Chapter 10 - Gordon State College

Promoting Health
Feldman: Modules 4-3 4-4
Santrock: Chapters 3 & 4
Assessing Health
The Bio-psycho-social Model
• Biological: body, brain, genetic factors
• Psychological: Lack of self-control,
emotional turmoil, negative
thinking/emotions, emotional stress
• Social: social, economic, technological,
religious aspects of cultures
Influences on Physical Growth &
Infectious disease
Childhood injuries
Emotional well-being
• Infants need about 50 calories per pound
per day: about twice the nutritional needs
of adults
• Breast feeding is better than formula and
is recommended by the American
Academy of Pediatrics for up to one year
Advantages of breast feeding
Correct balance of fat & protein
Protects against disease & tooth
Easily digested
Better cognitive development &
visual acuity
Breast feeding lowers risk of:
later obesity
infections including diarrhea
and otitis media
cancer & breast cancer in
• Why mothers don’t breast feed.
– Inability
– Ignorance
– Inconvenience
– Illness (e.g., AIDS)
– Use of drugs
• leads to smaller body size
• leads to learning & behavior problems
Attention, fine motor coord., IQ scores (effects
may be long-term or permanent.)
More of a problem in developing countries
Marasmus and Kwashiorkor
due to insufficient calorie intake
shrunken, wasted appearance
protein deficiency
feet and abdomen swell with water
Malnutrition in Childhood:
United States
Some studies found iron, zinc, &
vitamin D deficiencies
WIC – Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for Women ,
Infants, and Children (7,500,000
low-income participants)
Teenage Nutrition
Overall poor
Iron deficiency most common
Calcium deficiency due to bone growth
Obese children do not outgrow weight
• Adolescent girls - fad dieting
• Obesity also a problem
Anorexia Nervosa
• Usually begins early to middle teens
• Starts with serious dieting & life stress.
• Most are female, high SES, white
• Competitive & high achieving
• Suffer malnutrition
• 6% die of physical complications or suicide
• Family therapy most successful treatment
Anorexia Nervosa
• Weigh less than 85% of normal for age
and height
• Intense fear of gaining weight that does
not decrease with weight loss
• Distorted image of body shape. Appear
fat to themselves even when very thin.
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge and purge pattern
Fear of overweight
Depressed & anxious
90% women
Damage throat, stomach, teeth
Some perfectionists, lack self-control
Guilty and desperate to get help
About 70% recover
Obesity: U. S. & Western Nations
There has been a marked rise in obesity in the
U.S. and other Western nations.
Percentage doubled since 1980;
quadrupled since 1965
U.S. may have 2nd highest rate
15% of U.S. children 6-11 overweight
Less common in African American than
white children; trend reverses in
Consequences of Obesity
• Problems with social acceptance
• Stereotyped as lazy, sloppy, ugly, stupid,
self-doubting, deceitful
• Depressed, unhappy, bullied
• Risk for high blood pressure, cholesterol,
adult-onset diabetes, gallbladder disease,
some cancers, early death, sleep apnea,
hip problems
Treating Obesity
• Individual/clinical programs work best
(not school based)
• Exercise is key
• Moderate calorie restriction produces
best long-term results
• Behavioral therapy (e.g., keeping food
diaries) also effective
Nutrition Adult Dieting
• People who lost weight and maintain the
loss become less depressed and reduce
health risks.
• Studies comparing weight-loss programs
shows about equal effectiveness.
• The most effective programs include
• Yo-Yo dieting may increase health risks.
Nutrition: Vitamins & Aging
• Those who take supplements show
improved health & physical functioning
• Protein supplements may increase muscle
• Taking prescription drugs changes
nutritional needs, rates of absorption
• Effective doses, side-effects not known
Nutrition: Vitamins & Aging
• Antioxidants (A,C, beta carotene) may
slow aging & improve older adult health
• Vitamin C deficiency associated with
earlier death
• Vitamin E associated with reduced heart
• Calcium, vitamin D delay osteoporosis.
• Zinc, B6, C, and E improve immune
• B vitamins improve cognitive function
• Only 22 % of U.S. children in grades 412 are physically active for at least 30
minutes every day.
• Television & computer games are part
of the problem.
• Also other lifestyle issues
• The problem tends to increase as
children become adolescents.
Physical Education
• The average American school child
gets only 20 minutes of physical
education per week.
• Informal games should be
emphasized rather than organized
Exercise - Adulthood
• Only 15-20% of Americans get 20
minutes of exercise 5 times per week.
• Experts recommend that adults engage
in 45 minutes or more of moderate
physical activity on most or all days.
• Some experts stress aerobic exercise –
sustained activity that stimulates heart &
lung function (jogging, cycling,
Exercise & Longevity
• In one study, people who were less fit
were more likely to die during the 8-year
course of the study.
• In another study of people in their 40s to
the 80s, beginning an exercise program
was associated with a 23% lower risk of
Benefits of Exercise
• enhances the immune system.
• reduces body fat and builds muscle.
• linked with reduced rates of cancer,
especially colon cancer.
• strengthens the heart muscle and
produces HDL cholesterol
• reduces anxiety and depression, improves
mood, and enhances alertness and
Exercise & Aging
• Strength training as well as aerobic exercise is
recommended for older adults.
• Endurance training produces gains in vital
capacity to age 80 (oldest tested).
• Weight-bearing exercise promotes muscle size
and strength, blood flow to muscles to age 90
(oldest tested).
• Exercise increases blood circulation to the brain
& reduces cognitive declines.
Exercise & Aging (Singh, 2000)
Minimizes aging, contributes to health
Optimize body composition (muscle v. fat)
Prevents common diseases
Improves treatment of some diseases
Helps prevent & treat disabilities
Counteracts side-effects of standard medical
• Linked to increased longevity
• Smoking is related to many deaths
– 30% of cancer deaths
– 21% of heart disease deaths
– 82% of chronic pulmonary disease deaths
Substance Use & Abuse
• By HS graduation, 22 % of teens
smoke, 60% have engaged in heavy
drinking at least once, 50+% have
experimented with illegal drugs
• Experimenters usually quit
• Abusers are more likely to be troubled
and tend to become addicted
• Decreases delivery of oxygen to tissues
– Limited night vision, skin wrinkling, loss of bone mass,
lower sperm count, male impotence
• Causes heart rate and blood pressure to rise
• Increased risks of heart attack, stroke, and cancer of
the mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, lungs,
pancreas, kidneys, and bladder
• Considered the single most important preventable
cause of death in industrialized nations
Substance Abuse
• Half of all smokers have quit. U.S. men
50% in 1965 to 25%.
• Most of the drop is among college
• Decline among high-school students, but
smoking among college students has risen.
• Link between smoking and mortality is dose
Trends in Drug Use: University of Michigan
Institute for Survey Research
• Drug use among high-school students in the
U.S. declined (1980s), increased (1990s),
and has recently leveled off.
• U.S. still has the highest rate of adolescent
drug use of any industrialized nation.
• Increasing abuse of prescription and OTC
medications (oxycontin, vicodin, adderal)
How Can Drug Use be Prevented?
• Parental involvement
– Setting limits
– Monitoring
• Early risk factors (kindergarten)
– Male
– Substance-abusing parent
– Low level of parental reasoning
– Low level of problem-solving skills
Drinking in College & Early
• Almost half of U.S. college students
drink heavily.
• They report problems with missed
classes, grades, the police, physical
injuries, & unprotected sex
• About 44% binge drink, including 70%
living away from home
• 13 million people in the U.S. are
– Yearly 25.000 people are killed and 1.5
million injured by drunk drivers
– Alcohol is implicated in 65% of aggressive
acts by males against females
Substance abuse slows by mid-20s
• College students drink more than their age
• Those who don’t attend college smoke more.
• Singles use marijuana more than married.
• Drinking is heaviest among singles and
• Religious people are less likely to take