Search Committee Process & Practices - Human Resources

Search Committee Process & Practices
Application materials may be reviewed online at
Search Committee Roles
• Chair
o Communicates timeline and expectations
o Organizes interview questions
o Leads the discussions
• Contact Person
o Ideally a person outside of the search committee
o Schedules meetings and interviews
o Covers any logistics questions from the candidates
o Plays an impartial role and does not share irrelevant candidate information with the search committee
• Committee Members
o Review all candidates fairly and equally
o Provide professional feedback
o If a committee member knows a candidate – other than on a professional level - or is listed as a
Reference, and feels they are unable to remain unbiased, should excuse themselves from serving on the
o Maintain a professional image (professional dress, body language, etc.) throughout the search process.
o Refrain from non-interview related use of cellphones, laptops, tablets, etc. during interviews.
o Remain engaged throughout the entire search process.
o Deliberations
o Candidate Information
o No quantifiable or descriptive information should be shared.
Screening, Benchmarking, Evaluation
• Candidates must meet advertised requirements
• Standards should be consistent for all candidates
• Interview Questions
• Lodging/Transportation/Food/Tours
Candidate Review Procedures
1. Online application materials
o Eliminate candidates who do not meet all minimum qualifications.
 One search committee member should change each non-qualifying candidate’s status to AP-Not
Selected–Send Email. Alternately, you can send a list of applicants not meeting minimum
qualifications to HR and we will make status changes for you.
o Identify the most qualified applicants to offer a telephone interview.
 One search committee member should change each qualifying candidate’s status to AP-Phone
Interview. Alternately, you can send a list of applicants to HR and we will make status changes
for you.
 One search committee member should change the status of each lesser qualified candidate
whom you wish to remove from the applicant pool to AP-Not Selected-Send Email or send a list
of applicants you wish to remove to HR and we will make status changes for you.
2. Phone interviews
o Review the acceptable/unacceptable question list on the Pre-Employment Inquiry Guide.
o Use the job description and the required/desired qualifications to develop appropriate interview
questions that will provide consistency in evaluation.
o Candidates must have the opportunity to answer all questions.
o If candidate brings up personal information, direct interview back to job specific questions.
o It is recommended to inform about salary range and search timeline towards the end of the phone
interview. This includes requesting salary history/expectations from the candidate.
3. On Campus Interviews
o Contact the Lead Staff Member or Director of your College or area regarding funds available for
expenses incurred during the on campus searches.
o Schedule interviews and arrange for transportation and lodging. Remember to be consistent in
amenities provided to candidates.
o Include the Reasonable Accommodation Language in the information sent to final candidates:
 “It is the policy of Illinois State University to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified
persons with disabilities who are employees or applicants for employment. If you need assistance
or accommodations to fully participate in the interview process, please contact HR at (309) 4388311. Employment opportunities will not be denied to anyone because of the need to make
reasonable accommodations for a person’s disability.”
o Provide recruitment packets to candidates prior to the scheduled interviews. Human Resources has
provided a recruitment letter with links to various campus and community resources that can be sent
electronically and is located at the link below. Your committee may elect to compile a recruitment
packet that is customized to the department/school and/or the position.
o Review the acceptable/unacceptable question list on the Pre-Employment Inquiry Guide.
o Use the job description and the required/desired qualifications to develop appropriate interview
questions that will provide consistency in evaluation.
o Candidates must have the opportunity to answer all questions.
o If candidate brings up personal information, direct interview back to job specific questions.
o Provide a common evaluation form that can be utilized for participants included in the on-campus
interview process.
o Remember to offer the same or equivalent personal interview experience to each candidate.
o Determine candidates for whom you would like to conduct reference checks.
Nelson Smith Building 101 Campus Box 1300 Normal, IL 61790-1300
(309) 438-8311
One search committee member should change each selected candidate’s status to AP-Reference
Check or send a list to HR and we will make status changes for you.
 One search committee member should change each non-selected candidate’s status to APInterviewed-Not Selected (if you will personally notify them) or AP-Interviewed-Not SelectedSend Email (if you would like them to receive the system generated e-mail) or send a list to HR
and we will make status changes for you.
4. Reference Checks
o Best practice is to advise candidates that references will be checked.
o If references cannot be reached or are deemed unacceptable by committee, search committee may
request that candidate provide alternative references.
o Secondary references (not listed on reference list) may not be contacted until the candidate is
considered a finalist and you must seek permission from the candidate before contacting a secondary
5. Final Candidate Selection
o Based on application materials, telephone/personal interviews, and reference checks identify the most
qualified applicant to determine whom you would like to recommend for hire.
 One search committee member should change the final candidate’s status to AP-Recommend
Candidate send a the name to HR and we will make status change for you.
 One search committee member should change each non-selected candidate’s status to APInterviewed-Not Selected (if you will personally notify them) or AP-Interviewed-Not SelectedSend Email (if you would like them to receive the system generated e-mail) or send a list to HR
and we will make status changes for you.
 You may wish to refrain from notifying other finalists of your decision until after an offer
has been accepted by your recommended finalist.
o BEFORE extending an offer to your final candidate:
 Notify HR that you have selected a final candidate.
 If the position is security sensitive or otherwise subject to a criminal background
investigation based upon University policy, HR will order a background check.
 If criminal history was indicated on the application, a background check will be ordered
regardless of whether the position requires one.
 Prepare an offer letter and submit it to HR for approval.
 Once final approval is received from HR, you may extend the offer to the final candidate.
 Approval will not be granted until applicable background checks are cleared and the
offer letter is approved.
6. Organize & Retain Search Documents
o Retain: 5 years (in a secured, locked location within the department)
o Evaluation and reference check forms
o Correspondence between committee members and candidate
o All other materials are stored through our online system.
o Destroy the following unofficial documents:
 All handwritten notes that committee members make during the search process should be submitted to
the contact person at the end of the search. The contact person will shred all handwritten notes, as they
are not to be included in the materials that are retained.
Nelson Smith Building 101 Campus Box 1300 Normal, IL 61790-1300
(309) 438-8311
In Summary:
• Minimize Personal Bias.
• Remain professional.
• Rate all applicants in a consistent manner.
• Keep candidate information confidential.
• Retain copies of official search-related forms for 5 years.
Contact Human Resources before a verbal offer is made.
Online Recruiting System
Nelson Smith Building 101 Campus Box 1300 Normal, IL 61790-1300
(309) 438-8311
Nelson Smith Building 101 Campus Box 1300 Normal, IL 61790-1300
(309) 438-8311