Literacy Fiction: Stimulus- ‘Class Two at the Zoo’,’ Aaaarrgghh Spider’ ‘Who’s our new teacher? Orally retell stories Predict how stories will end Composing sentences orally Composing and writing sentences Sentence construction Punctuation including full stops and capital letters Using conjunctions including ‘and’. Comprehension – answering questions about a text Sequencing sentences to form a narrative Poetry: Stimulus- ‘Sensational senses’ Use their senses to explore weather, mud and the playground Develop vocabulary both real and invented words to describe how they feel Link what they hear and read to their own experiences Recognise and join in with repeated or predictable parts of a poem Construct sentences to describe how things feel and sound Plan and write short narratives and poems Recite a poem as a group Non-fiction: Stimulus- ‘Who Lives Here?’ Using a map to sequence and ask questions about the book Learn about the different uses of capital letters Composing factual sentences about animals Writing a nature diary Live Unit: Read and recite a variety of poems Add actions and expression into their performances Learn poems by heart Perform poems as a whole class and in small groups to an audience Numeracy Count up to 20 objects; count on and back and order numbers to 10; recognise domino/dice arrays without counting; identify a number 1 more Read and write numbers and number names to 20 Find number bonds to make 5 and 10 Properties of 2D and 3D shape Use position and direction forwards, backwards, left and right Measure using length and height in any direction. To know 2,5 and 10 times tables to 10x10 From A to B... 1LH Autumn Term 2014/2015 Geography What human and physical features do we have at school Journey to school what human and physical things to you pass on way to school Use directional language to plot a journey Create train journey around country using maps and atlas Find differences in ways cars and trains travel locate 7 continents and 5 oceans characteristics of eng, ire, scot, wales and capital cities of UK and surrounding seas Weather- seasons, daily patterns, hot and cold areas in relation to equator and north and south poles History Timeline of car manufacturing Comparing old and new transport Research about aeroplanes and Concord Label parts of a plane Evolution of trains including inventor George Stephenson Comparing George Stephenson to invention of Google car Celebrating milestones in transport invention. Science- Materials Identify materials Similarities and differences between properties of materials Investigate most suitable material to patch a hole in a boat to make it float Create a fair test to decide how to make and fly a paper aeroplane Forces- using pushes and pulls to move objects PSHCE- Golden Rules What would make our classroom a happy classroom? Sign the class charter Why do we need rules? What are our school rules? What rules do we have at home? What rules do grown-ups have? Seal: New beginnings Belonging Self-awareness Managing Feelings Understanding other’s feelings Making choices Anti-Bullying D&T Plan, make and evaluate a clay medal to present to George Stephenson ‘The Father of Railways’ Explore materials, tools and products to produce a mode of transport- use Kinect to make chassis Create badge for transport using ICT BMW ‘expression of Joy’ – painting with tyres Boat collage in style of Turner/ Monet Portrait of famous transport inventors Paint transport scene in style of famous artist Futuristic painting to capture speed and movement Design new vehicle/ mode of transport Art RE- Ourselves – Who am I? What makes us special? Christian family celebrations Baptism Jewish naming ceremony Other special people Religious figure: Jesus, Minister, Rabi Stories from the Bible Harvest- Why is Harvest a special time for Christians? Diwali- What happens at Diwali? Christmas- Why is Christmas a special time for Christians? PE Gymnastics- flight: jumping, turns and spins, creating a sequence of movements Dance (Wednesday afternoon) Homework will be given out on a Friday and to be returned on a Wednesday. Tasks and activities will have either a Literacy, Maths or Topic Focus. Reading at home 3 times a week please. PE is on Monday afternoons, please ensure all children bring their PE kit on a Monday (to be kept at school all week and sent home on Fridays). All jewellery must be removed. Earrings removed if possible or plasters provided to cover them during PE lessons.