Strategic Objectives - 2014-2019

Strategic Objectives - 2014
SO1 Diversify and grow professional membership in UK and
SO2 Increase member engagement and value to members and their
SO3 Provide expert leadership to Government, Industry, Members
and the informed public on Engineering
SO4 Develop awareness of engineering and profile of the IMechE
SO5 Inspire young people about engineering
SO6 Secure long-term financial position
Improving the world through engineering
SO 1
Strategic objective
3 years
5 years/beyond
medium term
Target for next
year's budget
Diversify and grow professional membership in UK and internationally
Achieve a long-term
sustainable membership base
through continuous growth
Achieve 2% growth in net paying
Gender diversity
trending with profession.
Achieve 5% sustainable
growth of net paying
One of top 3 leaders in a
more effective engineering
community. Leading the
PEI benchmarks
Grow the International
Full deployment of the ISB election
model for new International
5% growth in new paying members .
Commence new strategy for
international development
India achieves Franchise
More regions achieve
state of self-sustaining
membership growth with
local staff
“UK-centred Institution,
internationally valued” =
50% international
High standards of professional
registration, with best in class
application processes
Successful EC mid term review.
Develop improved further learning
programme. Launch best-in-class
on-line application and careerdevelopment tools.
Provision of further
learning routes for
progression through all
classes of membership
Top-class EC rating from
five yearly review
Achieve significant accelerated
growth of Eng Tech members
and be one of the 3 leading
PEIs for that community
Full commitment to joint PEI Eng
Tech Project with ICE and IET.
Retention of EngTech’s
in line with other levels
of registration.
Sustainable 10% growth
in Eng Techs
Achieve 30,000 EngTech
Improving the world through engineering
SO 2
Strategic objective
3 years
Target for next year's
Achievable medium
term goal
5 years/beyond
Increase member engagement and value to members and their employers
Create and deliver an international
Learned Society programme suite
(including digital offerings) relevant to
members, industry, employers,
academia and informed society with
emphasis on Engineering
Launch of full KT multi channel
proposition 10% increase in
member interactions. Greater
promotion and usage of PE on-line
Enhancement of mobile and tablet
digital experience
KT launched Internationally .
10% increase pa in the number
of delegates participating in or
interacting with our Learned
Society programmes and
continuous improvement in
member survey results.
Engineering Institution of
Choice for learned society
Improve the value proposition to
Introduce tailored CPD programmes
for key employers. Deliver training
and improved mentoring offer.
Increase learning and development
programme for employers for both
mid-career and graduate
development. Improve knowledge
transfer value from the D+Gs to
wider employers. Achieve 10%
growth in international learning
and development services.
Distinct KT proposition for
Employers, deployed across a
number of key sectors that
includes integrated
technical L&D offerings
Sector market leader in
membership services. World
class central London Venue. To
be seen as encouraging
innovation for employers.
To consolidate the PEI landscape to
reflect the needs of employers
Explore one joint initiative with
another PEI to the benefit of a
major employer or engineering
Consolidation through
collaboration of the PEI
Widening the scope of
mechanical engineering to
achieve a broader appeal to a
wide range of technologies
Make the Learned Society relevant to
Increase the interaction of these
members though new events and
Optimise the Technician offering
across every significant member
PEI of choice for Eng Tech
Improving the world through engineering
SO 3
Strategic objective
Target for next year's
3 years
Achievable medium term goal
5 years/beyond
Provide Expert leadership to Government, Industry, Members and the informed public
on Engineering
Campaign to increase the
supply side of UK engineers
Achieve improvement in government
support to careers advice to schools
Coordinated and coherent careers
advice services available to all
schools, parents and teachers
Closing the skills gap in
Mechanical engineering. Supply of
professional engineers = demand
Setting the agenda with
practical advice to
Government, Members and
the informed public
50% increase in theme content output
and consultation responses to
governments. 20% increase in enquiries
and engagement activity from
Maintain the status of most
respected engineering institution,
known for quality advice and a
campaigning stance
The Institution has the credibility,
relevance and awareness to set
the agenda in appropriate national
Campaign, support and
promote innovation in
Deliver new Knowledge Transfer and PR
initiative for innovation in Division and
Group Knowledge Transfer programme.
IMechE seen as significant body for
innovation in engineering
Leader in Innovation promotion
and provision of expertise
Collaboration with other
Institutions and
organisations to achieve
greater engineering gravitas
and financial impetus
Take a leading role in government
support through Engineering the Future
and E4E. Initiate new collaborative
ventures with other relevant think tanks
and IET.
Use status as a campaigning brand
to challenge weak ‘consensus
thinking’ and ineffectual partnerships
– act as a leader and true champion
Respected as one of the leaders in
a simplified and more effective
engineering community
Improving the world through engineering
SO 4
Strategic objective
3 years
term goal
Target for next
year's budget
5 years/beyond
Develop awareness of engineering and profile of the IMechE
Promote the Institution:
- A campaigning Institution
- Increase non-member reach
- Generate interesting media content
using D&Gs and expert members
- A well known respected Institution
Increase media coverage in the UK and
worldwide to £25M AVE. Deliver 2 public
conferences on topical or societal
issues. Increase public profile through
use of D+G expert members.
To become sector
leader in brand
awareness as a
engineering institution
The most internationally
Recognised and accredited
UK Engineering Institution.
Create a respected public profile
centred on key themes of Energy,
Environment, Manufacturing and
50% increase in outward facing proactive theme content delivered across
a balanced portfolio with increased
multi-media engagement
Be seen as setting the
agenda as much as
responding to it
To be the engineering body of
choice for media quotes and
reports. IMechE branded
theme projects seen as the
leaders in the field
Broaden the appeal and importance
of Engineering to Society &
Deliver ‘Engineering in Society’ content
programme, engaging employers,
education providers, commentators
and the media. Upgrade use of prizes
and awards to recognise good
engineering, not just good people.
Increase links between
business and the
Engineering seen as strategic
driver of society worldwide
Improving the world through engineering
SO 5
Strategic objective
2014 Budget
3 years
5 years/beyond
Target for next year's
Achievable medium
term goal
Inspire young people about engineering
Provide intellectual leadership in
STEM education and training
Deliver project to encourage
post-16 students to seek
EngTech and IEng
registration. Leading
Institution in E4E
Leading institution in E4E,
as most respected and
influential body on STEM
education policy.
Recognised as the leading
national and international
influence in STEM education
and training for mechanical
Provide educational outreach
programmes which engage
members and future members
Increase the reach and
breadth of the Bloodhound
project through enhanced
Ambassador programme.
Deliver significant
improvement to STEM
enrichment programmes in
schools either through
Tomorrow's Engineers or
collaborative match-funded
ventures with other
Bloodhound legacy a major
element of STEM outreach in
schools. An effective
framework of collaborative
and coordinated outreach
activity in place in schools
both nationally and
internationally. An effective,
collaborative framework of
rationalised, co-ordinated
outreach in schools.
Standard bearer in STEM
Provide clear advice services on
Engineering to schools
Provide uplift in careers advice
and routes to registration in
collaboration with Engineering
Sustainable uplift in entrants
to mechanical engineering
courses at HE and FE
Outstanding careers advice on
Mechanical Engineering
available to all schools,
both nationally and
internationally, enabling
supply to equal future
Improving the world through engineering
SO 6
Strategic objective
2014 Budget
3 years
5 years/beyond
Target for next
year's budget
medium term goal
Secure long term financial position
Real financial growth to support
long-term Learned Society
Deliver approved plan for sustainable
future of London HQ and long-term
improvement in services to members
Embed new acquisitions. Achieve
budget surplus
Replace Sage revenue £2M with
new businesses. Agree long-term
financial strategy in place delivering
significant uplift in services to
members and their employers,
nationally and internationally.
Maintain reserves equivalent to
12 months expenses. Remove
financial burden of pension
scheme. Achieved substantial
financial growth to fund
extensive LS activities
Deliver a growing Learned
Society budget each year
Deliver 10% growth in D+G revenue
Grow LS budget in line with
Ensure that every £1 of fee
income is invested in
communications and LS
Increase profit stream from
commercial activities to reduce
reliance on any one source
invest in new acquisition. Implement
innovation investment. Set up
international commercial office
Engineering Intelligence operations
Revenue profile 1/3 Subs, 1/3
Commercial, 1/3 Other (events,
training, rents conferences etc),
Reducing sensitivity to
subscriptions through viable
commercial ventures.
Be an attractive employer
Integrate new acquisition personnel.
Improve staff satisfaction and maintain
staff turnover under 20%
Put full diversity plan in place. Top
quartile in employee satisfaction
survey ratings
Listed in best employer league
Improving the world through engineering