Welcome to the STEM student information night - STEM-NEHS


North East High School

September 24, 2013

6:00 pm

Science, Technology,

Engineering &, Mathematics

What is STEM?

 The STEM Academy is a challenging program of study for students planning to enter college to prepare for careers in mathematics, science, and engineering.


 Students are offered a rigorous, accelerated curriculum, beyond the regular high school curriculum, rich in lab and work-based experiences.

 The STEM Academy courses are designed to challenge students with integrated tech-technologies and extensive problem-solving.

 Opportunities to work with experts in the field and current technology both within the school and the community.

 Students will be involved in authentic research during their capstone projects.

Required Science

 Honors Biology

 Honors Chemistry

 Honors Physics

 1 AP Science Class

 AP Biology

 AP Chemistry

 AP Physics C – Mechanics

 OR 1 approved Cecil College Science class

Required Mathematics

 Honors Algebra II

 Honors Trig/Func/Stats

 Honors Pre-Calculus

 AP Mathematics Class

 AP Calculus AB

 AP Clalculus BC

 AP Statics

 OR 1 approved Cecil college mathematics class

Honors STEM Capstone

 Current Seniors are enrolled in the Honors STEM

Capstone Seminar class.

 The class is designed as an independent study class.

 Students are guided through their capstone project.

 All students should have a mentor.

 All seniors must complete their project and presentation in order to get the STEM Program certification for graduation.

STEM Research and Deign

 Current Seniors are enrolled in the Honors STEM


 The class is designed as an independent study class.

 Students are guided through their capstone project.

 All students should have a mentor.

 All juniors must complete their project and presentation in order to get the STEM Program certification for graduation.

This information applies to both

Juniors and Seniors.


 Mentors in the specific research areas have been assigned or found for each students.

 Students work with the mentors to complete their projects.

 Students will primarily contact mentors via email.

 The mentors may request meetings with the student.

 Students should act professionally when interacting with the mentors.

 All mentors that do not work for the school district are required to undergo a background check.

 Mentors will be invited to the gallery walk.

Who is Working With

 Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG)

 Alliance Technologies (ATK)

 Bartlett Tree Experts

 Basin Run Animal Hospital

 Cecil County Public School Nurses

 Cecil County Public School Psychologist

 Cecil County Public School of Technology

 Edgewood Chemical and Biological Center (ECBC)

 Polytechnic High School Pre-Engineering Program

 Pro Physical Therapy Associates

 Upper Bay Counseling Associates

Gallery Walk

May 20, 2014 – Tuesday from 3 to 7 pm at

Elkton High School

 All students will participate in a Gallery walk.

 At the Gallery Walk students will present their posters in to guests.

 Guests will have time to walk around and watch students present their posters in about 5 minutes and then answer questions.

End of Sophomore Year

 At the end of the school year into summer:

 Students should sign up for CoureSites in order to discuss project ideas.

 Students should have a valid email address to keep in touch with the teacher.

 Students should start to brainstorm ideas.

Declaring into STEM

 At the end of their Freshman year, students that have meet the entrance requirements may enter into the STEM program.

Phone and Electronics Recycling Program

 NEHS STEM collects used phones, inkjet cartridges,

MP3 Players, digital cameras, costume jewelry, and jewelry.

 We collect these items to fundraise for the STEM program projects.

 http://www.recyclingfundraiser.com/Default.aspx

 If you have any other ideas or want to help with fundraising please contact me.

Spring of 2014

STEM and Beyond Night

 The STEM and Beyond Nights will be held in the Spring of 2014.

 Students from each school will present information to middle and elementary students.

 We are looking for at least 5 volunteers from

NEHS to present.

 This is a great resume builder.

Robotics Team

 We are forming a team to take place in the First Tech


 Information can be found at:

 http://www.usfirst.org/ - National Organization

 http://www.mdfirst.org/Maryland Organization

 Our team number is: 7490

 If you have a company that would like to sponsor out team, please let us know! We’d love to have you on board!


 Kenny is studying native versus invasive clams and their effect on the health of the Chesapeake Bay.

 Currently working with North Bay.


 Toby is studying native versus invasive muscles and their effect on the health of the Chesapeake Bay.

 Currently working with North Bay.


 Shad is studying the use of a timing device in order to calculate the product flow during manufacturing. As part of the project, he will create a prototype and look into a patent.

 Currently working with an Automated

and Instrumentation Specialist.


 Molly is studying the effects of cleaners on fecal matter. She is specifically targeting dog kennels and the cleaners used there.

 Currently working with Basin Run

Animal Hospital.


 Henry is studying the efficiency of propellers based on their shape and size. He would like to create a better propeller.

 Currently working with Polytechnic High



 Michaela is studying the general health of a person and how it effects their reflexes.

 Currently working with Pro Physical

Therapy Associates.


 Ian creating a water hydration system for football players using the pads as the container. Ian will prototype the system using a 3D printer

 Currently working with TBD. (Possible mentor from APG)


 Jamie is studying the effects of video game play on a person’s decision making skills.

 Currently working with TBD. (Possible mentor from APG.)


 Courtney is studying the effects of pesticides on whale health. She will be traveling to her mentor’s lab to complete her research.

 Currently working with Edgewood

Chemical Biological Center (ECBC).


 Sydney is studying the effect of nail polish on pulse oximetry.

 Currently working with a CCPS Nurse.


 Natale is studying how homemade fertilizer effects indoor plants. She hopes to apply this research to help keep houses in highly polluted areas air cleaner by encouraging residents to keep indoor plants.

 Currently working with a CCST Teacher in the

Horticultural Program. (A mentor from North

Bay is in the works.)


 Roque is studying how the framing of a situation impacts a person’s decision making skills.

 Currently working with a CCPS school

psychologist and a Upper Bay Counselor.


 Rebekah is studying natural food preservatives and their ability to prevent common molds and fungus.

 Currently working with TBD. (Possible mentor from ECBC).


 Lila is studying the Stroop Effect. She wants to examine the impact of television view on the reaction to the

Stroop Effect.

 Currently working with a CCPS school

psychologist and a Upper Bay Counselor.


 Lane is completing an environmental study of the tree health on the NEHS campus.

 Currently working with a Master Arborist with

Bartlett Tree Experts.


 Conner is prototyping a plasma fuel rocket design. He wants to create a working model of his design.

 Currently working with ATK.


 Miranda is studying how volleyball pressure effects on the ability for a player to serve.

 Currently working with Pro Physical

Therapy Associates.
