Vodacom ICASA Project - Smart Schools Network

Umlazi District
Vodacom Connectivity
Project: 2014
District ICT Update
New District website www.umlazi.districts.education
District eCommunication Platform: www.umlaziict.webs.com
New approach to District ICT support (Circular No. 3 of 2014)
ICT Integration Guideline Document (Draft)
School ICT Strategy (ICT Champion, ICT Circuit Activities, Challenges)
eWaste and Donations
ICT Audit (District/Head Office)
Important Documents (SAConnect, White Paper 7, Action Plan 2014)
Feedback on school related ICT issues by Principals
The aim of the Project is to provide
connectivity to schools…
26x Tablets
1x Laptop
1x Data Projector
1x IWB
2x Printers
1x Mobile Trolley
1x WAP unit
1x Server
It must cover a 200 meter radius
Access is eRated
USAASA will pay for internet connection for a
3 months support will be provided by Vodacom after
First line of support will be the District and if there is a need,
Vodacom will be contacted to attend to the problem.
After 3 months, support will be provided by the District
Signal Strength and range boosters are a must during
SIM Card utilized during the installation should be the SIM
card that will be left at the school.
Clarification on how and when Data bundles/internet cap will
be controlled.
Direct Contact Numbers with responsible parties regarding
internet connection (e.g.: SIM Card, Data Bundles
Type of internet connection (Capped or uncapped)
Tips during installation
Identify a secure room to store tablets and other mobile equipment.
After installation, test all tablets to see it they are able to connect to the WiFi Network or not.
Ensure that all passwords for devices are provided.
Confirm training will be provided before signing off.
Do not sign anything until all work is complete and you are satisfied that
devices are able to access the network within a 200 meter radius from the
point of installation.
If it is possible, identify a room that is situated in a central location in the
school to ensure maximized connectivity.
Integration Issues
The Mobile Lab is meant to be utilized by all subjects
The tablets are meant to be utilized by learners
The school needs to update its ICT strategy to accommodate the utilization of
tablets in the classroom
Teachers need to take note of the following:
How is the teacher going to stop learners from playing games during the lesson?
How is the teacher going to control unauthorized access to the internet?
Lesson planning and assessment need to be adapted to the current environment.
Filtering of websites with explicit content can be regulated through certain tablet
applications available on Google Play Store.
The firewall is managed by Vodacom
School must book with Curriculum Support Services (CSS) for ICT Support
MST/ICT (Head Office)
Project Background
Project Implementation/Rollout
Project Highlights/Challenges
Provincial ICT Update
Message of support
Thank you.
There is a need for capacity
building on e-Education
by Mr T.W. Mchunu
ICT Coordinator