San Diego Miramar College

RESOURCES for Faculty to Develop International Business
Courses and Curriculum at Community Colleges
Deadline to Apply: February 20, 2014
The Faculty Development for International Business at Community Colleges (FDIBCC) service
provides resources for community college faculty to attend conferences geared towards internationalizing
the curriculum. Each of the conferences selected below will be attended by international business faculty
from community colleges and universities around the United States,
Eligibility is defined as a full or part-time California community college faculty who is committed to
undertaking a project to develop international business curriculum or “globalize” their current class sections.
The Center for International Trade Development (CITD) will sponsor attendance at one of the conferences
listed below. Sponsorship includes the following: conference fees, hotels, parking, transportation to and
from the airport, and allowable per diem are based on federal per diem rates.
Deadline to Apply: February 20, 2014
Application Directions:
On a separate document, please respond to the questions below. Attach your response to this application
and submit completed application by email to
1. Indicate which conference you would like to attend (from the listed events above)
2. Identify which eligible activity you will pursue:
a. Eligible Activity 1 – Create or enhance academic/career pathways for global trade & logistics
by engaging middle and high school international trade academies and international
baccalaureate programs – in business plan competitions, speaking engagements, and
sharing of case studies.
b. Eligible Activity 2 – Help colleges expand the number and enhance the quality of
international business and logistics courses; or infuse global content into existing courses by
engaging faculty (for example, implementing coursework that prepares a student to obtain an
industry recognized certificate, creating in-class projects for small business creation and
exporting, etc.)
3. Provide an Executive Summary - 1) Student segments intended to serve; 2) Educational needs or
drivers; 3) Targeted outcomes (class developed, class enhanced, how many students this will affect)
4. Provide an estimate of your travel expenses.
An initiative of the California Community College’s Economic and Workforce Development (CCCEWD) program, the
Centers for International Trade Development (CITDs) are dedicated to serving California’s Global Trade & Logistics
companies with innovative business solutions, and industry partnerships through its Doing What MATTERS for
Business * Industry framework. Learn more by visiting
Selection Criteria:
Eligibility criteria must be met.
Completed application
Viability and description of activities must be consistent with the Eligible Activities listed above
All applications will be reviewed by a panel of experts and ranked. The panel will review applications
for overall quality, how the project relates to the eligible activities listed above, and the degree to
which the project has the potential to improve service or instruction to students. Top ranked
applicants will be contacted and processes for attendance and travel explained.
If funded, the applicant agrees to the following:
1. Within two weeks of my return, submit a 1-2 page report. This report should outline things learned
and/or accomplished, and how you plan to integrate your experiences into the classroom;
2. Within six months of my return, make a presentation to faculty colleagues or to a community group,
and/or submit name of course module and curriculum for all courses that were or will be
internationalized as a result of your experiences.
An initiative of the California Community College’s Economic and Workforce Development (CCCEWD) program, the
Centers for International Trade Development (CITDs) are dedicated to serving California’s Global Trade & Logistics
companies with innovative business solutions, and industry partnerships through its Doing What MATTERS for
Business * Industry framework. Learn more by visiting
Select Program of Interest below:
Asia/Pacific Business Outlook Conference, Los Angeles
26th Annual NASBITE International Conference, Memphis,
ISM2014 Annual International Supply Management Conference,
Las Vegas (Register for free membership as an ISM Educator)
Centers For International Business Education & Research Faculty Development in International Business - Globalization
Seminars, Univ. of Memphis
26th Annual Faculty Development in International Business
Program, Univ. of South Carolina
Conference Dates
Last day to Register
April 7-8, 2014
March 04, 2014
April 2-4, 2014
March 31, 2014
May 5-7, 2014
February 18, 2014
June 5-8, 2014
April 30, 2014
June 8-13, 2014
April 30, 2014
Eligible Activity:
Eligible Activity 1 – Create or enhance academic/career pathways for global trade & logistics by
engaging middle and high school international trade academies and international baccalaureate programs –
in business plan competitions, speaking engagements, and sharing of case studies.
Eligible Activity 2 – Help colleges expand the number and enhance the quality of international business
and logistics courses; or infuse global content into existing courses by engaging faculty (for example,
implementing coursework that prepares a student to obtain an industry recognized certificate, creating
in-class projects for small business creation and exporting, etc.)
Executive Summary: Include - 1.) Student segments intended to serve; 2.) Educational needs or drivers;
3.) Targeted outcomes (classes developed, classes enhanced, how many students this will affect), detailing
the impact you will have on course content and student engagement.
An initiative of the California Community College’s Economic and Workforce Development (CCCEWD) program, the
Centers for International Trade Development (CITDs) are dedicated to serving California’s Global Trade & Logistics
companies with innovative business solutions, and industry partnerships through its Doing What MATTERS for
Business * Industry framework. Learn more by visiting
Estimate of Travel Expenses and Dates of Travel:
Contact Information:
Subjects Taught/Area(s) of Responsibility:
An initiative of the California Community College’s Economic and Workforce Development (CCCEWD) program, the
Centers for International Trade Development (CITDs) are dedicated to serving California’s Global Trade & Logistics
companies with innovative business solutions, and industry partnerships through its Doing What MATTERS for
Business * Industry framework. Learn more by visiting