The Secret Sauce to Marketing in 2015 Diane Giannini Leif Nevener Vice President, Sales Engineer, Corporate Sales Corporate Sales THE MARKETS WE SERVE Power Petroleum Electronics Water Optoelectronics Aerospace & Defense LEDs and Lighting Public Safety Dental 5 COMMOM MISCONCEPTIONS Your customers don’t read magazines Your customers don’t use digital Magazine advertising doesn’t work You have loyal customers, so you don’t need to advertise Your management team doesn’t “get it” 4 KEY ELEMENTS Defined Objectives Agile Marketing Approach Marketer Success Audience Engagement Data Clear Success Criteria Preference Positioning Perception Awareness THE BRAND ADOPTION PROCESS STAGES OF THE BUYING PROCESS RESEARCH EVALUATION PURCHASING MAKING CONNECTIONS WITH A WINNING MARKETING MIX 7 Audience Survey Data 2015 RESPONDENT DEMOGRAPHICS RESPONDENT 2% 71 or over 1% 20 or under 16% 61 - 70 14% 21 - 30 AGE RANGE Well-rounded 22% 31 - 40 22% 51 - 60 23% 41 - 50 age range providing a compelling representation of the market Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey RESPONDENT YEARS IN INDUSTRY / PROFESSION 27% 30 years or more 15% Less than 5 years 15% 5 to 9 years Roughly 50% of respondents have been in the industry 11% 25 to 29 years 11% 20 to 24 years 8% 15 to 19 years 13% 10 to 14 years Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey >20 years OFFSHORE MEDIA USAGE 71% 75% Receive the Offshore email Use the Offshore Website Newsletters 58% Subscribe to the Offshore Digital magazine 55% Subscribe to the Offshore print magazine BUYING BEHAVIOR TOP 5 MEDIA SOURCES THEY RELY ON Offline Online 65% Industry Events / Conferences 64% Print Magazines 62% 61% 52% Books 55% 50% Referrals from colleagues 31% Magazine Advertising 54% 49% Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey MEDIA CHANNELS VARY DURING BUYING PROCESS Research Industry Magazines Buyers’ Guide/Product Directory Industry Events/ Conferences Email Newsletters Industry Media Websites Evaluation Industry Media Website Supplier/Vendor Websites White Papers / Technical Documents Purchasing Supplier/Vendor Websites White Papers/Technical Documents BIG CHANGES IN MEDIA USAGE INCREASE 34% White papers / Technical Documents 42% Email Newsletters 44% 51% Industry Media Search Engines Websites Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey 52% Digital Magazines MARKETING COMMUNICATION IS ESSENTIAL Prior to seriously considering a different vendor or meeting with their rep, do you prefer to have already gained insight into the company or product via its communications programs (i.e. advertising, promotion, sponsorships, etc.)? Why? Answer Options 87% said “Yes” I can be more knowledgeable in the questions I ask Helps me decide whether or not we should contact the vendor I feel more confident discussing the technology and products with the vendor Gives me perspective about where their products fit versus their competitors Gives me assurance that the vendor might meet our needs Lets me know what the vendor stands for (experience, performance, support, etc.) Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey Response 66% 58% 57% 55% 53% 50% OPPORTUNITY TO INCREASE MARKET SHARE more likely to evaluate 58% products and systems from alternative vendors, compared to 5 years ago Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey WHAT’S IMPORTANT PURCHASING CRITERIA Quality 89% Functionality of Product / Specification 87% 79% Customer Service 63% Reputation / Brand of Company 57% Price 36% Referral from Colleagues / Peers 26% Personal Brand Loyalty 0% Very Important 20% Somewhat Important Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey 40% 60% 80% Not Important 100% MAGAZINES COMPELLING MAGAZINE CREATIVE CONTENT 67% Technology-focused message 47% Product-focused message 31% Company-focused message Link to more information 29% Visual appeal 28% 15% Special offers / incentives QR Code 4% Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey MAGAZINE ADS QR CODES – SHOULD YOU? 19% No, I am not familiar with QR codes 74% Either don’t know what they are, or don’t use them 55% Yes, I am familiar with QR codes, but I do not use them Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey 26% Yes, I am familiar with QR codes and I do use them MAGAZINE ADS WORK READERS TAKE ACTION Print Digital 70% 69% 41% 42% 36% 35% 31% 32% 22% 25% More than 89% took some action! Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey “TRADITIONAL” DIGITAL ONLINE ADS INDUSTRY SITES MOST TRUSTED Do you click on online/digital ads from the following? 74% 68% 53% 30% 12% Industry Media Websites Google LinkedIn Facebook Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey Twitter COMPLEMENTARY ADS ONE IMPACTS THE OTHER of users are 78% MORE LIKELY to CLICK on an online ad if they have seen the company before in an industry magazine Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey WEBSITE ADS WORK READERS TAKE ACTION 65% Visited the company's website Research the product, service, or 46% company that was in the advertisement 35% Clicked on the advertisement 34% Shared the ad with a colleague Recommended and / or purchased the 17% product or service Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey ENHANCEMENTS = ENGAGEMENT RICH MEDIA ONLINE ADS Photo Galleries: 53% Video: 46% Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey ENGAGING CONTENT ONLINE VIDEO PROGRAMMING Are 85% interested in watching regularly scheduled, online videos about the industry and their jobs Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey MOBILE TECHNOLOGY MOBILE DEVICE OWNERSHIP Currently own or plan to buy in the next 12 months 6% 17% 87% 60% 11% 28% Smart Phones Currently Own Tablets Likely to Purchase Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey E-reader Do Not Use MOBILE EXPERIENCE MUST HAVE 89% of users said a GOOD mobile experience is IMPORTANT to them Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey MOBILE FOR BUSINESS DEVICES USED 43% iPhone 37% Android phone 27% iPad 16% Android tablet 10% I do not use any of the above. Blackberry phone 9% Windows tablet 6% Windows phone 5% Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey MOBILE DEVICE BUSINESS USES Smart Phone • Read and respond to email • Search the Internet • Follow Breaking News • Use Social Media • Read Industry Articles • Watch Videos Tablet • Watch Videos • Read Industry Articles • Access Digital Magazines • Search the Internet • Read Books • Follow Breaking News Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey THE SOCIAL MOVEMENT SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS ACTIVE PROFILES 73% 53% 24% 19% 11% LinkedIn Facebook YouTube Twitter Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey G+ 10% Instagram 7% Pinterest SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 83% 35% 10% Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey SOCIAL MEDIA RESOURCE FOR NEWS/ARTICLES 66% 28% 17% Offshore - 2015 Readership Survey 5 PROVEN FACTS Your customers read magazines Your customers use digital Magazine advertising works Your customers aren’t so loyal, you need to advertise Your management team will “get it” Thank You! Diane Giannini VP, Corporate Sales Strategy @Dianegiannini Leif Nevener Sales Engineer @Leif5233 40