


Comment on any of these quotes, with examples from the movie:

(Night John says,) "Words are freedom. Slavery is made of words: laws, deeds and passes.”

“Knowledge, for all its dangers, brings power.” – In the movie Sarny learns enough to read and write. She also learns enough about the system of slavery trading to know the worth of the slaves and saves herself as well as other slaves with her knowledge.

“Illiteracy is the slave owner’s tool of oppression, and literacy is the slave’s weapon to fight back.”


What are your observations about plantation life in the south from this movie?

The plantation life seemed very formal from the outside but inside it was just as fake and showy as it seemed put together. They all wanted to be rich plantation owners but without the slaves being completely controlled there was no way to guarantee their ignorance. If they could keep the slaves ignorant then they would have a way of life to be able to rely on the slaves for comfort.


In what ways was the boy’s Bible such an important symbol in this period in history?

The bible was something they did not want the slaves to read, because it would give them the idea of redemption and equality among the whites. The bible could be used for rebellion and help the slaves rise up against the plantation owners and also used for something to teaching others to read.


There were powerful characters and courageous characters; those who showed acts of cruelty and intolerance, and those who showed acts of determination and courage.

Describe any of these scenes that made an impact on you.

The scene where the plantation owner’s son finds the bible impacted me a great deal. When the statement was made that they would see if he was their friend it seemed like he didn’t really understand the act of selflessness he could have done. If he had not turned them in, taken the lickings and done what he had claimed he wanted the slave and owner relationship to be like it would have benefited him more in the long run. Instead he became more like his father than he had wanted to.


Do you think the movie gave a realistic portrayal of the relationship and status between the black race, in slavery, and the white race in domination during this time in history? Explain.

Yes I do, with some variations for different areas of the South. The way that the slaves were treated was different form plantation to plantation but as a whole it went along with history.

The slaves were punished the same if not maybe a little worse in some areas. The only

difference that really struck me was most of the home slaves were educated so they could do simple math tasked and educate the younger children.


Why do you think the author chose to end the movie the way he did? Were you satisfied with the ending; if not, how would you have changed it?

I think he ended it there to show the possibilities that Sarny could do with her knowledge. She had an impact on the people she grew up with but know she can impact others who don’t have the knowledge available to them. I don’t know I don’t know if I would change it really but maybe have some more in depth detail of what her life was life after.


How much do you value your right to a free and public education? Reflect on how different your life would be, if you had never been given the opportunity to be educated?

I value it a lot more now than I did when I was younger. At a younger age it’s taken more for granted and not taken as seriously. If I had not been able to be educated I know I would probably be at home working as a cleaning lady somewhere. My life would not be nearly as nice as it is now.


Open-ended reflection….any of your own last thoughts or opinions.

I enjoyed the movie and felt if showed a great deal of the impact knowledge can have on people’s way of life and their will for life. Without the opportunities we have in America for education we would be a very different nation.
