ELE0131 Control si audit financiar FB


Discipline sheet


1. Information about the program

1.1 Higher education institution

1.2 Faculty

1.3 Department

1.4 Field of study

1.5 Study cycle

1.6 Specialization/Program of study

Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Accounting and Audit



Finance and Banks

2. Information about the discipline

2.1 Discipline title Financial Control and Audit

Discipline code ELR0131

2.2 The holder of the course activities

2.3 The holder of the seminar activities

Oprean Victor-Bogdan, Lecturer ( econ.ubbcluj.ro+victor.oprean@googlemail.com)

Oprean Victor-Bogdan, Lecturer

2.4 Year of study III 2.5 Semester VI 2.6 Type of assessment ES 2.7 Discipline regime Op

3. Total time estimated (hours per semester of teaching)

3.1 Number of hours per week 3 From which: 3.2 course


2 3.3 seminar/laboratory 1

3.4 Total hours of curriculum

Time distribution

36 From which: 3.5 course 24 3.6 seminar/laboratory 12

Study after textbook, course support, bibliography and notes

Additional documentation in library, on specialized electronic platforms and on the field.

Preparing seminars/laboratories, essays, portfolios and reports.



Others activities...................................

Hour s






3.7 Total hours for individual study

3.8 Total hours per semester

3.9 Number of credits



4. Preconditions (if necessary)

4.1 Of curriculum • Not applicable

• Knowledge and application of the operational recording techniques

4.2 Of skills and procedures specific to the financial accounting.

5. Conditions (if necessary)

5.1. For conducting the course

5.2. For conducting seminar/laboratory

• During courses, students are expected to respond to teachers’ requests to participate in discussions or to answer questions about the discipline studied;

Students will keep their mobile phones in silent mode or closed during courses or seminars/laboratories.

• At seminars, students must submit their homework from previous classes, should it is requested by the teacher.

During seminars, students must solve the practical applications proposed by the teacher (both at the board and in the banks, in formal or informal groups) and to answer questions about the discipline being studied.

6. Specific skills acquired

Profess • Adequate use of concepts, theories, methods and financial instruments in private and ional skills public entities.

Conducting works in the economic-financial entities/organizations, public and private.

• Carrying of operations and financial transactions specific to private and public

Transv entities/organizations

Applying financial decisions within the private and public entities/organizations.

Use of technology and modern tools for processing information and managing ersal skills databases specific to economic and social activities

Ability to teach students from high school level topics related to economics in case of graduates possessing a certificate of pedagogical module

7. Course objectives (arising from grid of specific skills acquired)

7.1 General objective of the To develop and deepen the knowledge, skills and attitudes discipline necessary for the understanding the role of financial control and

7.2 Specific objectives audit in economic entities.

To build necessary skills to interpret and analyze pertinent to specific situations, reports and so on, based on ethical and professional standards, including the professional judgment

• To familiarize students with concepts specific to general characteristics of the financial audit;

To develop students’ ability to understand and apply procedures specific to financial control and audit within an organization, including expressing an audit opinion and report.

To encourage students to their involvement in scientific accounting research.

8. Contents

8.1 Course

Conceptual approaches of financial control

Internal financial control

External financial control – the fiscal control

Audit responsibilities and objectives

Audit planning. Materiality and audit risk.

Teaching methods

Lecture and debate

Lecture and debate, problem solving

Lecture and debate, problem solving

Lecture and debate, problem solving

Lecture and debate, problem solving


1 lecture

2 lectures

2 lectures

1 lecture

2 lectures

Evidence and audit procedures.

Audit sampling. Fraud and error in Audit.

Professional ethics. Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants

Audit report and types of opinions

Lecture and debate, problem solving

1 lecture

Lecture and debate, problem solving

1 lecture

Lecture and debate, 1 lecture problem solving

Lecture and debate, 1 lecture problem solving



Arens A.A., Loebbecke J.K., Audit: o abordare integrată, Ediţia a 8-a, Editura Arc,

Chişinău, 2006


Arens, Alvin A., Loebbecke, James K., Elder, Randal J., Beasley, Mark S., Auditing, an integrated approach, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2000


Matiș D., Pop A. (coordonatori), Contabilitate financiară, Ediția a III-a, Editura Casa

Cărții de Știință, Cluj-Napoca, 2010


Oprean I., Popa I.E., Lenghel M., Procedurile auditului şi ale controlului financiar,

Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2007


IFAC, Manual de standarde internaţionale de audit şi control de calitate, Editura Irecson,

Bucureşti, 2009


Legea nr. 571 din 2003 privind codul fiscal, cu modificările și completările ulterioare;


OG nr. 92 din 2003 privind codul de procedură fiscală, cu modificările și completările ulterioare


OMFP nr. 2861/2009 pentru aprobarea Normelor privind organizarea și efectuarea inventarierii elementelor de natura activelor, datoriilor și capitalurilor proprii


OMFP nr. 3055/2009 pentru aprobarea reglementărilor contabile conforme cu directivele europene

Bibliography, supplemental:


Bragg S.M., Accounting Control Best Practices, Second Edition, published by Jon Wiley

& Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2009


Dănescu T., Proceduri și tehnici de audit financiar, Editura Irecson, București, 2007


Dobroțeanu L., Dobroțeanu C. L., Audit – concepte și practici: abordare națională și internațională, Editura Economică, București, 2002


Groșanu A., Calculația și controlul costurilor prin intermediul centrelor de responsabilitate, Editura Fundației pentru Studii Europene, Cluj-Napoca, 2012


Hightower R., Internal Controls Policies and Procedures, published by Jon Wiley & Sons

Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2009

8. 2 Seminar/laborator y

Inventory of assets, equity and liabilities

Teaching methods Observations

Case studies on profit tax control

Debate and problem-solving exercises based on practical applications

Debate and problem-solving exercises based on practical applications

1 seminar/ laboratory

1 seminar/ laboratory

Case studies on the control of micro-enterprises income tax

Calculation of materiality threshold and audit risk. Audit sampling

Debate and problem-solving exercises based on practical applications

Debate and problem-solving exercises based on practical applications

1 seminar/ laboratory

1 seminar/ laboratory

Worksheets specific to audit planning and documentation

Debate and problem-solving exercises based on

1 seminar/ laboratory practical applications

Debate and problem-solving

Preparing the audit report. Reviewing the knowledge accumulated during the semester exercises based on practical applications



Arens A.A., Loebbecke J.K., Audit: o abordare integrată, Ediţia a 8-a,

Editura Arc, Chişinău, 2006


Arens, Alvin A., Loebbecke, James K., Elder, Randal J., Beasley, Mark S.,

Auditing, an integrated approach, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2000


Oprean I., Popa I.E., Lenghel M., Procedurile auditului şi ale controlului financiar, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2007


IFAC, Manual de standarde internaţionale de audit şi control de calitate,

Editura Irecson, Bucureşti, 2009


Legea nr. 571 din 2003 privind codul fiscal, cu modificările și completările

1 seminar/ laboratory ulterioare;


OG nr. 92 din 2003 privind codul de procedură fiscală, cu modificările și completările ulterioare


OMFP nr. 2861/2009 pentru aprobarea Normelor privind organizarea și efectuarea inventarierii elementelor de natura activelor, datoriilor și capitalurilor proprii


OMFP nr. 3055/2009 pentru aprobarea reglementărilor contabile conforme cu directivele europene

9. Corroboration / validation of the discipline content according to the expectations of the epistemic community representatives, of the ones of the professional associations and also of the representative

employers of the corresponding program.

To establish the formative contents for this subject, were considered the standards of education in the accounting profession issued by the IASB and the requirements of national professional bodies CECCAR and CAFR on access to the profession of chartered accountant and auditor. Were also considered the conclusions of the debates held with representatives of the business environment, potential employers of the graduates from the region of students’ geographical origin.

10. Evaluation

Type of activity 10.1 Evaluation criteria

10.4 Course

10.2 Methods of assessment

Understanding and implementation A final exam in the of specific procedures for the ordinary exam session. financial control and audit within an organization

• Apply the most suitable professional judgment and correct grounding in solving practical

The exam consists in solving practical applications provided by applications.

Knowledge and interpretation of the main relevant legislative provisions the teachers, development and practical applications solving on an issue raised by the teachers and answer to questions from the theory taught and / or specific regulations.

10.3 Share in final grade



Seminar/laborator y

Any fraud attempt or fraud detected during written examination shall be punished with failure in examination and may lead to expelling of the student concerned.

Acquiring and understanding of the specific issues addressed in

Students will be graded during the semester when lecture and seminars

• Applying specific techniques and they solve practical applications (at blackboard), procedures for the financial control when participating actively and audit and constructively in


Ability to reasoning and evaluate own or other’s arguments debates answering questions from the discipline / legislation, addressed by the teacher as well as individually by assessing the issues solved as homework from previous seminar(s).

10.6 Minimum standard of performance

The knowledge of the internal control system components;

The knowledge of the main types of audit procedures and audit reports that may be issued.

Date of completion


Approval date by department


Signature of the course holder


Signature of the seminar holder


Signature of the Head of the Department

