Biology Syllabus Teacher: Ms. Dang Cell: 562-726

Biology Syllabus
Teacher: Ms. Dang
Cell: 562-726-3445 (text first)
School: 323-584-3871
Course Description:
Biology is a rigorous and demanding course, which is the equivalent of an introductory college biology
course. Biology is devoted to the study of living things and their processes. Throughout the year this course
provides and opportunity for students to develop scientific process skills, laboratory techniques, and an
understanding of the fundamental principles of living organisms. Students will explore biological science as
a process, cell structure, and function, genetics and heredity, evolution and classification, diversity of living
organisms and their ecological roles, and an introduction to animal structure and function. An end of course
test (CST) will be administered in May, which covers objectives for both semesters. The course is designed
around the State of California’s academic standards for Biology.
The following topics will be covered in this semester course.
Cell Biology
Genetic Variations and Evolution
Protein Synthesis
Mutations and Biotechnology
Human Physiology
Meiosis and Fertilization
Immune System
 Teach students practical scientific skills, which they can use to investigate, study and
explain the world around them.
 Gives student a deeper understanding of how biology impact their daily lives
 For each student to achieve the California CST Standards for High School Biology.
 To encourage the spirit of scientific investigation and with it the attitudes of accuracy
in thought and work.
Class Expectations:
1. Students are expected to be RESPECTFUL of the rights of others. Raise your hand before
speaking. Be quiet while others are talking. Respect all property in this classroom! If it’s not
2. Students are expected to follow the school rules and codes. (See the SSJ School Student
Handbook for information and school policies.)
3. Come to class on time and regularly
4. If you anticipate being absent for one or more instructional days, please inform me ahead
of time and ask your parents to email me or write me a note about this absence.
5. Bring all your school supplies with you to class- sharpened pencil (s), blue/black pen (s),
notebook, erasers, sharpeners, book, glue stick, color pencils, etc.
6. Keep your bags behind your chairs (no bags/purse should be visible on the table/floor.
7. Do the day’s warm-up and copy the day’s agenda during the first 5 minutes of class
8. Sit in your assigned seats only.
9. During class instruction and transition you are expected to FOLLOW all CHAMPs for
Warm-up, Direct Instruction, Independent Work/Test/Quizzes, and Group work. (Please refer
to the wall in front of the class)
10. Material from C305 should stay in C305. Do not take them with you when you leave.
11. Turn off all phones and electronic devices. (If taken away, your parents will have to come
in and pick it up from me directly)
12. Keep the lab room and tables clean at all time. Throw away all your trash in the trash bin,
13. Write your name, grade level, block and date on all work turned in. (Any “NO NAME”
will be thrown away)
14. Completed homework is collected at the door. (NOT DONE IN CLASS)
15. Late work will be accepted only when accompanied by written notes, or under special
16. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to ASK for makeup work. (I WILL NOT
17. Written excused notes must be presented when taking makeup exams/quizzes
18. You have the opportunity to RE-TAKE an exam that you failed or scored very low one
week after the exam has been given. (you only have one chance to make it up, SO STUDY or
come for tutoring)
19. Interactive notebooks will be collected and evaluated two times every semester. (TABLE
OF CONTENT is checked everyday at the door. NO STAMP NO GO!)
20. Grades are updated regularly. (Check the DATA WALL in the back of the room). BE
RESPONSIBLE for missing work.
21. Cheating/Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated!
22. Expect yourself to SUCCEED!
23. If you need help, ASK! If you don’t understand, ASK! If something is wrong, ASK! If
you need anything, ASK!
Attendance is an ESSENTIAL part of learning! Students are responsible for missing work
when they return from an absence. It is YOUR responsibility to see me as soon as possible. I
will not hunt you down to make up work. Also, if you are absent the day before a known
assignment is due; you will still be responsible for that assignment on that returning day!
(test, projects, etc.)
Class Rules:
1. Be on time
2. Be Respectful
3. Always be prepared
4. Follow the CHAMPs
5. Come to class with an open mind
1. 1st Verbal Warning
2. 2nd Parent Contact and Detention/Reflection Paper (3 pages)
3. 3rd Sent to Office with Referral and Detention
Class Requirements and Materials:
**1.180-200 sheet Spiral Notebook
(8 ½” X 11” ONLY-make sure you
check the SIZE!! (College/Wide
Rule)** (you will need a new one for
2nd semester)
2. 1 ½ - 3 inch Ring Binder
3. Black/Blue Pen
4. Highlighters
5. Markers
6. Erasers
7. Sharpened Pencils w/ Hand Sharpener
/Mechanical Pencils w/ lead (your
8. Glue sticks (3)
9. Crayons/color pencils (your choice)
10. Flash drive
California McDougal Littell Biology, by Stephen Nowicki
ClassZone resources provide students with extra support with instruction, practice, and learning
(Text Book is YOUR Responsibility!)
Textbooks will be provided for each student for the semester.
You are responsible for the care of your textbook and the return before the final exam in the
same condition as you received it. If the textbook is not returned at this time, students will be
charged a replacement fee).
The grades reported may be interpreted as follows:
93-100 A – Mark of distinction
83-92 B – Very creditable work
74-82 C – Average work
64-73 D – Below average
0-63 F – Failing; no credit given
***ASSESSMENTS (Major Exams/Quizzes)
***Labs Reports
***Notebook Check and participation
100 %
Note: Rubrics will be used to evaluate most assignments and projects.
Interactive Notebook:
In this class you will be required to keep all assignments in your Interactive Notebook. If
the assignment is not finished by the assignment date it can be completed by the
notebook check date for reduced credit. If you are caught cheating the assignment,
test, or project; you will be given a zero and no make-up will be allowed.
Labs will constitute at least 20% of the course work. The biology curriculum includes more
emphasis on inquiry-based labs, which means you will design your own experimental procedures
for a significant number of labs. In order to have as authentic a lab experience as possible, you
will have a section in the back of your interactive notebook to record procedures and
observations during labs. All labs will be done in pen. If you make a mistake, cross out (do not
scribble out) the information and rewrite. In the scientific work, lab notebooks are considered
legal documents and all information must be accessible. Formal lab write-ups will be completed
for each lab. You will turn in the formal write up, but keep your lab notebook. Lab notebooks
will be reviewed for a grade twice a semester.
Homework should be completed every night. Usually it will consist of reading assignments,
viewing lecture videos, taking notes, finish labs, projects, etc. Even if a formal assignment is not
given, you are expected to spend time reviewing content each night. Biology is a challenging
class and cannot be just picked up during class time. You need to invest the time outside of class
to be successful in class.
We will have unit tests at the end of each unit which will consist of multiple choice and free
response. Tests are large parts of your grade (similar to a college course) and it is important that
you are prepared for them. Keeping current with lessons throughout the semester will help with
test preparation. THERE IS A CST BIOLOGY EXAM at the end of the year, so DO NOT
Restroom/Locker/Drink Policy:
Students will be provided 2 passes (stamps) a month. You must have your planner in order to
Science classes often involve hands-on laboratory activities. Many labs will involve potentially
hazardous chemicals and materials. I refer to them as potentially hazardous because they are only
hazardous if used inappropriately. There is no place in my class for unsafe use of materials.
Thus, you will need to either be safe or be out. You must read this contract carefully and have
your parents read it. You will keep this in your notebook for reference and sign the contract to
turn in to me.
General guidelines
1. Conduct yourself responsibly at all times.
2. Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully. Ask questions if you do not understand.
3. Do not touch any equipment or materials before instructed to do so.
5. Never start the lab unless you have received prior approval from me.
6. Always read and complete the pre-lab before you perform the lab.
7. Keep your work area neat and clean at all times!
8. Never leave liquid-filled containers uncovered.
9. Know the location and operation of all safety equipment.
10. Do not run, shout, or throw things in the lab.
11. Notify me if an unsafe condition exists in the classroom.
12. Dispose of all chemicals properly. I will instruct you about how to dispose of specific
13. Keep your hands away from your face while doing labs. Also, always wash your hands after
the clean-up is complete.
14. Rinse out all glassware and leave it to dry in the designated locations.
15. Stay at your lab bench with your lab group during labs.
16. Carry sharps appropriately; tips down and away.
17. You will not be dismissed from class until lab stations are clean.
18. Immediately report ALL injuries, no matter how minor, to me.
19. Use the eyewash or shower if you are splashed with a chemical. Always assume that the
chemicals are hazardous.
20. Use caution when using the hot plates; remember they are hot even though the top is white.
21. Never leave a hot burner unattended.
22. Never look directly into a container that is being heated, observe from the side
1. Goggles and aprons must be worn when instructed
2. Only close-toed shoes may be worn on lab days. No loose clothing or jewelry
3. Tie long hair behind your head.
Handling Chemicals
1. Consider all lab chemicals to be hazardous.
2. Double check the label before using a chemical
3. Take only the amount of chemical you will use.
4. Never let a chemical near your mouth.
5. Never remove chemicals or other materials from the lab.
6. Always hold chemical bottles with two hands when transporting them.
Handling Glassware
1. Be cautious will all glass/Pyrex equipment. Never use chipped glassware.
2. Never handle broken glass. If a piece of glassware breaks, notify me immediately and I will
dispose of it.
3. You will be responsible for paying for excessive broken equipment (i.e. microscopes slides =
no, glass graduated cylinders = yes!)
Parent/Student Acknowledgment
The purpose of the Biology Parent/Student Contract is to provide information to parents and
students and to facilitate students’ success in an academically challenging course. Please read
carefully the syllabus, lab safety contract, and the list of expectations below, then sign the form
at the bottom confirming your understanding and commitment to Biology.
Expectations of Biology students:
1. I recognize that participation in Biology requires me to:
a. Demonstrate increased student independence
b. Take on a high degree of responsibility
c. Meet higher standards than other high school classes
2. I understand that Biology is the equivalent of a introductory college level biology course and
therefore, requires the same amount of work as a college level biology course (approximately 3
hours of independent study for each hour of class).
3. I understand that late work will NOT be accepted (unless with a written parent note or special
circumstances). All assignments will be completed and ready to turn in BEFORE I get to class.
4. I understand that between labs, lectures and reviews, there is really no way to make up a
missed class lab, therefore, it is essential that I attend every class and am prepared to participate.
a. Missed labs cannot be made up and will receive a zero
b. Missed tests will be made up the day of return to class and will be in essay form.
c. Absences for non-academic school activities (pep rally set up, choir rehearsal, blood drives,
etc..) will NOT be permitted
d. If I must be absent due to illness or family emergency, I am responsible for making up work
within the accepted time frame (one day per day absent)
5. I understand that in order to cover everything that may appear on the AP Biology National
Exam, this course must proceed at a rapid pace. Therefore, if I must attend review sessions and
complete all class work to prepare
6. I recognize that the material covered in AP Biology is extremely challenging. I also recognize
that while my grade in this course and the score I receive on the AP exam matter, the amount and
quality of knowledge I take from this class to college is most important.
7. I recognize that I am responsible for my own learning and success in class, not my parents,
teacher, advisor, or friends. I will advocate for myself if I have concerns about my grade or need
help with content.
8. I understand that lab safety is of extreme importance and I will abide by all safety rules. I
realize that if I am not following procedures I may be removed from the lab and receive a zero
with no opportunity to make it up. I also understand that I will be held financially responsible for
broken equipment and promise to work with caution.
Please return the top portion to Ms. Dang by your next class meeting
I have read, understand, and will abide by the student expectations and the lab safety
contract. I have read the course syllabus and confirm my commitment to this class. I
understand the summer assignment and will complete all work by the due dates.
Student name ___________________ (printed)
Student signature__________________________________________ Date: ____________
Parent signature___________________________________________ Date : ___________
Please Print
Name of Parent/Guardian: ______________________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________
Cell Contact #: __________________________________
Home #:________________________________________
Work Phone #: __________________________________
Best Time to call: ______________am/pm
Preferred method of Contact:________________________________
---------------------------------------------Tear Off for your Records------------------------------------
Instructor: Ms. Tracy Dang
Room: C305
Phone: 323-584-3871
Cell: 562-726-3445 (Text First)