Investor Presentation November 2011 1 Acknowledgement & Disclosure This presentation may contain certain statements and projections provided by or on behalf of Red Gum Resources Ltd (RGR) with respect to the anticipated future undertakings. These forward-looking statements reflect various assumptions by or on behalf of RGR. Accordingly, these statements are subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies associated with exploration and/or mining which may be beyond the control of RGR which could cause actual results or trends to differ materially, including but not limited to price fluctuations, exploration results, ore reserve and mineral resource estimation, environmental risks, physical risks, legislative and regulatory changes, political risks, project delay or advancement, ability to meet additional funding requirements, factors relating to title to properties, native title and aboriginal heritage issues, dependence on key personnel, share price volatility, approvals and cost estimates. Consequently, there can be no assurance that such statements and projections will be realised. Neither RGR, or any of its affiliates, advisers, consultants, agents or any of their respective officers or employees (Relevant Parties) make any representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any such statement of projections or that any forecasts will be achieved. Additionally, RGR makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, in relation to, and to the fullest extent permitted by law, no responsibility or liability (whether for negligence, under statute or otherwise) is or will be accepted by RGR as to or in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information, statements, opinions or matters (express or implied) arising out of, contained in or derived from this Presentation or any omission from this Presentation or of any other written or oral information or opinions provided now or in the future to any Recipient or its advisers. In furnishing this presentation, RGR undertakes no obligation to provide any additional or updated information whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. Nothing in this material should be construed as either an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. 2 Company Overview • Targeting Base and Precious Metals – – • Diverse Portfolio of Assets – – – • Geochemically & Geophysically well defined targets- COMPANY MAKER POTENTIAL OF LA NEGRA Exploration Target of 10Mt-70Mt at La Negra Targeting $3b+ AUD in-ground metal prospects across multiple tenements Participation in at least 15,000m of drilling p.a. readily achievable Strong Board of Directors – – • High value exploration ground held in Chile and Peru Includes drill-ready prospects (‘La Negra’ & ‘Cerro Huancash’) 100% ownership or right to ownership of tenements Drill ready targets – – – – • Zinc / Lead / Copper / Silver / Gold Multi commodity exposure protects against fluctuations in any one commodity Extensive Public Company experience Proven track record with member s of the board founding and managing companies such as Queensland Gas Company, Earth Heat Resources Ltd, China Yunnan Australia Copper Ltd and Bandanna Energy Ltd Corporate Strategy – – – Explore and Develop multi commodity assets Provide risk diversification and potential short term re-rating Grow through organic and inorganic means Under the Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Resources (Paragraph 18) the Company is required to make the following statement with regard to Exploration Targets – the potential quantity and quality is conceptual in nature, and that there has been insufficient exploration to define a Mineral Resource or Ore Resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the determination of a Mineral Resource or Ore Reserve. 3 Company Structure Red Gum Resources Ltd Red Gum Resources Peru Pty Ltd Red Gum Resources Chile Pty Ltd Central Peru Resources SAC Chilean Local Subsidiary • Chongos A (100%) • La Negra (100%) * • Chongos B (100%) • Chongos C (100%) • Cerro Huancash (100%) * Option to acquire 4 Board of Directors Dr Raymond Shaw – Non-Executive Chairman • Proven public company experience including foundation Managing Director of Great Artesian Oil and Gas (ASX:GOG), Director of Hillgrove Gold NL, and Currently Managing Director of Bandanna Coal Ltd ASX:(BND) and Chairman of Earth Heat Resources (ASX:EHR) • Substantial management experience in building and running private and public companies Dr Paul Pearson – Managing Director • Over 25 years experience with large companies such as Mt Isa Mines, North Ltd & Teck Cominco, and juniors such as El Misti and Alturas Minerals. Involved in the exploration and evaluation of projects in Peru, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Ecuador • Bilingual, having lived in Latin America for 14 years • Considerable corporate experience as a founder and eventual CEO of TSXV -listed Alturas Minerals Norman Zillman – Non-Executive Director • • Responsible for forming China Yunnan Australia Cooper Limited (ASX:CYU- current co-Chairman), Ancon Drilling (current Chairman). Also currently Chairman of Burleson Energy Ltd (ASX:BUR), Non Exec Director of Earth Heat Resources (ASX: EHR) Strong public company experience including, founding MD of Queensland Gas Company Limited (QGC), founding Director of Planet Gas Limited, founding Chairman of Great Artesian Oil and Gas (ASX:GOG), Chairman of Blue Energy Limited (ASX:BUL) Torey Marshall – Executive Director • Experienced in multiple commodities as exploration geologist having worked in Australia, South America and East Africa. Founder and Managing Director of Earth Heat Resources Ltd (ASX:EHR) & African Power and Coal Pty Ltd 5 Chile • Flagship project ‘La Negra’ • Substantial Exploration target of between 10Mt-70Mt* • Targeting Zinc, Lead and precious metals • Drill Ready • • – Drill targets identified – Drilling to commence shortly after listing Historical workings, and surface mineralisation – Mapped and inspected – Samples of up to 20% contained metal verified Substantial Geochemical surveying – • Conforms to surface mapping and is a significant anomalous halo 3D induced Polarisation Survey – Conforming to the general shape and area of the geochemical and surface anomalism, indicates a potentially large sulphide resource target underneath the shallow oxide * Under the Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Resources (Paragraph 18) the Company is required to make the following statement with regard to Exploration Targets – the potential quantity and quality is conceptual in nature, and that there has been insufficient exploration to define a Mineral Resource or Ore Resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the determination of a Mineral Resource or Ore Reserve. 6 La Negra - Location Yellow stars are major copper (-molybdenum-gold) deposits 0 100 kms 7 La Negra - Geology 6551710N 8 La Negra - Geophysics MAGNETICS RESISTIVITY CHARGEABILITY • Reprocessing of IP survey data and integration with geology and geochemistry currently in progress • The strike extent of the mineralisation, if proven by drilling, could extend over 1500m in length and greater than 400m wide Maps showing reprocessed geophysical anomalies with soil geochemistry anomalies 9 La Negra - Geophysics MAGNETICS • Strong correlation of metal anomalies with chargeability and magnetic anomalies revealed • Large volume of hidden sulphide-rich mineralisation suggested in 3D modelling • Subsurface intrusive stocks inferred; possible porphyry link CHARGEABILITY RESISTIVITY Cross-section 6551710N showing reprocessed geophysics and interpreted intrusive stocks 10 La Negra - Geochemistry Metal Zn (%) Pb (%) Cu (%) Ag (ppm) Au (ppm) Results 0.52 – 16.4 1.42 – 12.4 0.25 – 1.3 41 - 139 0.05 -0.5 Underground sampling taken by Pudahuel in 1985 La Negra Project Soil Geochemical Zinc Plot (provided by Andale) 11 Metal Zn (%) Pb (%) Cu (%) Ag (ppm) Au (ppm) Results 0.21 – 11.55 0.21 – 11.75 0.03 – 1.11 15 – 87.8 0.05 – 0.28 New World results provided by Andale on underground rock chip sampling La Negra Project Soil Geochemical Lead Plot (provided by Andale) La Negra Project Soil Geochemical Silver Plot (provided by Andale) La Negra’s main attraction • • • • • • • • Close to coast and infrastructure Excellent “lead in” data reduces project risk Substantial polymetallic exploration target of 10Mt-70Mt* Known high grade zinc-lead-silver mineralisation outcrops; large volume of sulphides inferred at depth in geophysics Possibly linked to concealed copper porphyry system Potentially very high value project if a substantial resource is confirmed Various development options available to the Company if a resource is delineated Large mining companies (eg. Vale) operating nearby * Under the Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Resources (Paragraph 18) the Company is required to make the following statement with regard to Exploration Targets – the potential quantity and quality is conceptual in nature, and that there has been insufficient exploration to define a Mineral Resource or Ore Resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the determination of a Mineral Resource or Ore Reserve. 12 RGR & Chile today Sharing office space with CYU in Santiago – expanding presence in Chile Reprocessed IP geophysical data Repair of road access ways completed Community Access Agreement signed for two years Geological mapping underway Metallurgical test work underway Diamond drilling rig contract signed - Expected to commence Q4 2011 13 Peru • Located within the proven Central Peruvian Polymetallic belt and hub of booming exploration activity Close to infrastructure including road, rail, refineries and processing plants • CERRO DE PASCO -11 ° PACIFIC CERRO HUANCASH OCEAN LA OROYA KEY -12 ° LIMA SMELTER • • MAJOR MINE/ DEPOSIT RAILWAY kms HUANCAVELICA • -75 ° 100 -77 ° 0 -76 ° CHONGOS HIGHWAY -13 ° 14 Neighbours include Glencore, Pan American Silver, Chinalco Two projects over four licences Red Gum interests are 100% Cerro Huancash Project Map showing mineralized trend, Ariana Norte and Ariana Sur Prospects, plus Red Gum Resources claim (light blue) and claims controlled by Pan American Silver (light green). The darker green claims are subject to an option agreement with a third party. 15 • One license of 575.6 ha • Zinc, lead & precious metals exploration • Limited exploration performed on the tenement, however within surrounding area a zone of approx. 8km in length has been reported with very strong zinc, copper, lead, silver and gold anomalies - Cerro Huancash covers over 3km of prospective belt • Cerro Huancash will be the initial focus in Peru, with surface exploration in early 2012 followed by drilling towards Q2 of 2012 subject to favourable results Chongos Project 16 • Located 180 kilometres southeast of Lima • Comprises three separate blocks covering approx. 9 kms strike length of very strong zinc and lead anomalism in an iron- and manganese-stained sequence of folded mid- to upper-Cretaceous limestones Use of Funds - IPO INFLOW Year 1 Total 4,000,000 4,000,000 7,000,000 120,000 69,617 189,617 210,000 136,500 346,500 Total Inflow 4,120,000 69,617 4,189,617 7,210,000 136,500 7,346,500 Year 1 0 Maximum Subscription incl $1m Oversubscription $7,000,000 Year 1 Year 2 Total Funds Raised IPO Interest EXPENDITURE Exploration Activity Year 2 Geological Geophysical 60,000 Geochemical 99,445 Total 65,000 - Year 1 125,000 - 0 Year 2 100,000 - 7,000,000 Total 94,445 194,445 100,000 100,000 99,445 100,000 36,000 136,000 Drilling 520,000 700,000 1,220,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 3,500,000 Total Exploration Expenditure 679,445 765,000 1,444,445 1,200,000 2,730,445 3,930,445 555,555 555,555 555,555 555,555 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 2,500,000 1,679,445 2,320,555 4,000,000 2,450,000 4,536,000 6,986,000 Option Payments Working Capital & Administration TOTAL EXPLORATION 17 Minimum Subscription $4,000,000 Year 2 - - Contact Level 7 Ferrari House 28-30 Grenfell St Adelaide, SA, 5000 Paul Pearson, MD Tel: 08 8212 5724 18