Use Your Time, Talent, and Treasure to Advance Our Mission

What Kind of
Champion are you?
Time, Talent
Treasure Can Help you
Achieve Your Mission
National Fundraising Committee Workshop Facilitators
Diane Ludwig, CFRE, MO
Kim Benziger, IL
Claudia Gray, OR
Judy Horan, CA
Diane Patton, IA
Pam Thiel, WI
Tremayne Parquet – Manager, Individual Giving
Laura McCulty Stepp – Director, Annual Fund
Program Expert Workshop Facilitators
Alicia Hetman – President AAUW CA
Judy Pfeil – Chair, National Public Policy Committee
Marie Wolbach, - Chair, National STEM Committee
Katie Benson – Staff, Research Department
Christine Hernandez – Manager, College & University
Our plan today
Take the test – 5 minutes
Learn about the personality types – 5 minutes
Move to the table for your personality type
As a group, review information and learn from the
facilitators about AAUW programs and resources
that may appeal to your type. Then as a group,
make a plan to combine your time, talent and
treasure with AAUW resources to advance pay
equity. - 20 minutes
Our plan today, continued
• Present your plan to the whole group – 10 minutes
• Move to another AAUW fund table
• As a group, review information and learn from the
facilitators about AAUW programs and resources
that may appeal to your type. Then as a group,
make a plan to combine your time, talent and
treasure with AAUW resources to advance
education. - 20 minutes
• Present your plan to the whole group – 10 minutes
Our plan today, continued
• Vote for presentation(s) by donating AAUW dollars
and volunteer vouchers to your favorite fund(s) – 5
• Questions, answers and comments .
• Results of voting.
What kind of champion are you?
A just for fun, non-scientific exercise.
Answer seven simple multiple choice questions.
There are no right or wrong answers.
Go with your first instinct.
Tally your score
What kind of champion are you?
Count the number of times you selected
an A, B, C, D, or E to see which you chose
most often.
A- you are a protector
B- you are an educator
C- you are an advocate
D- you are a researcher
E- you are a leader
A – Protector
Legal Advocacy Fund
You are driven by the idea of justice. Laws and
policies are written to protect our rights and they
must be enforced. Other protectors include Ruth
Bader Ginsberg and Andrea Neutzling the attorney
who is fighting for the protection of people in the
B – Educator
Educational Opportunities Fund
You believe that education is the great equalizer, and
that to educate a girl is to educate a generation.
Other educators include Mary McLeod Bethune, Anne
Sullivan, Clara Barton, and Gloria Blackwell, AAUW’s
Director of Fellowships and Grants.
C – Advocate
Public Policy Fund
You believe that it is your duty to speak out for all
those who can’t. That we must have policies in place
that are fair to all women and girls, and public
officials must be held accountable to the public.
Other advocates include Jane Addams, and Lisa
Maatz, AAUW Director of Public Policy and
Government Relations.
D – Researcher
Eleanor Roosevelt Fund
You believe that we cannot advance equality without
carefully studying issues that impact women so that
we can use fact-based evidence to direct our actions.
Other researchers include Marie Curie, Rachel Carson,
Carol Gilligan and Catherine Hill, AAUW Director of
E– Leader
Leadership Programs Fund
You believe that great necessities call forth great
leaders and that great leaders take us not necessarily
where we want to go, but where we ought to be.
Other leaders include Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul
and Kate Farrar, AAUW Director of Leadership