April 22, 1995 - Volvo Car Open

April 8, 2015
An Interview With:
Lauren Davis defeats Eugenie Bouchard
6-3, 6-1
Q. Eugenie, disappointing match for
you. What happened out there? Just explain
what happened.
obviously hate losing but I'm not going to be too
hard on myself. I know I've been not feeling like
myself on the court, so just a matter of taking time
now, you know, not playing a tournament and
taking some time to just train and get back to
feeling like myself on the court.
I definitely felt a little bit slow today,
overpowered, which is never usually the case.
Usually I'm the one dominating.
So it was
definitely just -- I don't know, just not good.
Whatever happened was not good.
Q. You talked about the process after
getting a new coach and how it's not
instantaneous. Is that just another step in the
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: A little bit, yeah.
And I think it's almost not a good thing, but you
know, you really kind of take a moment to think
about what you're doing right, what you're doing
wrong, and I think now is the time for me to take a
step back and question everything I'm doing and
make sure everything is in order, you know.
Sometimes I think success masks issues or
problems, so you know, you learn a lot more when
you lose.
So if there's something I'm doing wrong or
any of my team is doing wrong, we're going to take
time. I had a long talk with my coach. We're going
to look at everything and try to improve things for
the next time.
Q. You mentioned that you were feeling
slow. Physically are you okay? Any injuries or
Transcripts Provided By:
Kelly McKee Dorsey, CCR, RPR, CRR
Twitter handle: @reporterkel
Well, I have
struggled a little bit with that lately. So everything
is kind of just healing, but even if something
doesn't hurt anymore, you know, you've had that
lack of training, you've had that lack of Match Play.
You've had that lack of, you know, just the feelings
on the court is so off.
So I think that's more where it's at, you
know. Nothing is hurting, but it's more about
getting back into Match Play.
Q. Is that what it is, Eugenie, is not
necessarily a specific injury per se, but just the
match toughness?
Rafa has been talking
about that a lot this year in coming back from
his injuries.
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: Yeah. A little bit.
And yeah, just trying to get back to feeling like I felt
when I felt good last year, or you know, whenever I
know I'm playing well.
So it's just about -- yeah, putting in the
hours, maybe -- you know, I wanted to try to play
more matches. That's why I came here, but
maybe I should, you know, take a week and just
train and just kind of -- or more time than that, you
know, just to practice. And you know, take my time
and not maybe rush so I'm really prepared next
time I play a tournament.
Q. You mentioned the success sort of
masking problems. Do you get a sense of what
those problems might be?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: I have so many.
I mean I'll be here for an hour if I start talking about
all my problems. I mean I know I didn't feel
physically strong enough on the court today. Felt a
little bit slow, like I said. You know, maybe the way
I wanted to maybe rush and play another
tournament instead of taking the time to prepare a
little bit more. I like playing matches more. So that
was my idea, but maybe it's not the right one. So
it's little things like that where you gotta take a step
back and think, okay, clearly I'm not doing
something right or someone around me isn't doing
something right, so I need to find out what that is
and try and make it better. And I'm just more
excited. Really I see it as an opportunity to get
better now and do something different and get
Obviously you had so many
success last year. Not that it's too much too
soon, but do you think a player is still really
early in her career and there are still things you
have to learn regardless of making Slam final
and stuff like that?
know, I know it won't all come overnight and it's not
like as soon as you make a Slam final everything is
easy after that and you're going to make the finals
every week. It just doesn't work that way. So you
gotta take the lows with the highs. So I'm just
going to keep working hard and way till this low
turns into a high. But really try to learn in the
process and be patient, because I know I won't win
every tournament.
So I think patience is really important me
since I'm not very patient.
Q. Eugenie, you talk about the process
of like finding out what's wrong and what might
have to change. Does this put your schedule
on hold a little bit? Do you know when you're
going to play next?
Well, I'm
definitely going to take a few days and then try and
get back to training probably as soon as possible.
In terms of scheduling I'm supposed to play
Stuttgart, and I mean I haven't had time to fully sit
down and decide what I'm doing, but that's the plan
as of now.
Q. A couple of the players Andrea
Petkovic and Makarova spoke about the
transition from hard to soft courts and that they
were having some problems mentally and
tactically. Do you think that that played into
your match today at all, that there hadn't been
a move in your game from hard to soft courts?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: I think the first
tournament back on clay is always the toughest.
It's always this one here in Charleston.
Yeah. But I kind of like clay, you know. I
was saying this in my media day a couple of days
ago, I've actually kind of missed it, and we don't
get to play on it that much. So I actually found the
change refreshing, and but yeah, it definitely
changes a little bit, but I think there was more to
Transcripts Provided By:
Kelly McKee Dorsey, CCR, RPR, CRR
Twitter handle: @reporterkel
today than just tactics. So you know, tactics
weren't the first thing on my mind today.
Q. What is kind of the overwhelming
emotion or thought in your head right now?
Are you pissed? Are you like sad? Are you
confused? Are there doubts? Like what's the
overwhelming sense?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: I think as soon
as I got off the court, definitely a bit of anger, but
also kind of this confusion slash like quest to find
what's wrong, like this kind of searching feeling
that, okay, like I know something's off. I know
something's not right. So I want to find it. And I
know so much can get better, and I know I can do
better. So it kind of encourages me that, you
know, I know I can change a lot of things, so that
gives me room to improve so much.
And I already spoke with my coach a lot
about it, and we're both believe in my game and
believe in me, and it's just about waiting to the right
thing to click and trying to find out if I'm doing
something wrong, what is it, and it's more of just,
yeah, just trying to figure things out a little bit. So
I'm not going to take it too hard. I'm just going to
see it as, okay, something's going to happen now.
Q. And then have you made -- well,
have you made a decision on Fed Cup? Are
you absolutely not playing it? Is there a slight
I think the
answer right now is probably no.
End of Interview