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Fall 2011
 Welcome
to school!
 Seize and enjoy every minute!
 Alice
C. Chien, MSEd
 Email: alice8edu@yahoo.com.tw
 Education:
Language and Literacy in Education Division
Graduate School of Education
University of Pennsylvania, USA
 Major: TESOL
 Lecturer
at CYCU, NTUE, TNUA, etc.
 Reviewer of Oxford University Press
 Editor of Online English Program, NTU
 Human Resources Assistant, Merrill Lynch
 Project Assistant, Citibank
 English teacher at various language schools,
including Ko Jen
teacher’s job is not to fail students, but to
help students learning.
 Honesty is the best policy.
 Asking questions is not for objection, but for
 Please ask for help in advance.
 Please
be on time.
Meet on Saturdays, 1:10 ~ 2:45 p.m.
Learn and work with your classmates.
Seize every minute.
 Use
dictionaries if necessary.
 No cell phone in class.
 To
help students reach higher levels of
English proficiency, including listening and
speaking, so that students are well-prepared
to challenge TOEIC or TOEFL.
 To
assist students’ understanding
and preparing their future career.
 To
enrich students’ understanding of other
cultures in the world.
 Active
Listening 3, Second Edition
By Steve Brown and Dorolyn Smith
© Cambridge University Press 2007
 Handouts
distributed on TIP or by the lecturer.
 Classroom
Participation & Quizzes—40%
Come to class regularly.
Actively participate in communicative activities.
Collaboratively learn with the classmates.
Study hard for the review quizzes.
No make-up quizzes.
 English
TOEIC transcript
Proficiency Test—20%
860~990: 100
730~855: 90
550~725: 80
470~545: 70
350~465: 60
Tests taken after November 27th, 2011 will NOT be
counted to your credits.
 Final Performance—30%
 Midterm
Each group submits a script that will be
performed in the final. (10%)
Each group performs a play regarding
Christmas. (20%)
 09/10
 09/17
 09/24
Introduction to the course
Before You Begin
Unit 1 What do you say first?
 10/01
 10/08
 10/15
 10/22
 10/29
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 3
What do you say first?
Sights and sounds
Sights and sounds
 11/05
Midterm Examination. The script is
 11/12
 11/19
 11/26
Unit 4 Communication and culture
Unit 4 Communication and culture
Expansion 1
 12/03
 12/10
 12/17
 12/24
 12/31
Unit 5 The Internet
Unit 5 The Internet
Unit 6 Superstitions
Unit 6 Superstitions
Final Performance
 01/07
Final Performance
 Volunteer
as a TA
 Textbooks
 Grouping
(Wharton School)
 Welcome
to School!
 Seize and enjoy every minute!
 This
is a selected course.
 DO NOT take this course, if you
pass a proficiency test;
take TOEIC on campus on week 10;
cannot come to the class more than 24 class
cannot complete the assignments;
choose 基礎閱讀 or 基礎聽力.
 Alice
C. Chien, MSEd (簡嘉玲)
 Email: alice8edu@yahoo.com.tw
 Education:
 Language and Literacy in Education Div.
 Graduate School of Education
 University of Pennsylvania
 Major: TESOL
 Lecture
at CYCU, NTUE, etc.
 Reviewer of Oxford University Press
 Editor of Online English Program, NTU
 Human Resources Assistant, Merrill Lynch
 Project Assistant, Citibank
 English teacher at various language schools,
including Ko Jen
teacher’s job is not to fail students, but to
help students learning.
 Honesty is the best policy.
 Asking questions is not for objection, but for
 Please ask for help in advance.
 Please
Meet on Wednesdays
be on time .
Listening 1:10~2:50 p.m.
Reading 3:10~4:50 p.m.
Learn and work with your classmates.
Seize every minute.
 Use
dictionaries if necessary.
 No cell phone in class.
Oral components in Sophomore English will help students
communicate in academic context. Content is derived from the
reading materials covered both inside and outside of classroom.
Students are expected to be able to do short presentation on
topics ranged from personal issues to academic discussions.
Sophomore English casts its attention on training students’ ability
in reading more advanced materials, such as textbooks or simple
academic essays. The main goal is to maximize students’
opportunities to apply previously learned reading skills and
cultivating critical thinking into clearly written articles.
Writing skills for surviving in academic contexts are emphasized
at this year. Skills like note-taking and paraphrasing can help
students in classroom lecture and comprehending reading
(from 2008-2009 Teacher Handbook, pp.13-15, Freshman and
Sophomore English for Non-English majors, CYCU Language
 Sophomore
English challenges students to
reach higher level of English learning and
draws their attention on the concept that
English as the tool to understand the
world. Students learn to respond to issues
relating to current trends or topics
discussed in particular academic field.
 (from 2008-2009 Teacher’s Handbook,
p.13, Freshman and Sophomore English
for Non-English majors, CYCU Language
 To
help students reach higher levels of
English learning , including speaking and
reading skills, so that students are wellprepared to challenge TOEIC or TOEFL .
 To assist students’ understanding and
preparing their future career.
 To enrich students’ spirits of
 Reading
 Active
Listening 3
 Barron's TOEIC Test, with audio compact discs,
5th Edition
By Lin Lougheed, Ed.D
2010 Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
 Supplement
CNN Learning Network
Vocabulary in Use Intermediate
By Stuart Redman
1999 Cambridge University Press
 Attendance—20%
Consistently and actively participate in classroom
Collaboratively learn with the classmates.
 Pleasure
Online learning resources
3 points x (B-3) hours = Y points
Other activities
3 points x (A-15) hours = X points
English Corner
Reading Passport—1??0%
6 points x (C-3) times = Z points
Total = (X + Y + Z) points
 Online
More than 16 times
transcript (for next semester)???
Take the test: 20 points
905~990: 100
860~990: 90
730~855: 80
470~725: 70
 Quizzes
and assignments
No make-up quizzes.
No make-up assignments.
 Midterm
No make-up exam.
 Final
No make-up exam.
 09/13
 09/20
 09/27
Introduction to the course
The Importance of Education
Test Preparation
 10/04
 10/11
 10/18
 10/25
It Is My Type
Communicating With Others
My Career, My Dream
Writing A Cover Letter or Personal
 11/01
 11/08
Test Preparation
Midterm Exam
 11/15
 11/22
 11/29
Climate Crisis
Test Preparation
 12/06
Introducing Myself In A Job
 12/13
Test Preparation
 12/20
Test Preparation
 12/27
Introducing Myself In A Job
 01/03
Review. English Learning Passport
is due.
 01/10
Final Examination
 Volunteer
as a TA
 Textbooks
 Grouping
(Wharton School)