Advanced College Success Skills - RSS 1510A Spring 2016 CRN: 22028 Ms. Christina S. Lonq, M.S.Ed, PC, RMT (under supervision of Dr. Karen Becker) Prerequisites Placement in this course is based upon the candidate’s COMPASS® Reading Test scores, which indicated a reading score between the grade levels of 10 and 12. The candidate’s raw score may be obtained from the candidate’s academic advisor. Class Meeting Times and Location MW 12:00 A.M. to 1:50 P.M. Lecture Room: Maag, Room 164 CAI Lab: Day:___ Time:____ Tutoring Lab: Day:___ Time:____ Room:_____ Room:_____ Tutor:_______ Tutor:_______ Texts/Supplies Becker, K.A., and Towler, K. (2015). The Art and Science of Quality Learning. (4th Edition), Van-Griner Publishing, Cincinnati, OH ISBN – 978-1-61740-260-9 3 ring binder (for student portfolio) Page dividers with 3 tabs including the following: Syllabus/Reaction Cards, Learning Portfolio Guidelines Handouts/Notes, Homework, Tests 12 large note cards A willingness to try new things, to grow and to learn Instructor Information: Ms. Christina S. Lonq, M.S.Ed, PC, RMT R&SS Center Office: Maag 154 RSS Phone: 330-941-3099 E-mail: Office Hours: By Appointment R&SS Website: ASQL Website: R&SS Center Twitter Account (For College Success Workshops) @YSU_StudyHelp 1 Classroom Policies ATTENDANCE/ABSENCES: If you miss an exam due to illness or uncontrollable circumstances, you must notify the instructor BEFORE the exam begins. You must make-up the exam immediately and will be given a different but equally challenging exam. If you are unable to make-up the exam within the allotted one week time period, you will be assigned a score of 0 for the exam. If you miss an exam due to illness or uncontrollable circumstances you must notify the instructor BEFORE the exam begins. You must make-up the exam immediately and will be given a different but equally challenging exam. If you are unable to make-up the exam within the allotted one week time period, you will be assigned a score of 0 for the exam. DUE DATES: All due dates are listed by week on your course schedule. Specific due dates will be announced throughout the semester. All work is expected to be turned in on time and by the end of the class session. Anything turned in after class has ended, on the due date, is considered late. CLASSROOM CONDUCT: In order to have a cohesive, inviting and learning environments all students are expected to be courteous, respectful and non-disruptive to not just me but your fellow classmates as well. If I believe you are being disruptive and challenging the cohesion and learning environment of the classroom I will ask you to leave the class and /or the tutoring. See the Student Handbook regarding disruptive behavior. PLEASE TURN OFF AND PUT AWAY ALL CELL PHONES, IPODS & MP3 PLAYERS, AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS. ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES SHOULD BE STORED IN BAGS OR PURSES – NOT ON YOUR DESK. NO TEXT MESSAGING, FACEBOOKING, TWEETING, INSTAGRAMING, SNAPCHATTING etc IN CLASS. If you must make or receive a phone call during class or tutoring, please leave the room quietly before answering the phone. Take out all ear buds, ear phones, Bluetooth devices and sunglasses before class begins. Participation in class and tutoring is expected. Participation is factored into each student’s final grade. DIAGNOSTIC PRE & POST TEST: These tests are mandatory. Please DO NOT miss class on this day. These are standardized tests required of all RSS 1510A candidates. These tests will be administered to the class during the allotted class time. If you miss this test you must make the test up outside of class within one week. Your test scores do not count toward your final grade however, if the diagnostic tests are missed your final grade will be reduced by 10 points. READING ASSIGNMENTS: It is expected that you prepare for class. I understand that you may have other obligations and courses to prepare for, but I expect you to attend to your assignments in a professional manner. Reading the assignments will help you to complete the journal activities homework, understand the material when presented – and prepare you to ask questions for clarification y. It is expected that you bring your textbook to every class and tutoring session as you will be using it for in-class assignments. For those who may not be able to immediately afford the textbook, copies are on closed reserve in Maag Library and the Curriculum Resource Center in Beeghly Hall. You may use these reserved textbooks to complete readings and assignments while IN the library or the CRC. If you miss a class, you must arrange with another student to obtain class notes, assignments, and handouts. READING LAB: The Reading Lab is an integral part of the 1510A course. Attendance is mandatory for the two- hour lab assignment each week. No make-up hours are permitted. What you put into the labs and this course is what you will get out of it !!! 2 CONCERNS/FRUSTRATIONS: If at any time you are feeling frustration at your progress in this class or believe you are having trouble in the course PLEASE come see me sooner as opposed to later. I understand life happens however you are now a college student and should act accordingly. I will work with you as long as you have shown an effort to take responsibility for your grade. In other words, I can’t help you if a) you do not ask for help and b) you do not care for help. Students with Disabilities : Youngstown State University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. This syllabus is available in alternative format upon request. In accordance with University procedures, if you have a documented disability and require accommodations to obtain equal access in this course, please contact me privately to discuss your specific needs. You must be registered with the Center for Student Progress Disability Services, located at 275 Fifth Avenue, and provide a letter of accommodation to coordinate reasonable accommodations. You can reach CSP Disability Services at 330-941-1372. YSU Non-Discrimination Policy Youngstown State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, disability, age, religion or veteran/military status in its programs or activities. Please visit for contact information for persons designated to handle questions about this policy. Campus Assistance: Students requiring additional academic assistance should consider contacting the following FREE campus services: Center for Student Progress, 330-941-3538, Kilcawley Center West Foreign Language Lab, 330-941-3465, DeBartolo Hall 501 Maag Library, 330-941-3677, Maag Math Assistance Center, 330-941-3274, Cushwa Hall 3090 Reading and Study Skills Center, 330-941-3099, Maag 154 Writing Center, 330-941-3055, Maag 171 Counseling Center, 330-941-3151, Jones Hall 1034 VA Office, 330-941-2503, 633 Wick Ave. COURSE FEE: Each candidate registered for an RSS course is charged a $35 course fee to cover costs for items consumed in and or maintenance of the CAI Lab, a required component of the RSS curriculum. ACADEMIC CONDUCT: Cheating on exams, submitting work of other students as one’ own, or plagiarism results in penalties ranging from an “F” on an assignment to expulsion, depending on the seriousness of the offense. NOTE: It is perfectly OK to have someone at the “Writing Center” review your written assignments and other papers. This is NOT cheating!!!!!! It is taking advantage of the resources and assistance that your tuition is paying for and it will help you to improve your writing 3 CLASS CANCELLATION: If the class is being cancelled for any one day (at the last minute) because of instructor illness, or other reasons, notification will be sent to the student’s email as soon as possible. If class will be cancelled and it is known in advance, students will be informed in class at least one week prior to that class session. If there are transportation issues due to weather or other school-wide emergency, assignments will be given in during the next scheduled session. GRADING METHOD: A point system will be used to determine the final letter grade that was earned by your performance in this course. These are 1000 possible points. The structure of this course assumes that every student is capable of earning a grade of “A”, provided that the student completes all the assignments in a timely and prescribed fashion. Therefore, every student will begin with 1000 points, (an “A” grade). Your goal throughout this course will be to maintain this assumed grade, by earning as many points as are possible for your performance in the following areas: COURSE REQUIREMENTS (Points Breakdown is below) 1. Attendance & Class Participation: Attendance and Participation counts as 20% of your overall grade therefore, it is important that you are present in class and tutoring sessions. Participation will also be counted as you complete your weekly blackboard discussions, which will be more clearly explained during class time. 2. In-Class Assignments: In order to show that you have understood and are applying the material learned in this course you will complete various assignments from your textbook as well as completing your weekly journal worth 20 points, describing the Art and Science of your own unique learning. This journal should be typed (double -spaced) and should clearly identify the class, author’s name and date of submission. You should put some thought and organization into these journals since they will account for a maximum of 20 pts each time. Hand written journals will automatically lose 10 points. Your weekly journals and activities will be a part of your learning portfolio. 3. Reaction Cards: Purpose – to communicate effectively with the instructor and react to your college experience by examining the history of your study strategies, and analyze how these strategies can be improved to create further success as a future college student. These 5-point reaction cards will be completed in the last class session every week. Therefore, you have to stay until the end of class to gain your points for the week. If you are unable to attend that day then you are responsible for completing 2 reaction cards for the following week. If you have not attended class for three consecutive weeks, you will not be able to make up those reaction cards. Twelve (12) reaction cards will be assigned. Think about the material we cover and respond in FIRST PERSON, keeping these three questions in mind: 1) What did I learn? 2) How did the information relate to my past learning? And 3) How can I use the information in my future learning ? 4 4. PORTFOLIO -- (You do 5 pieces worth 10 points each = 50+(10) POINTS TOTAL). This is an ongoing display of your application of knowledge and strategies from this course to other courses you’re taking this term. Complete guidelines will be distributed and discussed in class. The final portfolio may be discussed individually with me at any time. I will provide up to 10 points extra on the basis of the overall professional quality of your work based in neatness, appearance, cohesion and format. For example, handwritten units will receive less credit than those typed in standard formats, and units that include color or additional materials will receive more credit than those that do not. HOWEVER, the “professional quality” score is only 10 points of 50. Put your emphasis on completing a unit per month and try to submit them in groups of two or three between weeks 5 and 15. Do this to avoid a big load of work at the end of the term. 5. Lab Work: Reading lab work and CAI lab work play an integral part in this course. Grades are assigned from the tutor based on motivation and attendance – NOT PROGRESS. Any material covered in tutoring can and will be on your exams. 6. Note-taking Project: Several note-taking strategies will be reviewed during the course. You will be required to use four different note-taking strategies and apply them to one of your other courses. 7. Exams: Three 100 – point exams are given in this course (Exam 3 during finals week). Study guides may be provided prior to the exam. The assumption is that you have been keeping up with coursework, readings, and reviewing notes throughout the semester. The study guide is ONLY to be used as a guide – to help focus your studies. There may be additional material covered on the exam that is not on the study guide. You will have 50 minutes to complete each exam (exam 3 will be allotted 2 hours per University policy). Do NOT ARRIVE LATE on exam day. Once the first student has completed the exam and left the room, no other student will be permitted to START the exam. You will receive a 0 for that exam if you arrive after the first student has left. 8. Extra Credit: Extra Credit assignments will be available to everyone and will be announced throughout the semester. Here is some of your already available extra credit for you to do: a) Diagnostic Exams (Pre –Post). Upon successful completion of your tests you will automatically receive 10 extra credit points, granted there is an at least 50% success rate on each one. b) Student Success Workshops. You can attend one of the student success workshops located on the back of the semester calendar. You must obtain an attendance verification slip from the facilitator and write up a short paragraph on what you learned/did in the workshop. You can receive up to a maximum of 5 pts for turning in the slip and paragraph (typed). You can receive extra credit for a maximum of 4 workshops. c) Student Intercultural Awareness: During the semester you will be given two opportunities to meet and discuss with international students, learning English within various level of education and skill. Upon completion of specific objectives, which will be shared later in the semester, the student will receive a maximum of 20pts. 5 Tentative Course Schedule (The Instructor has the right to modify and change the syllabus, through the semester as needed, based on student’s progress) WEEK DATES Week 1 1/11 – 1/13 Week 2 Topics/Modules Icebreakers, Overview of Course, Syllabus Preface and Introduction – Using MAPS for Quality Learning and Life ( p. 1-9) **Diagnostic Pre-test** 1/18 – 1/20 University Closed: Monday January 18th (Martin Luther King Day) Week 3 1/25 – 1/27 * First Week of Reading/CAI Labs Week 4 2/01 – 2/03 Week 5 2/08– 2/10 Reading / Learning Portfolio Assignments** RSS Student Background Survey Read Preface and Introduction (p. 1-9) Bring book, #2 pencil and student i.d to class Module 13 Resources Beyond the Classroom (p. 357-374) Read Module 13 ( p. 357-374) Do Activity 13.4 (p. 366 ) Module 9 Reading For Quality Learning (p.243 – 270) Read Module 9, (p. 243 - 270) Do Journal Entry 9.1 (p.244) **First week of tutoring** Module 4 The Practice of CAAP for Quality Learners (p. 119-136) * Reaction Card 1* Read Module 4 ( p.119-136) Do Activity 4.1 (p. 122 ) Module 2 Learning to Study: The Art and Science of YOU (p. 47-82) Read Module 2 (p. 47-82) Do Journal Entry 2.2 (p.52) Module 1 Studying to Learn: A science and an Art (p. 13-46) Module 1 continued … Exam #1: Read Module 1 (p. 13-46) Do Activity 1.2 (p.22-24) * Reaction Card 3* Read Module 1 continued … Review for EXAM 1 * Reaction Card 2* Preface/Intro, 13 , 9, 4, 3, 2, 1 Week 6 2/15 – 2/17 Week 7 2/22 – 2/24 Module 3 Strategies For Quality Learners: Be Your Own SPECIAL MENTOR (p.83-117) Module 5 A Quality Foundation (p.137-165) 6 Read Module 3 (p.83-117) Do Activity 3.5 (p.94-95) * Reaction Card 4* Read Module 5 (p.137-165) Do Journal Entry 5.5 (p.152-153) * Reaction Card 5* Week 8 Week 9 2/29 – 3/01 3/7 -3/9 Week 10 3/14 – 3/16 Week 11 3/21 – 3/23 Module 6 Taking Notes from Text: Making your Own Study Guide (p. 167-192) Spring Break Period: Monday, March 7, 2016 through Sunday, March 13, 2016 Read Module 6 (p. 167-192) Module 7 Taking Lecture Notes (p. 193-209) Read Module 7 (p. 193-209) Week 13 4/4 – 4/6 REST 😌 Note Taking Project DUE * Reaction Card 7* Read Module 8 (p. 211-242) Do Activity / Journal 8.1 (p. 215) Do Activity / Journal 8.2 (p.217) Module 8 Test Prep & Test Anxiety (p. 211-242) **Mid-term Exam II** (3,5,6,7,8) Week 12 3/28 -3/30 * Reaction Card 6* Review Activities for Midterm Exam * Reaction Card 8* Read Module 10 (p. 271-296) Module 10 Reading to Learn (p. 271-296) Do Activity / Journal 10.1 (p.274) * Reaction Card 9* Module 12 Reading Tune Up (p.329-355) Read Module 12 (p.329-355) Do Activity 12.1 (p. 331-332) * Reaction Card 10* Week 14 4/11 – 4/13 ** Last week of CAI **(if attended 10 sessions) Module 11 Structure: Anatomy of reading a Text (p. 299-327) Week 15 4/18 – 4/20 ** Writing Center Tour** Module 14 Reading to Research & Write (p. 375- 391) Read Module 11 (p. 299-327) *Reaction Card 11 * Learning Portfolio DUE Read Module 14 ( p. 375 – 391) *Reaction Card 12 * **POST TEST Diagnostic Test ** Week 16 4/25 – 4/27 Individual Conferences Learning Portfolio Presentation/review Review for Final Exam Week 17 5/2 – 5/4 **Final EXAM** --- This syllabus is available at: -- 7 Grade Sheet Name: ______________________ Please keep track of all of your points earned AND keep all graded work/exams until final grades have been posted. Please place this grade sheet in the introduction portion of your learning portfolio. Attendance/Participation: _____/200 Tutoring: CAI Lab Reaction Cards RC 1 ____/5 RC 2 ____/5 RC 3 ____/5 RC 4 ____/5 RC 5 ____/5 RC 6 ____/5 RC 7 RC 8 RC 9 RC 10 RC 11 RC 12 Journal Entries JE 1 ____/20 JE 2 ____/20 JE 3 ____/20 JE 4 ____/20 JE 5 ____/20 JE 6 ____/20 ____/5 ____/5 ____/5 ____/5 ____/5 ____/5 Projects: Note-taking Portfolio Exams Extra Credit _____/50 Reading Lab ____ /10 + JE JE JE JE _____/50 7 8 9 10 ____/20 ____/20 ____/20 ____/20 ______/40 ______/50 Exam 1 Exam 2 *Exam 3 _____/100 _____/100 _____/100 ____ /20 + ____ /10 + TOTAL ____ /10 => ____ / 50 /1000 * Students who have a grade of “A” prior to Exam #3 are exempt from taking Exam #3. Any student who does not have a grade of A prior to Exam #3 is expected to complete the final/3rd exam. You must have at least 660 points prior to Finals Week to earn a grade of A in the course. Final Grading Scale: A = 850 - 1000 B = 700-850 C = 550 - 700 NC = 549 & below Non-Attendance F = If the candidate fails to attend and/or complete the majority of assignments a grade of nonattendance F will be assigned. 8