SANBI ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2015/16 2nd AND 3RD QUARTER PROGRESS 23 FEBRUARY 2016 Dr Tanya Abrahamse, CEO SANBI DELEGATION • • • • Dr Tanya Abrahamse, Chief Executive Officer Ms Lorato Sithole, Chief Financial Officer Mr Moeketsi Khoahli, Chief Corporate Officer Ms Lebogang Ralepeli, Director: OCEO & Board Secretary • Mr Faizel Richards, Director: Information Technology 2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE • SANBI background and policy and legal framework • Legislative, policy, mandate and reporting • SANBI’s contribution to national and international level • SANBI’s Programmes (CSP 2015 -2020 and APP 2015/16) • Strategic Objectives, Performance Indicators and Targets • Progress towards achievement of targets: 3rd Quarter • Progress on corrective measures on AG’s audit findings 2014/15 • Progress on IT governance model SANBI Vision Biodiversity richness for all South Africans POLICY and LEGAL FRAMEWORK (source of mandate) National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act NEMBA (Act No 10 of 2004) Gazetted SANBI role in NEMBA Regulations: Threatened or Protected Species; CITES including the National Scientific Authority; Alien and Invasive Species Gazetted Obligations in the National Biodiversity Framework (NBF) the five year plan from Cabinet approved 20 year vision the National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan (NBSAP) Gazetted Obligations in Minister’s Delivery Agreement – in Outcome 10 / in the MTSF targets Published / Parliamentary approved The Climate Change Response White Paper – SANBI role in delivering Long Term Adaptation Scenarios for the bionatural resources / designated National Implementing Entity (NIE) for the Global Adaptation Fund Published/ Ministerial approved SCIENCE INTO POLICY / ACTION: information | planning | policy advice | models | tools BUILDING BIODIVERSITY KNOWLEDGE: assessments | status | trends | monitoring | modelling FOUNDATIONS OF BIODIVERSITY: collections| taxonomy | inventory | maps | classification of ecosystems and species HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT windows on biodiversity GARDENS WHAT WE DO human wellbeing improved service delivery job creation harnessing biodiversity value investment in ecological infrastructure ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change streamlined environmental decision-making 6 SANBI’s contribution to national priorities National Development Plan (NDP) desired 2030 outcome Transition to a society & economy which is internationally competitive, equitable, job creating & sustainable SANBI’s Contribution DEA Outcomes Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) Sub-outcomes ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMIC CONTRIBUTION OPTIMISED ECOLOGICAL INTEGRITY SAFEGUARDED & ENHANCED Facilitate sustainable Socio- economic Growth & Development by catalysing, optimising & scaling up the contribution of the environmental sector to economic prosperity Provide leadership in promoting & ensuring environmental sustainability through the management, utilisation, conservation, protection & valuing of our natural resources GARDENS AS WINDOWS ON BIODIVERSITY FOUNDATIONS OF BIODIVERSITY SCIENCE SOCIALLY TRANSFORMED & TRANSITIONED COMMUNITIES Drive socio-economic transformation & transition by optimising the fair & equitable sharing of benefits & enabling Social Development BUILDING BIODIVERSITY KNOWLEDGE SCIENCE INTO POLICY/ ACTION GLOBAL AGENDA INFLUENCED & GLOBAL/LOCAL OBLIGATIONS MET Enhanced international cooperation supportive of SA environmental /Social Development priorities HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT SANBI contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), international obligations & national priorities SDGs International agreements NDP MTSF DEA Outcomes SANBI Prog’s 8 SANBI’s Programmes 1: Render effective and efficient corporate services 2: Manage and unlock benefits of the network of National Botanical Gardens as windows into South Africa’s biodiversity 3: Build the foundational biodiversity science 4: Assess, monitor and report on the state of biodiversity and increase knowledge for decision making including adaptation to climate change 5: Provide biodiversity policy advice and access to biodiversity information, and support for climate change adaptation 6: Provide human capital development, education and awareness in response to SANBI’s mandate 9 Performance Legend Target achieved or exceeded - Good Performance Work in Progress or Behind schedule - Caution Target not achieved – Underperformance Modification of Target PROGRAMME 1 : Render effective & efficient Corporate Services 1.1: SANBI is positioned as an employer of choice in the biodiversity sector Performance indicator Annual target 2015/16 3rd Quarterly Target Percentage of payroll allocated and spent on staff development 2% of payroll allocated and spent on staff development Training requests processed as per plan. Number of black biodiversity professionals developed through structured internships and postgraduate studentships 60 black biodiversity professionals developed through structured internships and postgraduate studentships. 10 black biodiversity professionals developed Actual Performance Q1 Q2 Target Target achieved achieved Q3 Behind schedule Target Target achieved exceeded Target exceeded Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures Chief Director: Human Resources informed all Senior Managers to ensure that staff training is prioritised from their respective Divisions. This will be monitored on a monthly basis. The 3rd quarter target was exceeded by 6 of the overall target as a result that more interns were recruited. 11 PROGRAMME 1 : Render effective & efficient Corporate Services (continued) 1.2: Implement an effective, efficient and transparent supply chain and financial management system as regulated by PFMA Performance indicator GRAP and PFMA compliant annual financial statements. Annual target 2015/16 Unqualified AFS produced to comply with PFMA and GRAP requirements. 3rd Quarterly Target Accurately capture financial transaction and perform reconciliations according to the system of internal control Actual Performance Q1 Q2 Target Target achieved achieved Q3 Target achieved Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures Good performance. No corrective measures required because all the financial transactions were captured accurately and reconciliations were perform according to the system of internal controls. PROGRAMME 1 : Render effective & efficient Corporate Services (continued) 1.3 : Effective corporate services rendered to achieve the mandate of SANBI Performance indicator Annual target 2015/16 Percentage availability of 90% of ICT Services are SANBI network and available business services All identified risks managed through an annual risk assessment and implementation of the risk management plan. Compliance with all relevant Acts and SANBI/DEA protocol through implementation of the Compliance Framework. 3rd Quarterly Target 90% of ICT Services are available Update, mitigate Received and monitor reports of fraud risks. and corruption evaluated. Adjudication of cases reported in the Loss Register Reporting Reports monitored submitted to according to DEA and specified time National frames. Treasury according to specified time frames. Actual Performance Q1 Target achieved Q2 Target achieved Q3 Target achieved Target achieved Target achieved Target achieved Target achieved Target achieved Target achieved Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures Good performance. No corrective measures required because 90% of ICT services were available. Good performance. No corrective measures required because no reports of fraud and corruptions were received and evaluated during the quarter. Good performance. No corrective measures required because all the 3rd quarterly reports were submitted to DEA and NT on specific time frames. 13 PROGRAMME 1 : Render effective & efficient Corporate Services (continued) 1.4: Building a compelling brand for all stakeholders Performance indicator Annual target 2015/16 Number of marketing initiatives and activities effectively utilised for brand, SANBI promotion, profiling and maintenance of brand visibility. 4 Shows 4 Exhibitions 12 Concerts 12 Events and 4 Campaigns/ Activations Number of appropriate platforms utilised for internal communication to keep internal stakeholders informed. 4 internal communication platforms Number of radio, television and print interviews, press releases, media statements and advertisements utilised for external communication to stakeholders. 4 radio interviews 4 television interviews 12 advertisements and 16 press releases 3rd Quarterly Target Actual Performance Q1 Q2 Q3 Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures Coordinate and attend OM Concerts, Getaway Show and Agricultural Garden Show in PMB Produce branded material and brochures Produce 1 CEO staff letter and coordinate staff competition. Target achieved Target achieved Target achieved Good performance. No corrective measures required because OM concerts, Getaway show and Agricultural Garden Shows were coordinated and attended in PMB NBG. Target achieved Target achieved Target achieved Produce 1 media release, update, website, 1 radio interview, 1 television interview and 4 advertisements Media monitoring Target achieved Target achieved Target achieved Good performance. No corrective measures required because 1 CEO’s letter was produced and 1 staff competition was coordinated on Culture Day. Good performance. No corrective measures required because all the 3rd quarterly reports were submitted to DEA and NT on specific time frames. 14 PROGRAMME 2: MANAGE AND UNLOCK BENEFITS OF THE NETWORK OF NATIONAL BOTANICAL WINDOWS INTO BIODIVERSITY 2.1: A networkGARDENS of NationalAS Botanical Gardens are SOUTH managedAFRICA’S and maintained Performance indicator Annual target 2015/16 3rd Quarterly Target Actual Performance Q1 Q2 Q3 Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures Increased representation and display of indigenous plants in the living collections of SANBI’s National Botanical Gardens or the Millennium Seed Bank Partnership. 20 new indigenous plant species added to the living collections of the combined network of National Botanical Gardens Internal capacity within SANBI to manage and implement the Gardens Conservation Programme reviewed and strengthened. Target Target achieved achieved Target achieved Good performance. No corrective measures required because the Internal capacity to manage and implement the Gardens Conservation Programme was reviewed and strengthened. Number of new National Botanical Gardens established and operational Documents submitted to DEA for the proposed proclamation of a new national botanical garden in the Limpopo Province. Consultation with DEA and other stakeholders Regarding proclamation of the new Limpopo Garden Consultation with DEA and other stakeholders Regarding proclamation of private land as part of the Kwelera NBG, Eastern Cape Target Target achieved achieved Target achieved Target Target achieved achieved Target achieved Good performance. No corrective measures required because stakeholder engagement for establishment of Limpopo Garden took place during 3rd quarter. Good performance. No corrective measures required because stakeholder engagement for acquisition of private land took place during 3rd quarter. Documents submitted to DEA for the proposed proclamation of 10 ha of land as part of the Kwelera National Botanical Garden 15 PROGRAMME 2: MANAGE AND UNLOCK BENEFITS OF THE NETWORK OF NATIONAL BOTANICAL GARDENS AS WINDOWS INTO SOUTH AFRICA’S BIODIVERSITY (continued) 2.1: A network of National Botanical Gardens are managed and maintained Performance indicator Number of best-practice maintenance, development and capital infrastructure projects completed across SANBI’s National Botanical Gardens. Annual target 2015/16 Five (5) maintenance/ development projects per Garden and two (2) corporate SANBI capital infrastructure projects completed. 3rd Quarterly Target Actual Performance Q1 Q2 Implementation Target Target and monitoring of achieved achieved maintenance and infrastructure budgets allocated across SANBI Q3 Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures Target Good performance. achieved No corrective measures required because the implementation and monitoring of maintenance and infrastructure budgets were allocated across SANBI during 3rd quarter. 16 PROGRAMME 2: MANAGE AND UNLOCK BENEFITS OF THE NETWORK OF NATIONAL BOTANICAL GARDENS AS WINDOWS INTO SOUTH AFRICA’S BIODIVERSITY (continued) 2.2: Revenue generating activities are strengthened in all National Botanical Gardens Performance indicator Percentage own income and visitor numbers increased through expanded and more effective revenue generating activities in National Botanical Gardens Annual target 2015/16 3rd Quarterly Target Actual Performance Q1 Q2 Q3 Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures Two percent (2%) Year-on-year annual increase in increase in visitor numbers visitor numbers Target Target achieved achieved Target achieved Good performance. No corrective measures required because the visitors numbers were increased during the 3rd quarter . Four per cent (6%) annual increase in own income. Target Behind achieved Schedule/ Work in progress Target achieved Good performance. No corrective measures required because visitors and income increased from summer sunset concerts in Kirstenbosch. [Note: The target was modified during the mid-year review, i.e it was increased from 4% to 6%] Increased visitors and income from summer sunset concerts in Kirstenbosch. 17 PROGRAMME 3: BUILD FOUNDATIONAL BIODIVERSITY SCIENCE 3.1: Foundational information about species and ecosystems in South Africa is developed and maintained. Performance indicator Annual target 3rd Quarterly Target 2015/16 Number of quality controlled records added to spatial data for species 60,000 records added to plant and animal spatial databases. 15 000 records added Number of species for which information has been compiled Information on 5000 South African plant and animal species compiled. Actual Performance Q1 Q2 Q3 Behind Schedule Behind Schedule Behind schedule Information on Target 1250 South achieved African plant and species compiled Target achieved Target achieved Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures Frequent database downtime that is disruptive, due to power outrages and limited IT capacity and resignation of key staff member. A process has been initiated to recruit a new staff member and existing staff are providing support. Recent upgrades to IT system will assist in resolving technical difficulties with database. Good performance. No corrective measures required because 1250 South African plant and species information was compiled during the 3rd quarter. 18 PROGRAMME 3: BUILD FOUNDATIONAL BIODIVERSITY SCIENCE (continued) 3.1: Foundational information about species and ecosystems in South Africa is developed and maintained. Performance indicator Number of environments for which ecosystem classification systems developed Annual target 2015/16 Plan to finalise classification systems for four environments consolidated and accepted. Number of national maps One national map. showing distribution of ecosystems 3rd Quarterly Target Actual Performance Q1 Q2 Q3 Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures - Target Target achieved achieved Target achieved Good performance. No corrective measures required because there was no specific target set for 3rd quarter. Host meeting of the national vegmap committee Target Target achieved achieved Target achieved Good performance. No corrective measures required because a meeting of the national vegmap committee was hosted during 3rd quarter. 19 PROGRAMME 4: ASSESS, MONITOR AND REPORT ON THE STATE OF BIODIVERSITY AND INCREASE KNOWLEDGE FOR DECISION MAKING (INCLUDING ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE) 4.1: New biodiversity knowledge created. Performance indicator Number of research papers published in ISI journals Annual target 2015/16 80 publications. 3rd Quarterly Target 20 publications Actual Performance Q1 Q2 Target Target achieved exceeded Q3 Behind schedule Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures The target after Q3 should be 60 publications and the actual currently stands at 57. This is partly due to the publication cycle but it is anticipated that the target will be reached. 20 PROGRAMME 4: ASSESS, MONITOR AND REPORT ON THE STATE OF BIODIVERSITY AND INCREASE KNOWLEDGE FOR DECISION MAKING (INCLUDING ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE) 4.2: Scientific evidence on the status of biodiversity (based on monitoring and assessment including that of biodiversity loss) and the risks and benefits, is provided Performance indicator Annual target 2015/16 3rd Quarterly Target Number of national scientific synthesis & assessment reports produced - NBA 2018 initiated - National Invasive Species Assessment (NISA) 2017 initiated One Red List Assessment (linefish) completed Annual updates of species assessments to support NEMBA regulations One update for (i) national invasive species lists and (ii) Non-Detriment Findings for the Scientific authority NBA Workshop with participants Identification of monitoring data to support NBA Draft lists Produced Draft assessments submitted to Scientific Authority Actual Performance Q1 Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures Q2 Q3 Target achieved Target achieved Target achieved Good performance. No corrective measures required because the NBA Workshop with participants was identified and data monitored to support NBA during the 3rd quarter. Target achieved Target achieved Target achieved Good performance. No corrective measures required because draft list was produced and draft assessment was submitted to the Scientific Authority on target species during the 3rd quarter. 21 PROGRAMME 5: PROVIDE BIODIVERSITY POLICY ADVICE & ACCESS TO BIODIVERSITY INFORMATION & SUPPORT FOR CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION 5.1: Tools to support management and conservation of biodiversity developed and applied. Performance indicator Annual target 2015/16 3rd Quarterly Target Actual Performance Q1 Q2 Q3 Number of tools developed to support mainstreaming of biodiversity assets and ecological infrastructure in production sectors and resource Management Two tools produced. - Target achieved Target achieved Target achieved Three knowledge resources demonstrating the value of biodiversity developed and disseminated. One knowledge resources developed. Target achieved Target achieved Target achieved Number of coordination or learning mechanisms convened to share lessons and build capacity Four learning or coordination events convened. One learning or coordination event convened. Target exceeded Target achieved Target exceeded Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures There was no specific target set of the 3rd quarter. Good performance. No corrective measure required because one knowledge resources was developed as per plan during the 3rd quarter Good performance. No corrective measure required because more that one learning or coordination event was convened as per plan during the 3rd quarter. 22 PROGRAMME 5: PROVIDE BIODIVERSITY POLICY ADVICE AND ACCESS TO BIODIVERSITY INFORMATION AND SUPPORT FOR CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION (continued) 5.1: Tools to support management and conservation of biodiversity developed and applied Performance indicator Annual target 2015/16 Three training sessions held for provincial, municipal or other relevant decision makers for uptake of tools. 3rd Quarterly Target One training session held. Actual Performance Q1 Target achieved Q2 Target achieved Q3 Target exceeded Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures Good performance. No corrective measure required because more that one training session was held as per plan during the 3rd quarter. 5.2: Access to biodiversity data, information and knowledge provided Number of biodiversity records collected An increase of at least 12 500 50 000 records records collected. collected. Target exceeded Target exceeded Target exceeded Digitisation efforts by SANBI stakeholders produced more records than projected for the 3rd quarter. Percentage increase in registered users on the Biodiversity Advisor website At least 1% increase in registered users Behind schedule/ work in progress Target exceeded Target achieved Good performance. No corrective measure required because number of users increased by 0.25% during 3rd quarter 0.25% increase in registered users. 23 PROGRAMME 5: PROVIDE BIODIVERSITY POLICY ADVICE AND ACCESS TO BIODIVERSITY INFORMATION AND SUPPORT FOR CLIMATE CHANGE 5.3: Scientific advice to support national and international policy processes provide ADAPTATION (continued) Performance indicator Percentage of policy requests from DEA, provinces, municipalities and other organs of state responded to within timeframe stipulated in the request Annual target 2015/16 3rd Quarterly Target 100% of written requests from DEA and other relevant requests responded to within timeframe stipulated. 100% written requests from DEA and other relevant requests responded to within timeframe stipulated. Actual Performance Q1 Q2 Target Target achieved achieved Q3 Target achieved Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures Good performance. No corrective measure required because 100% written requests from DEA and other relevant requests responded to within timeframe stipulated as per plan during 3rd quarter. 5.4: Policy support on climate change adaptation provided to inform national and international decision making An effective National Implementing Entity to the Global Adaptation Fund shares lessons and experiences on a number of national and/or international platforms to inform climate change adaptation policy Lessons and experience from NIE projects captured to inform 4 national and/or international platforms on climate change adaptation Policy NIE lessons and experiences shared at two fora. Target Target achieved achieved Target achieved Good performance. No corrective measure required because NIE lessons and experiences were shared at for a as per plan during 3rd quarter. 24 PROGRAMME 5: PROVIDE BIODIVERSITY POLICY ADVICE AND ACCESS TO BIODIVERSITY INFORMATION AND SUPPORT FOR CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION (continued) 5.4: Policy support on climate change adaptation provided to inform national and international decision making (continued) Performance indicator Number of Ecosystem Based Adaptation tools developed Annual target 2015/16 3rd Quarterly Target Draft Strategic Consultants Framework for appointed. Ecosystem Based Adaptation developed collaboratively. Actual Performance Q1 Q2 Target Target achieved achieved Q3 Target achieved Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures Good performance. No corrective measure required because consultants were appointed as per plan during the 3rd quarter. 25 PROGRAMME 6: PROVIDE HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, EDUCATION AND AWARENESS IN RESPONSE TO SANBI’S MANDATE 6.1: A transformed and suitably skilled workforce for the biodiversity sector is developed. Performance indicator Annual target 2015/16 3rd Quarterly Target Actual Performance Q1 Q2 Q3 Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures Resource teachers and student teachers to provide relevant, quality biodiversity education to school learners (Foundation Building) An additional 100 30 teachers teachers and attend training student teachers, taking numbers to 700, have been exposed to biodiversity conservation education. Target Target achieved exceeded Target exceeded The 3rd quarter target was exceeded, +200 teachers already trained for 2015/16. Support Biodiversity graduates, practitioners and leaders through a holistic development programme 12 additional fellows supported financially and provided with 2 professional development opportunities. Target Target achieved exceeded Target exceeded The 3rd quarter target was exceeded by 20 which resulted in 23 fellows supported. 3 Fellows participate in professional skills development workshop 26 PROGRAMME 6: PROVIDE HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, EDUCATION AND AWARENESS IN RESPONSE TO SANBI’S MANDATE (continued) 6.1: A transformed and suitably skilled workforce for the biodiversity sector is developed. (continued…) Performance indicator Annual target 2015/16 3rd Quarterly Target Actual Performance Q1 Q2 Q3 Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures Drive innovation and improved career guidance in universities towards producing stronger skills for biodiversity (Higher Education Innovation) An additional 2 universities engage in Careers for Biodiversity programme 1 university engagements Behind Target schedule exceeded /work in progress Target exceeded 3 additional universities engaged in Careers for Biodiversity Programme during the 3rd quarter. Sector organizations share best practice to effectively identify and address their skills needs, train and retain talented professionals in the sector (Institutional Strengthening) 15 participants from the DEA participate in workshops and organizational activities. 3 participants represent their respective departments Target Behind achieved schedule/ work in progress Behind schedule/ work in progress Delay in securing funding is the main reason for the target being behind schedule. DEA has engaged with potential participants. 27 PROGRAMME 6: PROVIDE HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, EDUCATION AND AWARENESS IN RESPONSE TO SANBI’S MANDATE (continued) 6.1: A transformed and suitably skilled workforce for the biodiversity sector is developed. Performance indicator Annual target 2015/16 3rd Quarterly Target Actual Performance Q1 Q2 Q3 Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures Contribute to platform and activities for biodiversity Human Capital Development (HCD) interaction and coordination (National Coordination and Advocacy) 1 National Event Training of implemented with participants a 10% increase in the spread of partners from previous years. Target Target achieved achieved Target exceeded Good performance. No corrective measure required because more participants were trained during 3rd quarter. Number of individuals participating in Groen Sebenza and job creation initiatives with a percentage coming from designated groups 1000 unemployed Training of youth skilled and participants hosted in the biodiversity sector. Behind Target schedule achieved /work in progress Target exceeded Good performance. No corrective measure required because more participants were trained during 3rd quarter. 28 PROGRAMME 6: PROVIDE HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, EDUCATION AND AWARENESS IN RESPONSE TO SANBI’S MANDATE (continued) 6.2: All national botanical gardens are promoted and used as platforms for biodiversity awareness, education and recreation. Performance indicator Number of users and beneficiaries of botanical gardens and schoolbased programmes for education, awareness, training and recreation have been increased. Annual target 2015/16 48 000 beneficiaries of garden and school-based have been reached. 3rd Quarterly Target 12 000 Actual Performance Q1 Target exceeded Q2 Q3 Target Target exceeded exceeded Achievements/ Challenges & Corrective measures 20943 beneficiaries reached through various biodiversity education and awareness activities. The target is ahead of schedule due to increased capacity because of the Groen Sebenza pioneers. 6.3: Civil society is engaged to contribute to science, monitoring and biodiversity conservation. Number of platforms strengthened and facilitated for civil society engagement that contribute to biodiversity monitoring and biodiversity conservation. Three platforms strengthened and facilitated (CREW, iSpot, SABAP). Review of iSpot technical details and support Target achieved Target achieved Target achieved Good performance. No corrective measure required because iSpot technical details and support was reviewed per plan during 3rd quarter. 29 CONSOLIDATED DASHBOARD QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 TOTAL NUMBER OF TARGETS PLANNED 41 41 41 TARGETS ACHIEVED 35 30 27 AHEAD OF SCHEDULE/ EXCEEDED TARGETS 3 8 10 TOTAL NUMBER OF TARGETS ACHIEVED & EXCEEDED 38 38 37 TARGETS BEHIND SCHEDULE 3 3 4 TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED - - - MODIFICATION/ DEVIATION OF TARGETS - - 1 (*this target was achieved and counted amongst the 37 above) PROGRESS ON ADDRESSING EXTERNAL AUDIT FINDINGS 2014/15 FINANCIAL YEAR Category Audit Finding Details of the finding Progress Report Financial Statements Non-disclosure in terms of GRAP 24 The entity did not prepare its financial statements and the budget on a comparable basis nor did the entity perform a reconciliation in the notes of to the annual financial statements and is therefore a material misstatement The column has been included on the AFS template and will be maintained in future years of reporting. Financial Statements Accounting for leases in terms of GRAP 13 The rental income for Cell C, Vodacom and MTN relates to signal towers on SANBI land. These rental leases for Cell C, Vodacom and MTN relates to signal towers on SANBI land are for a fixed period (+/-5 years) at an escalation rate or agreed rentals. This rental income was not disclosed as per GRAP 13. The disclosure notes relating to GRAP 13 were updated and will be maintained in future years of reporting.. Financial Statements Related Parties disclosure in the annual financial statements An incorrect amount was disclosed in the related parties note (note 24) of the annual financial statements. The disclosure notes relating to the related parties were updated and will be maintained in future years of reporting. In addition, SANBI will utilize the GRAP checklist when preparing financial statements in order to ensure compliance with the relevant GRAP statements. Category Audit Finding Details of the finding Progress Report Predetermined Objectives Variances between planned performance and actual achievements not explained SANBI had only commented on targets not achieved but not on targets exceeded. The reporting template has been amended to make provision for the explanation of variances to be submitted quarterly and annually. Predetermined Objectives Key performance indicator (KPI) not measured Some performance targets were not well-defined so that reported performance could be verified. This resulted in the reported performance information not measurable which could lead to reported performance being misstated in the annual performance report. We are in the process of updating the standard operating procedures to ensure that the audit requirements are met. Predetermined Objectives Actual achievements reported do not agree to the source The information presented for the actual outputs as per the performance report was not accurately reported due to the being differences when compared to the source information and/or evidence provided as indicated. The reported performance information is therefore not accurately reported which leads to reported performance being misstated in the annual performance report. The reporting template has been amended to make provision for evidence to be submitted quarterly. This allows for the review of evidence for accuracy and validity. ICT GOVERNANCE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Phase 1: Establish the Corporate Governance of and Governance of ICT environment Legislative, policy, mandate and reporting No 1.1 Deliverable/ What When Who Resources Progress ICT Policy Framework (adapted for the SANBI environment) July 2013 CCO N/A Approved by Audit Committee Chief Corporate Officer (CCO) that is responsible for the IT group within an organisation appointed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to manage IT on behalf of the Executive (ITGI, 2007). The CCO should “serve as a bridge between IT and the business” (King III, 2009). July 2013 CCO N/A CCO represents IT on corporate governance at EXCO, Risk & Audit Committee An IT steering committee (ICT SteerCom) assists the October CEO EXCO with its governance of IT; this committee acts as 2012 an advisory authority and is usually representative of Reconstitut both business and IT. ed: February 2015 Appointed divisional representatives ICT Steercom meetings held in February 2016. since reconstitution. No Deliverable/ What When Who Resources Progress Risk Assessment have been conducted and risk register updated. The Risk register is now electronically loaded into the BarnOwl system for monitoring and reporting. Security policy reviewed and updated.. 1.2 Risk Management Policy (Address ICT) SANBI conducts annual risk assessments. All IT risks are included in the SANBI risk register. Annually CCO Internal audit fees in the budget. 1.3 ICT information plan and Security Policy: The policy ensures that classified information, intellectual property and personal information are protected with the ICT systems. November 2013 Deputy Director N/A 1.4 Internal Audit Plan: IT is being audited as part of the 3 year internal audit plan as well as the AG plan. February 2014 CFO Internal audit fees in the budget IT audit on finance application conducted. 1.5 • IT Continuity Plan (DRP) addresses systems availability, data backups and restores, infrastructure capacity, business applications and network connectivity. In Progress Director IT IT divisional Budget 1.6 • Business Continuity Plan In Progress CCO All activities included in the MTEF budget 1.7 • Designation of Governance Champion: As stated in 10.4 of the approved Governance Framework the role is delegated to the CCO for driving the implementation, change management and maintenance of Corporate Governance of and Governance of ICT in the SANBI. February 2014 CCO N/A 1.8 • ICT structure: The governance structure within SANBI is implemented according to the size and nature of the March 2014 organization. ICT Department ICT Steering Committee Governance and Strategy Committee SANBI Board • • • • CCO All activities included in the MTEF budget. IT Continuity Plan review and updated. The ICT DRC will be aligned with the BCP now in draft . Development of BCP currently underway (80%). To be completed June 2016. CCO appointed as Governance Champion ICT Director reports to CCO who reports to the CEO. ICT organogram in 2015/16 CSP. Phase 2: Business and ICT Strategic Alignment No 2.1 Deliverable/ What When IT Strategic Plan: Is aligned to the SANBI CSP, March 2015 its ensures the effective use of information technology in the SANBI, facilitate the use of information technology for modernising the SANBI and establishing electronic Practices within an acceptable information and technology security environment. IT Implementation Plan: The primary focus of March 2015 this ICT plan is directed at establishing an effective, secure, reliable and resilient infrastructure to provide the necessary ICT systems, and process to support the changing and future business requirements of the SANBI. 2.2 2.3 IT Operational Plan: Is aligned to the SANBI approved APP March 2015 Who Resources Progress IT Director Included in the MTEF budget IT Strategic Plan approved by Audit Committee and reviewed by internal audit with no findings IT Director Included in the IT implementation MTEF budget plan drafted for infrastructure projects. Server replacement project completed successfully in 2015 Q2 Included in the ICT Infrastructure MTEF budget replacement projects aligned to ICT service uptime (APP). IT Director Phase 3: Continuous improvement of Corporate Governance of and Governance of ICT No Deliverable/ What When Who Resources Progress 3.1. Corporate Governance of ICT (ICT contribution to realization of business value) 3.1.1 Upgrade of CT & PTA Datacenter 2015/16 IT Director MTEF Budget Completed 3.1.2 UPS Deployment Remote Sites 2015/16 IT Director MTEF Budget Completed 3.1.3 Virtual Local Area Network Security implementation 2015/16 IT Director MTEF Budget Assessment phase commenced in Q3. in progress. No Deliverable/ What When Who Resources Progress Audit was completed conducted in Q3. Completed in Phase 2 3.2. Governance: Standardization, Security & DRP 3.2.1 Exchange Upgrade (2013) 2015/16 IT Director MTEF Budget 3.2.2 Upgrade Server software(2008 – 2012) 2015/16 IT Director MTEF Budget 3.2.3 Upgrade Backup Software (2010 -2015) 2015/16 IT Director MTEF Budget Completed. 3.2.4 Applications monitoring software 2015/16 IT Director MTEF Budget Completed. No Deliverable/ What When Who Resources Progress 3.3 Business Systems 3.3.1 Network Security software upgrade 2012 2015/16 IT Director MTEF Budget Upgrade commenced in Q4. In progress. 50% completed. 3.3.2 Document Management System 2018 CCO MTEF Budget 3.3.3 Enterprise Risk Management System 2015/16 CCO MTEF Budget 3.3.4 Point of Sale (POS) Rollout 2015/16 Directors MTEF Budget Finance / IT 3.3.5 SharePoint upgrade 2016/17 IT Director MTEF Budget 3.3.6 Service Desk Enhancement (COBIT Compliancy) 2016/17 IT Director MTEF Budget System installed and User training sessions completed. Control actions being monitored. KZN temporary solution implemented. Lowveld procurement in progress commenced in Q4 commenced in Q4 No Deliverable/ What When Who Resources Progress PTA completed. 3.4 Communication Services 3.4.1 Implement digital telephony platform nationally 2016/17 IT Director Infrastructure Budget 3.4.2 Upgrade Video Conferencing Facilities 2018 IT Director Infrastructure Budget 3.4.3 Wireless Connectivity Upgrades 2015/16 IT Director Infrastructure Budget Completed. IT SYSTEMS CONTROLS Audit Finding User account management Recommendation • • • Management should ensure that the following measures are implemented to address these weaknesses: A list of all Accpac users with their access privileges should periodically be reviewed and verified by the users’ direct line management to ensure that their access is still valid and appropriate. Evidence of these reviews should be maintained for audit purposes. The system administrator’s activities should periodically be monitored (creation of new users, password resets and access amendments) by an independent person. System-generated audit trails should be reviewed and matched with the relevant access requests and approval. Evidence of these reviews should be maintained for audit purposes in the form of a sign-off of the audit trail. Remedial Action Management will maintain evidence of user access privileges by their line management and an independent person will be delegated to ensure system administrator roles are reviewed. The latest records indicate the review was performed in January 2015 Progress Report Regular review is being conducted on all user accounts. Thank You 44