
Year 6 Homework Grid
Choose one digital learning and one other piece of homework per week to complete. Record your work in your Home Learning book. Over the
term please do 2 numeracy, 2 literacy and 2 other pieces from the grid, plus 6 digital learning pieces.
Remember we have homework club and the ICT suite is open at lunchtime to help support you with homework.
There are 3 sheets in total,
answer one sheet in a
Level 3 Homework
Make sure you answer the
questions on both sides!
Level 4 Homework
Make sure you answer the
questions on both sides!
Level 5 Homework
Mr Passey’s Group – Level
6 Homework problems.
Make sure you answer the
questions on both sides!
Amazing Inventions!
Design your own amazing invention: a
portable inflatable pocket football, an
amazing maths pen that writes the answers
for you, a time machine – anything which
would be useful!
Here are some tasks (only do one a week!)
based on your invention:
 Present a neat, labelled sketch of your
 Produce a detailed set of instructions
for your invention.
 Write a persuasive letter to a retailer
asking them to sell your invention.
 Design an amazing advert for your
Digital learning
Maths Use the Mathsframe website:
Username = school
Password = harrington1
Choose an area of maths to work on – each area has
different levels to cater for all abilities.
Don’t forget to record in your digital learning log.
Literacy Dare you try the Literacy Boot Camp? Visit
http://www.compare4kids.co.uk/literacy.php and try
one of these activities:
 All about adjectives
 Irregular verbs
 Prepositions Quiz 1
 Connectives
Let us know if you find a different activity which you
think is both fun and helpful!
Marvellous Maya!
Great inventors Choose a famous inventor to
Get a flying start to our new topic by
research and write a biography about. Try to present
researching and writing a fact-file about an
your work in an imaginative way. Don’t forget to give
aspect of the Maya civilisation of your choice. your opinion of them – why did you choose them and
The following websites may help:
what makes their invention important? Some ideas:
http://www.theschoolrun.com/homeworkThomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, John Logie
Baird, Henry Ford, James Watt, Tim Berners-Lee,
Leonardo da Vinci, James Dyson, The Wright Brothers.
We will collect in your homework book every Thursday. Your first homework is due in next Thursday, 26th February.
Science / Other
Hygiene Help!
Design a poster about
the importance of good
hygiene in the kitchen
– we will learn about
both helpful and
harmful microorganisms in Science.
Vanishing point
Create artwork based
on our learning about
perspective and
vanishing points. If you
are feeling brave, try
using multiple
vanishing points, e.g. a
house near a road!
Los animales
Find out about the
Spanish names for
animals. Present your
work in a fun and
interesting way!