover: $..........m Excess: $...................
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Workers Compensation Insurance
WorkCover Policy No: ..........................................................................................................................................................................
Relevant Experience
Indicate the number of projects undertaken by your company in South East Queensland within the past five (5) years in the
following categories;
Project Type
< $0.5m
$1 - 2m
University Administration
University Academic
University Science/Research
Other Research Institutions
Secondary Education
Health (excl. Aged Care)
Other Government Projects
Food & Beverage
Student Accommodation
Sporting Facilities
Provide details of a minimum of three (3) Project Client referees for whom you have undertaken projects included in the table
above in the past three (3) years who may be contacted at the discretion of the University. At least one reference from an
Educational sector client is desirable.
Client Details
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
Referee Name
Client Organisation
Position in Organisation
Contact Phone No.
Project Type
Project Value
Preferred Project Locations (place an X against the campuses on which you would prefer to undertake projects)
Nathan 
Mt Gravatt 
South Bank 
Logan 
Gold Coast 
All campuses 
I, ..............................................................(name) on behalf of.................................................................................(insert trading name
of Contractor) certify that I have read and understood the GU Guide to Building Contractors Submitting an EOI, that the above
particulars are true and correct and that I am authorised to provide this information to Griffith University in support of this EOI to
provide building contractor services to GU. I acknowledge that the submission and acceptance of this EOI for inclusion on the GU
Register of Approved Suppliers does not constitute an entitlement to be invited to submit tenders or proposals or be awarded a
Contract for the provision of contractor services on GU projects.
Signature: .............................................................................Position: ................................................................Date: ....../......./.......
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