Title: Teaching and Learning in the 21 st Century Classroom: This course will be offered in a blended learning environment. Teachers will investigate and analyze current research and best practices to ensure students meet the Common Core Literacy
Standards. They will create lessons that develop and demonstrate the integration of knowledge and ideas in diverse formats and media, as well as in writing. 21 st
Century skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and innovation, communication, and global connections will be practiced in an inquiry-based environment. Participants will create an innovative unit in their content area that integrates inquiry-based learning as well as literacy and technology skills to engage 21 st
century learners. There will be an emphasis on developing teachers’ awareness of performance based tasks.
Number of Teachers: 20
Who: k-12 Educators in the Malden Public Schools
Dates: October 1, 2011 – December 2011 (12 weeks)
Format: On-line
The course will run 12 weeks for a total of 45 hours. Participants will be required to complete about 3 hours of work per week, with 9 additional hours built in to complete the final unit plan.
Cost: $600 Stipend per teacher for successful completion = 12,000
Instructor Cost: $1,500 x 2 = $3,000
Total Cost: $15,000
PD Provider: Social Studies Teachers MPS
Person Responsible: Director of History/Social Studies, Judi Allen
Course Description
This course will provide participants with the skills and tools that are essential for today's
21st century classroom. Participants will be encouraged to collaboratively draw on their teaching experiences and new understandings to build a structure for how a 21st century classroom will differ from a traditional classroom. Current research, pedagogy, and best practices of 21st century teaching and learning will be explored. 21 st
Century skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and innovation, communication, and global connections will be practiced in an inquiry-based environment. Participants will create an innovative unit in their content area that integrates inquiry-based learning as well as technology and literacy skills to engage 21 st century learners.
Participants will be required to incorporate the Common Core Standards and
Massachusetts Standards for:
English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and
Technical Subjects
Technology Literacy Standards
Common Core for College and Career Readiness
Teachers in this course will be able to…
develop a framework for inquiry-based instruction, and an individual vision of their own 21st century classroom.
create a virtual notebook using wikispaces to be used as a model for student notebooks.
gain exposure and familiarity in using specific tools such as Wordle, Glogster,
Slide, Inspiration, Voicethread, Primary access, G-chat, Pirate pad, and embed these tools into a virtual notebook.
develop their knowledge of the technological resources which will include blogs; research and knowledge-sharing applications; presentation tools; and a wide variety of communication, networking and creation tools.
create a teacher wikispace site to share lessons and units that employ a range of tools to model how 21 st
century learners connect and communicate as well as collaboratively research, synthesize and innovate.
reflect on use of technological resources, inquiry-based instruction, and the development of a 21st century classroom.
create an innovative lesson/unit in their content area that integrates inquiry-based learning as well as technology and literacy skills to engage 21 st
century learners.
Completion of all work assigned as specified in each of the 12 sessions:
Specific written assignments, uses of technological resources, and discussion tab posts
Personal voice will be developed through weekly reflections in forums on
MassONE Moodle.
Creation of a thorough virtual notebook that incorporates all assignments of the
12 sessions
Completion of Final Project as outlined below
Norms for discussion forum
Posting in our discussion forum is a major component of this course.
Show your thoughts: be clear in your responses to other members of the community, make sure others know that you have read what they have offered, stating specifically who and what you may agree or disagree with and/or what you are commenting on.
Respect one another’s views: be a part of the conversation, assume positive intent, your perspective is valuable, make sure that your online community knows what you are thinking.
Respect one another while “pushing” the thinking of the group and/or individual.
Brevity and clarity are key : take the time to edit your contributions before posting them, everyone has a lot to read and limited time, make sure your comments are succinct and clearly stated.
Topic Outlines
Session 1: The 21st Century Classroom and Virtual Notebooks
Session 2: Inquiry Based Learning and Research Skills
Session 3: Using Technology Before, During and After Reading
Session 4: Navigation of WGBH Teacher’s Domain
Session 5: Communication
Session 6: Collaboration through Voicethread
Session 7: Unit Development
Session 8: Student Conversation
Session 9: Global Education
Session 10: Outlining & Mapping Tools
Session 11: Copyright and Lesson Planning
Session 12: Lesson/Unit Development
Final Project
By the end of this 12 week course participants will design and create an innovative webbased unit in their content area that integrates inquiry-based learning as well as technology and literacy skills to engage 21 st
century learners.
The unit must demonstrate an understanding of the Massachusetts State and National
Education Technology Standards (NETS) for teachers and Students:
State Technology Standards: http://www.doe.mass.edu/edtech/standards/itstand.pdf
Student Technology Standards NETS_for_Students_2007_Standards.pdf
Teacher Technology Standards NETS_T_Standards_Final.pdf
Required & Recommended Readings
"21st Century Skills." The Metiri Group . Web. 22 July 2010.
Bernard, Sara. "Collaborative Crusader: Creating a Twenty-First-Century Learning
Community for Teachers | Edutopia." K-12 Education & Learning Innovations with Proven Strategies That Work | Edutopia . Web. 12 Aug. 2010.
Cooper, Michael. "Spill Fund May Prove as Challenging as 9/11 Payments." The New York
Times . The New York Times, 21 Aug. 2010. Web. 8 Sept. 2010.
Crawford, Elizabeth O., and Misty M. Kirby. "Fostering Student's Global Awareness:
Technology Applications in Social Studies Teaching and Learning." Journal of
Curriculum and Instruction 2.1 (2008). The Southwestern Bell World Room .
Texas A&M University. Web. 3 Aug. 2010.
<http://worldroom.tamu.edu/Workshops/GlobalIssues2009/Becoming a Global
Citizen/Fostering Students' Global Awareness.pdf>.
"Current Curriculum Frameworks." Massachusetts Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education . Web. 6 July 2010.
"Inquiry Based Learning." Web. 15 July 2010.
<http://www.neiu.edu/~middle/Modules/science mods/amazon components/AmazonComponents2.html>.
“Massachusetts Technology Literacy Standards and Expectations.”
Department of Secondary & Elementary Education.. : Apr. 2008. Web. 17 July
2010. <http://www.doe.mass.edu/edtech/standards/itstand.pdf>.
"Moving the NETS Forward!" National Education Technology Standards . International
Society for Technology in Education. Web. 14 July 2010.
Rodriguez, Hayeli E. & NYC. “Back Story: How the Digital Revolution Changed Our
Newsweeks Education Site . Newsweek. No 17. http://www.newsweek.com/feature/2010/by-the-numbers-how-the-digitalrevolution-changed-our-world.html. 27 July.2010.
“Tapscott on Changing Pedagogy for the Net Generation”. ASCD Inservice . 17 March
2010. http://ascd.typepad.com/blog/2010/03/tapscott.html. 18 July 2010.
"What Is Inquiry-based Learning?" InquiryLearn Splash Intro . Web. 8 July 2010.
Graduate Course Credit Statement
Salem State University in partnership with Malden High School will award 3 graduate credits for successful completion of the course.
August, 2010 -
September 2010
Aug. 31, 2010 -
Sept. 30, 2010
Aug. 31, 2010 -
Jan 15, 2011
August 31, 2010 -
August 2011
Partnership with WGBH - Completion and Implementation
45 hr on-line course in collaboration with WGBH, the MPS
History Director, Technology Coordinator and the History lead teachers.
Project Activities
Grant Evaluation Surveys Year 1 - Participating teachers
(cohort 1) complete survey from grant evaluators.
Continued development & completion 45 hr on-line course
The 45 hr on-line course will be completed and accessible in
MassONE, Moodle.
Grant Evaluation
- Work with grant evaluators to assess Year
Annette Hunte,
Erica Fields,
Judi Allen,
Magner, Jamie
Green, Ben Max
Howard Lurie,
Judi Allen,
Magner, Jamie
Green, Ben Max
Annette Hunte,
Erica Fields,
Institute, Judi
Allen, Michele
Jamie Green,
Ben Max
Credits or
Sept. 1, 2010 -
Jan 15, 2011
Sept. 1, 2010 -
Jan 15, 2011
Sept. 1, 2010 -
June 30, 2011
Nov 1, 2010 - Feb
31, 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011 to
June 2011
January 2011 -
June 2011
Demonstration Classrooms - Two demonstration, high school history classrooms are fully operational, staffed by two teachers who serve as highly-trained lead learners.
Observe, debrief, and reflect - Teachers from Cohort 1 (Year
1) will observe, debrief and reflect with the lead teachers, the district’s Program Directors for History and the Instructional
Technology Coordinator for the 1st semester of the school year.
Implementation 21st Century Classroom practices Cohort 1
- Teachers from Cohort 1 will share 4 portable computer carts each containing 30 notebook computers and 1 teacher laptop to implement and refine their 21st Century Classroom practices.
45 hr on-line course
October 2010 through December 2010 on MassONE - Moodle
Lesson Evaluation
- The on-line course will be offered
- Evaluation of 45 hour on-line lessons
Technology Incentive technology purchase.
- Malden participants in the 45 hour online course will be eligible to receive $650 towards a
Judi Allen,
Magner, Jamie
Green, Ben Max
Judi Allen,
Magner, Jamie
Green, Ben Max
Judi Allen,
Magner, Jamie
Green, Ben Max
Judi Allen,
Judi Allen,
Michele Magner
Judi Allen,
Michele Magner
45 PDP’s or
3 Graduate
Purchase for
Purchase for
Implementation 21st Century Classroom practices Cohort 2
With new technology purchases, teachers begin to implement many of the 21st Century Classroom practices from the 45 hour on-line course.
Observe, debrief, and reflect, outside districts - Lead learners from other districts who participated in the 45 hr on-line course will be encouraged to visit our demonstration classrooms to deepen their understanding of the model and to share some of
Judi Allen,
Magner, Jamie
Green, Ben Max
March 2011 -
May 2011
May 2011 - June
2011 their needs, interests and questions with Malden teachers and support staff.
Plan summer technology program - The participating history and science teachers from either cohort 1 or cohort 2 will collaborate to plan a summer 2011 technology camp for forty students.
Recruit Malden High School students who are at risk or academically unmotivated, as participants for the summer 2011 technology program
Judi Allen,
Magner, Jamie
Green, Ben Max
Judi Allen,
Magner, Jamie
Green, Ben Max
Judi Allen,
Michele Magner
June 2011 - July
July 2011 -
August 2011
August 2011 -
Implement hybrid summer technology program - Teachers will refine their practices from the past while implementing a collaboratively-taught , four-week summer lab course.
Student Incentive - summer program students will receive a netbook or other technology incentive, with the expectation to continue this work in the academic school year 2011-2012.
Sustainability - The district will continue to support and fund the class visitations and debriefings, the Summer Lab School, and the Technology Coordinator position in support of the full implementation of the project across the district.
Judi Allen,
Michele Magner
Netbook for
Sid Smith, MPS