MODULE TITLE: Multimedia MODULE CODE: BUS020N552A MODULE CONVENER: Florian Stephens Learning Outcomes supported for this assignment: Students who successfully complete this module will be able to: 1. 2. Analyse and evaluate essential facts, concepts and principles of mixed and linear media design. Produce a design for a short news piece or promotional product placement, together with a critical analysis of its practical effectiveness using an appropriate methodology. 3. Implement a media presentation using an industry standard audio visual package. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of software packages for the manipulation of different form of communication (text, image, animation, audio and video) and the principles on which they have developed. 5. Communicate information and analysis in various forms, to specialists and non‐specialists audiences regarding a variety of multimedia applications. 6. Develop and understanding of 2D & 3D Animation. 7. Critically evaluate common graphical primitives. 8. Critically evaluate different approaches to animation. 9. Investigate the use of basic features of 3D animation using freely available software and acquire an understanding of an industry standard package such as 3D Studio Max. 10. Understand the principles of cinematography. Practical Assignment Assignment weighting total: 70% Assignment Title & Topic ‘Create a short mixed media movie artifact’ The assignment consists of six deliverables (see table below for weightings) which are to be submitted incrementally over one term and are designed to help you in creating the main piece of work (task 6) which is an original movie. The movie must be either: a) A factual or News story – Short bulletin or Brief Documentary b) A product promotion or marketing advert – Advertisement or product placement / marketing piece Technical Content The movie must contain at least 2 types of digital media – for example: 2D animation 3D animation Film / video Kinetic Typography (animated text) All films must include sound; this can be via voiceover and / or a music soundtrack. Important deadlines and Deliverables Task Description / Deliverables Weighting Deadline 1 5 (additional marks) 03.10.2013 5 11.11.2013 5 18.11.2013 10 Completed weekly 10 13.12.2013 Industry Analysis 2 Script 3 Students must provide a written script containing a brief synopsis of the movie, a scene and shot break down and description of any, movement, actions, expression and dialogues of characters or objects (graphical). Timings should also be given. The script should be submitted electronically via moodle. A more detailed break down of this task will be given in class. Storyboard 4 At the start of the module you will be given a research task in which you will need to find research and discuss ‘3 outstanding examples of multimedia’ via a written report handed directly to the tutor in week 2 and a brief presentation of the examples found in the workshop. Students must create a Storyboard, which displays a number of hand drawn frames or illustrations showing a visual organizer of the script. The storyboard should contain timings and scene breakdown. A more detailed break down of this task will be given in the preceding class. Production Blog Please note that at the start of the module students must setup a blog using a freely available blogging platform such as wordpress and blogger. The 5 It needs to show planning, production and contain the final artifact when it is handed in. Academic Report A written report citing academic / cultural historical influences and how they informed the final movie. As well as a reflection upon the production process, successes and failures, and where the final artifact ‘sits’ within the media industry. The report is handed in with the finished movie file. 6 Final Movie Artifact Main details above The Movie must be between 60 – 180 seconds long The Movie must contain a title page – a screen with the name of the student and module The Movie must contain a credit list at the end (if required) The Movie must be a Resolution of standard definition or 1024x576 The Movie must be delivered as a movie file – H.264 Mpeg 4 full quality The Movie must be delivered as a movie file on a DVD disk The Movie must be uploaded to a you tube / vimeo site and embedded into a Production Blog 40 13.12.2013