School Calendar Reminders:
• September 7- No School- Labor Day
• September 3- Early dismissal
• September 22-24 CogAT Testing
• September 25 – Ram Run
• October 15 – Walden Farm Field Trip
• October 2 End first grading period
• October 5 - 9 Fall Break
• October 15- Report Cards
• October 20 Parent Teacher Conferences
• November 5 – Early Dismissal
• November 13 – Charlotte’s Web Field Trip
• March 24- Adventure Science Center Field Trip
• May 12 – Zoo Field Trip
• In Second Grade, our curriculum will include ELA, Mathematics,
Science and Social Studies.
Students will also take part in
Guidance mini-lessons from Ms.
Laurette Hughes, and learn library skills during our visits to the Library.
Students will attend the following
Related Arts courses on a six-week rotation: Dance/Health, Computer,
Art, PE, Music, and Spanish.
– Read to self
– Read to someone
– Word work
– Listen to reading
– Work on writing
_ Comprehension
_ Accuracy
_ Fluency
_ Expand vocabulary
Combination of basal, trade books, author studies
Groups change depending on need
Reading response journals
Use Wonders reading series for spelling.
Students will receive a printout of words on Mondays. The printout will have a list for the children to study and the spelling rule for the week.
Students are responsible for knowing how to pronounce, recognize, and use these words in a sentence. In addition to this they will have a choice of 3 spelling activities to do with the words at home.
There will also be a list of the weekly vocabulary words, the enhanced oral vocabulary, and the essential question for the week on this page. The box at the top of the page names the weekly stories and the skills we are working on with these stories.
Students will keep this page in a safe place in the agenda, so it can be referred to all week!
• We will communicate by notes in the agenda, email correspondence, information posted on our class web page
(homework is updated daily), personal phone calls, and through class newsletters. Please check your email daily, in case I have sent you an email, and I will do the same. My email is:
• We may also schedule a conference at school to discuss your child’s progress. Parent/Teacher Conferences are twice a year:
Fall conference is October 20 th from 3:00-6:00. The Spring conference is March 15 th from 3:00-6:00.
• To contact me by phone, please call the school office at
615) 904-6715 and leave a message for me to return your call. If you send in a note, ask your child to show it to me first thing in the morning; permission forms for trips must also be collected first thing in the morning.
• Report cards will reflect numbers 4, 3, 2, or 1.
• On daily papers we will indicate the total number of problems incorrect.
• A checkmark indicates the work has been submitted to the teacher.
• If your child has a change in transportation, please send a note or email the information to both my school email address and to the school attendance office
(Mrs. Kelly Hood) so the office may prepare a change in transportation tag for the student. Remember to inform the person transporting your child about dismissal procedures and car tags.
If a change in transportation is necessary during inclement weather early dismissal, please contact the office.
The TFAA Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) has asked for parents to register email addresses at PTO website (link on TFAA homepage). You will need to log back in and reregister as the files were purged this summer.
Be sure to keep me updated with changes in email and home phone numbers or addresses.
The class newsletters will be sent by email. If you do not have a working email and need a paper copy, please let me know and I will provide copies of correspondence.
Check the Agenda to review any notes and student behavior marks on a daily basis, and initial the date.
• A take-home folder (Home-School Connections folder) will be sent home on Fridays. It will contain weekly graded papers and may contain parent flyers or newsletters.
Please sign the signature sheet inside, indicating you have received the graded papers that week. Leave the signature sheet in the folder PLEASE! Remove the papers from the folder to review and discuss with your child. Keep the papers at home, unless otherwise requested to return them
to class for student work samples.
• If an assignment has a note indicating it has not been completed please sit with your child and help them complete the assignment, initial the paper, and return it to school the following day. If an assignment says “see me” that means your child had to have one-on-one assistance in order to better understand the assignment. These assignments are reviewed to ensure the necessary skills have been mastered
• Students will read for a minimum of 15 minutes in class. Students will receive a book on their level.
• Students are taught how to choose books that are age and grade appropriate. Keep in mind high-level fiction books may contain content that is not age appropriate.
• Each child will keep a Reading Response Journal. The student responses will be in complete sentences using examples from the book in the response. This journal may be used for reading response homework. If homework is assigned, the journal should be returned to school the following day.
• Each child should read fifteen-twenty minutes every night. If your child has an activity and you can’t get the required reading completed, the extra reading may be completed another night. After completing a book your child will record the name of the book and title in their reading log. If your child has oral reading to complete for homework this can count towards their reading time.
• Homework and class assignments will be neatly completed in pencil (no pen).
• Students will head their class papers with their Name and student number#.
• Daily homework assignments will be written on a focal wall for students. Students are responsible for recording everything from the homework board into the agenda each day. If no homework is assigned, the student will write, “No Homework.”
Generally, students will not have homework on Fridays. Daily homework will also be posted on our class web page by 4:00 or sooner.
• Homework is due the morning following the assignment. Projects, book reports, and other special assignments may have extended due dates. Assignments are placed in the student’s file as they arrive at school. The children are responsible for emptying their folders and turning in their work. I remind them, but do not check their folder for the work. This is the first step to becoming a responsible and organized student.
• Any student who does not complete and turn in the homework assignment will receive a mark in their agenda. The missing assignment will be completed during recess. If you have a special circumstance to occur in the evening that prevents your child from doing their homework please send a note. I will consider the circumstances and allow extra time for the work to be completed. Please refer to the
School Wide Discipline Policy in your child’s agenda. Failure to write down the assignment or to bring home the required materials is not an acceptable excuse.
Class Parties and Celebrations: Exact dates will be announced.
(Dress-up as a storybook character)
Birthdays: Please let me know if you would like to send treat for your child’s birthday. These treats must be
Students could enjoy these treats at recess or in the classroom before recess.
Surprise birthday parties are not permitted. If the student has a birthday that falls at a time we are out of school, he/she may choose another day to celebrate during the school year.
Walden Pumpkin Farm – October 15, 2015 TH
Nashville Children’s Theater for Charlotte’s Web Play – November 13, 2015 F
Adventure Science Museum- March 24, 2015 TH
Nashville Zoo- May 12, 2015 TH school with the class on the bus. Sorry, no siblings.
for yourself.
• Students who choose to follow the rules may be rewarded with a star as a positive reinforcement. Students choosing to disregard the rules will get a mark on their behavior chart on their desk and in their agenda. They will lose 5 minutes of free play for each rule broken. (I have students walk the perimeter of the playarea.)
General classroom rules:
Come to class prepared with all supplies and homework complete
Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself
Listen when others are talking
Share and take turns
Participate in class activities
Follow directions and all school rules
Use kind words