Junamil C. Zamora Four features: 1. A verbal and/ or visual message 2. A sponsor who is identified 3. Delivery through one or more media 4. Payment by sponsor to the media carrying the message. According Consumer advertising Business-to-business advertising According to what is being advertised Product (or service) to target audience: Direct action – seeks quick response Indirect action advertising –longer period of time Institutional (or corporate) Customer service advertising – personal service available Public service advertising – improve the quality of life According Primary-demand advertising to objective sought Designed to stimulate demand for generic category such as parmesan cheese, Brazilian coffee, or cotton garments Selective-demand advertising Intended for individual brands such as Kraft cheese, Nescafe coffee, and Bench clothing Before designing an advertising campaign, management must undertake the ff.: 1. Identify the target audience 2. Establish over-all promotional objectives 3. Determine an overall promotional theme Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Defining objectives Establishing a budget Creating a message Selecting a media Evaluating effectiveness In general, advertisers expect to accomplish four broad communication goals. 1. to generate attention 2. be understood 3. believed 4. remembered Once a marketing communications budget has been established, it is allocated among the various activities making up the overall marketing communications program. Types of major advertising formats: Storyline Product uses and solutions Slice of life Demonstration Testimonials lifestyles Still life – portrays the product in a visually attractive setting Association Montage Jingles There are general factors that influence media choice: a. Objectives of the advertisement – the purpose of a particular advertisement and the goals of the entire campaign influence the choice of media to use. b. Audience coverage – the audience reach by the medium should match the desired geographic area in which the product is distributed. c. Requirements of the message – the medium should fit the message d. Time and location of the buying decision e. Media cost Major Media Newspaper TV Direct mail Radio Magazines Out-of-Home Advertising Specialty Advertising Yellow pages Infomercials – information with entertainment and product promotion WWW Management tool designed to favorably influence attitude towards an organization, its products, and its policies. Publicity is any communication about an organization, its products or policies through a medium that is not paid for by the organization. Appearances - talk shows Event sponsorships - charitable institutions The media schedule or media plan is a time schedule identifying the exact media to be used and the dates when the advertisements are to appear. There are some specific media vehicles that requires reach and frequency: Reach is the number of people exposed to an advertisement in a given medium. Frequency is the number of times an individual is expected to be exposed to an advertiser’s message. Reference: Marketing: A Simplified Approach Zenaida S. Diola Edgar M. Tichepco