menu merchandizing

Of all the limitations placed on menu planners, costs are probably the most challenging. Normally,
menu planners are concerned mostly with food and labor costs. But other costs are also
important, such as the cost of energy, equipment, nonfood supplies, and storage. Whenever possible,
the menu should reflect the overall costs of running an operation, whether the operation is
institutional or commercial.
The menu planner has to know the operational costs to stay within a price budget or cost
allowance. The costs of running a commercial operation must be more than covered in the budget
if a profit is to be made. Cost is also the basis for pricing many menus. If costs are not known,
selling prices are impossible to reasonably determine. The planner of the institutional menu who
pays no attention to costs will not be employed long. This is because institutional or noncommercial
establishments must operate within a budget, and costs are tightly controlled, both tangible
and intangible.
Obtaining Operational Costs
For costs to be controlled, they must be known. Managers must identify costs, determine their
magnitude and frequency, and then, if they are too high, take steps to reduce them. It is important
to recognize that locating such information is not, in itself, a control. It only indicates that control
is needed. Such information about costs indicates a symptom, not a cure. Reports such as
budgets, daily food cost reports, precosting sheets, financial statements, and payroll figures are
tools used by foodservice managers to analyze data and root out any food-cost problems.
Once a menu is planned, priced, and analyzed, it can be implemented, and a series of operational
functions can be set in motion. These functions are purchasing, receiving, storage, issuing,
preparation/production, service, and cleanup. During each of these steps, controls must be established
to assure that only planned costs occur and that the menu price or meal charge, if any, gives
the desirable return. Today computers are used to do most of this.
In the purchasing function, the proper kind of food and its cost, quantity, and quality must be
determined and the right supplier found. If the wrong kind, quantity, or quality of food is
bought at the wrong cost, the menu will not have the desired end result.
Many aspects of the purchasing function can be computerized for greater efficiency. The
operations chef and purveyors are helpful in developing product specifications to fit the
standardized recipes used. When these recipes are input into available software systems that are
linked with production scheduling and front-of-house point-of-sales systems, utilized items are
subtracted from inventory. Management is signaled when it is time to order more recipe components.
Similarly, recipe component costs can be monitored so that management is alerted when
food and supply item prices have climbed above a range deemed acceptable. Substitutions can be
suggested that are acceptable.
Efficiency during the receiving is essential to see that exactly what was ordered is obtained.
This also starts a series of accounting and inventory steps that are important to cost control.
Handheld devices that can read barcodes so that inventory can be captured electronically can be
purchased. Data from the handheld devices can be uploaded into the primary computer system,
eliminating the paper and pencil method.
Marketing characteristics of a menu
One must use the marketing techniques to design and construct menus to increase the ability to
merchandise not only items on the menu but also the restaurant as a whole. The marketing
characteristics of a menus are as follows:
Descriptive copy
Listing of items
PAPER: To begin the process of designing the menu start with paper characteristics. The menu planner
should keep in mind how the menu is going to be used if the menu is going to be changed daily, the
paper can be less expensive and less durable, that is uncoated and light weight. For a menu that does
not change often, the paper should be durable, coated, heavy stock, water resistant and stain resistant.
For most menus the outside cover must be durable. Inside pages can be lighter and somewhat less
When selecting the paper, the following factors must be considered by the menu planner:
Opacity ( Opacity is the substance or the property of the paper that minimizes the
show through of printing to the back side of the next page of the menu )
PRINTING: The printing that is difficult to read results in dissatisfied customers. It is vital that the
menu be sufficiently large and easy to read.
Type come in various forms: the three major types are roman, modern and script. Roman type is
characterized by it’s thin and thick character. It is very readable and found in newspapers, magazine
articles and books. Roman types should be used in the descriptive copy on the menu. Descriptive copy
means describing items on the menu in an appetizing way.
Modern type does not have the thick or thin character like Roman type. It has thick block letter. Many
government building have modern type on them.
Script type looks like handwriting. Script is difficult to read and should only be used in subheadings or
headings on the menu .Headings on the menu might read appetizers ,soup ,salad entrees, and desserts.
Subheadings would be stuffed mushroom for an appetizers and sirloin steak with Hollandaise sauce for
an entrée.
The menu planner must also decide on the type size .Type size is measured in points, starting with 6
point and ending up with 192 points .Most menus should be at least12 point .Smaller type will be too
difficult to read. For descriptive copy, space between lines must be allowed, called leading. Leading is
also measured in points. No space between lines is referred to as set solid. All menus should have at
least 3 point between each line.
It is important that the type is in character with the restaurant, for example, if your restaurant is
modern, the type for your menu should be modern as well .modern type is airy and light in character
and can reflect the décor of the restaurant.
Finally, color of the type is factor. The type on a menu should be dark and the background with dark
blue type is acceptable .when the type is light and the background is dark, it is called reversed type.
As previously mentioned, there are many variations of typefaces within these. There are two parts,
lowercase and uppercase. Lowercase letters are small letters. Uppercase letter are capital letters.
Lowercase should be used for heading or subheadings on the menu .
Menu planers must also decide on the italic variation of the typeface .Italic variation means that
typeface is designed at an angle or slant, whereas most typeface is usually straight up and down. The
menu planner should use caution with regard to italics. This from of type can be difficult to read and
should be used only for subheading or headings and to highlight items on the menu so that the
customer will look at that item and perhaps select it over other items of the menu.
Avoid reversed type (light or white type on dark background) on the inside of the menu. Reverse type is
acceptable on the cover of the menu however.
The color chosen for the paper and type on a menu should match well together .A red background with
yellow lettering does not blend for instance. .These colors clash. Pink paper with red type blendes.
Professional printer or artists can help determine what colour go together and what colours do not.
A menu is said to be balanced if all the food group are proportioned, for example, if a menu has four
appetizers, four soup, four salad, eight entrees, four potatoes, four vegetable, and four desserts the
menu is well balanced. A larger amount of entrees than other item is not only acceptable but also
recommended because entrees are the focus of the menu and are the most expensive items.
Varity is crucial to good menu .Variety is important in the amount of selection within the food group
and in the ways the items are prepared, for example ,under the appetizers, the menu might include
clams casino, stuffed eggplant ,and fettuccini alfredo for a good verity .Entrees can be steamed ,broiled,
sautéed, poached, braised, boiled, fried, roasted, or simmered. Customers like to see variety reflect the
chef’s creativity .
Composition of menu items is important in planning a menu. The menu planner must look at how well
certain dishes go with certain entrees. For example sweet potatoes are excellent with ham just as
popovers go with roast beef. In general where entrees have lots of flavourings, side dishes should have
less pronounced flavor, for example beef stroganoff could be served with peas and carrots. On the other
hand if less rich entrees are served, side dishes should be more pronounced in flavor. For example if
entrée is baked chicken, the vegetable might be zucchini.Provonc,al, bread crumbs, parmesan cheese,
garlic and assorted spices. Another way to address composition is through eye appeal. Colours of food
can hold tremendous eye appeal with proper composition. A plate of white baked haddock, steamed
green broccoli and ruby red stewed tomatoes. Remember eye appeal enhances customer satisfaction.
Descriptive copy is an explanation of an item, how it is prepared and how it is served. It is the descriptive
copy that helps sell the item on the menu in most cases. Entrees on the menu should have the most
descriptive copy because they are the most expensive items on the menu. One important rule to follow
when composing descriptive copy is to avoid using words that describe a killing process, such as
slaughtered or butchered. As far as possible the descriptive copy should be written in English or some
such popular language.
Descriptive copy of all food service operations fits into one of the three philosophies of profit
management. The first one is an exclusive gourmet menu with high check average,. This type of
operation wants the customer to wine and dine themselves for a period of one to two hours. There is a
substantial amount of descriptive copy on this type of menu. More descriptive copy on a menu does
two things. It gives the customer more information about the food products and it keeps the customer
in the restaurant longer by having more to read on the menu.
The second philosophy of profit management is to have a short limited menu with low check average.
This type of operation wants the customer to remain only for 15 to 20 minutes in the restaurant or less.
The menu has little or no descriptive copy. The food selection are limited and simply listed with the price
thus eliminating the wasted time in the customer’s decision making process.
The third philosophy is to try to combine the best of the first two. A family style food service will just list
food items such as appetizers, desserts, and beverages and descriptive copies of the soup, salad and
entrée. This type of operation wants the customers to eat and enjoy themselves for about 45 minutes to
one hour. The check value is generally moderate.
Items should be presented in the order they are consumed.. For example most menus list appetizers,
soups salad and entrees and starches, vegetable, bread, desserts and beverages. The listing is the proper
one. In other cases the listing depends on the formality of the cuisine foe example, a French Classical
menu places the salad immediately before the desserts. It is recommended that the most profitable
items be listed first and last in a particular list. The most popular and least profitable food item should
be listed in the middle. When reading a column of any type of listing, a person will always look at the
first few items on the list first, will skim the middle sections if it is a long column and then read the last
few listings before going to the next column. The most popular items however will most likely be
ordered, no matter where they are placed on the menu.
The best location for the most profitable item is in the top half of the second quadrangle on a single fold
menu. When a person opens a menu from right to left, the first page or quadrangle seen is 2 and 4 or
the second page. Because we are taught to read from left to right, a customer will start reading from
quadrangle 1 but the eye will first see quadrangle 2.
Entrée falls into place nicely on the right after listing appetizers, soups and salads on the left. Items
should be listed in order of profit. High profit entrée such as chicken and pasta should come first and
then lobster, veal and lamb etc.
The menu should be large enough to merchandize the food items without appearing crowded. Avoid
types that are too small for customers to read. Too large a menu, however will be awkward to handle.
Most menus are four pages. The cover forms pages one and four and the inside with food items form
pages two and three. The most common popular size is 8.5 inches by 11 inches.
The front and back of a menu cover can yield tremendous merchandising power. The cover of a menu
should reflect the décor and theme of the operation. For example, a specialty restaurant featuring
broiled steaks that has red table cloth and black napkin could have a red menu cover with black print.
The front cover should have the name and recognizable symbol or logo of the restaurant on it. The logo
of a seafood restaurant named “The White Cap” should be an “anchor”. It is amazing to note that fifty
percent of the back of the menu cover are never used. The back should have the phone number and
address of the operation and any information on credit card accepted, directions, hour, restaurant
history and banquet and take away service information are some examples of effective merchandising
used for the back of the menu.
On a more practical note, the menu cover should be durable, water resistant and stain resistant unless
the menu changes daily and is disposable.
A well merchandised menu is a successful menu. The following areas are important for merchandising.
Displaying other information on the menu and listing liqueurs, wines appetizers, salads. Low calorie
items, steaks, seafood, sandwiches, desserts, take away services and specials.
Examples of non item information that can help to merchandise a menu are credit cards accepted,
history of the operation, a map showing operation’s location, a history of certain dishes, catering
information, takeaway services, management background information about other locations if part of a
chain, classification and accreditation, banquet facilities accommodation, tourist attractions in the area,
gift shop information, address, phone number and hours of operation. Many establishments do not put
any non item information on the menu. The back cover should be used and the back cover should not be
used for listing food items. Leaving the back cover blank is a waste of space and valuable merchandising
In most restaurants the management does not list alcoholic beverages on the menu. It is often the job of
the waiter or waitress to present a separate beverage list to the guest. Mentioning wine and spirits on
the menu often increases the sales even if there is a separate beverage menu.
A separate beverage list calls for attention to the selections available in the operation. A beverage list on
the back of the menu is less effective for the merchandising because it may be overlooked.
When listing spirits and liqueurs preferably give brand names for example under vodka, a recognizable
brand bane would be Smirnoff. It is also important to list alcoholic beverages in the order in which they
are consumed at meal time. Before dinner drinks consists of scotch, whiskey Bourbon, gin, vodka and
rum should be first, beers may come next followed by wines ( sparkling, white, red and rose ) with
brandies and liqueurs at the end. If you do not have a separate after dinner drink menu, list these drinks
after the desserts on a separate page.
A large wine selection should be on a separate wine list. A smaller wine selection can be on the menu,
but should be listed before the appetizers on the menu, perhaps as a part of the beverage list. Wines are
listed by the following:
1. Where the wine originates or imported from: – French, Italian, German, Swiss, Spanish or
2. Colour of wine: red, white and rose.
3. Type of wine: sparkling, still wine,
4. Style of wine, dry: medium sweet, or semi sweet, full bodied or light bodied.
5. Pricing: Display the prices. Wine normally comes in bottles, half bottles and by glass.
6. Year of production, Chateau Cheval Blanc 2006.
7. Bin number used primarily for inventory purpose.
4. APPETIZERS: Appetizers should be listed before the soups on the menu. Good and easy to read
descriptive copy will aid in selling appetizers. About four to six appetizers on an a la carte menu
provide a good balance. Remember the importance of variety. For example shrimp cocktail,
snails, stuffed mushrooms, stuffed eggplant are a good variety on an a la carte menu.
5. SALADS: Salads on the menu should be located after the appetizers and the soups. Salads, like
appetizers should be in a readable type and be given adequate descriptive copy. For example
chef salad might be described as a generous portion of romaine, iceberg, chicory topped with
Danish ham, smoked turkey, sliced tomatoes, cucumber, green peppers and sliced egg with a
side of our own Thousand Island dressing, a complete meal in itself.
Salad dressing can also be an important item on the menu with it’s own descriptive copy. For example
Thousand Island dressing : Our own dressing made with rich mayonnaise, ketchup, Worcestershire
sauce , relish, assorted spices abd just a touch of Tabasco sauce. A great topping for any salad.
6. LOW CALORIE ITEMS: In today’ society people are more aware of what they eat and whether or
not it is nutritionally sound. Many customers are eating low calorie dishes, the most popular
being low calorie salad. Low calorie items can be listed separately or under salad. An example of
low calorie item is cheeseboard with an assortment of fruits. Again make sure that low calorie
items are in large enough type and are given descriptive copy.
7. STEAKS: Steaks in the menu definitely requires descriptive copy for better merchandising. There
are many factors to be considered while describing steaks on the menu, for example the kind of
steak, thickness, size or portion and manner in which prepared. One example of effective
descriptive copy for steaks is as follows: “ A 12 Oz cut of fillet broiled to perfection and topped
with creamy hollandaise sauce abd assorted spices.
Information on what is rare, medium rare, medium and well done helps the customers. Steaks
are one of the most expensive items on the menu. Steaks should be in readable type and be
listed on the right side of the menu.
8. SEAFOOD: Seafood like steak should be large readable type and should have large descriptive
copy. It is good to include information like where the seafood comes from and how it is
prepared and served. An example of descriptive copy of seafood might be “ Scrod Bella Vista: A
generous portion of baked scrod topped with slices onion, green peppers and tomatoes,
surrounded by rich tomatoes sauce.
9. SANDWICHES: Sandwiches like entrée should have a good descriptive copy and should be
readable type. If sandwiches are a specialty item, they can be listed below the entrée. However
it is common practice to list only the most popular and profitable sandwiches after the entrée.
Hot sandwiches on the menu can be given more descriptive copy than the cold sandwiches if
they are more profitable items.
10. DESSERTS: Dessert6s can be listed in two ways. The first method is to list desserts after entrée
on the menu in readable type and with descriptive copy. The second method is to have a
separate dessert menu that may include after dinner drink as well. The separate dessert menu
has the advantage of drawing attention to the dessert selections by allowing more room for
descriptive copy.
11. TAKE AWAY SERVICE: Take away service need proper merchandising. The best way to
merchandise take away service is to do a separate take away menu. When listing take away
information, give proper descriptive copy in readable type on the prices portion and packaging.
Include a phone number if delivery service is available. Some establishments print photographs
of their take away selections which is good merchandising tool. Advertise the takeaway service
on the back of the in- house menu.
12. SPECIALS: There can be two kinds of specials on a menu. The first special may be the one for
which the restaurant is well known. The second kind of special may the one which is easy to
make and is a high profit item. To attract customers to specials, use pictures on the menu like
many twenty four hour establishments do or set the specials in a box or graphic panel to attract
your customers.
Common Menu Mistakes
Inadequate management commitment: Not treating the menu design decision with the same due
diligence as any major capital investment decision is setting yourself up for failure. So is leaving the
menu layout and design up to your printer and not working with a graphic designer to accentuate the
menu items you want to feature.
Hard to read. Examples include poor readability because of font size, paper color and font style;
crowded menu pages with elements too numerous and font type too small; and printing on dark paper
with dark ink making readability difficult under low-light conditions.
Overemphasizing prices. When you align prices in a column down the page, guests can summarily
discount items based on price alone.
Monotonous design. Using the same graphic design on all menu items so nothing stands out says,
Poor salesmanship. Not emphasizing the items the restaurant wants to sell through graphics, fonts,
color, or illustrations reduces your influence on what items will move.
Poor use of space. This includes not using the front and back cover for information about the
restaurant, e.g., hours, services, history, address, etc. I have more than 1,000 menus in my library and
about one-fourth of them do not have any identifying information. Over the years I have forgotten
where some of them came from and the menu does not contain any information. Since people take
menus from restaurants as souvenirs, it should contain what is referred to as “institutional information.”
To not include it would be like having custom matches without your restaurant’s name on them.
Incongruent. This includes failing to design the menu to fit the décor and personality of the restaurant.
Your menu is your primary communication tool and it should be designed in a way that if a customer
who had never heard of your restaurant were handed a copy of your menu they would be able to
visualize your décor, type of food, price range and whether you were casual or upscale dining.
Too big. The size of the menu needs to take into account the size of the table, the place setting and the
table appointments. Oversized menus can be awkward to hold and handle while sipping a martini and
trying to have a conversation with your dinner companions.
Points to be considered while planning a menu:
Following are the points to be considered while planning a menu whether it for a stand alone restaurant
or the restaurant of a five star hotel:
Availability of ingredients.
Availability of equipments in the kitchen and the service area.
Skill level of the cooking and the service staff.
Storage space and facility available.
Ethnic composition of the target clientele.
Spending power of the target clientele.
Return on investment expected by the investor.
Age group of the target clientele.
Nutritional requirement of the target clientele.
Food habit of the target clientele.
Amount of time the prospective clientele have at their disposal to spend in the restaurant.
Location of the restaurant, i.e. in a residential area or a market place etc.
Constraints of menu planning:
All the points discussed under the points to be considered while planning menu for a restaurant ban
be discussed under the constraints of menu planning.
Pricing of menu:
Price can be described as the amount a consumer is prepared to pay for the good or the services.
The term amount implies the amount of money. This is not however the full story. Buttle (1986)
argues that the price is the summation of all sacrifices made by a consumer in order to experience
the benefit of a product. Here sacrifices includes not only money but also time and energy.
Key concepts:
Definition of price: Price is the total amount of sacrifices the consumer is prepared to make to
acquire the goods or service. The sacrifice could be either money, energy or any other valuable
commodity like time.
For example if there are two sandwich shops and one offer better quality and more variety and is
cheaper than the other but farther away, a consumer will normally take into consideration not just
the money they will have to pay for the sandwich but laso the time and effort required to acquire
the sandwich. Consumer will often sacrifice value for convenience. Therefore the price to the
consumer is not merely the monetary sacrifice, they have to make. Sacrifices other than money are
categorized qualitative factors in the pricing decisions. Although it is possible to give some money
value to these factors ( primarily using cost benefit analysis) it is invariably too complex. Therefore
whilst these factors are in the main not quantified, they are influential in terms of consumer
behavior and therefore in setting prices firms must bear these factors in mind.
The importance of pricing: Pricing is one of the most critical decisions managers have to make.
Pricing is vitally important for many reasons:
1. Price is normally the most important factors in the consumer’s decision to purchase. This is
particularly when there is little product differentiation.
2. Pricing is normally the only active revenue creating decision made within a business. All other
decisions tend to be based on cost.
3. The price setting decision id critical because it is often very difficult to change. For instance in
the hotel industry once the price is printed on the menu it continues till the time the menu is in
operation. Prices will change only when the menu is changed.
4. Many new product failures are attributed to misjudged pricing decisions.
5. In price sensitive markets a small change in price can have dramatic effect on demand.
6. Price directly affects the sales volume and sales revenue. It is important to remember the
impact this has on the financial position of the company particularly when you remember that
businesses with high fixed costs such as hotels have very little room to manage costs.
Some traditional methods of pricing:
Cost basis methods:
Cost is perhaps the simplest of pricing techniques and is widely used. A percentage applied to costs
is added to the established cost figure to ascertain the price. It can be expressed mathematically as
P == C +f (C)
Where P == The price
C == The cost
f == Percentage of mark up
For example if C == Rs 20/- and the percentage mark up is 50%, the price would be:
P == Rs20/- + 50% (20/-) == Rs 30/The percentage mark up will depend upon what this proportion of the formula needs to cover in
terms of costs not included specifically within costs in the formula and the profit margin. The
percentage mark up will normally depend upon the past experience or an industry trade norms.
The major problem with this formula is deciding which cost figure to use. Should it be the total
costs, variable costs, direct costs or perhaps some other cost basis.
There are three main variations to this cost basis method of pricing:
1. Full cost pricing
2. Direct cost pricing
3. Gross margin pricing
The basic method of cost- plus pricing is called full cost or total cost pricing. It requires the identification
of the total cost of a product or service to which is added a mark up to provide a profit. If we refer back
to the equation above
P= C + (f)C
In this case P= Price, C= total cost of the product or service, f= percentage net profit.
Full cost pricing: Direct material + Direct labour + Direct expenses + Overheads + net profit = Selling
So in the formula P = C + f (C), f is the allowance for only the net profit.
In this slightly amended equation C is now defined as total cost rather than simply “costs” and includes
both direct and indirect costs. The indirect costs would have been allocated and absorbed into the
product cost but the process of allocation and absorption can be fairly arbitrary. It follows It follows that
the accuracy of the accumulation of the costs associated with particular product may be quite
questionable. With a markup percentage being based on these inaccurate figures it is clear that it can
lead to magnification of inaccuracy.
It is also likely that the indirect costs include fixed overheads that will be incurred whether or not the
product or service in question is sold. From a decision making perspective these costs are classified as
unavoidable and therefore irrelevant to the pricing decisions.
Direct cost pricing: Direct material+ Direct labour + Direct expenses + mark up = Selling priceSo in the
formula P= C+ (f)C, f represents the allowance for overhead and net profit.
Direct cost pricing as the name implies only takes into account the direct costs involved in the product or
the service. The percentage markup in this case is assigned to cover an allowance for indirect costs or
the overheads associated with the product and provide for the net profit.
Gross margin pricing: Finally gross margin pricing can be used when data on direct labour cost is not
available or is not reliable. Here only the direct materials are included in terms of cost. For example for a
restaurant the food cost only. The mark up added now has to provide sufficient margin to cover the
labour, overhead and profit. The definition of C is amended as follows:
P = C + (f)
P = Price as before
C= Direct material cost
F = percentage of profit and all material cost.
The main criticism cited against cost plus methods is that they tend not to take account of the market, in
particular and price elasticity of demand, the level and nature of competition and the organizational
marketing strategy. However there is some evidence from research that cost plus methods are used as
the first step in determining the selling price. In these cases after determining a price through the cost
plus methods, market consideration would then be taken into account and if necessary an amendment
may then be made to the price. There is also a tendency to increase the mark up in order to generate
more profit. However this also leads to increasing the selling price which would reduce demand and
there by result in the opposite objective than that intended, that is to decrease total profit.
The information to use when applying the cost plus methods will normally be available from the
accounting system. The actual process of determining price tends to be mechanical and not overtly
complex. Cost plus methods are even adventitious because they provide sales target which if achieved
guarantee profit.
Factor pricing:
Factor pricing is a variation of cost plus pricing. Instead of a percentage a simple factor is applied
to the cost to ascertain the selling price. The term factor means more than 1. The factor could
be as high as 30 for items such as tea or coffee and as low as 2 for a slice of buttered toast. In
restaurants it is normal to apply different factors to different items to account of price
discrimination and competitions. There is enough work done on menu profitability through
pricing of menu.
Factor pricing has all the same advantages and disadvantages of cost plus pricing. Like cost plus
methods it is easy to understand. However it is based on historic cost data and can lead to a
tendency to increase prices to achieve greater profit margin which at the same time can lead to
a reduction in profits due to decline in the volume of business.
Breakeven pricing:
Breakeven pricing applies the principle from cost/ volume/ profit. Breakeven price is calculated
to ensure that at that price the organization will not make any profit or loss. Any price above the
breakeven price will guarantee profit assuming the demand remains the same.