Curriculum Letter years 1/2 & 2 Autumn 2014

Fiction: Stimulus- ‘Silly Billy’, ‘Operation Night Monster’
Character description
Comprehension- answering questions about the text
Sentence construction
Punctuation including full stops and capital letters
Using conjunctions including ‘and’.
Expanded noun phrases
Letter writing
Writing a new ending for a story
Write own story based on experiences
Identify favourite lines from a range of poems
Identify simple rhythm and rhyme
Decide on suitable vocabulary choices within a poem
Identify patterns in poetry
Produce a class performance of a poem
Create and evaluate own poem
Non-fiction: Stimulus- ‘All about Orang-utans’
Ask questions about a text
Collecting facts
Research another animal and present findings
Using imperative verbs and recognise how they are used
in command and instruction
Design and write own non-fiction book or report
Make book or report into and eBook- on the computer
Live Unit:
Write news reports as ‘newshounds’
Read and discuss new stories
Write news reports to develop writing skills
Use past tense and noun phrases to write captions
Write questions using punctuation- capital letters and
question marks
Edit, proof read and publish work
Discuss success of news stories
Number and place value in tens and units
Mentally calculate +, -, x, ÷ questions.
Properties of 2D and 3D shape
Use Carroll diagrams to record findings
Use, order and record amounts of money in £ and p
Use position and direction including N, E, S, W.
Measure using length and height in any direction.
To know 2,5 and 10 times tables to 10x10
From A to B...
1/2 & 2NS
Autumn Term 2014/2015
What human and physical features do we have at school
Journey to school what human and physical things to you
pass on way to school
Use directional language to plot a journey
Create train journey around country using maps and atlas
Find differences in ways cars and trains travel
locate 7 continents and 5 oceans
characteristics of Eng, Ire, Scot, Wales and capital cities
of UK and surrounding seas
Weather- seasons, daily patterns, hot and cold areas in
relation to equator and north and south poles
Timeline of car manufacturing
Comparing old and new transport
Research about aeroplanes and Concord
Label parts of a plane
Debate strengths and weaknesses of a commercial
Evolution of trains including inventor George Stephenson
Comparing George Stephenson to invention of Google car
Celebrating milestones in transport invention.
Science- Materials
Identify materials
Similarities and differences between properties of
Investigate most suitable material to patch a hole in a
boat to make it float
Create a fair test to decide how to make and fly a paper
Forces- using pushes and pulls to move objects
PSHCE- Golden Rules
What would make our classroom a happy classroom?
Sign the class charter
Why do we need rules?
What are our school rules?
What rules do we have at home?
What rules do grown-ups have?
Seal: Getting on and Falling Out
What makes a good friend? Read and respond to ‘Rani and
Leroy’s’ story
Giving and receiving compliments
Points of view and accepting others points of view
Listening to and accepting others views to make up
Plan, make and evaluate a clay medal to present to George
Stephenson ‘The Father of Railways’
Explore materials, tools and products to produce a mode
of transport- use Kinect to make chassis
Create badge for transport using ICT
BMW ‘expression of Joy’ – painting with tyres
Boat collage in style of Turner/ Monet
Portrait of famous transport inventors
Paint transport scene in style of famous artist
Futuristic painting to capture speed and movement
Design new vehicle/ mode of transport
RE- Belonging
What does it mean to belong to a family?
Why is it important to have values and rules in school?
What are similarities and differences between Christian
and Jewish believers and you?
Why does someone have a special book?
What are the different ways you can show forgiveness to
Harvest- Why is Harvest a special time for Christians?
Diwali- What happens at Diwali?
Christmas- Why is Christmas a special time for Christians?
Gymnastics- balancing and movement
Dance (Wednesday afternoon)